The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 20, 1897, Image 3

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of a
Beautiful Figure
Is Assured
Our Corsets.
Corset Sale
Fot One Week.
Nos. 217 and 218 Black and Grey, long waist; re
duced from $1.75 to .75
No. 150 Black, extra long; reduced from 75c to .50
No. 221 " and Grey, extra long
reduced from. .. v $1.50 to 1.00
No. 228 Black, short waist; reduced from 2.25 to 1.25
No. 222 Black, extra long; reduced from 2.25 to 1.30
No. 234 Black, long waist ; reduced from 3.00 to 2.00
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 20, 1837
Random OoaarTitioM ana Local Erenta
of Lesser Magnitude.
At 8 o'clock
Tomorrow morning.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is
fair and warmer.
- . . . . i a
.Before buying-, see me new diub uhiub
oil stove at Maier & Benton.
The boat will leave tomorrow morning
at 8 o'clock, instead of at 8:45 as hereto
fore. The boat line is doing a good business,
carrying a large number of passengers
and lots of freight.
Wheel No. 5, belonging to the Seufert
brothers, caught a ton and a half of
salmon last night, the best catch of the
The Mazamas left Portland yesterday
and Tacoma today, for Mt. Rainier.
They will camp close to the enow line
for a week before attempting the ascent.
The Dalles City took down a flock of
sheep belongiug to Mr. Ketchum this
morning. They will be pastured in
Lady's island opposite the town of La
Pease & Mays have an unique window
decoration, it being a big Moline plow
backed by bundles of grain, and in front
displaying heavv footwear, such as is
used on a farm.
miss tutn (jooper, wno is a teacner in
the Indian school at Carson, JNeyiB visr
iting relatives in The Dalleaand is the
guest of her sister, Dr. JJelld Rinehart
She will remain abouttwo weeks.
There is considerable prospecting be
ing done on McCoy creek, but up to date
nothing has been developed. Quite a
number of men are at work in the plac
ers, but the returns are far from satis
The Elite Candy factory has just put
in a fine new soda fountain, and is pre
pared to furnish its customers soda-ice
cream as well as soda, with the most de
licious flavoring. Try one of its milk
shakes. 2-16-tf
Highest scores last week at the Uma
tilla House bowling alley were as follows :
Monday, N. Sinnott 47: Tuesday, F
Pundt 46: Wednesday, F. Hill 67;
Thursday, C. Roth 54; Friday, F Van
Norden 57 ; Saturday, C. Porter 55
Sunday., Vic Sampson 59.
Mr. Wilcox, of Eagle Creek, Oregon,
missed one of his cows a few days ago,
and when be finally found her he dis
covered that she had adopted a young
fawn and was taking proper care of it.
A few days later "he gave birth to a calf,
and now the calf and fawn receive the
same motherly attention.
The sugar factory at Chi no, California,
Rtarted np Saturday on the largest and
best crop ever raised at that place. It
is estimated that the 450 men employed
will work for 150 days, and that in that
time 33,000,000 pounds of grannlated
sugar will be made. The output last
year was 22,000,000 pounds.
New wheat has been sold in Pendleton
for 55 cents a bushel, and the East Ore
gonian estimates, taking San Francisco
prices and allowing for freight and com
missions, that it is worth 56)4 cents.
From present indications the opening
price for Sherman, Wasco and Klickitat
wheat will be not less than 60 cents
Roland D. Grant, D. D., will deliver a
lecture at the' First Baptist church Fri
day evening, the subject being "The
Evolution of a Great General, or 1000
Years With U. S. Grant." This is the
same lecture he delivers before the
Chautauquans at Gladstone Park Saturday.
Budd Robbins was arrested this morn
ing on complaint of W. G. Spencer, who
accuses him of larceny by bailee in
keeping a hoise belonging to Spencer,
the same being valued at $20. He was
arraigned betore City Recorder Sinnott
this afternoon, and entered a plea ot not
guilty. His examination was set for
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The long-drawn-out case of the Schan
no Ditch Company vs. J. H. Thomas
and 100 other defendants, in Yakima
county, has at last been brought to a
conclusion through the decision of Judge
Davidson, who awards 1600 inches of
water to the company, and from one to
one and a half inches of water to the de
fendants in the case. It was an equity
proceeding, ana will no doubt prove
satisfactory to those interested
Court Commissioner Davis, of Pacific
county, has denied the application of N.
C. Koford, H. J. Colvin and Silas Grable
for an order restraining the town treas
urer oi nwaco irom paying warrants is
sued to L. U. Dalton for his expenses at
,ie legislature last winter. The reason
for the denial was that the suit brought
y Parks and Kinney for the same ob
ct had not been withdrawn as yet, al
ough it is understood that it will be.
McClure's Magazine for August will
be a special Midsummer fiction number,
with a complete novelette (a story of
England and j.ndia) by Rudyard Kip
ling, chapters of a novel by Robert Louis
Stevenson, and short stories by A.
Conan Doyle, Robert Barr, John Ken
jlrick Bangs, and others. It will be
ochly illustrated, the frontispiece being
from a drawing made expressly for the
agazine by Boutet de Monvel, the dis-
inguished French illustrator.
Dr. Siddall and F. W. Peaslee left by
rivate conveyance Sunday at 2:30 p.
m., and arrived at Cloud Cap Inn yes
terday afternoon at 2 :30. They climbed
Mt. Hood today, and at 12:30 A. S. Mac
Allister'got ti 'phone to go onto the Mill
creek bridge at 1 o'clock and watch the
summit of Hood for flashes. , After an
hour's watching Mac gave it up and
told us confidentially that all he saw
was some big holes in the snow made
by the spikes in the doctors' boots.
a. oaiem taxpayer is said to be re
sponsible tor the statement that among
"The Delft"
Mixed Blue and White out
side and White inside.
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
waiv, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
orrirwl a at.
167 Second Street.
"It Don't Seem Like the J
Same Old Smile." 5
Say husbands, you will not have occasion
to hum the above song, if you will come to
Mays & Crowe's and buy your wife one of
those elegamt
" They will do the work of any Cast Iron
Stove or Steel Range, and just the thing for
warm weather. The universal verdict of
those who have tried them is, "We would
not be without it."
Jos. T. Peters & Co.
the employes at the insane asylum at
Salem are included the following : Gov
ernor Lord, four nephews ; Secretary of
State Kincaid, three nephews and 28
cousins; .treasurer Aietsehan. one son.
nephews, and 34 cousins; Chief
stice Moore, a son and daughter, a
nephew and two cousins; Attorney
Goneral Idleman, a brother and three
cousins ; Assistant Treasurer Hodgkin,
a Won and six cousins; Superintendent
Paine, whole familv.
rank Heater was arrested this morn
ing on complaint of T. J. Driver, who
charges him with stealing ahorse valued
at $25, the same being the property of
B. Parodi. He was arraigned in the re
corder's court this afternoon and enter
ed a plea of not guilty. The trial of the
case is set to follow that of Budd
Robbins Thursday afternoon. Heater
was arrested last night by Night-watch
man Wiley, but when he arrived at the
jail he broke away, followed by Wiley,
who fired at him two or three times. He
escaped in the darkness but was caughtd
at home this morning about 5 o'clock by
W lley and Sheriff Driver. Heater seems
determined to get into trouble, generally
caused by drinking, and it is only a
question of time, if he does not chauge
his ways, until he is sent below.
One of Ch'as. Hilton's bands of sheep.4
in charge of Geo. Caven of Fossil, was
shot into on the nights of July 2d and
3d, near the head of Kabler Basin. On
the night ot the 2d the herder's cabin
was surrounded and twenty-five pistol
shots fired into the band, killing one
sheep. On the night of the 3d the mis
creants returned and again shot into the
band, killing four sheep. On this night
the herder stepped outside, and part of
the gang surrounded him while the
others did the shooting. Next day
George pulled out of there with the
sheep, as he didn't think the climate
quite suited him. George threw np his
job, and a new herder, a Frenchman,
was sent back to Kahler Basin with the
sheep. There is bad blood between the
cattlemen and farmers of that locality
and the sheepmen of Gilliam and Mor
row counties who take their sheep onto
government land in that section for sum
mer range, and it is not unlikely that
human blood will be spilt ere a stop be
put to these dastardly outrages. Fossil
Sensible Words Concerning the Clon
dyke Excitement.
A dispatch from Port Townsend under
date of July 18tb, says :
"The excitement here in regard to the
fabulous richness of the Clondyke mines
is on the increase, although only a lew
of the most enthusiastic will start the
present season for" the famous fields.
To start now a person cannot possibly
reach the Yukon or Clondyke region be
fore the middle or probably the 25th of
'August, and those who have been there
assert that the working season closes
never later than the first of September,
nor opens before the middle of June,
leaving in the most favorable seasons
only ten weeks of working time. Those
who Btart in now will have nine months
in which to eat np provisions before they
can possibly do any work, and only
those who have claims located can make
a success of thawing dirt and water and
taking out gold by the fireside. TboBe
who start north not later than May 1st
will stand as good a show for striking
good things as those who eo now and
(live nine months on "grub" on which
ifreight has been paid at the rate of 15 to
I??? ppnin npr nnn n rl Manv Am nnw nrn.
paring to go north without either provi
sions or money, and the result will be
death by starvation and'frepzing.
' Teachers' Institute.
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craven Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers,
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Jacobsdn Book & Music Co.
Bed-Rock Pries and terms to suit purchaser.
New Vogt Block. The Dalles, Oregon.
In this city, Monday evening, July
19th, at 7 o'clock, Mr.'.Charles Baker and
Mrs. Caroline Puckett, Rev. Wm,
Micbell performing the ceremony,
The marriage was quite of the roman
tic and sentimental variety, taking place
in the shadow of the tall rock near the
old garrison grounds, in the presence of
about a hundred people. After the cer
emony the couple bad their pictures
taken with the big rock as a background,
and the crowd, not to be outdone,
grouped around and over the rock and
had another picture taken. In the even,
ing, to do proper honor to the event, the
tin-pan brigade gave the bride and
groom one of the most magnificent
"shivarees" ever heard in The Dalles.
The Dalles, July 20, 1897.
Editor Chronicle :
Edna Brown and Anna B. Thompson
were enrolled yesterdav. Katie Roche
enrolled the first day of the institute.
Those in attendance have come to
stay, and will receive the full benefit of
the work. A few teachers who write
that they will not be present have gen
erously offered to advance the fee of
$2.50, but the superintendent will not
accept it on those terms. The institute
is not conducted as a money-making
affair. What we want is to benefit the
teachers, and through them the public
schools of the county.
The subjects taught in the yarious
branches yesterday are as follows :
Literature Writings of Halleck and
Bookkeeping Posting, balance sheet
and closing.
Physiology The skin and its appendages.
Writing Forearm and combined
Theory Imagination.
U. S. History French and Indian war.
Spelling Accentuation and syllabi
Grammar Analysis and study of the
Pyhsical Geography Atmosphere.
Geography Oregon.
; Algebra Fractions.
Gen. History Early English and
French civilization.
Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my funnel patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
By existing arrangements with the
publishers of the Weekly Oregonian, we
are enabled to clnb that excellent paper
with the Twice-a-Week Chronicle at
the low rate of $2.25 per year. Now is
the tim to send in yonr names.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 0?
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
f-pjyi "pTlfiTT This Flour is manufactured" expressly for family
vJ J-L J. 1U use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think eo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats;