f 3) ( t Drop ir priees A NEW HAT For Fifty Cents o I .9 9 Displayed in our Furnishing Goods Window is a line of Hats that retail regu larly at $1.00 to $3.00. All styles and a variety in colors. We want to close them out, and have made a price that will sell them. Any Hat in the Window For Fifty Cents. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS the Dalles Daily Otfomcie. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1897. NOTICE. All persons having claims against The Dalles National BaDk, of The Dalles, Oregon, must present the same to H. S. Wilson, receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from the date hereof, or thev may be disallowed. Washington, D. C.t June 5, 1897. James H. Eckels, Comptroller. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kdom Ooservations ana Coei of Lesser Magnitude. Schlitz Beer on draught at Stabling & Williams'. ' Shot gun shells loaded to order at Maier & Benton. The city council meets tonight in reg ular montly session. See the new line of delft that just ar rived at Maier & Benton. The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow is fair and cooler. The Pendleton Wool Scouring Co. ad vertise elsewhere that they wish to pur chase tallow. jul30-lw Jackson Engine Co. met last night, and among other things voted $50 for the tournament fund. Large quantities of musk .and water melons are being shipped from this point, the larger portion going to Port land. The brewery hill grade has been put in good shape by Marshal Lauer, and work will be begun at once on Fulton street at Methodist hill. . The bids for building the schoolhouse here were opened Monday, but no con tracts were let. Jt is probable nothing will be done in the matter for a week or two. wiuiam jrermt, tne man who was shot through the stomach by Mrs. Berkey, in Spokane about six weeks aero, when the bullet punctured his intestines in five different placeB, was discharged from the hospital entirely well Satur day. ' Two more days brings the teachers' institute to a close. It has been a very interesting and profitable meeting, and all who have attended are warm in their praises of Superintendent Gilbert and those who had charge of the work. It is estimated that fully three-fourth of the wool in the warehouses here has passed out ot first hands. The wool buyers claim that what is left is heavy, and as a general thing not ot aa good quality as that which has already been sou. Fall grata is being threshed in Qiffer- ent portions of Adams county, and the yield, ad a general thing, is much heavier than was expected, says the Ritzville Times. C. G. Dowdy, living southwest of Ritzville, threshed thirty eitht bushels to the acre, and M. E. Helme, of Rattlesnake flat, claims a yield of thirty-nine bushels per acre. Quite a considerable quantity of grain has been coming into Ritzville the past week. It is all of an excellent quality, and will command the best price going. A freight train plunged through a burning trestle between Marion and JefferBon, on the Southern Pacific road, yesterday morning. Two men were slightly Injured and five cars loaded with lumber and wooden ware caught fire and were burned. The interest arising from the irreduci ble school fund, and amounting to $135,- 154.24, was apportioned among the vari ous counties Monday. Wasco county gets 4,142.32, having 3,983 school chil dren. Thb state has 129,950 children of school age, and the amount for each is (1.04. Hon. Wm. Biggs returned from Sher man county yesterday. Harvesting haa commenced there, but the grain cut so far has been mostly volunteer. While there he saw a Booth harvester at work. Five men and thirty-two horses were require d to operate it, and it cut aid thrashed from forty to forty-five acres of grain a day. Soon after tbe Umatilla House bowl ing alleys were opened, Joe Earhart made a score of 60, which remained the record until yesterdy, when H. Maetz made 61. In making this score he got 1 in the first frame and in the other nine frames made seven strikes and three spares, the last frame being a spare followed by a strike. Miss Ruth Cooper went to Portland this morning to attend the meeting of the Indian superintendents and teachers which began at that place yesterday. Miss Cooper is employed as teacher at the Indian school near Carson City, and will read a paper pertinent to tbe sub ject at tbe meeting tonight. At the close of the meeting she -will probably return to Carson City. Monday myriads of grasshoppers, com ing apparently from the West, settled on the ranches across the river, and pro ceeded to take a feed. Fortunately they were going some place, and in a short time nearly all of them lit out for Clon dyke, or some other place. At the eame time there was quite a swarm of them on the ranches below town, but they left before much damage was done, The supreme court Monday handed down a decision in the case of H. H. i Northup, respondent, against Ralph W. Hoyt, treasurer of Multnomah county, it being a suit brought to test the law requiring c-junty treasurers to pay over the state s portion of taxes out of the rst money collected. The decision nib- holds the law and requires the payment to the state of her portion of the tax at the times stated in the law.' City Council Meeting. . r Enameled Ware. Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft" is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum waro, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the goods at MAIER & BENTON'S 167 Second Street. The city council met last night in regular session, present ' Hon. M. T. Nolan, mayor; Councilman Kuck, Stephens, Johntton, Champlin, Clough and Recorder Sinnott. The minutes were read and approved. Clough, of the fire committee, made verbal report that he had ordered five fire plugs. Champlain, of the committee on streets and public property, reported that tbe marshal had been instructed to repair the brewery grade. Marshal Lauer reported that there was a stagnant pool of water in the lot at Maetz & Pundt's. The matter was on motion referred to committee on streets and public property. Clough made verbal report that Rowe desired to put a cess pool at his place, ere being no sewer within 300 feet. - Reports of officers were read and laced on file, and the bills as reported y the marshal were ordered paid. Ordinance No. 293 in relation to fixing and establishing salaries ' of officers of Dalles City. The purpose is to increase be salary of city treasurer from $20 to $35 per month. On motion tbe ordi nance was placed on final passage, tbe vote being as follows : Ayes Kuck and Clough. Noes Champlin and John ston. Not voting Stephens. So the ordinance failed to pass. - ty On motion the bills audited by tbe finance committee were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for tbe same. ' On motion the bills of Drs. Logan and Doane and Mrs. Hitchcock were ordered paid. On motion the bill of J. W. Lewis and others, clerks and judges of election, was referred to judiciary committee. On motion a committee of three was appointed on street lights, as follows: Kuck, Johnston and Stephens. On motion the committee on streets and public property was instructed to improve Fulton street at what is known s the Methodist hill. On motion it was ordered that when council adjourn it be to August 17th, to onsider sewer svstem. On motion tbe marshal was instructed to cause, all boxes on sidewalks to be removed. BILLS ALLOWED. C F Lauer, marshal $75 00 Geo C Brown, engineer ; . . . . 75 00 J J Wiley, night watch 60 00 R B Sinnott, recorder.. 50 00 C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 Logan and Doane, prof services. . 20 00 Mrs M E Hitchcock, Miller case. . 2 00 Electric Light Co 14 60 H L Kuck, register' for fire de partment . . . . 15 50 J W Blakeney, hauling 2 25 Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber. ... 33 91 Chas F Lauer, killing dogs 3 00 ack Staniels, work on streets 4 30 am Klein, work on streets 1 60 mes Lake, labor 4 MJ ack Staniels, work on brewery grade 6 00 Jas Like, work on brewery grade 12 00 Charles Jones, work on brewery grade. 6 00 Antone Knechtley, work on brew ery grade 10 00 Sam Klein, work on brewery grade 12 00 Applegate, " " ' 9 00 J Millard, " . ' 11 00 Joe Berger,work on brewery grade with team 6 00 J Huebner, police. 4 00 Chas F Lauer, taking Miller to Portland 6 70 California restaurant, meals 2 25 Columbia hotel, meals. 1 50 The treasurer's report shows as fol lows : Balance on band July 1st $8,398 43 Amt rei'd during month 842 28 of Bieyels. The season is getting late, and to close out our stock now on hand we have marked them down to 7 les$ tfyai? Qost . MAYS & CROWE. Jos. T. Peters & Co. -DEALERS IN- Agricultural Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain Wagons, Randolph. Headers and Reapers. Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease, Blacksmith, Coal and Iron. Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES. SPECIAL SALE ! PIANOS and ORGANS, For ONE WEEK ONLY at Jacobson Book & Music Co. Bed-Rock Pries and terms to suit purchaser. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Total $9,240 71 Warrants redeemed 443 46 Balance on hand Aug 1st. .$8,797 25 Eight d ds were eentenced during the month, one forfeiting bail in the um of $5. ' Seven team, one dog, one botel run ner and one liquor license was issued uring the month. Tbe Elite Candy factory has just put in a line new eoda fountain, and is pre pared to fnrnish its customers soda-ice cream as well as soda, with tbe most de licious flavoring. Try one of its milk bakes. 2-16 tf Gunning & Hockmaa. labor J W Blakeney, hauling eDgine. . . wm tienzie, naming hose cart. .. 2 D W Mann, hauling.. J E Ferguson, hauling hose cart. . 2 James L'ke, labor. . 1 Millard, labor... 1 E Benjamin, sawing wood 1 Mays & Crowe, mdse. ..... i . 1052 C V Champlin, labor 15 45 WA Johnston, mdse . 3 50 J T Peters & Co, mdse. 17 60 Gunning & Hockman, labor 2 05 Maier & Benton, mdse 9 00 Dalles City Water Works, water. . 32 00 50 5 00 2 50 50 2 50 50 00 00 Shot Bis Thumb Off. Charles Sandoz met with an accident this morning from fooling with a shot gun, unloaded, of course. Mis wife wanted a chicken for dinner, and Sandoz sent a man after his shot-gun. When it was handed over to him be asked if it was loaded, and was told that one bar rel was. He evidently misunderstood the answer and playfully put the gun against his head, when his wife told him to be' careful or be would shoot himself, Then he held his right thumb over tbe end of tbe barrel and pulled the trigger The gun did not miss fire ; guns seldom do that under such circumstances, and the result was tbe thumb was shattered back to tbe first joint. Our reporter went up to Dr. Hollister's office to get the item, and found Sandoz in tbe chair, with the doctor cutting the broken pieces out. He at once be gan to tell us bow tbe accident hap pened, seemingly unconscious of the fact that the doctor was whittling bis thumb. The Tournament. X The Jackson Engine Co., at its meet ing last night, very generously donated $50 of its funds towards assisting in pre paring for the fireman's tournament this fall. We understand a committee will soon wait upon our business men tor the purpose of soliciting funds for the tournament. To make the matter success will require considerable money and donations should be liberal. The efficiency of the firemen is the only pro tection we have against fire and as their services are given free, the giving of money should be looked upon as a busi ness transaction, for which every busi' ness man and : property owner gets t valuable return. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrtsman & Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stars d. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivory to any part of town. SttfLO I has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a flvst.-ftln.ss Tlw frnnds St.ovo. C. F. STEPHENS. Itfasco Warehouse Ootupeny Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 'TLWeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- rn 1?1lrnT This Floor is manufactured expretsly for family LiWJJ. J- XKJIA.I. . use: every eack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think 80 call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.