CO VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1897 NO 152 BRYAN ON THE COAST He Draws a Bis: Crowd in California. AND NOW TRILBY IS IN MOURNING Mrs. Bradbury Was Hypnotized, Bat She Has Recovered ind Knows All About It. Alameda, Cal., July 7. William J. Bryan reached this city tbia morning. He was met at Oakland by a large com mittee of citizens and with bis party was driven to this city. The visitors disem barked at the Mastic station ' and carri ages were taken. A drive was given through the principal residence thor oughfares, terminating at the Park hotel, where an informal reception took place, when a number of ladies were presented to the distinguished guest. Breakfast was served, and in response to the toast, "W. J. Bryan the next president," Bryan said : "I am not so mnch interested in who shall be the next president of the United States as I am that the next president will be a man who will not veto a silver bill when it comes before him." At the conclusion of the breakfast there was a procession in which all the Alameda Bimetallic League, comprising j about 600 men, took part. The line of march led up to a stand at the corner of Santa Clara avenue and Walnut street, where Bryan delivered an address on "Equality Before the Law," to about 3000 people. A tATIBK-DAY IBILBY. She Declares That Hypnotism Caused Her Downfall. San Francisco, July 7. There are said to be prospects now that the runa way wite of Millionaire John Bradbury, of Los Angeles, will shortly appear in a new and rather sensational role. It is asserted that the alleged hypnotic spell under which her friends claim that her eloping companion, H. Russell Ward, has held her, is now dispelled to that extent that she is ready and willing to go upon the witness stand next Thurs day and testify against her lover. The story which it is said Mrs. Brad bury may tell under oath, will be some thing decidedly startling. It is to par take of hypnotism. When she arrived in this city last Friday with Ward, she boasted she would never think of leaving him and returning to her home. She now refuses to hold any communication with Ward. She avows that she cannot for the life of her understand her former conduct, except that she has been the victim of some awful control that she could neither fathom nor resist. Mrs. Bradbury has promised her mother to whom she is entirely recon ciled, that she will never again counten ance Ward's attentions, nor even toler ate hia friendship. She says she will never speak to him or permit him to speak to her. MURDERER IS IN CUSTODY. few York Police Solre tbe Guldensuppe Mystery. New York, July 7. Positive identifi cation of the man arrested last night as Martin Thorn, the alleged confederate in the murder and dismemberment of William Guldensuppe, was made to day. Inspector O'Brien said today he had a full confession from Thorn admitting he had murdered Guldensuppe and giving all the details of the crime. According to Thorn's confession, Mrs. Nack drove to Woodside house with Garland's "Happy Thought" Salve Comes in glass jarp, with nickel plated screw top. Sold by M. Z. DONNELL, the Druggist. Made to Cure Skin Diseases. Price 50c. money. It is worth double the Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfullness. Assures the food Against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royai. Baking Powdkk Co. New York. Guldensuppe and sent her victim inBide to "see how he liked the house." Thorn was concealed behind an inner door, and shot him through the head. The body was placed in a bathtub, carved up in sections, and then encased in plaBter of paris. Mrs. Nack returned to the house in the afternoon, and with Thorn drove to the river and threw the package' over board. FOR KKCOKM IN FINANCE. Currency Question to Come Up at tbe Present Session. Washington, July 7. President Mc Kinley called a special meeting of the cabinet for today. After a discussion lasting over an hour the cabinet decided that the president should send to con-' gress a message recommending legislation providing for a committee to adjust the currency question of the country. It is tbe expectation of the president that the subject will receive the attention of congress during the present extra session. The message itself is written and is short. Its principal feature is a quotation from the president's inaugural address on the financial subject. The tariff bill was not considered at tbe meeting today except in its bearing on the currency commission proposition. The president will ask authority to name nine commissioners and for an ap propriation for the expenses of the com mission, but will not make suggestions as to the political or other composition of the commission, nor will he make any suggestion as to the lines of investiga tion. He will himself call attention to the necessity of reform in our currency and national banking laws, and state that in bis opinion that reform is equally important with the enactment of a protective tariff law. EMPEROR WILL SI COERCED. American Warships Are En Route to Tangier. New Yobk, July 7. A special to the Herald from Washington says : The emperor of Morocco is to be co erced by American men-of-war in order that puishment may be inflicted upon one of his subjects who assaulted an American citizen. The vessels are on their way to Tangier. They are the San Francisco, flagship, and the Raleigh. The San Francisco is expected to reach Tangier in a few hours. Tbe Raleigh will arrive at her destination the latter part of the week. The orders to the San Francisco and Raleigh were the result of a request re ceived by the state department from Consul-General David N. Burke, station ed at Tangier. Mr. Burke announced that an American citizen had been brutally assaulted ; that he had asked the Moorish government to arrest and punish the American's assailant and that up to the present time there were no indications that the request would be granted. Baseball Girls. At McMinnville tbe 4th of July pro gram had something new, it being a game of baseball between nine girls and nine old men, the former winning. The names of tbe players are: Girls Mary Weston, Stella Einman, Ollie Mulligan, Carrie Mulligan, Flossie Blair, Ruby Gilbaugh, Alma Jellison, Ada Wilson, Rosa Gan Buskirk. Old men D. A. Judy, C. Smith, J. L. Ladd, J. W. Briedwell, R. W. PhillipB, T. J. Jellison, Mahood, C. R. Jack, A Dorin. HOT WAVE IN NEW YORK. Eleven Prostrations mud One Deatb in the Metropolis. New Yokk, Jnly 6. A hot wave struck this city today, and at noon the ther mometer on the street registered 102 deg., while the humidity recorded waB 91 per cent. As a result of this intense beat there was one death and eleven prostrations. Toward evening, how ever, the sky became overcast and there was a fall of 2 deg. between 5 and 5 :10 p. m. Five prostrations were reported from Brooklyn today. Fatal Cases in Detriot. Detroit, Mich., July 6. The list of persons who died in this city yesterday from sunstroke and heat prostrations was swelled today by 13. One boy was killed in a runaway caused by fireworks, and a little girl was fatally burned. Fif teen others were injured by fireworks. The adults who died from sunstroke are Conrad Stelime, Mrs. A. O. Walskbi, Miss Catherine Orr, Mrs. Webber, G. B. Birthwhistle, Patrick Cummings. The others were young children. St. Iiouts Scorched. St. Louis, July 6. St. Louis was scorched again today. At 10 o'clock the thermometer registered 86, and by after noon was at the 96 mark. At midnight the thermometer registered 90 deg. A number prostrations have been report ed but none resulted fatally. Five Deatbs In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, July 6. There were five death from heat today, making a total of 36 deaths in tbe last four days. Pros trations of a more or less serious nature usually are four or five times as great as the number of deaths. Today was no exception to the rule. THE CURRENCY REFORN BILL. Professor Hadley Aiding: Secretary Gage In formal a ting It. New Haven, Conn., July 7. Secre tary of the Treasury Gage has been in correspondence witu Arthur Hadley, of Yale, on subjects relating to financial matters of the government. Professor Hadley is an authority on finance, and was a conspicuous member of the In dianapolis monetary convention. The correspondence relates to the features of the bill which have been introduced in congress embodying the ideas of Secre tary Gage. Mr. Hadley said today : "The bill is not prepared yet. It is not completed and it is not possible to make public its salient features. Hardly any attention is being given to it, and the indications are in a few weeks it will be put before congress. The bill is in accord with the currency views of the leading financiers of the country. Some May Die. Mkdfoed, Or., July 6. News has just reached beie that at the Fourth of July horseracing at Browdsboro, this county, Monday, there was a serious accident to several persons, some of whom may die. In the excitement of the race several persons rushed on the track, and did not get off until the horse that Marsh Gar rett was riding ran over them. Garrett's horse ran over Frank Nichols, a Mr. Tucker and two girls of the name of Thumburg, the older of whom was seri ously hurt, as was Mr. Tucker. The horse fell, throwing Garrett and bruising hiin about the head very badly. His brother came to Medford with him to day, and his wounds were dressed. How seriously tbe others are hurt is not yet ascertained. Iowa Gold Democrats. Des Moines, la., July 7. About 200 national Democrats met in state conven tion today, to nominate a state ticket Judge Nathaniel French, of Davenport, was temporary chairman. When, in his address, Grover Cleveland was re ferred to in connection with the Pull man Btrike, there was tbe wildest en tbusiasm. To Discuss Annexation. - Washington, July 7. Senator Davis, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, has called a meeting of the committee for Friday for the purpose of considering the Hawaiian annexation treaty. It is the' intention of tbe friends of annexation to report tbe treaty. Tariff Bill Goes Through. Washington, July 7. The tariff bill passed the senate by a vote of 39 to 28. Soap Foam excels all other washing compounds. a2-3m Tbe Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant of Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he, had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair ; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by tbe use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis covery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Cosumption. It don't fail. Trial bottle free at Blakeley AHough ton's Drue store. (2) Wanted. Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over flowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the indorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic history of her remarkable reign, and full account of tbe Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and terri tory. Tbe Dominion Company, Dept. 7, 356 Dearborn St.. Chicago. jun22-lm For Sale. New Massilon separator, 24-inch cyl inder, aB good as new, having only threshed ' 1000 bushels. Also Dineee Woodbury 12-horse power. Price $300. Call on or address T. Balfour, jnl9-lm Lyle, Wash. iTllDDD POISON A SPECIALTYu?&!&. tlory BLOOD POISON permanently cured In 16 to 85 days. You can be treated at borne for same price tinder same uarao ty. If you prefer to come here we willoon. tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bills.and noenarge if we fail to cure. If yon bare taken met CUTTi dide potash, and still hare aches and Pains. Mucous Patches In month. Sore Throat. icons Patcbes la n Ilmples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or KTBbrom falllne? out. It la this Secondary BLOOD POISON eorows iaumi re guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cams ana cnauenee the worm lor a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled, the skill of the most eminent physi cians. S500,000 capital behind our uncondW Clonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO A3 llasonlo Temple, CffliiAUO. ux, SURE CURE for PILES Itching Md Blind. Bleeding er Protruding Pile, yield ml mm '-o DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. Slop, tich. in, abaoroe tuiMrt. A positive cure. OircuUr, eent Ire. Prie Ute. Snaiu c uil. it MOsAMiWi Paila., Pa, 0 il. 1VI. UUTXaXaliLEIS CO. New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to borne and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting. instructive, entertaining; and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and 1ST. TT. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address Tribune Office, New York City, ac d a une will be mailed to vou. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street. Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Fruit and Fish Boxes. Lumber, Sash. Doors, Building Material, July 1st, 1897. FOB- Farmers and Villagers, FOE . Fathers and Mothers. FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR AH the Family. Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beet, sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib & HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon For the next GO days we will al low a discount of 25 per cent, on boxes in orders of 100 and up. And all kinds of Lubricating; Olla as low as the lowest ROWE & CO.. The Dalles, Or