gftcgftUeg Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, ORE(p jf UESDAY, JUNE 29, 189 NO 145 RATES DECIDED ON lelesratlont teft Washlncton and tHt I I NnKAvoiiKns auk orvt? . ''ImL rift Financo Committee Settles Vexed Questions. RATES OX BOTH REMAIN UNCHANGED llg I-eiid Kntn AdvancedThe Semite jlakea Good Progress Willi the Turin' Itlll Washington, Jane 28. The senate committee on finance today Eottled sev eral vexed questions in connection with the tariff. It wa9 decided to leave the rate of lj cents on lead ore as fixed by the finance committee, and also to leave iron ore us originally determined by the committee and passed by the house. The committee decided to advance the rate on pig lead to 2 cents per pound. This is an increase of half a cent over the house rate, which the committee did not originally disturb, and was made as a compensation for the increase on lead ore. The tea paragraph was again passed over for future consideration and the de cision on coal wus reserved until after a hearing to he given to conflicting inter ests tonight. PROGRESS ON TDK TAUIFF IUL1 The Semite Considers anil Adopt a Numbers of Hcheoule. Washington, June 28. In the senate today a resolution authorizing the presi dent to invite foreign governments to participate in the trans-Mississppi expo sition at Omaha was agree to. The tariff bill was then taken up. The para graphs relating to hides, gypsum and clays or earth went over. Rapid progress was made, a number of tchedules being adopted. Lead ore was skipped. The leather schedule was tak en up, and Allison proposed a change relating to hides, making the rate 20 per cent ad valorem and striking out the proviso aB to drawbacks. Smith said the new rate was equal to about 4 cents per pound. Veat spoke against the proposed duty, and spoke of the ''oppressive action of Armour to compel butchers to use dress ed beef," and stated the evidence eeem ed ground for indictment, but nothing was done. Allen and Hoar entered into a coutro versary at times personal as to the rightB of federal prosecution for an offense wholly within state lines. Named by the V resident. Wasaington, June 28. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate : State Soren Listoe, of Minnesota, to be consul at Rotterdam. Treasury Henry Fink, of Wisconsin, to be collector of internal revenue for the first iliat.:t r tin "iohiu Ul Y 1BCUUB1U. Justice Clarence W.Ide, of Washing ton, marshal for the district of Washing ton. Navy Captain Frank L. Denny, as sistant quartermaster of the marine corps, to be major and quartermaster. Also a number of minor promotions in the navy. Hide l'urugruph Agreed To. Washington, June 28. The hide par agraph of the tariff bill, fixing the duty at 20 percent'ad valorem, was agreed to, 37 to 20. llrlef Kesslou lu the Home. Washington, June, 28 The house waB in session only long enough to call the roll on a motion to adjourn. itaweett Supersedes Grr. Tacoma. Wash.. .Tiino 98. A. V. Faw- cett became mayor of this city this Moore's Revealed Remedy Takes awav all that "gone" feeling. It is a CURE THAT OURE8. "Happy Thought" Salve. PlaaoaMfr 4 . I. .1 .. anHA.t """Hi iu use, in n UKiiuy ouipn- t0P jar. It curea poiton oak, salt rheum and all akin troubles. 00c. U, z. Donnell sells them. POWDER Absolutely Pure. r'nlntirntnH trr tL. mnn. In.. 1 . t. .1 ItPnlthfullinae Ascitrnu lwi tn 1 ." .1,5 11 i t J Y: . 'u"u "kbihsi main mid nil forum of adulteration common to the VJIVHII MKI1IUS. llOYAI. llAKINd POWDER CO. J New YORK morning. Mayor Orr retiring. This iB the outcome of a suit which has been in progress fourteen months. In April of last year an .election of mayor was held. Fawcett claimed the election by two votes and Orr by three, five ballots being in dispute. Fawcett was sworn in and Orr took the case to the superior court and won, becoming mayor, and Fawcett retiring. The latter carried the case to the state supreme court, where the lower court was reversed. Only ten months of the term remain. A sweeping change in all appointive officials will be made. Electric Itinera. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and Blugish and the need of a tonic and and alterative iB felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more sureiy counteracting and freeing the system from the malar ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Blake ley & Houghton's drug store. 1 Town Wushed Clean. Pomekov, Wash., June 27. The heav iest rain of the season struck this vi cinity last evening nt 0 :'i0, and was al most a cloudburst. The water ran down the streets three to six inches deep, ran over the sidewalks and filled basements and cellars, and did a great deal of dam age. The millrace burst its banks in several places and the water ran down the hills into the old Knapp-Burrell building from the rear and came out at the front, pouring down the steps and making a perfect waterfall. It also burst into the rear of a tailor snop, which wbb occupied as a residence, ran through the working-rooms and out into the streets. The streets this morning presented a wrecked anDearance, covered with gravel, rocks and all sizes of boulders. William Ben jaminie, of Meadow guicii, i.,i u,mrai imcra flmimed. and his waK- ons and other farming implements were washed away. Wonted. Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign and Diamond JJubilee." uver flowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the indorsed biography of Her . , .in. ..u. Motrin' nf her fllBje8ty, wiui Huuiounf ... t 1 f.mll n niinn n f fit remarkaoie reign, tww iuu the Diamond Jubilee. Uniy fi.ou. cig i i book. Tremendous aemanu. uuu for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid, uuwr free tory Write quick for outut auu vern Th rinminlnn Coiunnny, Dept. 7, 350 : Dearborn St.. Chicago. junE ul.,,, iiv u lttirclar .Lotis, June 28.-A special to the . ... t)ji.,.,i Til snvs: Bt, Post UlBvawu iiuu. ies Lilian Blaie, aged 21, a highly re- it an a Mi spected ; voung lady oi hub , terrible experience last night wltn a our- . . , .1 o iiinn with glar one who j -..1, ; tr hpr a i beard i or mask wlio was neiwuuii. father 's clothes. Miss ciaih and the i e rouut-i h - i .. and fired, the ball taking eftect II n niHiui IU livi breaet just above the heart. MM" expec cted to recover, cioouhuuhu- put on the trail of tue purgmi. FoaVela all other washing Soap com i pounds We Maya. eell Hoe Cake 1'IIILADEM'HIA, June 2S. The iMt section ol the Christian Endeavor gation of Pennsylvania to the In tional convention at San FrancisotRiK this morning. I .y WA8HTVnTnv T..n no Tl.. f "oni.nnuj, dime L'S. tne Mljaf portion of the District of ColumbiaTalkkhi gation to the Christian Endeavo.ii(. vention at San Francisco left haMikai morning. A Yodiic Wmnnn Alluctei,aip Los Angeles, Cal., June 28. Thi IH- tie town of Downey is terribly MalUt tonicllt. Miss Afnino ilnnrrM.nv5"!, spectable Well-to-do people, was latiH lurmeu ana taKen trom her bedrCNi If an unknown man, who entered tntnjUH a window. At daylight the fnuj woman was found wandering arowtaf la a dazed condition several milaa home. She was unable to give a description of her abductors. A lftrflaJ posse, with bloodhounds, is scoariBgh. countrv. -ssHH a juyNterloug Aluriler. '-' Arm.n.n.... r ! T U 'fcJ' juu.ujiii,i iiiuxico, June x. im body of R. L. Innigworth, n pronlMBt young English resident, the aos !' wealthy London physician, haa mm found in the outskirts of the city with stab wound through the heart. Hta" watch and a considerable sum of moMjr on the body were unmolested.- TtMS British consul offers a reward of $WW for the assassin. G a urge WrlKht's AVI dow DM. 4 Sioux City, la., June 28. The Wldw of George Wright, of the Iowa sapreaaje bench, and one of the oldest aattiafs'sn Iowa, died Sunday at the hotse of her daughter in this city. Her baabaid was one of the most prominent aaaa-lb the Btnte. fv' COMPRESSED AIR TRANSMITftli p Will a I.lttle Better Kconoray Bto - tuined? j, J, It remains to be ascertained whether or not tlie liressures 01 iroan aeTcn, hundred to several thouaanda, thinsrs considered in cornpraaatog: in nsinp, are possible and practicable; in the face of heut and refrigeration, with the assistance of compoundinj,') tripling, quadrupling and -what noli that is, whether it will pay- to employ this vehicle for transporting power de veloped at a convenient ana econoswea point and distribute the nccumuiau-c: imerfv tor use tiirouirn uuvbwui oi street ears. J Capitalists who invest money tor a return upon the outlay aretvery enrc fill ui considering the enthaahutic nl thoutrh sincere views of inventora, and even if it is reasonable to believe that compressed air will eventually take Im portant place in the world'e work, the investors who take the reaa tbllity are very much in the position of the man who wanted to know how to tell toadstools from mushroom, and , was advised to eat them, and if,ihe"dld iiot die then they were inushwonui. ib tnluing, say, ten percent. ojrlesBofJhe heat value of coal in the form of pei for valuable use is a .sureftBiBK.jW'H known, and from the standpolajr o facts cheap. But puttlnfrProf. dall's "mode of motion" lato aotnc other medium of transportation, iim paving1 toll at both ends of.theHnc, appeals to the man who papa the!PlH witli a force not easily appreciated bj 1,0 eifntists. The losses aaet with in w - rnnsforniintr mechanical nlnf.trlcal enerfr.v. and Fend clltietliis form over the trolley wire and iniolthi car motor, or in investignthl; the me chanical energy in the pullet arable are more than eounterle)laaee4 by ,.iv iin-nnveniences and eeoaoinlcsl nmi "now the hone that soiae lacldeiital advantnjres in Bight realled, nml still a little lxtter vwmamy wr. uu n,i is attraetinir atterrtleo toward compressed air CasslerXjtafaailB Au Kxtruordlnury I4at. Mia.t is lK-Uevcd to have am an aurora of such extra ordinWklaney as to obscure the sunl gh tjaa de scribed in an old numbeijj ,Ue (.en tleman's Magnalnc: On the 4 ey ol January, H50, an unusuii-.Hfirt; ) fai above the lightest day. rk all be, iwiirs with amazement. mmUmte wat four o'clock in the nfteriBfjaai, attd it soon faded away. At sewai kawver, from cait lowest, Btreapa aayaarcd like rivers of bright flrej A feaeral feellnir of alarm was ese. but they gradually fadcd&r the .ii their disappearanaa bataf; nc ' bv sho-Js wblaL.iBl fell b, M, but which did "t'parek damage. t. ""ta ' TVf ; " J 5 A HcAlllaLA I InlflrAflACC ,0 any other kind of ready made Z 1 rlUSUlUlC UllllIVCllCSS suits characterizes the K. N. & Z F. Co. clothing. Goods recog- z Z ilzed by every dealer in the land for the careful Inspection of every detail given J 7 :hem before leaving their workrooms. m Z The label is the sure seal of super!- JHHHink 7 Z ority the diploma for correctness HPHi9BKfl m the certificate of fashion. BSJjBBHgjr h 2 You know us. We can fitanybody'5 form anybody purse. J I A. IH. WILLIAMS ( CO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Vnt.ifft is lw.rfihv piven that the lin- dersigned, J. E. Barnett and Dinstuoro Parish, heretolore doing business as Barnett & Parish, have this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. All accounts against earn nrm snouui lm nmntmtftfi tn J. K. Barnett. and said J. E. Barnett is to collect all accounts, notes and evidences of indebtedness ow ing to said firm. Dated at Dalles (Jity, Wasco uounty, Oregon, this 17th day of June. 18117. DlNKMOItU r.Mtisn, juii2o-4t J. E. Baiinktt. "For three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house," says A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., "and my wife would as soon think of being without fiour ah a bottle of this Hemedv in the summer season. We have used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but mire absolutely. It ia all riuht. and any one who tries it will find it so." For sale by Blakeley .t Houghton. On the occasion of the meeting of the grand lodge of Elks at Minneapolis, the O. II. it X. will eell round trip tickets July 2d, good to return until July 31st, for $00.50. These tickets are good for stop-over privileges returning. The meetinir of the National Educational As sociation is held at Milwaukee at the same time, and same rates to Minne apolis will be given. At that point, tickets will have to be purchased to Milwaukee, costing for the round trip $12.30. jnl7-tf Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-tf LDDD POISON a specialty; 'rlmarr.Hofy ondArorTer. tisryUliOOD FOISON permanently cured In 16 to 36 d7f. You can bo treated a) Dome roreame price unuer iamo Kuuraa tv. If Tounrcfer to coma here wo wlllcon. tract to dot railroad fareand betel bit i.and Docbarge, 1 1 tvo fail to cure. If you bare token liter cury, lodldo itotuaht ana till nave atlicj and film, MucouaVutclioa In mouth, Sore Tliroitt, 'implea. Copper Colored Kpota, ulrera on any part of tbo boOr, Uulr or Eycbrowa fulling out; It to tin tiecoudnry BLOOU VOIHOS we cr usrantee to cure. We aoliclt the moat obU n.b cum and cliulienve the) world for a Stto we cannot cure. Thla dbeaac haa alirari nfHkil flin aklll of the uioat eminent ttliral cUnj. aiSOOrOOO oanltal behind our uncond iOOAOO capital behind our uncond Ml. AbtoIuteprooriiecntBt'uledoa iddrena COOK HEHKDV UOZ tlonaiaoarcnij appitcuu. SURE CURE for PILES HB. BO-EAM-KO'E PILE RE Uinv. tibuaa iloti tlvcurr. l;iriulur p ot fret, rti Subscribe for Thk Curosicms. n n Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmTll feed Headquarters for "Byers? BeSt" Pendle- ton FlOUr n'H '''our 18 manufactured expressly for futnily use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices ami be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. We Carry afuiiuneof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 25. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street. payCountry and Mail Orden will receive prompt attention. T. PETERS & CO & HOUGHTON The Dalles. Oregon