The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 03, 1897, Image 1

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NO 174
Tragic Fate of a Party of
Eierj Island She Finds on the KaDge
Is a Slick Ear" and (lets
Her Brand.
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 2. The
steamship Miowera, from Sydney, brings
information that news of elill another
massacre has been received at Sydney.
Not long ago a number of Australia's
army of unemployed were attracted by
Htoriea of labulous gold panning at
Papua and other interior New Guinea
points. Their ranks have been terribly
thinned by murder, starvation and fatal
swamp fevers. To make matters worse,
eveiy native who helped a white was
marked for the tomahawk.
The remnant of these white pioneers
went to Vanapa for a final effort to
make their fortunes. Their stores gave
out and for months tbey .lived on
"damper" and tea. Natives in the vi
cinity claimed, to be ill-treated by the
government in the way of scant stores,
and decided to teach the government a
lesson by killing all the whites within
reach. The whites 'ere raided at
night and put to death with tomahawks,
being easy victims. After long sufl'cring
they were weak and emaciated, and
could not defend themselves.
Many massacres bad occurred in the
same place previously, but the govern
ment -has never attempted to punish
the murderers.
Later news conOrms the massacre
which occurred eighty-five miles from
Port Moresby. The entire settlement
of natives and whites had their heads
split open by a large band of savages.
The government has sent a large body
of military police to surround the
natives and shoot if necessary. Whole
sale arrests will be made. The natives
will be brought back manac'ed in the
bold of a steamer chartered for the pur
Several New Islands Added to Her
Vancouver, B. C, Aug 2. The
steamer Miowera, which has just ar
rived from Sydney, brought details of
the recent annexation was done by her
British majesty's ship Wallaroo. The
first island made a colony was Bellona,
which the Wallaroo reached on July 16.
The anion jack was hoisted with the
' usual ceremonies.
The natives were very shy at first,
and were much frightened by the salute,
but they became reassured on the ship
leaving, and removed the notice of the
annexation and dug up. the bottle con
taining the proclamation. The intente
cordiale was firmly established by the
ship rescuing a native blown out to sea
in a canoe.
Bunnell island was also placed under
British protection the same day. The
island is difficult of access, and no na
tive was seen. The Wallaroo called at
Mara Bound and proceeded to the Stew
art islands, annexing tbem. The na
tives are of a high type-and very friendly.
They were much pleased at becoming
British subjects.
Bunnel and Bellona lie to the south
ward of Cuadalcanar in the Solomon
group, and were apparently discovered
by Captain Wilkineon in the Indispens
able in 1790. It is said that copper ore
is abundant on them. According to
Lieutenant Richards, Bunnell island is
about forty-five miles long and six or
Good for the Baby.
If there is a baby in the bouse, Gar
land's Happy Thought Salve should be
there too. It is the safest, cleanest and
surest remedy for the score of little skin
troubles that are likely to affect infanta.
"Garland's Happy Thought Salve healed the
baby's face right up. MAY Q"INLAN,
Cor. 18th Ave. and Republic tits., Seattle, Wn.
"My baby is fat, consequently chafed verv
badly: Garland's Happy Thought Salve beats
all the powders l ever used for it."
Sold by Donnell. 50c per jar.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its gTeat leavening strength aud
healthfullness. Assures-Hie food against alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Eoyal Baking Powdkk Co. New York.
seven broad, of a uniform height of 400
feet, densely wooded, but apparently
aJorde no anchorage. The natives te
semble those of Tanna, in the New He
brides. All the islands are rich in
It Contains Coal Oil in Unlimited
San Francisco, Aug. 2. While the
whole world is excited over the gold dis
coveries in the North, sight , bas been
lost of another discovery that promises
to be of great value in the devolpment
of that section.
Some months ago a lake of almost
pure petroleum was discovered and
samples sent to Seattle for analysis.
The aesayer's report on these has just
been made public, and the find is re
ported to be of incalculable richness. A
company has been formed in Seattle to
handle the product, and travelers from
there say that the company intends to
put it on the Alaskan market at once.
Tbe lake -is of unknown depth, sev
eral miles wide and five or six in length,
and tbe quality of tbe petroleum is said
to be of the finest. It is fed by springs
and the hills surrounding it are said to
be rich in coal and asphalt. The lake is
only two miles from the ocean, so tbat
the difficulties of transportation are re
duced to a minimum. It is tbe inten
tion of the owners of the lake to take
its product right into the mining camps
of Northern Alaska wherever the water
ways will permit.
State op Ohio, City op Toledo)
Lucas County, )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbat be
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and tbat said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896.
A. W. Gleason,
seal Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucuos surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O.
CTSold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
free Fills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the svs
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
"Last summer one
cbidren was sick with
trouble," says Mrs. .
Frederickstown, Mo.
of our grand
a severe bowel
G. Gregory, of
"Our doctor's
remedy bad failed, then we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Eemedy which gave very speedy relief."
For sale by Blakeley and Houghton.
A Great Bargain.
From now on until all are sold, $50
will get a large-sized Chicago Cottage
organ at Jacobsen Book & Music Co.,
The Dalles, Or. jyl6-tf
A Scathing; Letter Upon the Sealing;
. Controversy.
Cleveland, Aug. 2. Professor Henry
W. Eliot wrote a scathing letter to tbe
Plaindealer regarding Lord Salisbury's
seal conference, supplementing the one
of a few days ago to Assistant Secretary
Day. .He wrote :
"In the foreign dispatches of Sunday
morning tbere appears an' entirely mis
leading account of tbe fur seal confer
ence which Lord Salisbury bas finally,
at tbe urgent personal appeal of John
Hay, authorized. I protest against this
studied attempt to deceive tbe people aB
to the scope and extent of tbat confer
ence, and tbe inference which may be
drawn that it is to be of the slightest
gain to the American case.
"In the first place, we have had the
official and curt refusal of Lord Salis
bury to reopen this seal question in any
way. This refusal was made on April
21st, last, and not a thing bas taken
place since which has altered Salisbury's
stand. Foster's trip to London only
strengthened the British premier's
hand. '
"Calling in Russian and Japanese
agents to this informal conference will
not have the slightest effect one way or
the other on the stand tbe British
agents may take and have taken.
Canada controls this matter absolutely ;
she has an unusually easy . task, as
thinks are now directed on our side, as
she will again skin Foster as clean as
she did at Paris in 1893.
"Henry W. Eliot.
Clever Plan of a. New York Landlord
to Rid Hi PrcmlBCB of Sercnaden.
The inhabitants of a row of fine flat
houses in the Harlem district of New
York have for a long time past been
greatly annoyed by nocturnal cat chor
uses, says the Pittsburgh Dispatch. In
desperation plans of poisoning' and
shooting- were discussed, but the owner
of the flats, who resided in one of th'em,
and was a' law-abiding man, deter
mined to adopt a better plan, and have
some sport at the same time. Placing
two traps on either side of the alley
ways adjoining his flats, he attached
wires to the traps, making a wire con
nection with an electric bell in his
cellar. When a frisky feline took the
bait, he came quickly on the scene
and put the quarry into a bag. Cap
tives were turned over to the S. P. C.
A. and taken away in batches of from
three to ten every night. When, about
70 of the unwelcome serenaders had
been transferred in this way, the strain
on the society proved too severe, and
the landlord was told to do his own
execution in future.
His first idea was to electrocute the
animals, but he found that the appara
tus necessary was somewhat too elab
orate. Finally he took the simpler way
of inserting in a barrel a tube con
nected with a gas jet. The cat was
dropped in., the lid was shut down,
the gas was turned on and the driver
of the dead wagon was told by tele
phone to call.
The neighborhood is now chaired of
cats, and the slumbers of the sleepers
in the flats are no longer disturbed.
Dolly Madison's Frank, Cordial Man
ner, anil Ingenuous Demeanor.
No woman is more closely or fondly
associated with the white house than
Dolly Madison, writes Clifford How
ard of "When Dolly Madison, saved the
Declaration of Independence," in La
dies' Home Journal. During the eight
years that her husband occupied the
position of secretary of state under
Jefferson's administration she was al
most as frequently called upon to do
the honors at the receptions and levees
at the president's house as in her own
home, where she entertained in a de
lightful and sumptuous manner. She
was, therefore, fully prepared for the
duties that devolved upon her as mis
tress of the white house upon the elec
tion of Mr. Madison to the presidency.
In the graceful and skillful perform
ance of her delicate task she gained
the admiration, of everyone, and added
to the popularity she had already won
both for herself and her husband.
Through the potent influence of her
personal charms, to which were added
a frank and cordial maiuier, a sweet,
ingenuous demeanor, and the happy
faculty of adapting herself to the views
of those about her, she readily became
a, general favorite. Before her reign
at the white house was concluded she
was the most popular woman in the
United States.
Soap Foam excels all other washing
compounds, a2-3m
Are You Taking Advantage
Of the numerous especially good things we are offering? Have you made
your selections and bought what 3011 need in Muslin Underwear, Summer Wash
Goods, Shirt Waists or Men's Summer Suits? If not, we presume it is because you
are unaware of how cheap these same things can be bought at "the busy store."
Just Glance Through these Items.
CHEMISE worth 40c now 20c
" worth 50i5 now 23c
" worth 75c now 38c
DRAWERS worth 50c now 30c
worth 75c now 39c
" worth $1.00 now 65c
NIGHT GOWNS worth 50c. .now 30c
" " worth 75c . now 38c
" " worth $1. . .now 59c
WHITE SKIRTS worth 75c .now 35c
" " . worth 90c . now 59c
' " worth $1 .. now 69c
GtNIUo aku OiU AuE.
Exerdte of Intellect Does Not
Shorten Life.
The Gentleman's Magazine, in an
article on the "Age of Genius," tends
to disprove the assertion that brain
power is incompatible with health.
Once we were told that if we wished to
become octogenarians we must lay
aside ambition, we must be careful in
our diet and temperate in our wishes.
We must wait upon our bodies and as
much as possible lceep the mind out
of sight. In order to disprove xhat
counsel, we have only to turn from
emity words to solid fact.
First, to take the great men cele
brated in war and conquest, since
theirs, also, is a species of genius, is
to find the list headed with Xenophon,
Dumouriez and Wellington at 86, 84
and 83. Thence it continues to Charle
nagne at 71. From him the numbers
lecline, though not hastily, to Napo
eon at 51 and, lowest of all, Alexander
.he Great, at 32. Nearly 60 per cent, of
the warriors chosen at random reached
the Biblical standard of three score
and ten.
Then, beginning with the great
names of statecraft, there are Frank
lin and Tally rand, both at 84, Palmer
ston at 81 and Washington at 67, with
the list keeping well up in the fifties,
and at the end slowly falling to 42.
This is imposing, especially if we add
Gladstone and Uismarck, both well
over their eightieth year.
Science and philosophy begin with
Humboldtat89,and.furnishan imposing
list of men whose brains were worked
to the fullest extent, and of whom no
less than 63 per cent, completed their
seventieth year.
In short, almost one-half the greatest
geniuses the world has yet seen have
attained the age of 70 years. Let no
one foe deterred from becoming a ge
nius by the fear of early death!
Nebraska corn for sale at tbe Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. n9-tf
Thl-? Is Tonr Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon,
strata the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St. New Tori City.
Uev. Johr P.oid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It ia a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged
ours for catarrh and contains no mercury
Bor any injurious drug. - Price, 60 cents.
The $2.00 kind are now selling
at ; $1.39
$1.50 Waists . , now 1.00
1.25 Waists now .75
It is needless to say that styles and
patterns are of the right sort.
York Weekly Tribune
With the close of tbe Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE reeognizes the
fact that tbe American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
tight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day. and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY'TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. '
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N". Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address
Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou.
175 Second Street.
Urn Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
A Boarding and Day School for Boya, Under
Military Discipline.
The 20th year under the present management begins Sept 14,1897. This institution
Is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral training of boya. A.
thorough preparation for any college or scientific school. ' Graduates at present in Yale,
West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 8tate Universities of California, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania. Stanford and McUill. During vacation visitors welcome trom 9 to 12
a.m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principil, J. W. HILL. M. D.
Portland, Oregon, fostofflce drawer 17. .
Pretty goods, dainty goods, goods
that create a breeze among wash
goods buyers when seen at prices
we're selling them at.
Balance of our 10 and 12-2'c goods
at 6c
Balance of our 15 and 16c goods
at ' ; 10c
Don't you need a new Waist or
Wrapper? something cool?
Men's Light-weight Un
derwear. 50c buys an uncommon good gar
ment of us. Underwear worth 62)4
and 75c anywhere.
normal y 50c garment
Only a few of those 50c on the dol- .
lar Suits left to prove that we are ac- '
tually selling Men's Summer Suits at
half price.
One or two $10 Suits left. $5.00
One or two 12.50 Suits left " 6.25
One or two 15.00- Suits left " 7.50
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers.
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
The Dalles, Oregon -t