The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 07, 1897, Image 1

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NO 151
Coal Miners' Strike Declared
in That District.
Six Thousand River Diggers Known
to Be Idle Ohio Strikers Se
cure an Advance -
Pittsburg, July 6. A strike of coal
miners is on in Pittsburg district, but
reports as to its extent are so conflicting
and meager, it is difficult to tell how
many responded to the strike order.
Most encouraging reports for the strik
ers came from the river mines, and it
can be stated that fully 6000 river dig
gers are idle.
A dispatch from Wheeling, W. Va.,
says men at Schickanes, on the B. & O.,
in Ohio, are at work at an advance. The
3000 on the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheel
ing railroad voted two to one against the
strike, and are working as usual.
Miners' Strike Likely to Be Serious In
Its Effects.
New York, July 6. A World Wash
ington dispatch says :
In speaking of the miners' strike, Sec
retary .Sherman said that such disturb
ances were always serious, and threat
ened to become injurious to business in
terests. The withholding of so import
ant a product as coal, if continued for a
considerable period, he said, necessarily
involves a liberal increase in price, and
consequently affects all classes. He does
not believe that politics enter into
strikes that any of the parties, or that
either the preceding or the present ad
ministration could be held responsible
for the existing disagreements between
the operators and miners. .
Secretary Sherman says that the solu
tion of these problems must be found by
the employers and those in their service.
They must adjust their differences in
their own way. and to their own satis
faction. Outside suggestions and inter
ference would be resented. For this
reason he does not believe that any gen
eral plan of arbitration for the adjudica
tion of labor troubles, as proposed by
pending congressional legislation, would
be acceptable to either of the parties, or
could be made effective in practical ap
plication. The theory is good, he said,
but the execution would be difficult, if
not impossible.
Arbitration provi ded by law would be
on the principle of leading a horse to
water. The water can be provided and
the animal taken to it, but he cannot be
compelled to drink.
The Beet Sugar Tariff Amendment Will
Be Tabled.
Washington, July 6. The Kepubli-
cah senatorial caucus today decided not
to again present a beet-sugar bounty
amendment to the tariff bill, and Alli
son was authorized to move to have the
amendment offered by Allen labled.
There was also a general agreement to
take up the Thurston beet-sugrfr bounty
bill as independent the first thing after
congress meets next December.
The object of the caucus bore entirely
upon the bounty matter. Aldrich was
the first to make a general outline of the
course which was ultimately agreed
upon, including the postponement of the
entire question until jTecember. A mo
tion to this effect was? however, made
by Morrill, after a motion made by
Davis to etand by the finance committee
withdrawing the amendment, had been
Happy Thought'
Comes in glass jarc, with nickel
plated screw top. Sold by M. Z.
DONNELL, the Druggist.
Made to Cure
Skin Diseases.
Price 50c. It is worth double the
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength and
bealthfulness. Assures tne food figainBt alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai. Baking Powder Co. New Yobk.
Foraker suggested that the entire
question should be left open, leaving
each Republican senator to cast his vote
in such manner as he should choose, in
dependent of party affiliations. He said
the effort to lay the amendment on the
table might lead to filibustering tactics,
and cause more delav than would the
opposite course of permitting the amend
ment to go to a vote on its merits.
This view was antagonized by the
other senators, wbo said the Democrats
would hold the bill up indefinitely, as
long as there was a possibility of the
amendment passing, and that the only
way of insuring a speedy vote was for
the party as a whole to support the
motion to table. This opinion
was so general that Foraker did not press
his motion and no vote was taken.
When Allen was informed of the re
sult of the Republican caucus, he said
he would press his amendment to a vote,
but that he would not filibuster to pre
vent its being laid upon the table. He
said it was not his purpose to prevent an
early vote on the bill.
"For three years we have never been
without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,"
says A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins &
Co., Indianapolis, Iud., "and my wife
would as soon think of being without
flour as a bottle of this Remedy in the
summer season. We have used it with
all three of our children and it has never
failed to cure not simply stop pain, but
cure absolutely. It is all right, and any
one who tries it will find it so." Foi
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Endeavor Trains Are Still Rolling Into
San P'rancisco.
San Francisco, July 6. The first of a
procession of forty trains bearing dele
gates to the great convention ot Chris
tian Endeavorers arrived this morning
and at intervals of about in hour others
poured their loads of human freight into
the city all day long. As fast as dele
gates arrived upon this side ot the bay
they were registered by a force of nearly
200 clerks, and each individual was gien
a card upon which his or her nam, ad
dress, denomination, church and San
Francisco quarters were filled in.
The day's arrivals consist of delega
tions from Kansas, Maine, Connecticut,
Vermont, Ohio and Nebraska.
Bnckien's Arincs salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
waste stamps. Save up
your Schilling's Best yellow
tea-tickets, and send several
guesses for that
word in one envelope.
Schilling's Best money
back tea, at your grocer's.
Rules of contest published in large
advertisement about the first and middle
of each month. Ai6
Striker Choose an Unfortunate Time to
Make Their Demand.
New York, July 6. A Herald dis
patch from Washington says :
Senator Hanna, in speaking of the
coal miners' strike, said :
"Owing to the existing conditions of
business, no one can be expected to raise
wages for the present, anywhere in any
line of business, and therefore the strik
ers have chosen a very unfortunate time
to make their demands, whether the
latter be reasonable or not. With bet
ter times, greater confidence and an in
creased demand for the product of the
mines, it ought to be possible to give la
borers of all kinds a better return for
their labor. That is what we mean by
prosperity an improved condition of
business. When money is freer, opera
tions are carried on upon a safe, sound
and profitable basis, and the humblest
laborer reaps the benefit of the good
times in proportion to the value of his
"The hoped-for good times are coming,
I believe, before long, but they will not
come suddenly, but gradually, and when
business does improve, employers of
labor can listen to the grievances of the
employed. I do not see that they can
be expected to do so before. It is to be
hoped that the men will agree to submit
the matter to arbitration and let their
troubles rest for the present in a reason
able manner. Acts of violence prompt
ed by thoughtless passion can never 'ac
complish anything good.
"Of the effect of the strike on Ohio
politics, I am not prepared to say any
thing. Business disturbances always
affect the current issues one way or an
other, and misunderstandings frequent
ly arise on account of them. I have no
apprehension personally on account of
the strike, however."
His Papet Was Slighted at the Queen's
Dinner Party.
New York, July 6. A dispatch to the
World from London says :
W. W. Astor is indignant because bis
paper, the Pall Mall Gazette, was omit
ted from the invitation list for the
queen's party at Windsor castle Satur
day, to the members of the house of
commons and their wives. The Gazette
therefore boycotts the entertainment,
"We have to apologize to our readers
for the absence of any account of what
must have been a most interesting func
tion ; but as we did not see it, we can
not describe it."
No London evening paper was invited,
and are all exercised at the slight, but
the Pall Mall Gazette is the only one
that makes its chagrin public.
Deafness Cannot he Cared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, aud when it ib en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Deed of a Despondent Man.
Los Angeles, July 6. W. B. Peter
son, formerly employed in the freight
department of the Santa Fe railroad, at
tempted to murder his 8-year-old daugh
ter this morning and then committed
suicide. Before he died be told the
child of his plan, and persuaded her she
would be able to see her mother, who is
dead, if she took poison with him. He
made her drink carbolic acid, and drank
prussic acid himself.
The girl was taken to the hospital,
and, although her tongue and throat
were burned by the acid and -she suf
fered great agony, her life was saved.
- The merchant who tells you be has
something else aa good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from. a2-3m
5 f Merely to I
Z i iQ) cover
2 " Si y a man..
z Q&i that's the way some 2
P lAl suits are made up. re- b
2 f ) gardless ot tit, linish .
2 It'S the difference in clothing that makes you such a I
2 ' staunch friend to the K. N. & F. Co. gar- $
S ments. The sewing is strong, the trimmings 9
are rich, the fit formlike, the design's exclu- 9
J sive, and the textures garnered from the . 2
2 world's noted looms.
You're safe with this label S , . Z
A style, service, satisfaction. Vrt&i-i'r. i-y H
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. K. B. Greeve, merchant of
Chilbowie, Va., certifies that he had
consumption, was given up to die,
sought all medical treatment that money
could procure, tried all cough remedies
he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent
many nights sitting up in a chair; was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by the use of two bottles.
For past three years has been attending
tobusines, and says Dr.-King's New Dis
covery is the grandest remedy ever made,
as it has done so much for and also
for others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs,
Colds and Cosumption. It don't fail.
Trial bottle free at Blakeley AHoughton's
Drue store. (2)
Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her
Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over
flowing with latest and richest pictures.
Contains the indorsed biography of Her
Majesty, with authentic history of her
remarkable reign, and full account of
the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big
book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza
for agents. Commission 50 per cent.
Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit
free. Write quick for outfit and terri
tory. The Dominion Company, Dept.
7, 356 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
for Sale.
New Massilon separator, 24-inch cyl
inder, as good as new, having only
threshed 1000 bushels. Also Dineee
Woodbury 12-horse power. Price $300.
Call on or address
i T. Balfoor,
jn!9-lm Lyle, Wash.
miDDD poisora
4 cured in 15 to 33 days. Ton can be treated at
uuiuuivfowiig iru uuuflrwaieguanui
ty . if yon prefer to come here we will nn.
tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bills,and
noehanre, it we fail to core. If you ba7e taken me;
eoiy, iodido potash, and still nave aches and
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
tains, m. noons ratcnes in moutn, sore J. nroat.
any part ox the body, BairorlSyebrovs falling
out. It Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti
nate cases and challenge tne world for a
case ire cannot enre. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cian. S50O.OOO capital behind onr uncondi.
Clonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application. Address COOK KEMKBY C(L
SO? Masonic X ample. HKICAUO, IU,
Itching and Blind, Bleeding or Procrndinit Plts rteta at mm ta
In MWbi minora. A positive oure. Circular lent free. Pries
tns. Srsolau w uU. Jt. UUfeJLtaakU, f allay. Pa.
Eta York Weekly Tribune
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes ths
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a. renewal of the
fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLV tEIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and IT. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
E2S& Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, and a Bam pie copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou.
175 Second Street.
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Fruit and Fish Boxes.
Lumber, Sash, Doors. Building Material,
July 1st, 1897. ROWE & CO., The Dalles, Or
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
FOBr '
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
The Dalles, Oregon
For the next 60 days we will al
low a dieconnt of 25 per cent, on
boxes in orders of 100 and op.
And all kinds of
I.nbrlcatlns; Oil a
low a.i tne lowest