The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Watco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to S34 Temple Court, N. T. City. E. KATZ, Agent. THURSDAY. - JULY 8. 1807 SHAVES. AND GRADES. Mrs. Bradbury is repentant. A week ago fihe was seeing the world through a telescope held for her by a Mr. Ward, and everty thing seemed large, attractive, beautiful. Today she has put her optics to the big end of the glass and the view is different. She thinks now she was hypnotized. Possibly she was. So was Psyche to her undoing ; so Cleopatra ; so Cres sid; so Io; so Phryne; so the innum erable throng of lesser beauties who have tuned their waxen ears to vi brate responsive to the voices of the flatterers. Paradise was lost because Eve was not deaf; Troy fell because Helen turned not her head away from Paris; Egypt put the snake to her arm after first letting its venom strike her brain; "Good Queen Bess" had her Raleigh ; Anna of Austria her Buck ingham ; Mary of Scotland lost both heart and head on Rizzio's account. But why prolong the list? Elizabeth may be hypnotized; Peggy is simply betrayed ; Mrs. Bradbury, with a hus band worth a million dollars, isSven gallied; Mrs. Somebodyelse, whose husband hasn't $500, makes a fool ot herself. There are grades and shades of evil that in these modern days needs, demands the services cf an expert in nomenclature. The pecca dello of the mistress is the crime of the maid ; the inebriety of the mas ter the plain drunk of the servant; the hilarity of the young blood with coin, the vice of the other young fellow without it. What is hypnotism ? The deaden ing of some of the faculties, the ac centuating of others. That was what happened to Mrs. Bradburj', but it is what happened a hundred thous and times since Paradise, will hap pen again and yet again and again, as the world exists. So it matters not much whether it is called hypnot ism or some other term. Tuesday evening at'Portland Gov ernor Lord made the presentation speech, and with a wave of the hand designating the punch bowl and other vessels that comprised the &ilver ser vice for the battleship Oregon, he got rid of the white elephant in a graceful and happy manner. His speech will not go echoing through the halls of time as a model for fu ture ages to emulate, but as long as he succeeded in getting rid of the silver set, nobody is going to criti cise too harshly his speech. Where the dickens he resurrected all the platitudes is of course a profound mystery. Gazing at his classic coun tenance one could hardly believe that he had found them by himself, but he may have done so. The rivers ramifying the state, the harbors filled with ships and things, caught the good governor's fancv, and the pretty words that expressed nothing trickled over his under lip like maple syrup out of a hot can. Oregon feels just ly proud of her governor. She rec ognizes' his peculiar fitness for almost anything, and if any of our neigh boring states have anything they de sire to have given away, cheerfully and freely commends him for the job. At the close of last year there were 20,390 miles of railroad open to traffic in India an increase during the 3 ear of 713 miles. The great centers of what early in the century was designated as heathendom Mad ras, Calcutta, Delhi, Lahore, Pesha war and Bombay are united by a vast railway system, feeders of which extend to the hills and tap the most productive sections of the . empire. Traffic is the greatest of missionary agencies, and by bringing the remote parts of the earth in touch with each ether, it lessens distinctions of belief and nullifies the effect of its differ ences. : The Spaniard talks saucily of meeting the hated Yankee on the sacred soil of Cuba, and insinuates that if this government don't be ware, Weyler will whale somebody. With 60,000 more soldiers required to maintain peace in one little prov ince, the fire-eater's words become ridiculous. If Spain must really have something to waste its surplus energy on, we suggest that it take a shy at the turb, ned Turk. There is a chap with a chip on his shoulder as big as a Bryan dollar, and he is ach- iDg to have someone touch it, too. Nashville has a curiosity in the shape of a baby, a colored baby three weeks old, who talks like sixty and reasons like a Webster. The baby commenced talking when only a week old, and has kept at it steadily when not nursing. It is a girl baby of course. ELY'S CREAM BALM la positive care. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. XLY BROTHERS. 66 Warren SC. New York City. Deafness Cannot oe Cored by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when 'it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever ; nine casis oat of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 ' Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off imparities in the blood. Electric Bit ters improves the appetite, aids diges tion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very beet blood puri fier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's Drag Store. (2) save Yoar Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm in. Jtor is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donne 1), Agent. A bay saddle mare, branded with let ter S with quarter circle over it. Had on a pack saddle and saddle pockets. A suitable reward will be paid to anyone taking her up and notifying Robert Smith, jy2-3t Mt. Hood P. Of, Or. LOST. A gray mare, branded g on left shoul der. . Was originally one of the O. S. Morgan band, and was raieed on the range adjacent to 3-Mile creek. Suitable reward will be paid for the return of said mare to T. A. Hudson, Do von want vour windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop. 'Phone 119. - alO-tf By existing arrangements with the publishers of the Weekly Oregonian, we are enabled to club that excellent paper with the Twice-a-Week Chronicle at the low rate of $2.25 per year. Now is the time to send in your names. Yellow washing powder will make your clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. a2-3m The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as. good as Durham." Every eld. smoker knows there" 13 as good FT You will find one each two ounce b&sr, pons inside encn T a mm begot BlackweJl 8 Durham. Buy a bag of, this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which. Rives a list f of valuable presents and iow Wholesale flflflliT IiIQUOHS, CJClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD - Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. J owj bout Your JOB We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desire ;o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare' quality of work. Let us have your next order. - "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune" The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL. & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELB ACH BRICK. - - UNIC 8T. TVS. Z. DONNELL, PESCtlPTIOJl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams fe Co., none just as cotr am tour "ounce - BUSCH and BEER es. pijij? AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR. . M ITsStaSco J pon inside wsw" . atwocou- Passss WALL PflPERl tffllit PAPEftI Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-KipeKly Drpg Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. -f .' ... .1 .,- TRANSACT A GENUAL BANKING BUS1NE8 Letters of Credit leaned available in the Eastern Spates. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic .Transfers sold on Aew York, Utaicaco, St. .Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in uregon ana w asnmgcon. : Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. E. COIL2IBJX, SOLE DEALER IN THE DALLES OF Marble Bnrial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex eluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz : absolute . . 1 j 1 . .. . . (security ana uaraDnilVj cons maKing a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar- Die wnicn can be firmly fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air ana water tig tit. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a large sup ply ot nrst-ciass Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. nil ORTHERN j PACIFIC RY. n H s Pullman Elegent Totirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. PAUL. HINMEAFOLI DIILCTB rAKOO GRAND FOR CROOK8IOS WINNIFKO HELENA an BUTTK TO Thirougb Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KIV YORK " BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time carda, maps and tickets, cai on or write to W. C. AT J, A WAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon This Is TottT Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps. a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular. Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits 01 the remedy. -ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St, New York City. Her. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tire cure for catarrh if used as directed. n Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury Bor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. Regulator Line Tie Dalles. Portlani ani Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood Rirer, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES ( DOWN THE YALLET OH TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are you going II so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passenfrers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengers arriving in The Dales in time to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon. Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt, The Dalles. Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IE3I. G-Xj IE 1ST 1ST. DR. GUNfTS IMPROVED A iliUI-f li-v !. Amm 1111 TVts sa Dnsi. A movement of tba bowels each da w nectmrnry for haltll. Tbww pills supply wbat tbo aytitem lacks to uaks it regular. ' They cure Headache, brighten tbo Kjea, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither frripe nor sicken. To convinoe von, w ilk mail samrtle free, or fall box fur 26a. Bold every Here. Iii. HO&ASKQ UE1X OO., Philadelphia. P TfieCoiuiiia Packing Co., ' PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ' MANUFACTURERS OF ' Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND ' HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. T.4 2 NEW YORK WORLD V TBRICE-BrWEEK EDITION IS Faces m Week. 156 Papers a Tear It stands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for. the. accuracy and fairness of its news columns. - It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion' series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Weymanj- Mary B. Wllklna - Anthony Hope, Bret Harte, ? . ' Brander Matthews, Kte. We offer, this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00.' The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Jit'