The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1897, Image 1

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NO 172
Hawaii's Arbitration Propo
sition Finding Favor.
Matter to be Arbltratert Include All
IMsputes Mow Fending Between
the Two Countries.
Washington, July 30. The Japanese
government has accepted the offer by
Hawaii' to arbitrate the dispute between
the two countries. The state depart
ment has been informed of the offer and
its acceptance. The eubjects of the ar
bitration will include not only the diffi
culty over the landing of Japanese im
migrants, but also will include other dis
agreements between the two countries,
the most important of which is the Sake
tax, imposed upon a Japanese liquor
largely imported and consumed by the
Japanese in Hawaii.
The acceptance of the offer of arbitra
tration, a brief synopsis of which has
been cabled to the Japanese minister
here and given to the state department,
8tate9 that the Japanese government ac
cepts arbitration in principle, ana is
prepared to enter upon arrangement of
terms for the settlement of pending dis
putes. A formal letter ot acceptance
has been sent to Hawaii and the condi- J
tiona of the arbitration will be contained ,
therein. Those conditions are not
known here. Pending the arrangements
details of all other proceedings looking
to a settlement will be discontinued.
When officials of the state department
were informed of the offer and acceptance
of arbitration the secretary of the Jap
anese legation here was informed that
until the annexation treaty was conclud
ed the United States would not assume
authority in the matter and that the
present dispute must be considered as
between Japan and.Hawaii. The secre
tary in reply said he was glad to learn
such was the position of the United
States, as it would permit Japan sending
two or three warships to Hawaii pend
ing final action on the arbitration treaty.
This interpretation of the situation rath
er surprised the department officials,
who answered that the United States
would consider in a different light an
agreement of arbitration and the send
ing of warships, and intimated that non
inierferance by the United States in one
case could not be construed as passive
acceptance of the latter position. The
Japanese secretary was told, however,
that in the absence of Secretary Sher
man nothing could or would be said of
ficially upon the subject, and any con
versation must be considered as wholly
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud
healthfulness. Assures the food HgHinst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai. Baking Powdkb Co. New Yoek.
now in possession of the fanatics. Those
of the artillerymen who were not killed
beside their guns were forced to retreat
before the onslaught of the fanatics,
leaving their guns behind them.
Young Woman's Led Crushed Under
Cars at Springfield.
Albany, Or., July 30. Aa the' south
bound on the Natron branch of the
Southern Pacific reached Springfield last
evening. Miss Jennie Smithton, aged 19,
attempted to alight from a car before
the train slopped. She fell and rolled
under the wheels. Both legs were cut
off above the knee. It is doubtful if she
will recover. Her parents, who reside at
Springfield, were at the depot to meet
her and witnessed the accident.
Fire Department Election.
Promising Dirt Taken From Gill Mine
In Nevada.
Reno, Nev., July 30. A carload of
plain dirt was received from the Gill
mine, in Olinghouse canyon, this morn
ing. One of the shippers said that he
would make a wager that a person could
take a shovelful of dirt from any Back in
car and get 100 colors.
Another carload will be shipped next
Wednesday from the Hutchinson dump.
Both carloads will be worked at. the Be
no reduction works. It is thought the
dirt will pay handsomely, and if it does
the permanency of the camp is assured.
The Battle of Canudos.
New York, July 30. A dispatch to
the Herald from Rio de Janeiro gives
further details of the fight at Canudos.
From these advices it is evident that the
first report was not exaggerated, and in
fact did not tell the full extent of the
fanatic victory. These latter reports
state that the government troops lost a
large part of their artillery in the battle,
and that the guns, in good order, are
The annual election of The Dalles fire
department will take place Monday,
August 2d, at the engine bouse, on Third
street, between Court and , Union, for
the election of chief and assistant engin
eer. Polls open from 5 to 7 o'clock p.
ra. By order of board of delegates.
C. E. Dawsen, Secy.
By tbe Breaking of a Dam.
Middleton, Conn., July 30. At 8
o'clock this morning a dam 40 feet wide,
containing water from which three fac
tories get power, burst, letting dpwn a
tremendous yolume . of water. Huge
stones of which the dam was built
crashed into the factory of William Wil
cox's lock shop ami the lower floors of
the factory were flooded. . Forty work
men were compelled to flee for their
lives. Much damage has been done.
BnoKlen's Aruica salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
State of Ohio, City op Toledo)
Lucas County, J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of .December,
A. D. 1896.
A. W. Gleason,
Tseal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucuos surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, iree.
F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O.
CtySold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
Happy Thought
50c per jar at
for good word-guessers.
You must send in your
yellow tickets and words
by August 31st the sooner
you begin, the bigger your
chances at the prize.
Rules of contest published in large
advertisement about the first and middle
of each month. A34
Cubans Raid the Suburbs of the Span
ish Stronghold.
New York, July 30. A dispatch to
the Herald from Havana says :
Havana's outposts have been again at
tacked by a large body of rebels, who
before the Spanish troops could be gath
ered to resist had swept through the
suburbs, carrying all before them.
They need, it is believed, rapid-firing
guns and a large quantity of dynamite.
The attack was made late last night. To
day there is an inclination among the
Spanish officials in Havana to deny the
fact that tbe rebels had evaded tbe forts
and swept into Havana limits. The
facts, however, remain and tbe path left
by the rebels through the suburbs south
east of tbe city may be plainly traced.
At the first sound of firing last night
the Spanish soldiers in the city and sub
urbs sprang to arms. They proceeded
hurriedly to the southeastern part of tbe
city from where the rattle of musketry
followed by the boom of heavy guns or
dynamite could be heard plainly all over
Havana. Then the sound of firing in
creased, and finally after a few hours,
died away, showing that the rebels had
retired. Several wounded Spanish sol
diers were brought to Havana and re
moved to hospitals after the engagement,
and several were killed. The reticence
of Spanish officials prevents any know
ledge of the result of the attack becom
ing general. It is a fact, however, . that
great damage was done by tbe insur
gents on their bold raid and that a con
siderable quantity of dynamite was used.
There was great excitement in Havana
during the rebel attack. Hundreds,
aroused by the heavy firing, poured into
the streets and the word passed along.
"The rebels have attacked the city,"
created almost a panic in some quarters.
There is still much excitement here, due
largely to the refusal of the officials to
give out information.
This attack on Havana was not unex
pected. For weeks past the rebels have
been within eight of the capital and have
practically moved without interference.
Tbe insurgent leaders near Havana are
Brigadier General Castillo, with a large
force at Mariano, nine miles southwest,
and Colonel Nestor Aranguron, of Guan
abacoa, across the bay. General Alex
ander Rodriguez, rebel commander of
Havana province, with a large force, is
near Minar and Colonel Aranguren is at
It is believed the rebel raid was led by
Aranguren, who is noted as one ot the
most daring of the rebel chiefs.
Captain-General Weyler has left Ha
vana for the Matanzas, and the belief
is expressed that the knowledge by the
insurgents of this intention on his part
led to the attack.
It is understood that large bodies of
insurgents have recently ciossed from
Pinar del Rio and Matanzas, and that
the rebels' strength in this province has
assumed formidable proportions. Quin
tin Randeras with 800 men is among
those who have come into the province
from Matanzas.
Free Fills-
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure ofCon
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to Btomacb
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Concession By Great Britain.
LoNDon, July 30. The British foreign
office notified Ambassador Hay this
morning that Great Britain had accept
ed the proposition of tbe United States
for an international conference on the
question of pelagic sealing in Behring
sea to beheld in Washington the coming
"Last summer one of our ' grand
chidren was sick with a severe bofeel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's
remedy had failed, then we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy which gave very speedy relief.'
For sale by Blakeley and Houghton.
Soap Foam excels all other washing
Are You Taking Advantage
Of the numerous especially good things we are offering? Have you made
your selections and bought what you need in Muslin Underwear, Summer Wash
Goods, Shirt Waists or Men's Summer Suits? If not, we presume it is because you
are unaware of how cheap these same things can be bought at "the busy store."
Just Glance Through these Items.
rftrh '
CHEMISE worth 40c now 20c
" worth 50c now 25c
" worth 75c now 38c
DRAWERS worth 50c now 30c
' worth 75c now 39c
" worth $1.00 now 65c
NIGHT GOWNS worth 50c. now 30c
" " worth 75c. .now 38c
' " worth $1. . .now 59c
WHITE SKIRTS worth 75c now 35c
" " worth 90c .now 59c
" worth $1 . .now 69c
. TT"M"M"Tr,."R
VW rreuv gnous, tiainiy uuous, Suuuo
f1 s b-r- that create a breeze among wash
'' -Ji3t53Bw iroods buvers when seen at prices
i,il iIk.Cc; J?V w u'pu aollinr fhom of.
ttWfT5 """""
wmmmsmth Balance of o,ir 10 and 12c
mrkW'MWJmW'i Balance of our 15 and 163c goods
mmmmmsi at ioc
&mm !MI5W Don't vou need a new Waist or
tSfffiA P -f 1
''HYfri hit -r --u. XT
f JjtA Ejfe 503 buys an uncommon good srar-
r&S&Sfc-'i s? ment of us. Underwear worth 021-2
.jj f. -- ana fOC anvwtiere.
SHIRT WAISTS. goGGAN 50c garment
The $2.00 kind are now selling
at . $1.39 Only a few of those 50c on the dol
lar Suits left to prove that we are ac
$1.50 Waists now 1.00 tually selling Men's Summer Suits at
1 Waists now 75 haIf Price
l..o Waists .now .o Qne or $1Q goIt )eft $g QQ
It is needless to say that styles and One or two 1.2.50 Suit6 left " 6.25
patterns are of the right sort. tone or two 15.00 Suits left ' 7.50
William Given a Vagabond Some Money
and iood Advice.
An ancedote of the kaiser and the
tramp has just appeared in Berlin pa
pers, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Kaiser
William was, it seems, lately staying
at the Jagdschloss Hubertstock, near
the Angerumnde, and was one day
shooting: in that neighborhood. A
tramp descried him from afar, and, not
knowing- it was the emperor, accosted
him with the usual German request for
unterstutzung" or financial propping up,
and also wished to be directed as to the
road to Angermunde. The kaiser com
plied wiih both requests, conversed
with him at length as to his personal
and professional views of life, and dis
missed him with a wish for a pleasant
end to his day's journey. The pleasant
end was in the police station, for one
of the kaiser's servants, who seemed to
be of the Scotchman's opinion that it
was "an awfu like business for puir
fouk tae lulk at a king," imagined that
the emperor had been insulted and tele
graphed far and wide for the arrest of
the pilgrim, with accompaniment of
bonds, fetters, handcuffs, and so on.
The wanderer was run to earth at An
germunde, when he learned several
things that he did not know before
inter-alia, that he had been speaking
with the kaiser and was guilty of high
treason, anarchism and the like. Need
less to say. he was speedily released by
an impetuous telegram from the em
peror, who ordered that he should be
fed, comforted and have a free ticket to
Cuxhaven, "where he told me he wanted
to go."
Hew York Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
Save lour Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm-
ic.tor is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
ThlB Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) snfficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St.. New 3urk City.
Eev. Johr P.cid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes tha
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far lees epace and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
tight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day. and won its ereatest victories.
Everv possible effort will be put forth,, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write vonr name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, acd a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou.
175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned
has filed his final account as assignee nf the es
tate of Young Quong Lee Juke Tnw aud Da-Ong
Tong Tang, partners doing business under the
firm name of Wai Tai, Young Quong Company
and Young Quong ii -solvent debtors, with the
Clerk of the Circuit 'ourt of the State 01 Oregon
for Wasco County. That si. id final account will
come on for hcailng in tnid Court on the first
day of the nest regular term of said Court
court, to-wit: The second Monday in Novem
ber, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,or as
soon thereafter as the matter can be heard.
junl6-6w-i - J. O. MACK, Assignee.
Executor's Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the County Court o
the State of Oregon for the Wasco County, made
aud tniered on the 3d day of May, 1897, in the
matter of the estate of James McGahan, deceased,
directing me to sell the real property belonging
t the estate of said deceased, I will, on Satur
day, the Sth day of June, 1897, at the hour of
o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Dalle
City, Oregon, sell at public sale,' to tbe highest
bidder, all of tha following described real prop
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: The
Southwest quarter of 8ecHon Eight, Township
One South, Bange Fourteen . East W. M., con
taining 160 acres more or less.
m5-i . H. r. GIBONS. Executor.
compounds, a-rfm