MHRNINC. A few minutes will tell Di we I He Marl? An investigation will convince you that we have hit the mark for your interest. Rare Specials. These Goods are Phenomenal Values at the P rices. t i WASH GOODS. All our 15c, lGrjo and 20c Organdies for I2kc LINEN SUITINGS. All our 2()c line for ; -ja All our 25c line, for 20c All our 30c line for I'.!'"!'.""""' 24c All our 35c line for ' 7c SHIRT WAISTS. All our 50c Waists for 4 3QC All our 75c Waists for 45c All our $1 Waists for , .... 00c NOVELTY BELTS. The latest things in Belts, just opened; prices from 2oe to 75c. 6 c ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Gttfoni&e. MONDAY. JUNE 28,1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Bandoin Observations and Local KventH of Lesser Magnitude. Excuraion Next Saturday Benefit of fire tournament. Two furnished roomB to rent, with orj without board. Apply to Mrs. P. Cram! Liberty street. jn28.w jj There will be a special meeting of thai wiuil up the business lor tne prese year. Prineville will celobrate the Fourl this year in grand style. It is expect . 1 1 T1 some speaker from ine wanes win ufl liver the oration. A The fire boys are going to give an ex cursion Saturday which should be liber ally patronized. This is for the the ben efit of the tournament. Help it. ChriBman Bros, butcher cart turned a somersault near the Methodist church Hub morning owing to some curious antics of the horse. No material damage was done, however. In Gilliam county the ground is wet to a depth of four inches. The Fossil Journal estimates that Gilliam county will be at least $100,000 better off by reason of these timely rains. Mrs. Potter will furnish meals at the Potter House during the encampment of the militia at Hood River. AUo hot and cold baths. House is convenient to camp grouuds. j28-29 Those attending the encampment will find the Potter house a most comfortable one. It iB indeed one of the pretties places in the valley, and is situated just across the road from Camp Jtfckson. I Wool is coming in lively and the ware houses are crowded with bales. Grower are nearly all waiting for a rise in pricej, though the rate paid new is two cents a pound better than what it was a year. ogo at this time. ' lVnnln whn Imvn rmnfi in from the country say the grain fields look better than they have for several years. Wasco and Sherman counties will have plenty of wheat next fall to feed a large portion of the hungry world. Reports from Antelope say that the heavy rains of last week have soaked tbe ground in that section to a depth of ft foot or more, This is something un usual at this time of year, and means thousands of dollars to the hay and grain raisers. tf About a dozen men are working for the government at the locks. It is ex pected more will be put to work rip wpping the walls on the river side. The Days have turned over everything to the Kovernment and the engineers are in charge of the work. An excursion will be"glven by the firemen to Hood River on July 3d. This I is'to be the great day at Camp Jackson, as the governor and hie staff are ex pected to be present and review the Na tional guard. The proceeds of the ex cursion are to be used for tbe benefit of the coming tournament. Kound trip 50 cents. The State Union Sunday School Con vention begins its seesion here tonight in the Methodist church. The program is published elsewhere in this issue. A large delegation of Sunday school work era will be in attendance from various parts of the state. The Cnito.vicLK will ublish full reportB. Antelope will celebrate the Fourth in becoming style. An entertaining pro gram has been prepared, and. a large at tendance from the Burrounding country expected. Incidently it may be stated that the new city jail haB been mearly completed, and will be ready for occupancy should the occasion require on short notice. Miss Mattie Barnes of Prineville has been chosen as the primary teaoher of the Antelope school for the ensuing year. The nine months' term will be gin on Monday, August 30th, and the directors are confident that a very suc cessful school can be expected at Antel ope during the next term. Antelope has reason to be proud of its school fa cilities. Mrs. Charles Hilton met with a seri ous accident while out driving Saturday evening. While near Stadleman's, the horse she was driving became suddenly fractious and cramped the buggy so that both Mrs. Hilton and her daughter, Miss Florence, were thrown to the ground. Mrs. Hilton was so injured that on being taken home Dr. Lo gan was called, who found she wbb considerably hurt, though not danger ously. John H. Cradlebaugh, editor of Tji'k Chkoniolk, left Satuiday evening, ior Baker City, to inspect some 'loinlng claims. During his absence this paper is on the charity of the town. ny criti cisms, kicks or complaints should be made in writing, sworn to,. and handed n Mr firadelbauKh on his return. He likes that sort of thing and will cheer nnd to them. In tbe meantime, 'any contribution of news will be gladly received. R H. Norton, of Roslyn, has been ap pointed to the office of state coal mine inspector by Governor Rogers. Dalles people will remember Mr. Norton as a forme, resident of this city, who at one oi.iAf pnoineer on the JJUlur, trad nniHI CUKlllbu Dalles and Silkstone railroad, or Golden Z Southern, or Prineville Western or some other trunk line, which was pro ecid at considerable length on paper some sta the Third Regiment, O. N. G, grooms .. ,r:u nf Pvthias expect to have fllht Toraer Oliver, pwd clan S, 0 HI. locWWW. will li. prwt time ladies will be preBent, and those who do not belong to this beneficent order will miss the pleasures of the occasion. The lodge in this city is one of the very best in the state, and it is exneetert much good will result from the grand chancel- Iprs-visit. The soldier boys began heading for the Hood River encampment this morning! Co. "A" of Wasco and Co. 'G" of The Dalles left by the morning passenger. A1 large crowd was at the depot to see them leave. Other companies fromj Eastern Oregon will be down tomorrow.1 The horslj8weRrtrkndoW Regulator this morning. The site Be-; lected for the encampment is said to be a very beautiful one, and the attendance promises to be large. It is expected ex cursions from The Dalles will be run during the week, in order to give our citizens a chance to see something of camp life, and witness the military evo lutionB. One On .Jiicobaen. The Fossil Journal tells this story on Mr. E. Jacobsen of this city, who is making a business tour through the counties south of The Dalles : The ladies of Mayville tackle every drummer that comes along the roud for a donation to their church now being built, and so potent are their blandish.-, ments that every knigtit of the grip they1 have approached to date have pungleu up something or other. Their latest victim waB E. Jacobseii of The Dalles. He told them he had a fine $10 stove in his store in The Dalles he would like to give them, but he had no way to haul it out. The ladies told him he need not worry about the hauling, as freight teams are going between The Dalles and May ville all summer, and they could easily get some friend of the church to haul the stove out. Jakey rather felt that ho bad been buncoed, but he had made the proposition which they accepted, and what more could he door say? Notice to Taxuayera. On and after July 1, 1897, costs will be added for the collection of all taxes duo Wasco county on all delinquent rolls now in the hands of the sheriff. This is an imperative order from the county court, and the sheriff has no option but to collect such taxes by levy on property if not paid voluntarily by property own ers. All parties concerned are hereby notified that no leniency will be shown Tin the collection of taxes after July 1, and that levy will be made on all prop erty delinquent after tbat date. T. J. DitiVEit, jl4-td Sherifl'of Wasco County. - ' For Sale. Our attention has boon called to the advertisements of a Dalles (inn, other than our Agents, ottering Raker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At. The .Dalles for many years for the sale of our Raker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against, the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to bo stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANTJS, Manager. A Ille Hoy Win Honor. The Dalles is always proud of tho boys that she sends forth to try their metal in other surroundings, and it is with pleasure that we chronicle their suc cesses, """"l Mr. Win Curtis, son of Rev. W. C Curtis, iB among thoee who has brought credit to his friends and to the city he! claims as his home. Mr. CurtiB wasl for several years a student of the Wasco Independent Academy in this city, and from thence went to Tualatin Academy at Forest Grove to complete his prepara tory course. He then began study in Pacific University, in the same city, where he remained two years, and going from there ho entered the junior class of WilliamH College, in Massachusetts. .While at Forest Grove, under the influ ence of Prof. Lloyd, he became interest ed in Biology, which interoat became greatly increased by the larger opportu nities furnished at Williams. lie Bpent his junior vacation at Woods Holl, Jiuz zirds Bay, at the Marino Biological Echool established there in conncctson wth the Smithsonian Institute, and this year he goes back with the position for the summer of collector of specimens f6r the associated colleges. He aleo has a position a representative of tho col leges on tho U. S. Fish Commission. "HiB college class has hadrat-onOtlme and auother, 110 members. The num ber at graduation was seventy, among whom he ranked eighth in point of stand ing. He has also been chosen a member of the Phi Betta Kappa Society a soci ety of poBt-graduates having chapters in several of the leading colleges of the East. The society is nominally secret, but is in reality literary and honorary, none being eligible to membership who have not attained a certain rank In col lege work. Mr. Curtis has not fully decided as to his permanent work for tho future, but Prof. Lloyd, of Pacific, and Prof. Peck, of Williams, both predict lor mm a bright future in lines of biology, should he wish to engage in such pursuit. The theme of his graduating oration was "The East and tho West," a sub ject on which, from his experience of both, he may bo expected to speak with discrimination. He certainly Is not wanting in enthusiasm for Oregon. We congratulate our young friend on the success he haB achieved. ' For the next sixty days I will offer for tale my place in Thompson's addition, containing twenty acres, seventeen of which is a fruit bearing orchard, con Bisting of choice fruits ; a house of six hard finish ; barns and outbuild' None ings, two horses and harness, two wagons and one cart, and a cow. Will sell on reasonable terms. For particu. lars address C. E. Bayard, my agent, or call at my place of business. j,)28-tf CllAB. FltAZIKK. Soap Foam exceU all other washing compounds, a2-3m Club Meelluif. There will be a special meeting of the Commercial Club Wednesday evening, to consider some very important mat ters. It is urged that every member be present on that occasion. j2U-tf Do you want your windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and redaid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber Huop. 'Phone Hi). al- English and Belgian cement, very best imported brands, for sale by Waeco Warehouse Co. my 6-1 m Subscribe for Tub Chkomclk. 1 WE GUARANTEE OUR W 1 Anti-Rust Tinware Not to Rust, and wo will Replace Free of Charge 'm:. 4, l..,.. o..i,i i... 9 urn uusi a in win u w uuy. uuiu win' uy MAYS & CROWE. Fire Works. Jacobson Book & Music Co. Flags, Rockets, Torpedoes, Roman Candles, Bombs and Firo-crackors. Large Assortment. Prices f the lowest. Mall orders promptly attondod to. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. T GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Hucccuor to ClirUinun & Corton. mi FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to til my former patrons. Vko delivery to any part of town. see all my .... i n in i -j a mu a n tor tne next ou uays we wm m- L PI I it Qnri LlOh UnVDC low a discount of 25 per cent, on I rUII QlIU Noll DUAui boxes in orders of 100 and up. Lumber, Sash. Doors, Building Material, Btiitt:k July 1st, 1897. ROWE & CO.. The Dalles, Or