The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 22, 1897, Image 1

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NO 164
The Richness of the Clon
dyke is Confirmed. ,
One Who is There Write lhat Hf Can
not Get Rich Claim, But Bopei
For a Faying; One.
Seattle, July 20. There are promiees
. that the steamer service between this
city and St. Michael's, contemplating an
all-water route between Puget sound and
the Upper Yukon mining districts by an
additional line of river steamers, will be
made by a company that is being organ
ized by local and Eastern capitalists.
The scheme is to buy or build a eea-go-'
ing steamship and to buy a light-draught
river steamer for the business between
St. Michael's and Dawson City, the
heart of the new diggings. The com
pany is organizing on a $200,000 paid-in
capital basis. The - Eastern subscribers
to the stock are taking $160,000, and the
balance is being laised here.
Correspondence between parties in the
Clondyke and this city relative to the
wonderful finds in what has been be
lieved until recently to be a barren waste
of arid land and ice is becoming public
property. B. K. Shaw, formerly a well
known insurance man of Seattle, has
written a letter to a business man in
this city, in which he states frankly that
he does not expect to be believed. The
letter, however, is only in line with oth
ers that the gold brought down from the
Clondyke endorses. Among other things
Shaw says:
"There is no night here now. It is
light as midday tor the 24 hours, and
neither too warm nor too cold. Not too
many flies to bother lis as yet. This is a
great mining strike, probably the great
est on the American continent or in the
world. I know you will not believe me
if 1 tell you about it. It is not as exten
sive as'l wish it was, or, at least, gold
has not been found in great paying
quantities except on two creeks, about
200 claims, but some ot them are very
rich ; in fact, some of the pay streaks
are nearly all gold. One thousand dol
lars to the pan is not an uncommon
thing, and as high as 100 ounces have
been taken out at a single pan. It is no
uncommon thing to see men coming in
with all the gold they can carry.
"You will not believe me when 1 tell
you that I went into one cabin and
counted five five-gallon oilcans full of
gold dust, but it is a fact. It is the re
sult of the work of two men during the
winter, and the dump is not much more
than half worked out.
"About $2,000,000 in dust has been
taken out so far in the district. At a
low estimate there will be $50,000,000
taken out daring the next year. Of
course, I am in too late to get in on any
of the rich ground, but hope to get hold
of some that I can make miner's wages
at, or better. I am working for the
Alaska Commercial company,' helping to
put up a big store building. . I went to
work as soon as I got settled at $10 a day
for 10 hours. Carpenters get $15 a day,
and so do all of the men who work in
the mines. I think I shall work for a
while. Some of the saloons take in $2000
to $3000 a day. All pay in gold dust,and
nothing less than 50 cents. A glass of
beer costs 50 cents. There are plenty of
provisions here. Flour is $12 per 100
pounds, sugar 35 cents per -pound, oat
meal 25 cents, bacon 50 cents, and other
things in proportion .
"Logs are worth $30 a thousand at the
mill, and lumber $150 a thousand.
There is a small sawmill here, running
No Healing Preparation
Ever brought into use
Has so well proved
its value
And made itself a necessity in
' the household
As Garland's
"Happy Thought' f Salve.
50c per jar at M. Z. Donnell's.
. Absolutely Pure. ,
Celebrated for its great leavening Btrength aud
bealthfulness. Assures tbe food against alum
and all forms of adulteration common to tbe
cneap Dranas.
Roy at Baking Powdkb Co. New York.
day and night, and cannot ' cut half tbe
lumber wanted. I do not know how
many inhabitants this town supports. I
should say in the neighborhood of 1000.
Most of the people live in tents, but
some good buildings are going up."
Bnekien'o Arnica BalTe.
The best salve in tbe world for' cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi
tively cures piles. Or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists. '
Tbe Summer Campaign in Cuba is Fair
ly Launched.
New Yorw, July 2. Tom a a Estrada
Palma, president of the Cuban junta, has
received a letter dated July 4 from Gen
eral Maximo Gomez, in which the gen
eral says :
"It is advisable to make this summer's
campaign as active and aggressive as
possible. To carry out our plans suc
cessfully we will need rather than any
thing else a steady supply of ammuni
tion. For that we depend on the sup
port of patriotic ' Cubans a'nd friends
"Tbe. recent lauding of several expe
ditions in different sections of Cuba has
enabled our men to engage the Spanish
with satisfactory results. The remark
ably large number of disabled soldiers
entering the Spanish hospitals in the
last two weeks is tbe most emphatic
proof of our activity.
"I have received a half-million rounds
of ammunition from the last expedition
landed in Camaguay. - It was conveyed
across the Jncaro-Moron trocha by Col.
Dimmas Zarnora with 300 men. Tbe
passage of the trocha by Colonel Zam
ora's force shows that tbe barrier defen
ded by 15,000 Spanish soldiers is no bar
rier to our movements. This last supply
of ammunition enabled our forces under
Major-Gencral Carillo to move westward."
Tbe True Remedy.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Cheif,".says : "We won't keep bouse
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex
perimented with many others, but never
got the true remedy until we used Dr.
King's New Discovery. No other rem
edy can take its place in our borne, ' as
in it we have certain and, sure xnre for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc."
It is idle to experiment with other rem
edies, even if they are urged on you as
just as good as Dr. King's New Discov
ery. They are not as good, because this
remedy has a record of cures and besides
is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. " (4)
The missing word is
rather hard to find but the
prize will be all the bigger
for those who find it.
Better get a lot of Schil
lings Best tea-tickets, and
choose your words carefully
and systematically.
Rules of contest published in large
advertisement about the first and middle
of each month. A3I
So Declares Count Okam, Japanese For-,
elgrn Minister.
Vancouver, B. C., July 21. Count
Okuna, foreign minister of Japan, says
regarding the annexation of Hawaii td
the United States r
"The foreign office is not surprised at
tbe contemplated annexation. We sim
ply protested against it. The impor
tance of the islands will be immensely in
creased by tbe construction of tbe Nicar
agua or Panama canal, and it is abao
lntely necessary, therefore, to leave the
country independent. In voyaging to
the far East steamers starting from Eu
rope or America -must call at Hawaii.
To bave them incorporated into the
Union would seriously involve, interna
tional interests in tbe Pacific ocean.
"Another reason is this : Annexation
would impair the rights and privileges
which Japan is enjoying in Hawaii.
The protest was therefore entered on
these grounds. Leaving aside the atti
tude of the other powers, the question is
what will Japan do if, under any circum
stances, the annexation is carried into
practice in spite of the protest of Japan.
Japan must oppose it to tbe utmost.
Annexation must not be recognized."
Street Parade at tbe Mormon City.
Salt Lake, July 21. The second day
of the pioneer celebration opened bright
and the streets were crowded . long be
fore the parade which was to start at 11
o'clock. Along the main Etreet for sev
eral blocks the sight was such as ' never
bad been witnessed in the city. Thou
sands of people lined the street, every
available telegraph pole bad its occu
pant, and hundreds of people fringed
the tops of buildings, some occupying
extremely perilous positions in order to
see tbe parade.
The numerous floats-in the parade
represented about everything in con
nection with the early settlement of the
West. The James Bridger float was a
feature. The old Union Pacific engine,
the first to enter Salt Lake, was run
through tbe streets with a full head of
steam on, carrying an Oregon Short Line
baggage and a Union Pacific coach
labeled "Omaha and San Francisco."
Numerous military companies took part
in the parade, and local and visiting
bands enlivened the scene with music.
Clondyke Fever in California.
San Fkancisco, July 21. The Alaska
Commercial Company has closed its
books for the Excelsior, whigjh will leave
for St. Michael's on the 28th. Scores of
people flocked to the company's office to
day and sought to make up the 200
which tbe steamer can carry. A great
majority go from San Francisco, but a
number belong to the interior of the
state, which is largely supplying re
cruits for the Yukon. This 200 is but a
small part of the California army which
is mustering for the advance. Thou
sands in San Francisco long to go; hun
dreds bave about made up their minds
to go, and scores, and perhaps hundreds
will go this summer, a majority taking
the Juneau route. A great many will
let the season for travel close with a firm
determination of going in the spring.
' Free Fills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in tbe cure of.Con-
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles tbey have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Debs' Eloquence Avails Nothing.
Wheeling, W. Va.f July 21. This
morning opened with the coal strike sit
uation not materially changed in West
Virginia. The Watson mines, with 1000
men, hold the key to tbe Fairmount re
gion, tor Mononagh cannot - be kept
closed unless Watson's, men quit work.
Debs' failure to do anything with Wat
son's men at Eiversville last night was
disheartening, but the organizers have
repiined their nerve, and this morning a
general conference was held to devise
new plans.
The- strike in the state as a whole Is
regarded 'as lost unless local issues can
be made to figure sufficiently to interest
the men where sympathy ia lacking.
V it-
.-a .:,;
Special Attractions
in Warm '
The balance, about thirty Suits of our stock of
Men's Summer Suits
to close at 50 cents on the dollar.
Just one-half the regular price.
Only thirty Suits left. ' Sizes from 35 to 47. We sold sixty-five Suits at
the former advertised sale, July 2J; therefore do not delay, but make your
selection today. " ' . -
$10.00 - Q j r$5.oo
iiSSj buits lor f:i8
Muslin Underwear
Of the good, kind, to close at reductions
that astonish. '
25c garments for , .15c
40c garments for '. 20c.
50c garments for ..30c
75c garments for ...38c
$1 garments for 59c
and better grades at proportionate figures
Summer Wash Goods
8, 10 and 12c Dimities ,
Reduced to 6c yard.
15 and 16 1 c Dimities, &c',
Reduced to 10c yard.
Proposals for School Building.
Sealed proposals will be received until
noon of Tuesday, August 3, 1S97, at the
office of Dr. O. D. Doane, The Dalles,
Or., for tbe erection and completion of
the foundation of the proposed High
School Building for school district No.
12, of Wasco county, Oregon;, also bids
for the construction and completion of
the superstructure of said building.
A certified check for 10 per cent of
the amount of each bid must accom
pany tbe bid. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of C. J. Cran
dall, The Dalles. Or- '
The Board of Directors reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
O. D. Doane,
Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Or., July 7, 1897. . lw
- To Enlist Public Sympathy.
Pittsburg, July 20. The miners are
arranging for a series ot meetings in
Pittsburg, McKeesport and other points
in the district to enlist public sympathy
in the strike movement. Tbe meetings
wiil be followed by a general appeal for
aid. '
Bedstone Miner Are Oat.
Columbus, July 20. Cameron Miller,
at TJniontown, Pa., telegraphed Presi
dent Katcbford this morning: All tbe
miners on the Bedstone branch suspen
ded this morning.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy by reading what it has done for
others, and having tested its merits for
themselves are today its warmest friends.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Cash in Your checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Feb. 1, i893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after July 14
1897. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Mew York
Weekly Tribune
foLonD paison
tlaiT BLUOD POISON DermiuiAr.,1.
cured in 16 to 85 days. Ton can be treated at
home for same price under same sruaran.
ty. If you prefer to come hare we wllleon.
fcracbujDay raiiroaaxareanaiioieiDiiia nnd
noehanre, I f we fail to cure. If yon bare taken mer
cury, iodide potash, and stlU bare aches and
pains, M aeons Patches in mouth. Sore Throat.
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots. Ulcers on
any part of the body, 11 air or Eyebrows fa 11 In o;
out. it Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit tbe most obsti
nate easea and euallena-a the world for a
case we cannot cure. This disease bos always
baffled the skill of the moat eminent physi
Claaa. SJOOO.OOO capital' behind oar nncondl.
Temple, cartCAwO,
tlonal fffmraatr. .Absolute proot sent sealed oa
Auuieas i;uuiiui!;au4ir COW
n i . ' a ' . www
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers.
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family. '
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe
fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to tbe present dav. and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will "be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of tbe family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. "Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a Dostal card, send it to Oeo. W. Tt
Tribune Office, New York City, ard a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to von.
175 Secon'd Street.
The Dalles, Oregon
UtS Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Cantaloupe Crates. . . ..
Peach Crates
Plum Crates, filled
Peach Boxes, filled
-Apple Boxes, filled.
For enSih in 100 lots and upwards.
. . . 8 Cts
..3 cts
..6 eta
. -7 cts
Lumber, White Lead, Oils and General Building Material at proportionate rates.
ROWE &, CO.. The Dalles, Or