VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5. 1897 NO 176 CANAL IS UNCLE SAM'S Government Must Control Nicaragua Waterway GREATER REPUBLIC NOT A FACTOR Administration's Flan of Procedure tSused Solely on Existing Con vention With Nicaragua. Washington, Aug. 4. No matter what the attitude of the Greater Repub lic of Central America may be, it is the intention of the administration to rec ommend governmental control of the Nicaragua canal when congress assem bles next December. This was made plain at a conference at the state depart ment participated in by Assistant Secre taries Adee and Gridler, Senator Mor gan, former Senator Miller and Mr. Merry, the recently appointed minister to Nicaragua, Salvador and Costa Rica, regarding the complications which have grown out of the refusal of the govern ments of Nicaragua and Salvador to re ceive Mr. Merry. It is practically decided that Mr. Merry shall go to t Costa Bica, and that the headquarters of the legation shall be transferred to that country from Nicaragua. , No steps will be taken to make the transfer, however, until the governments of Nicaragua and Salvador have again been heard from. The administration believes there is no necessity of entering even into a new convention with Nicaragua with a view to securing authority for the construc tion of a waterway. The program which will follow will be based on the provis ions of the convention now in force, as well as the concession which was granted to an American company by the Nica raguan government for the construction of the canal. This concession will not expire for Jhree years. Acting in accordance with instructions of the state department, Minister Baker is watching every move of the oppo nents of the canal in Nicaragua and re porting to the state department, so that in case of necessity prompt action may be taken by the authorities. The Walker commission, which has been holding meetings at the state de partment, will make a preliminary re port to congress at the beginning of the session, setting forth its estimate. Should this report show that the cost will not be greater than $100,000,000 the president will probably have something to say in his first annual message in re gard to the advisability of the passage of a bill by congress guaranteeing the con struction of the canal under govern mental control. NICOLA TESIA'S ACHIEVEMENT. Complete System of Wireless Telegraph Perfected. New York, Aug. 4. Nicola Tesla announced to day the com pletion of his latest discovery, the "simultaneous transmission of messages by means of the earth's electrical currents to as many scattered points on the surface of the globe as may desired." This he re sards as by far his greatest achievement. To a few intimates he gave a thrilling demonstration of the operation of his device for arresting and subjecting to control under natural laws the natural substances in and about the earth. His latest invention or discovery is to produce such a disturbance of the elec tricity of the earth which can be felt and noted simultaneously at all parts of the globe. "I am producing," said he in the course of his demonstration, "an elec trical disturbance of intense magnitude, Good for the Baby. If there is a baby in the bouse, Gar land's Happy Thought Salve should be there too. It is the safest, cleanest and surest remedy for the score of little skin troubles that are likely to affect infants. "Garland's Happy Thought Salve healed the baby's face right up. MAY QHINliAN, Cor. 18th Ave. and Republic bts., Seattle, Wn. "My baby is fat, consequently chafed verv badly. Garland's Happy Thought Salve beats all the powders Z ever used for It" A SEATTLE MOTHER. Sold by Donnell. 50c per jar. Absolutely Pure- Celebrated for its great leavening strength and health fulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powdkb Co. ;Ne Yoek. which 19 continuing throughout the en tire earth. In other words, I am pro ducing a disturbance of the earth's charge of electricity which can be felt to the uttermost parts of the earth." "And the result will be?" "That is almost incomprehensible. This electrical disturbance by means of certain eimple instruments, can be felt and appreciated at any point of the globe. In this way messages can be sent the entire. . earth around, and be taken up at any part of the earth with out the aid or intervention of wire9 in any way at all." Furious Bovlnes Charged Upon a Fun eral Procession. Cincinnati, Aug. 4. While the funer al procession which was taking the re mains of John Mulvihill to the grave was passing Sycamore and Church streets, a drove of steers passed. Sev eral animals got into a fierce fight and ran into the carriages. One carriage contained Policeman John Connor and ex-Alderman Richard Ennis. Both were thrown to the street and severely injured. The cattle lunged at one another and crashed against the carriage in which the Mulvihill family was seated, break ing the carriage door. The members of the family jumped from the carriage and ran into a house. Men pounded the brutes on the head with clubs and stones, but were unable to separate them. They ran against the hearse and almost upset it. The mourners and people on the streets were panic-stricken, and several of them had narrow escapes from being trampled to death. A number of men then made a rush on the animals and they were finally driven away. The mourners re-entered their carriages and the procession was resumed. A Strike at Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 4. Two hundred women and girls employed at the Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, in this city, struck this morning because of the employment of negro hejp by the management. The operatives learned yesterday that 25 colored women were to be put to work in the folding department today. This morning the white women asked Presi dent Eleas whether it was true that he proposed to put negroes to work with them. He said be did, and the white women refused to go to work. At noon tbe 400 men employed in the mills walked out in obedience to the orders of the Textile Workers' Union, and in sympathy with the striking fe male operatives. This forced the clos ing down pf the factory. Eight hun dred men, women and ctiildren are affected by the strike. State of Ohio, Citt op Toledo) Lucas County, J t ,. Frank J. Chen iey makes oath"" that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore-, said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chkney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A. W. Glkason, skal Notary Public .Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mncuos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. CS5T"Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 MATTER OP A SINGLE WORD. An Alleged Blonder In tne Alaska Boundary Treaty. . Ottawa, Aug. 4. R. W. Scott, secre tary of state, was interviewed regarding the statement from Washington claim ing that Great Britain on the official maps had drawn the boundary. JTxie on the Pacific coast so as to deprive the United States of hundreds of miles of territory adjoining the Clondyke gold fields. He said he had gone into the question with a member of the Mac kenzie administration in 1878, and the point now raised was discussed then. "The treaty of St. Petersburg of 1825," said he, "defines the line dividing Rus sian territory, now Alaska, from British by a line drawn north from the foot of Prince of Wales island thiough Portland channel nntil it struck the mountains, when the method of delimination was set forth. The map will show that a line running north from the foot of Prince of Wales island must go through the Behm canal, and that to reach Port land canal the line would have to go east through the open sea a considerable distance before it could reach Portland channel or canal. "The British contention as shown by the dispatches of George Canning to Sir Charles Bagot, when British ambassador to St. Petersburg, is that Portland was to be in British territory and the words Portland canal' in the convention was a mistake for Behm canal or else what is now called Portland canal was not. then so ' called. This supported by the physical'impossibility of running a line due north through Portland canal from the foot of Prince of Wales island, so that Canadian maps show tbe boundary line as running north through the Behm canal. "Tbe difference is great in view of the discoveries of gold, and it can only be settled by international arbitration. The disputed territory with the ten ma rine leagues back from the coast added could not, however, embrace the present gold fields of the Clondyke, which are clearly in British territory, because they are well east of the 141st meridian, which is tbe recognized boundary to the north." What use is there in eating when food does you no good in fact, when it does yon more harm than good, for such is the case if it is not digested? If you have a loathing for food there is no use of forcing it down, tor it will not be digested. You must restore the digestive organs to their natural strength and cause the food to be digested, when an appetite will come, and with it a re lish for food. The tired, languid feeling will give place to vigor and energy ; then you will put flesh on your bones and become strong. The Shaker Digestive Cordial as made by the Mount Lebanon Shakers contains food already digested and is a digester of foods as well. Its action is prompt and its effects permanent. Doctors prescribe Laxo! because it has all tbe virtues of Castor Oil and is palatable. , More Ohio Miners One. Canton, O., Aug. 4. Over 100 Osna burg miners headed by a band visited all the local mines and succeeded in in ducing all the miners to come out. An agreement was reached whereby no coal will be mined for any purpose whatever nntil the present troubles are settled. SnekMn'i Arinca salve. The best salve in the world , for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevel sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Leaders Losing Courage. Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 4. Except in the Fairmont region, the strike lead ers are losing courage. The strike in Kanawha valley is a failure ' thus far, while in tbe New River region there has been but little to lend encouragement. - Female Help Wanted. . Ladies, I make big wages at home and want all to have the same opportunity. The work is very pleasant and will eas ily pay $18 weekly. This is no decep tion. I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending stamp. Miss M. A. Stebbins, Lawrence, Mich. jul31-2td Subscribe for The Chboniclk. Are You Taking Advantage Of the numerous especially good things we are offering? Have you made your selections and bought what you need in Muslin Underwear, Summer Wash Goods, Shirt Waists or Men's Summer Suits? If not, we presume it is because you are unaware of how 'cheap these same things can be bought at "the busy store." Just Glance Through these Items. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CHEMISE worth 40c now 20c " worth 50c now 25c " worth 75c .-. now "38c DRAWERS worth 50c now 30c"" " worth 75c ...... .now 39c " . wortb $1.00 now 65c NIGHT GOWNS worth 50c. .now 30c " " worth 75c. .now 38c " ' " worth $1. . .now 58c WHITE SKIRTS worth 75c .now 35c . . " worth 90c .now 59c " " worth $1 . .now 69c Remarkable Cnre of Chronic Diarrhoea. In 1862, when I served my country as a private in Company A, 167th Penn sylvania Volunteers, I contracted chronic diarrhoea. It has given me great deal of trouble ever since. I have tried a dozen different medicines and several prominent doctors without any permanent relief. Not long ago a friend . sent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after that I bought and took a 50 cent bottle; and now I can say that I am entirely cured. I cannot be thankful enough to you for this great Remedy, and recommend it to all suffering veter ans. If in doubt write to me. Yours gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allen- town, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt relief. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. free Fills Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Co'n stipation and Sick Headache. For. Ma laria and Liver troubles tbey have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ions substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) Sare Tour Qraln. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Agent. . TI1I3 Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. . ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St. New York City. Bev. John F.cid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I ean emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont. - Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. SHIRT WAISTS. The $2.00 at kind are now selling $1.39 $1.50 Waists now 1.25 Waists now 1.00 75 It is needless to say that styles and patterns are of tbe right sort. Mew York With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give tbeir attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tbe present day. and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY'TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.' We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. "ST. Weekly Trib une one year for only $L75. Write your name and address Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street. JP2 Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY FOUNDED 1B70. A Boarding and Day School forBoys, Under' Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present management betrlns Bept 14, 1897. This Institution is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral training of boys. A thorough preparation for any college or scientific school. Graduates at present in Yale, West Point, Massachusetts, Institute of Technolon, State Universities of California, Ore gon, Pennsylvania. Stanford and McOilL Daring vacation visitors welcome trom 9 to 12 a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL, M. 'D. Portland, Oregon. Postomce drawer 17. SUMMER WASH GOODS. Pretty goods, dainty goods, goods that create a breeze among wasb goods buyers when seen at prices ' we're selling them at. Balance of our 10 and 12 Wc goods at 6c Balance of our 15 and 16; goods at , 10c Don't you need a new Waist or . Wrapper? something cool? Men's Light-weight Un derwear. 50c buys an uncommon good par merit of us. Underwear worth 62 and 75c any where. VICUNA ' ) normal 50c garment BALBRIGG AN ) . Only a few of those 50c on the dol lar Suits left to prove that we are ac tually selling Men's Summer Suits at half price. One or two $10 Suits left. . . now $5.00 One or two 12.50 Suits left " 6.25 One or two 15.00 Suits left " 7.50 ribune Farmers and Villagers, FOB , Fathers and Mothers, FOB Sons and1 Daughters, FOB All the Family. on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. & HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon weekly T