4 V.. ft? 4F ' ':-s'. W TWA Wsi;4". J J f tan) I . ;4i THE J Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Xetvspape) Wasco County. it will take time to undo past inis j 'ihicf, prosperity will conic. Hut it never will come if coupled with the ! free coinage of silver. - Commissioner IIerm:inii. of the EASTERN OFFICE 230 to S34 Temple , cncral ialui 0lllco at WnslmiRton. Court, X. Y. City. E. KATX, -nl. ongagcll for sevcral wecks JUNK 80, 1S07 ' i" tMC preparation of rules and regit- I lations governing the forest , 1 ME RICA ,V SIUI'I'IPG, WEDNESDAY reserves i nf tho United States. !ind h is :ihnnt I innmnlntncl that work. These rules, fn speaking on this important sMami 'regulations arc submitted to tho1 ject, the Wool Record says: ) secretary of the interior for his ap.j It is to be hoped that the United ! pr0V(Ui Theao regulations will in- States conatc will not fail to act fa-, vq1vc lhe carfi of lhc 41(000,000 "HP" tllc bil1 introduced by acrc3 of the hml reserved. They r The highest claim for other A ' - f tooaccos i;5 "jiiiit as good r.i5 Durham. " Every clcl smoker knows there ia none just as gdod as Blackweif BULL DURHAM Smoking Tobacco m- wl tin fnt' I iotttfce differential duty of j An NEW QUARRYING METHOD. Albany vill cover all lauds available fori minincr, "razing and forestry and for a11 iml'orts carried I th(J pm.,)0ses of settlemont. The ex-1 in foreign ships. This is a measure j cctltion of tho commissioner's plan which should appeal to the patriot- vviU invoivc nu elaborate survey, ism of every member of both houses I which hus recently been commenced j of congress. . I mujev the supervision of the geolog-. It cannot be objected that this is a j sm.veVi ' new policy. The bill in question j " , simpl proposes a return to the or-j iginal policy of this government. The first act of the first congress un der the present constitution provid ed for a differential tax, in addition to ordinary duties. The second act, approved only sixteen days after the first was passed, provided further protection for our merchant marine by discriminating tonnage dues rang ing from C cents per pound to 50 per cent, per pound. In 1704 the law was so amended as to provide for another increase of duty of 10 per cent, on all imports in foreign ships. Thc protective effects of that measure were almost magical. i In 1804. the general tariff duties j were increased c."j per cent, and ac-1 companying this change there was a proviso that -'an addition of 10 per cent, shall be made to the said addi tional duty in respect to all goods imported in ships or vessels not ot the United States." This was sub stantially a continuation of the policy of 170-1. The removal of that protection has lost to American ships not less than an annual average of $150,000,000, or a grand total of 8l0,:i50,000.000 for the last sixty-nine years. This humiliation should cease. V You will find one coupon inside each twoctit:ccbng,nml two cou pons inside each four ounce nagcl Ulaekwclrs Durham. Buy a hap of this cele brated tobacco tmd read the coupon which jives a list ' of valuable presents and 'jow to get them. It is a strange situation in which The Dalles finds itself regarding the matter of a woolen mill. There is every facility possible to be found here for the establishment of such an industry. Pendleton has one which is doing a prosperous business, and Pendleton has not one-half the ad vantages in such a line as has The Dalles. Dallas, a little town in the "Willamette valley, possesses a woolen mill employing quite a number of men, and which has all the orders it can fill. And vet The Dalles, which Man Now Cuts Stune Wire Hope. Those who have indulged in deep 6ca fishing know how the fish line cuts deeply into the hard wood of the gun wale as it is hauled in while taut. Even an iron protection, after a time, shows tho wear of the rope, which is compara tively oft. This gives a elow to the in vention of an Albany quarryman for cutting stone. Instead, however, says the Detroit Free Press, of hem)), he pro poses to use wire rope, aud with this he 1 will carve the marble and stone right j out of its native bed. The wire is wound I in strands, and has a very rough sur face, powerful machinery gives a strong and steady strain, and the stone, yield ing to the constant wear, parts, with smooth edge. It would be easy enough to cut the blocks after they are removed from the quarry, but where the clever ness of tlio inventor conies in is devis ing mechanism that can be applied to the stone while in the quarry. This is effected by sinking two parallel chan nels in the quarry to a depth of little greater than that of the lowest, level of tlie stone to be cut. The channels may be from 20 to 100 feet, or more, apart. At the lxHtom of each is made a small hole to receive the foot, ends of the shafts of the machine. This is the only preparation of the quarry that is neces sary. The ropes, which are coiled on huge drums, ere then passed around the channe'j, and as the drums revolve the cutting proceeds. Suitable brakes are provided for the regulation of the sj.eed and pressure. The ordinary speed of the strand is .S00 feet a minute, so that a mile length of it passes in six minutes. While the strand is moving, crushed stone or chilled shot and water can be introduetd to increase the attrition. Far better, howevc-r, than either of these is a composition obtained from the tail ings of a inagii"tic iron separator, which costs alxMit one-ten fh n much as the chilled shot. It does not leave th' lines caused by th shot, and it can be used over ami over airain. iNEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. Wholesale. Ulines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM PUBLIC SERVICE IN CHINA. Two JlerltH of tin' Competitive Iucit , tiomil System. Ex-Secretary .lohn W. Foster, who i Mas the confidential adviser of the em- ' peror of China in the peace negotiations with Japan, contributes a paper on I "Thc Viceroy IA Hung Chang" to the ' August Century. -Mr. Foster says of the viceroy: u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune" Tho poot unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of f urnitiire and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MIC HE-LB ACH BRICK. - - UNION ST. H r 1 1rwt Fint ritrr'iPil tlm .i.iih n.if W N'ii ships wool to other places, lias to buy j educational svstein of admission to the blankets from Salem, Pendleton and these other towns, which are more progressive in some respects than we are. The woolen mill at Salem has not only furnished employment to many operatives, and thus aided in creating a demand for goods of all kinds, but it lias actually made money for its owners. public service as u perfect method, and more than once he has recommended to his emperor material modifications in the existing .system. Hut it must be confessed that it has stood the test of centuries with much benefit, to China, and its practical operation hns demon strated that it posseses two merits of inestimable value to any nation;- first, it brings all the olliees of the empire within the reach of the lowest siiliicet: I I'iie Dalles ' and secondly, it diminishes the incen- New York Weekly Tribune fives to, and opportunities of. corrup I tion ami favoritism in securing en- trance iuto oflioial life. Hut in China , the competitive examination ends with I I the admission; beyond thatstep promo ) tion must come through other methods. 1 , . 1 Li Hung Chang secured the right of ad 1 lhere seems to be wide diversity j mission to oflice through his assiduous I of opinion anion'' tho leader of the i application to .study, and every sue- is on a good business foundation, but it is a pity to sec opportunities wasted which would he productive of so much good. V -FOU Farmers and Villagers, FOU Fathers and Mothers, FOU Sons and Daughters, KOlt All the Family. as to whether their a growing or a dying one. ceeding step in his upward enreer has been attained by his own genius, and capacity." silver party cause is Kx.CSovcrnor Horace Boies of Iowa li.-is tine ared tUut. the urnnnuen fref t coinage of silver was a dead issue, llt Vljitb l llvliiijg lllUIIJCVt UO . had bettor so consider it. On the 1 LOCAL DISEASE other hand, Bryan is headed for ' auidenXat'c0ihSn9.nd Walla Walla, Washington, to tell tho I .'M'fiS jicoplo that those who don't vote for y tteS' irec silver nave no uniicrstam in oi r CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm object to Mr. Bryan getting all the what's good for them. As talking is 1 now his sole business, no one will : SJttto .YAiV remedies. It open ami cleantes tho irnul pMnaes, allAyn pain anil liillainiimtlou, lieals tlie Bores, pro- inha ni it Iia r.m Imt llmi-n ic , tcU tuo jneiaorano iroui come, n-!ores tuo shims jous at it no can, u nt mere is no Uftitui1,uraeii. )r cow)c.atiW'2t8orbvmaii. ..r.( ti. . , ...ill L'LYUKOTUimB.MWurreuStrteU New York. W5UUI I Will UIU MVfcU IUM J Vltl a 11 III cn n tlm iir) tulml m Inrr tlintwrn lin " . . ttnxiiBti ami Jieiian cement, very predicts. ino country is gcning mt jI11)0rted brands, for gaie y w8Co ready to be prosperous, and though ' Warehouse Co. myS-lm With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and bueineBs intereste. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space mid prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. am! won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to euch member of the family. WALL PflPEfll Just Received We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. JT Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Oflico, New York City, acd a Bample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to von. Job Printing at This Office. 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. Thc best patterns. Tho most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. r-KANSACJT A GKNEKA1. BANKING BUB1NES Letters of Credit issued available in the y Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Xm. conxinri, SOI.K DKAl.KK IN THE DALLES OK Marble Burial Vaults ia A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent und imperishable resting place for tlie dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini lias on hand a large sup ply ot first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Pullman Eleg.ent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL JUINNKAPOI.! DUMITII CAltOI) TO OKAND KOK VKUOKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.KNA Hit HUTTK Be The Navigation Co.5 strs-jRegulator 6 Dalles Cit FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LIN X vi . BKTWKK.N Tho Dulles, Horn! It Ivor, Cuvcndu Looks una IV land dully, except Siimluy. GOOD SERVICE.r,LOWEST RAlEi pOWl'THE VALLE Are you going R , or to HimU OREGON II so, save moiieytfntf enjoy n beautiful trip . the Coluniblii. Tnewat-bqunu train arrives The Dulles in ample time for passengers to tn tho steamer, urrlvlngiitrPortlund In time fort outgoing Southern and Northern trains; Et bound piitseiiRers arriving-Ui Tho Dulcs in til to tnku the Kant-bound train. I-'or further Informatlon'apply to J. N. II AUNKV,, Agent, (. Oak .Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, ' Ji Vs Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Act.. The Dulles. Ores f A$t DOORS? WINDOWS, ?.- SHINGLES, FIRE J5RICK, FIRE CLAY, t.Kf LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass an Picture Mouldr HI. OILiElsr DR. GUH. isiruovi PILL, I mo . t mu ol t be bowel wen day is noi A mii he<b. . a't)t.i'j,illt, awplr wlut'tbq IjrsU mulce K rei;uiar. I ney enro iieti4cn, n Kyei.tnrt clear ttiaUonpkaa,bMtttlat . Tuey nitlir rripo uor deksu. To cunrlncoiv will mail rampla f rrH or full box (or Sic, tMidatau irtttro. DIt. llOSANko ML'D. CO.. I'li'JadelpbWR thb GoiumDia packingco PACKERS OF PORK and BEE! ,MANUFACTUKER8 OK Pine Lard and Sausage l Curers of BRAND ffifliMS & BACOI hma DRIED BEEF. ETC. Through Tiekets CHICAGO WASHINGTON l'HILADKLl'HIA NEW VOItK ItOHTON AMI l'OINTH KAHT null NOUTII For Information, lime cards, mapiiand ticUeu, cal onorwrftoto W. C. ALLAWAY. ARent, The Dallw, Oregon OK f A. D. OHARLTON, Aeet. G. P. A., f 25.5. JIorrlBon Cor. Third. Portland Orego This I Tour Opportunity, .' J On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamp,' a generous eumplo will bo mailed of fill most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cim (Ely's Cream Balm) saffleient to (k-m-trato tho great merits of tho remedy. L ! ELY BROTHERS, ',)' 0G Waireu St., New York City. Kev. John Reid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont," recommeuded El's Cream Balm to me. l can omphasizo his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." ' Rev. Francis W, Poole, Pastor Central Prt. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledge cure for catarrh and coutaius no mercury uor any iujurioue drug. Price, CO cent THE NEW YORK WORLI T8RICE-A-WEEK EDITION. JUlooil lsrpagea a Week. 15fl Per a W fa.U Stands first among "weekly" pap -iWMxe, frequency of publication :fi4hnfiHH. vnrletv and reliability of co .toata.. It is practically a dally at the lo price o a weekly ; and its vast " ubscrlbers, extending to every state territory of the Union and foreign com trie, will vouch for the accuracy at falriMNss of its news columns. Itiia BDlendidly illustrated, and amoi Sfttipeclal features are a fine luimi fwfe, exhaustive market reports, )').t fashiona for women and a lot sarlM of stories by the greateat HvlB American and English authors, Antbony Hope, Bret Harte, i iMMIuitor Maltliewi. Ktc, ,w oner hub unwjuuuv"-r-r TWDalles Twiee-a-Week Chronicle Hie nn" r one vear for '-'.00. pWe of the two papers is (3.00.