The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapet n Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. TUESDAY. JULY 20. 1897 - DON'T BE IN A HURRY. All report from the Clondyke mining district indicate that it is the greatest gold field ever discovered That fact, however, should not be allowed to tempt any man to aban don a fairly remunerative positiou and join the aimy ot treasure seek ers that is already being recruited in every part of the United States and Canada. For those who tell of the vast wealth of this new Eldorado also slate that the most desirable ground lias been staked off, and that the new arrival who proposes to take up a claim worth working must either purchase one from its original locator or go prospecting for one in an un explored region. And until more particulars are received anent the topographical geological aspects of the country surrounding the Clon dyke, it might not be wise to hazard much on the probability of the heavy gold deposit covering an extensive territory. That they do not is indi cated by the fact that the countrj both north and south of Dawson City has failed to reward to any startling extent those who have pros pected it. The history of gold min ing shows that such heavy finds as those reported from the Clondyke aie confined to limited, areas. It would be well for the man of small means to wait awhile, anyway, before starting for the Yukon. The open season up there ends in Septem ber, and after that it will be impossi ble to prosecute prospecting with any degree of facility until next May. By that time much more truth will be known about the present and future ot the Clondyke region than has ever been told. Trustworthy newspaper representatives and others who have neither mininr claims nor town lots for sale are new en route to the land of promise, and their re ports will make very interesting win ter reading. Meantime the hidden gold of the Alaskan wilds will neither take wings and fly away nor be melted by solar heat. For many centuries it has been affording an example of waiting which most of its would-be possessors could now emulate to their own ad vantage. Telegram. . A REST NEEDED. The senate and house committees of conference have met, and by con cessions on both sides have reached an understanding that will permit the passage of the tariff bill within a week. This is indeed good news, for any certain condition is better than the uncertainty that has held sway fcr the past four months. It is to be bo'ped that the new law will produce sufficient revenue for the needs of the government, and that the country may have a few years rest from tariff agitation. Every change, every proposed change of the tariff laws unsettles business, sets speculators at work, and raises the dickens with the country generally. Business requires not only" an unva rying medium of exchange, but it requires unchanging laws. Only .with these two conditions will con servative business men use their money. Under other conditions business is no longer business, but speculating and gambliug. The country will take a long breath of .relief when the bill is passed, and it is sincerely hoped that when it is passed our people will be let alone to work out their one sal vation. They can and will do it all right if given the opportunity, and letting the tariff laws alone will fur nish it. Report comes from Goldendale that David Johnson is on his way out - to Mt. Adams to find a mine, or the mine which an old .Dutchman used to go to every summer out in that section. The old Dutchman was no myth, having lived here, and it is true- that he used to go out to the Mt. Adams neighborhood. His mine, however, we believe to have existed principally in his head. The writer hereof has taken considerable pains to trace the old fellow, and the stories concerning him. He used to go out every summer, and on sev eral occasions took parties with him as far as Trout lake, or even beyond it, hut always gave them the slip. We believe the story of his finding a mine is untrue, for he never had any gold. From Lalf an ounce to an ounce was as much as he ever could show after one of bis trips, and that amount can be gathered in that neighborhood at an3' time within a month, The truth, we think, is that the old fellow was a "little off," and the fellows who go hunting his mine will find that they have been fooled Proposals for School HaHdlng. Sealed proposals will be received until noon of Tuesday, August 3, 1897, At the office of Dr. O. D. Doane, The Dalles, Or., for the erection and completion of the foundation of the proposed High School Building for school district No, 12, of Wasco county, Oregon ; also bids for the construction and completion of the superstructure of said building. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of each bid must accorn pany the bid. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of C. J. Cran- dall, The Dalles, Or. . The Board of Directors reserve tbe right to reject any and all bids. O.. D. Doane, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Or., July 7, 1897. lw ead ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive core. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren SL, New York City. "Last summer one of our grand chidren was sick with a severe bowel trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had failed, then we tried Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave very speedy relief. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton. free Pills- Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) State of Ohio, City of Toledo) Lucas County, j" Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of TMedo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th dav of December, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleason, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucuos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice 18 hereby given that the un dersigned, J. E. Barnett and Dinsmore Parish, heretofore doing business as Barnett & Parish, have this day, by mutual consent, dissolved.' All accounts against said firm should be rjrenented to J. T. Harnett. an1 J. E. Barnett is to collect all accounts, notes and evidences of indebtedness ow ing to said firm. ' : Dated nr. Datlpfl Citv Wam Pniint.' Oregon, this 17th day of June, 1897. - ? lIAHMOSB PARISH, jun25 4t J. E. Barnett. I Srs.. II f ffli,V1flIO.ii i-kEST with a big B. BlackwelTs Genuine D Durham Is in a class by itself. You will find one fionnnn Inside) each two nunrp hacr. and two Aniv pons inside each four ounce bag-of. BEackwell's nuino Smoking Bnyabagof this celebrated tobacco Whlea gives, a lis tor valuable presents ana now to set inem. t Wholesale. CUines and Cigars, THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Beverage, -unequaled. as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. flow Ibout Your job We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desire 'x keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. "There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALl Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK. Z. DONNELL, PfJESCftfPTIOri DRUGGIST s TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., BaUX X X Durham Tobacco and read the coupon - BUSCH and BEER SSddR.ufi8i Nutrine, a non-alcoholic tonic. piWW of men which, taken at its flooa Farnitare and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduced rat - - CJNIC. PT. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR. WflLLPflPERI WALL PAPEH1 Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best, patterns. The most " beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand' supplied. ipes-Kimly Drag Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE8 Letters of Credit ieaued available in the Eastern State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. 0 TO THE EKSTI GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES! GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STKAMKK8 Lnn Portland EerT FIT Dan for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R & Co. Agent at Tbe Dalies, or address W, H. HCRLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland. Oregon A. L. MOHLER, Vice President. TIME CARD. No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at b p. m., leaves at o:vo p. m. jno. 2, to fenaie ton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives at 1:15 a in., departs at nzu a. m. No 3, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar rives at 8-30 a. m.. detarts at 8:35 a.m. No. 1 from Bak r City and UdIou Pacific, arrives at a:oo a. m., aeparis ac 4:uu a. m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will carry passengers, jno. S grnves at 6:30 p. m., UCJMUUI a L L. -ttj p. ill. Passengers for Heppner will take train leaving uexe ni. o.Uii ii. ill. , Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby riven that under and bv vir. tue of an order of the County Court of the State oi ureRon mr vvaco uounlv, made on the 21st day of May, 1897, in the matter of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased, I will, on Thursday, the znn aay oi june, iswv, at tne nour ot 2 o clock p. m, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, in Wasco, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder the following described real estate belonging to said estate, to-wit: Tbe Southwest quarter of tbe riunoeast quarter 01 section iz, lownsnip z North Ranee 11 East. W. M.. in Wasco County Oregon. Said premises will be sold in one parcel and for one-third cash at the time of the sale and two-thirds in four months after the confirma tion thereof, the deferred navment to be secured by note and mortgage upon the premises sold. vauea t;ity, Oregon, May n, isav. GEORGE IRELAND, Administrator oi this estate of Frank TrelRnrl deceased. m26-5t-i Executor's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the Countv Conrt of the State of Oregon for the Wasco County, made and entered on tbe 3d day of May, 1897, in the matter of the estate of James McGahan, deceased, directing me to sell the real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, I will, on Satur day, the 5th day of June, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Dalles Citv. Oregon, sell at Ttublie sale, to the hfchMt bidder, ail of the following described real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of Section Eight. Township One South, Range Fourteen East W. M., con taining 160 acres more or less. mw a. jr. uibuns. Executor. SURE CURE for PILES Itcilinr sad Blind. Bteedln or PtnrrU. -.. ..TT.TT J?R:KBft:?AN",c.0,rILK REMEDY. SuiM ite mil. absorb tutuura. A naitlre un i'ir,-,.i.-.rl-v. Sn oITVio lilo Regulator lAne .Tbe Dalles. Portland ani Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES ( DOWN THE YALLEY OR TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are you going If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengers arriving in The Dales In timo to take tbe East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, . Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dalles. Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZE3Z. o-XjEsnsrisr. DR. GUNITS IMPROVED LIVER. PILLS Jk ItlilH PtiTNiP. 1I1I fnv n Tftna A movement of tbe bowels each day is necessary for tie aJ tli. Tbese pills supply what the system lacks to snake it regular. They care Headache, brighten the Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither sripe nor sicken. To convince yon. we arill mail Ainnl free, or full hux fnr 2ftc Snldmnn. UO, JkU AULA. W fUUadOlpiUA, f THe Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF ' Fine Lard, and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDlTIOfl. 18 Paces a Week. 156 Paper a Tear It etands first among ' weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at tbe low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tbe Union jind foreign coun tries, will vouch for tbe accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion series of stories by tbe greatest living American and English authors. Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jtroms, Stanley Weyman Mary E. TTllkina Anthony Hope, Bret Harte, Brander Matthews, Ktc. .... .- . We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. -