I)c Dallco amcle. ML "X mJi THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNIC SO. IS87 NO WO COAL RATE WAS - I Finance Committee (1 on (57 Cts. per Loiigi&fti? RESTORE DUTY ON PAINTINGS Several iIunarrssioii hiiib lie- ported to tlMl'flBPpP-rottlBTuw Again lace. Mi if Washington, lapmrn me senate conunitteo on liniJW.nxed the duty on coal at 67 cent fe long ton. This rate applies onlyt!, Bhipped from countries which tj tfjpose a higher rate on Amoricaa: WMcUt, therefore, I affects only CanaflayliCanadian rate . i '-' ' 1 on American uuiu ff! f? nnuic. The committee Miiad to restore paintings to the list. The house imposed a clOtijr, Jo per cent rin nil in finish. ad Crude gypsum rook WM taken trom the free list and per ton. macks dutiable at $1G A FLOOD OF kills. Several Hundred of Reported to Washington, June ,8. -Several hun dred pension bills were reported to the eenate today as a rreftflty'pf the first meeting of the penaioll'ycxWnrnittee since the present congress Mfembled. Gal linger stated that'll litOewdecided to report favorably allrtMla bills which had been formally pMlOd by either branch of congress oiTXU en favor ably considered in thewwaltKee. The general pension Mltrirwre among those reported, two oflfcmnien(ling the act of 1890 and unotber inferring to proof in pension caBes. llOOklTO KEST1UCT A.N xkattkntox. Two i utlol(ll AiiH)iidiriit Introduced Without l , by crnmimclif' " Liberty B!IN.(n,0Vj June 29. Bepresenta- some Ounpacker, of IndiftM, baa intro- chool con tae i,ouse a resolution for a cn the Kejionai amendment, providing The 0. rafter no noncontiguous territory op the debmnexed to the United Btatcs Iproperty atpursuanco of a treaty negoti- The city "e president, concurred in by I the repor'da of the houses of congress and year no by the JegUlaiurw of three- presentettiffPjPIt1 Wff no contiguous Tommy W urre in the mmwmmmmt 01 pewrenee ttot-to be taken Uwethe house of representatives until two years have elapsed from the time of taking the vote m tho senate. ,f To Control the Trust. Washington, June 29. The Refmbli cau members eay the committee on judiciary today had under coneMeration the form of an amendment to be Mb mitted for control of the trueii.t .JEkjey practically agreed upon an aWsfnent making it an oiTenae punishabe,:Aff ,lne and imprisonment tor one yeaVm any person or cornoration to moniaieUee -tf r to conspire with any person or-bl " lit tion to monopolize trading in any, article protected by the tariif bill. I'rusldenVri Nomination.. Washington, June 20 The jpmtisat lias sent the following nominaJfaM i to the senate. f $f State To be conauls-eeneral.MOltilili Howe, of Nebraska, at Apia; Jehu Pf Bray, of North Dakota, at MMMMML To be consuls of the United 'OUlm-r Hugo Donzelinann, of WyomBr. 4 Prague; Loui8 A. Dent, of thelJW' ' Columbia, at Kingston, J& Ban.. S. Lyon, of New Lsey, a& CURES while you deefEjfi An out-and-out hones V uirough-and-through , Garland's "Happy Thought" S; The kind that eureB s bles and piles. Donnell, the Druggist, s m uuc per jar. PHI POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength nud lieulthfnlness. Assures the food ngainst nlnm niid nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Koy.w. Bakiku Powder Co. , New Yoiik. Japan; Rounsville Wildman, of Cal ifornia, at Hong Kong. War Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Pow ell, 11th infantry, to be colonel ; Major C. E. Bennett, 19th infantry, to be lieutenant-colonel. rottlgrow A calu lu Ills Place. Washington, June 29. Senator Pet tigrew was on the floor of the senate to day and was congratulated by his col leagues on his speedy recovery. Charges Against Gnodnotv. Washington, June 29. Charges have been made against John Gooduow, of Minnesota, nominated for consul-general to Shanghai. The committee on com merce, to which the nomination was re ferred, will hear proof in Bupport of the charges to morrow night. Lead Hate Agreed To. Washington, June 29. The senate has agreed to a duty of l)scents per pound on lead ore, as reported by the finance committee, by a vote of 30 to 23. Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out und this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for uny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Killed From Ambush. Citii-i'LE Cheek, Colo., June 29. Con (.table Michael Hayes was shot and killed from ambush by Charles E. Nick ell at the latter'e ranch yesterday, two miles below the Beaver Park mill and about five miles out of this city. The victim was riddled with buckshot and died almost instantly. Hayes woe approaching the premises with a writ of execution from Judge Calderwood's court against a bunch of cattle belonging to Nickell. After the shooting Nickell delivered himself up at Colorado Springs. Kleotrfc Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited but nerlmps more gener- W when 'to old feeling prevails, when the i hyena torpid and f " - TSMthia medicine has often averted long and IT il-hans fatal bilious fevers. No medi- cine will act more surely counteracting and freeing the system froni .the malar. inl nolson. Headacne, xiiu.Bc0l,v.., Iev & Houghton's drug store. 1 The KBllroad ltetrilueu. ' Om ui t Neb.. June 29.-Jutlge Caste tine o the South Dakotadlstrict United S acourt, has i.ued an order re- straining the railroad coinmU noUhe ,tte from putting into efle t ;e axl mum rate law wibuiwh legislature of South Dakota. John L. Fell From Gracp. ev -ioitK, June 29. The Journal and Advertiser announces that John T Sullivan has broken awav from all train ing rules. Says the Journal and Adver tiser: Sullivan cot away from BUlv Muldoon while they were taking a walk through the streets of White Plains Sunday night, and when his trainer found him again he had consumed so much liquor that he had to be put to bed. Muldoon had him later on driven to the training quarters. Neither of them will sppak of the matter. IVautftd. Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign nnd Diamond Jubilee." Over flowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the indorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic history of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and terri tory. The Dominion Company, Dept. 7, 350 Dearborn St.. Chicago. jun22-lm Gave Hack the Property. Oakland, Cal., June 29. Henry Kean, the EastlOakland coachman, has given back most of the fortune given to him by the late Ellen McLaughlin, and the suit commenced against him bv the executors of the estate has been compro mised. He was given $20,000 in proper ty, and has relinquished claims to nearlv all of it in response to the demands of the executors. ISucklen's Ariuca salve. The best salve in the world for cutB, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. cornB, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale ny Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. ltlch Strike In Colorado. Aspen, Colo., June 29. At a depth of 1000 feet a body of metallic ore that runs 24,000 ounces of silver has been struck in the Mollie Gibson mine. This discovery is what caused the stock to ad vance 20 cents yesterday. Hundreds of thousands have been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves aro today its warmest friends. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. A Fullure at Chicago. Chicago, June 29. The Clinton Lith ographing Company, one of the most extensive lithographing plants in the city, made an assignment today. The assets are nominally $419,094. Liabil ities, f 101,442. Have Vour Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm ir. Jtor is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnel), Agent. A Strike to Ue Ordered. Prrrsiii'ito, Pa.. June 29. Notwith standing the denials of local officials of the Miners' Association, an afternoon paper says officers of the national union will issue orders tomorrow for a strike iu five states. l)n vou want vour windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a liret-class man? If eo, telephone Henry. Johnson at Parkins' barber shop. 'Phone 119. "10-tf gro Murderer on Trial. Fiunkmn, Ky., June 29.-The trial of Green Dinning, the negro charged with killing Jodie Conn, begau this morning. Eighty-seven members of the Kentucky state guard were present to protect the negro from the handsjif a mob. For Sale. NewMassilon separator, 24-inch cyl inder, as good as new, having only threshed 1000 bushels. Also Dingee Woodbury 12.horse power. Price $300. Call on or address T. Balfoui:, jnllMin Lyle.Waeh. The merchant who tells you he has something else a good an Hoe Cake Boap ?""od man-to keep away from. a2-3m Subscribe for Tub CmtosioLE. Absolute You know us. We Oof Store DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, J. E. Burnett arid Diusmoro Parish, heretolore doing business as Barnett & Parish,- have this day. by mutual consent, dissolved. All accounts against said firm should . be presented to J. E. Barnett, and said J J. E. Burnett is to collect all accounts, notes and evidences of indebtedness ow ing to said firm. Dated at Dalles City, Wusco County, Oregon, this 17tl. dav of June. 189". DlNHMOKE Pakiwh, jun2o-4t J. E. Haknutt. titundH at the Head. I Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Satlbrd, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it ; it never fails, and is a fiire cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. 1 cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of u cen tury, and today stands at the head. It noTer disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1 The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place- "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. cfc C. By. here, says : 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemtdy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It Is a epecific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Nebruska corn for sale tit the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. uitMf LDDD POISON fr,SBSS!!rXPi tlmarr.Hea. cmdarrorTen tlarvTlLOOl 1'OISON Dlrrmanentl cur c 1 !a!6 to Si darn. You can bo treated at horn jforaaino urlco under satuoiruurun t v . If vou Drofpr tnrnnin linro wa wlllrin. 1 tract to par railroad fareand hotel blllt.tncl I i. If urn full tomirfl. If vntl liuvoliikon fit . Docbam, I f wo full to cure. It you liuto taken utcr cury, ipi oalnfl. Mil odldo notiiHh. and still have nctiei and aUM, Mucoua l'utclies In mouth, Hore Throat, , ritnplei. Conner Colored Hiiota, Ulcer on any part of the body, Hair or Kyehrow fulling cutrit to ttjla Secondary lSLOOO FOIHoft we iruarftnu'v to cure, wo solicit tut nut ouaw Mte coaetf end cliuUenire the world for a caae weouunoicurc. Tnia aueaae baa alwayt twSed tho aklll of the moat eminent phyal Ubj. SaOOtOOO capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proof crit sealed og LES lt!4 4 bf r nittburv. urcwur. wqi trv. rrlM Mat. HUaAMitt. t'kllh. fa. B SURE CURE for PI DR. BO-SAftMCO'S ILI REM EOT luic.AbMirbJ Luuiorj. A uii ft. Unlikeness to any other kind of ready mada suits characterizes the K. N. St F. Co. clothing. Goods recog nized by every dealer in the land for the careful Inspection of every detail given :hem before leaving their workrooms. The label is the sure seal of superi ority the diploma for correctness the certificate of fashion. can fit anybody's form anybody's purse. Will Be dosed SATURDRY. A. Itl. WIIalalAUIS A CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, lled Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- fOTl FlollT 'n'9 ';'our 19 manufactured expressly for family tyu AW ' use: eery suck is guaranteed to glvo satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house iu tho trade, and If you don't think so call and get our prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. We Carry afumineof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, y " Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. I Phone 25. JOS. BLAKELEY St 175 Second Street. ' .-ABTISTB MATBRIALS. 'Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. T. PETERS & CO HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon f?Vx 4 v M