1 1 My Chroniete. OIIKOON vurtUtnc ttntes. Per iMh in IJnily l fiO ics and under four Indies. ... 100 ties and under twelve Inches, . 75 inches . '. GO DAILY AND WKKKI.Y. less, per inch ?2 f0 .ch mid under four Inches - 00 lour Inches and under twelve Inches . 1 CO Over twelve- inches 1 00 KUS8IAN KESOIJKCES. Tho Empire's Splendid Showing at Her Grand Exposition. IHONAI. MENTION. rnsond of Portland is in Hie sichell of Prtnovillo came up llimil last evening. Lee Bunch left on tiiis morning's fa visit in Oregon City. 'Wilcox, a prominent stockman Sherman county, was in town roiling. 'O. C. Hollister and wife left for lood Itiver encampment on tins iiug's train. J. Sinnott, Will Crossen ami Rav went to Hooil iliver on the Kegit his morning. V. D. McCulley, a well known ilist of the Grunde Ilonde valley, is e Dalles today. and Mrs. Frank Fulton of Biggs down on the train this morning, were accompanied by Mrs. .1. 1 arckle. the mother of Mrs. Fulton. in. B. S. Huntington loft on TasI It's train for Baker City, to attend tt at that place. Ho was accom ted bv his father, Rov. C. A. Hunt- ton, of l-iureka, uaiuoruia, who wm his other sons before returning fith the exception of the noted lid's fair number of The Cosmopoli- , which reached a price of $5 a copy r tho last edition had been exhausted, 'stronger number of this magazine has r been issued than that for July, 7. The report of Julian Hawthorne, special commissioner sent by The mopolitun to India to investigate the rors of the plasue and famine, is of extraordinary character and will n the 9fes of the world to conditions tch were scarcely suspected. The o number contains what is probably greatest poem of this quarter of the oteenth century. Tins new render of Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat, iich departs entirely from Fitzgerald's pics four pages. Amelie Rives re- ears as a stor.y-tetier lor me nrsi e since ner marriage wun rrince ubetzkoy. One of the cleverest Iries yet from ttie pen oi itooert vv . mbrs is given. The remarkable Iry of the War ot ttie Martians, Dy lis, which is attracting the attention li of the scientific and non-scientiiic d-story-loving public, is continued, there is a fourth story by a'Becket, jorately illustrated by the humor of iter Newell. Tho educational discus- n this time by Professor Peck, of lumbia the story of "The Every-Day of a Sister of Charity," elahor- ily illustrated ; "The Genesis of a uiic Opera," given by Reginald do ven; President Gilman, of the John pkins university, on "The Bank- toy of Science," and an interesting pry by tho Greek who conceived and tight into existence "Tho Streets of ro at the World's Fair" these are e of tho contents oi tins iu-ceiit Sign of Rapid Growth In MnnnfaoturM and Tiado JniltiHtrloH Home Features of the (Ireat Kntorprl.io. SJigazmo. lieiluceil Itutes. ur steamer accommodation for July being sold, we arc prepared to .sell hd trip tickets to Portland, at one for the round trip to parties wishing take advantago of the fiouthern Pa is reduced rates between Portland and Francisco. Extremo limit of these Slikets August 15th. For further par- mars can at ucKei omce. llD-O-ll -Iil IjX ILilS. Aft a ,'(For three years we have never been lout Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera I Diarrhoea Remedy in tho house," b A. II. Patter, with K. C. Atkins it lid as soon think of being without "ur as a bottle oi this Remedy in the inr season. We have used it with f our children and it has never 'not simply stop pain, but It is all right, and auy- will find it go." For "tough ton. The piiti-Russlan exposition nt Nijni iNovgorod, nominally opened by the minister of finance on .Tunc 0, is now in full progress, nnd-the multitude visiting it Is swollen by the crowds of mer chants and traders that iiunui.Uy at tend the anions fair tit the same place. The exposition is a govern in-nt under tnkiiifr, upon which, a great deal of money has been lavished, with the ob ject of promoting trade within the em pire. It is the 10th industrial exposi tion of all the Kiihslas since 1S2'J, threo having been held in Warsaw1, and the others in Moscow and St. Petersburg'. The last was In .Moscow in 1SS2, Since that date there has been a remarkable development of KussinVt ninmifncturcs. It is evidenced by the present exposi tion in a. most, -convincing way that Russia has ceased to be an exclusively agricultural country, and must bu ranked with manufacturing countries of (he first-class. There are oaniplcs and specimens of everything, showing the wide range of Russian industry. There is not much, perhaps, that is new and original in the purely European ex hibits, but in respect to things which the wc.-t does not produce there is ex traordinary diversity and abundance. The peculiarities of Russia's various ices and the products of her provinces rom the Arctic circle to central Asia admirably displayed, he exposition covers nti area of 200 res, near the confluence of the rivers Oka and Volga, beyond the fair. The llacc i.s 200 miles east of Moscow, from which city it was expested there would be many visitors at the conclusion of the coronation festivities. With a view to this, numerous immense hotels were erected along the new avenue extending from the railway terminus to tlie main entrance of the exposition. These palaces, with the floating hotels on the Oka, have failed till very re. ently to ob tain many guests, though the govern ment has made great effort to render the place attractive to foreigners. The. exposition buildings consist of a large number of separate pavilions, inter spersed with restaurants, refresh ment kiosks and flower gardens grouped around a circular gallery, which. forms the center. One of the moat interesting sections is that of central Asia. The people, their indus tries, their rcsidencss and mode of life are fully reproduced. The varied pro ductions of Siberia are well displayed. Among the rest, the 107'. tons of gold, worth 5110.000,000, obtained in the last 04 years from the mines of the czar, arc represented by two large globes. The exhibit of minerals, furs, etc., is very rich. Photographs of Siberian con victs disclose the queer circumstance that most, of them are punished for "concealing their avocation and family origin." Agriculture makes a poor sfinwing, reflecting, it is supposed, the condition of this industry, which is depressed in Russia as in other parts of the world. The rural and domestic industries, apart from farming, make, however, a large display. Whole villages, it .seems, are turning to the manufacture of use fill articles to the neglect of agricul tural pursuits. Spinning and basket work occupy great numbers. The largest progress in the past 20 years has been in miuiug and metallurgy, but mucb has been done in textile fabrics, cotton goods, silks, etc. Electrical con trivances obtain, of course, a marked prominence. The machinery hall has 117,000 square feet, of space and is a fine affair. The art display is poor. The exposition was brought, to Xijni this year, it is said, to revive the pros perity of this trade center, which has been declining. It Is hoped that the grcatSiberian railway, when completed will produce the same result. Expert opinion is, however, adverse to this view. The increased railway communi cation must, it is held, tend to develop other distributing centers. Baltimore Suu. Cash In Your Clicclti. All countv warrants regietorcd prior to Jan. I, 1S0I1, will bu paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Juno 2(), VLE. 'will offer for u'a addition, wventeen of -chard, con ouso of six ,d outbuild rness, two ow. Term purchaser. i. Bayard, o of busi i 'llAZIKIt. i 1897. Yellow washing your clothes tho this by white. C. L. Pmi.Mi's, Countv Treasurer. MARBLEHEAD BOYS. Marvoloii Depravity with Which They Have lioen Charged. Speaking of boys reminds mo, says a writer in the Boston Gazette, of a story which Polly 'told the other day, when she came up from Marblehead Nock to cheer 1113 malarial gloom. It seems Marblehead boys have the reputation of being the wui-st 111 the state, and a worth minister who went there to fill a vacant pulpit one Sundny had occa sion to verify the truth of this, for on his way to church he was unmercifully hooted and stoned. Filled with right eous indignation, the worthy divine re marked from the pulpit, in mournful tones upon the depravity manifested by the old town's boys. Sonic time later he again visited the place, and this time he met with no insult; and did not wen .see a single hoed i urn on his churchward walk-. Being 11 just n. an he desired to praise as well in blame, and so he said that he was truly rejoiced to see that the youth had seen the error of their wa.vn and had turned aside from the pnth of the evildoers. Thereupon arose a .small boy in the gallery, whoshricked forth in gleeful malignity: "Uoji'tyou believe it. They've just gone down to Barncgnt to stone a funeral, and when thoy come back won't you catch it!" CURIOUS MENTAL FEAR. On the occasion of the meeting of tho grand lodge of Elks at Minneapolis, the O. R. & N. will sell round trip tickets July 2d, good to return untrl July Mist, for $60.50. These tickets are good for stop-over privileges returning. The meeting of tho National Educational As sociation is held at Milwaukee at tho same time, and same rates to Minne apolis will be given. At that point, tickets will have to be purchased to Milwaukee, costing for tho round trip $12.30. jnl"-tf .Subscribe for Tim Chhonici.e. Whaelman Afraid His Steed Would Shy at Steam Roller. "A ninn who lias ridden horseback for many years," said a physician, "doesn't quickly lose his feeling of un certainty ns to what his steed is going 1o do in nn emergency nftcr he has taken to riding a bicycle. I had a curi ous illustration of this. I was .idiny my wheel up the boulevard when I met a b'tp steam roller at Ninety-second street. Horses that will rub nowx ngalnst a moving train will shy at a steam roller for some unknown reason. Horsemen recognize steam rollers as things to be n voided ntnny cost. Now T have been riding a wheel for a year, but as soon as 1 saw that roller com ing down the boulcvcird f instinctively turned my wheel into a side street to avoid it. For the moment I felt that I was in danger of being thrown. Then T realized the. advantage that a wheel man has over a. horsebeiek rider when it comes to steam rollers, and I turned around and rode, past this particular roller with great sat I.1-fact ion." She Disliked Steamboat. The wife of a physician who lives in Washington tells a story of a distant kinswoman who was her guest during the Christian Hndeavor convention. Tin kinswoman, lives in an inland New Eng land town, and when she came lo Wash ington she spent one night, of the journey on board a steamboat. Tt was the first time she had ever traveled by water. She reached Washington ex tremely fatigued. The doctor's wife remarked it. "Yes, I'm tired to death," said t he kinswoman. "1 don't know as I-earc to travel by water again. 1 read the card in my state room about how to put the life preserver on and 1 thought I understood it, but 1 guess I didn't, though. Some way. 1 couldn't seem to go to sleep with the thingon." flow bout Your JOB pilJVfJIJVfQ? Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not, only desire to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. ?l?ror;ic;le publisr?ip ?o. C. W. PHELPS & CO. -DEAI.151IS IX- Agricultural Implements, powder will iiunc color. using Soup Foam. make Ayoid It's pure a2-3m Soap Foam excels all other com pounds. S'ubscribo for Tim Ciiuonici-k. washing j a'2-Min How to get rich. 825 will earn you $7 weekly With our plan of investment. You cannot loa(j. Two muu made $500 and iJliOO last month on $25. You can do likewise. If you don't invest, ami keep your money in your pocket, you will be noor all vour life. Trv us with t'2o. and see what we can do. Absolutely no risk. Write Ifor particulars to ' I Guarantee nrntaraaj Co.. offices 218 and 215 Bvrno Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR 7U. Z. DONNELL, PfESCtlPf IOft DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. NOTICE-SALl TY LOTS. Notice is here thority of ordln passed the Com Citv Anril 10th, 1 riinance to nrovide lots belonging to D Saturday, the 15th sell at nubile auct bidder, all the follow of lots in Gates addil Wasco countv. Oreeo Lots 0 and 10 joint! 7. 8. 0 and 10. iointh 7. 8. 9. and 10. joi known as butto : lots block 27 ; lot 9 in block 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 and : lots 2, 8, 4, 8, 9, 10, 114 30 J 1018 o, , u, u, l. o mvm 12. In block oi ; lots i, tj2 mm bat by an 292, which il of Dalles . "Au or- of certain I will, on lay, 1897, highest nd parts lies City, m 11; lots 15: lots lock 21, 12, in 2, 8, 4, k 35; block 11 and t, 6, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12, in block HHP.' s a 4, 5 0, 10 and 11, in block JTiJm 1. 2, 3, l 10, 11 and 12, in bloc' Mm lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 4b.,,,' M0h The reasonable value of tt'alK J0 less than which they will JpftDld, has been fixed and detennfcHkf lr.the Common Council of Dalles ORffol- lows, to-wit: Vi'JiLVs f.ntR ft and 10. in block 14. IUfci'3t8 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in bloci. IntB 7. 8. 9 and 10. iointlv in $200; lot 10, in block 27, $225 FN:, block 27, $225; lot 12. in block Wi lot. f). in block U4. $100: lots 2. O IflnnH 11 in hlnnfe 35. encht ivoly $100; lots 6 and 7, in hMkH, each respectively $125; lots 2, 3,4,, i, 10 and 11, in block 36, each respfWr $100; lot 12, in block 36, $125; lollft 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37, eah.jl" epectivclv $100; lots 0, 7 and lt,rm block 37, each respectively lots 2. 3. 10 and 11. in 41. each respectively $100: loll 7 and 12. in block 41. each respect: $125; lots 3, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and UyM block 42, each respectively $100; lot' 6 and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and llj'ta block 43, each respectively $100; lotl, in block 43. $125 : lots 2. 3. 4 and 5. im block 46, each respectively $100; lots' and 6, in block 46, each respectively $125. Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them! will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots .shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, aud the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually: provided that the pavment may be made in full) at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said Bale will begin on the 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of sai lots shall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1897. 1' Gimiekt W. Phelps, M Recorder of DalleB City. 0.R.&N TO T11K GIVES THE CH01CK OF TWO Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. -VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Ml SalJ Ham i ii wu naiRC rn an Kiak t.' LU1I IIMLUW U Ul LHBHL - .'. Wll OCKAX 8TEAMKB8J' Every Five" BAN FRANi 'Tor full detallK callmO. A'Cn Me Dulles, or addresi ' ' D J1 , ii. tiuwm,c,en. Pas, rtL VUIUUU.II , & Pt jM.i-1. to sto; m,9. m jciiv nnoser iJffJtteerCltr IUu.J rt . ... .. KM. lepartsdUfril oU JV ts nt 8:05 a.m. kir.iiiwn ii nn iii. hi ii. ."iii uvnaac.iaiu a. m. .JaHV" n ' "iM . iur nMPiit'i m uiiiL' iram Fur Hale, SOU Lota A, B, K and L, block SO; A B, block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to Wm. Sii ACKELFOltl). W1 pjionep. it. U T and SOUTH via j T- -OF THE n 'I' - n htm rHi:mi: 1.11 . S. SCHF.NK, PreHidcnt. H. M. Bkall, Cashier. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ixew iorK, ban Francisco anc Port land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sohemck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebk. H. M. Bkai.l. PRACTICAL t7:80.A.''u; OVERIANl) EX-1 Ercss, BaleiQ, Knsi-1 urp, Ashland, Bac- ramento, OKden.San Franciseo, Mojaye, ( Los Angeles, El 1'UkO, i New Orleans aud (.East J Kosebure and way Ma- tloiis Via Woodburn fori Mt.Angel, Silverton, Browns- ringlleld and f West Bcio, ' vllle,Sirlng '(Natron .. pjCorvallis n 'u."-ii' ,U stations 14-50 P M 7 iWcMiiinvIlle ' hli? ffiir stations .9.S0 '4 50 and way) t 5:50 ii ,i ill II S"5 I'Uiy, except Bundfty, ,VRS OX O&DEK KOOIt l,,rujLUMLAi nun jst sLtisnita Ak'n"ififiKn.ra.i6! ui whivr r Attached to all Tlirough Traiui iii'iinii An ihimmii i ii i linn i'himiii. ninn hi line, tor ArAn una uju.na. waning u pllca1;y 'n kntn.1 fand tickets to ICnstprn ntilut! 'Alan i a u a k huii'i uiwii i i IAUSJ UAWAlWU IIU UUIUlUt'U iruiu WC 1 U Wllfu I'lBl'MVn Tints! All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Executor's Sale. I'lirsuiint to an order of the County Court of tho State of Orcfion for the Wasco County, made mid entered on tho ltd day of May, 1897, In tuo matter of thoestutoof James McGafinn, deceased, nuectliiR mo to soil tho real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, I will, on Satur day, the 5th day of June, 151)7, at the hour of L o clock p, m., at tho courthouse door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at publio sale.Uo the highest bidder, nil of tho follow ing described real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wlt: The bouthwest quarter of Section Eight, Township pno South, Uimgo Fourteen East W. M con taining 100 acres inoro or less. K. F. GIBONS. Executor. Jlnfcntelrto nil nnlnts In the All attove trains arrive at mid dein.1 .GranttCeiMVMlHtaUoii, Fifth and IrviDg Kt ,YA&fiHILL,UIVISIO.V. Hfikf.tnticrAt Ilnn,-.f frtAt (if .IPltorKOQB 7:-20 n. m TJMR. 1MR. fiT2. fi:4j. s:06 KtllU JliUU U. ill, KJll Qa.Ul UiHI WltlJt""-" , i.ir. 1 ff.r.r. - M nt s . t.J. ii .nit ii ii ii if. ui. a i.iuim w w. u'i" o;iu p. m. on tiuimaystmm. ri'-i . . . j-euve ior bxicriaaur wwk uuiaii" Arrive at FortIuna,-v:auii.!Pi. FrMay nt9:40u.ra. Arrive, nt Voitl&ui davt Ihurbday uudfilwrdhi4'!t 3;0j r. m. Except Suudnyjrf Jjifpt Haturday. v. wsmTT fr n jtn id1 . . u tn fir. 'iliir Assignee's Notice. i Nt.ffeS M hereby given thut tho undersigned has iilcd his final account as assignee of the es- rnln ill vmnii. nnnnn I m r.il... rn... J . . r. 'long Tang, partners doing business under the llrm name of Will Tnl, Young Quong Company mm loiiiigwiioiig insolvent debtors, with tho Clerk- of tlin i ilrnnlt (v.nrf nt o. .....'. for asco County. Thut snld final account will come mi for hearing in kaid Court on tho llrst day of the next regular term of said Court ber, 1897, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. n.,or as Notice. TllEAHUItV DKIUKTMKNT, OFKICK OF COMrTBOLLEK OFWVHK . ABIIIKOTOK, 11. U., JllltB 0. 1 KNT, ( ! im inn; Aouco ia nercDy giyeu to all arsons m muy llUVQ nhlllllH MfTMlnat HTkn nnll.. KT...I 1 ,1 i-fi of tho city of Tho Ualles, Oregon, that the same V:? i -ou';" o. uiisoii, receiver, With tlin Imrill tirniif .Iwi.r.... ...i.i. i.. .. Dalles, Moriaod STAGE f LINE. Through by darlignti yl l-rss 1 and Cross Hollow?.' nn..n. . l,AI.f.BN. The I " ""! Trwr4r .11 If 0(1. lliuuo ill Alliuiupv w )"";,"' mtitV ' . 11.1 1t Stages from Antelope reacu ' tZv,t. "TOT sate or j-e. Dalles to DeschulS. I Ii. da Moro..i , . do Orass Valley',.. do do hent. .ij.'x'..Mi Cross aoiiown. Antelope to Croat Hollow inpnths from this date, or they may be dis allowed. ' .. , . JAMEB H. ECKELS, Juulti-w3m-l Comptroller. do do do do Gnu's yaw"5 Moroiv;.,iiijy"( l)e0lllMMi'''k!iVt' I)iiUe!..ii(t Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. I'm