The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1897, Image 4

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Tkt Dalles Dally Chronicle.
AilvRrtUliif; Hutu.
I'er inch
One iiicli or loss In Daily f 1 50
Over two Inches unit niulcr tour inches. 1 HO
Oyer (our Inches anil under twelve Inches T.
Over twelve inches 50
One inch or less, ver inch f J 50
Over one Inch nml under four inches. 'J 00
Over (our Inches nnd under twelve indies 1 50
Over twelve inches 100
Geo. . Hunt, tlio railroad bttililor, is
in the city.
L. S. Logan, the Crook county stock
mini, id in the city.
Mr. A. 11. Thompson wont down on
tho Duties City to meet Mrs. Thompson,
who comes up from Portland today.
Mr. W. H. Cliipp, who has been a res
ident of this city for a year past, re
turned to Gray's Harbor today, where
lie has accepted a position in a store.
Miss Mable M. Bull, of Portland, who
has been visiting at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Floyd on 5-Mile for the
past few days, returned to her home this
mornins: by boat. She was much pleased
with Eastern Oregon.
School Superintendent Gilbert and
family, who have been visiting their old
homo in the East, arrived this morning.
They had a delightful visit, barring Mr.
Gilbert's illness, which took the lace
edges off his pleasure, but return to the
land of the setting sun, and good old
Oregon, more than ever convinced that
there is no place in the world equal to
Pastor Row O. 1). Taylor, will preach
at the First Baptist church, Sunday
morning at eleven o'clock. There will
be no evening service.
Lutheran services at the brick school
house, on Union street, tomorrow,
as follows: Morning service at 11;
Sunday school 12:05; evening ser
vice at 8.
At the Congregational church, corner
of Court nnd Filth streets, Sunday eer
vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and S p. m.
worship, and a sermon by the pastor, V.
C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately
after the morning service. Meeting of
the Young People's Society ot Christian
Endeavor at 7 p. m. Topic, How
to Get Patience and Why. All per
sona not worshipping elsewhere are
cordially invited.
Crowfoot-h Howie ;s uiitiaW.
Last Sunday morning, immediately
after the Eermon in the Union church
at Wamic, Mis9 Ethel Knowles, eldest
daughter of M. and Mrs. P. T. Knowles,
and George R. Crowfoot were united in
marriage by Elder J. A. Orchard, in the
presence of a large audience, which was
attracted by the coming of so noted a
preacher as Mr. Orchard, and the prom
inence in the neighborhood of the biido
and groom. Dnfur Dispatch.
ltucKlen'a .vriucu salve.
The best salve in the world for can,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect, satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For ?al y Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
I'or Sale.
New Massilon separator, 21-inch eyl
inder, as good as new, having only
threshed 1000 bushels. Also Dingee
Woodbury 12-hor38 power. Price f!300.
Call on or address
T. B.m-oun,
jnlO lm Lyle, Wash.
A gray mare, branded y" on left shoul
der. Was originally one of the O. S.
Morgan band, and was raised on the
range adjacent to.'l-Mile creek. Suitable
I will be paid for the return of J
are to T. A. Hudson.
baid in
junlO-tf The Dalles, Or,
The Westfield (Ind. News prints the
following in regard to an old resident of
that placer "Frank McAvoy, for many
years in the employ of tho L., X. A. &
0. liy. hero, saya: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Jiemedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family, f tako
pleasure in recommendim.' It.' " It is a
uneeific. fnr nil linwol ilici.r.h.rj L'.m. I
eale by lllakeley & Houghton.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain's Cotifh Hem
edy by reading what it has done for
others, and havinn tested its merits for
themselves aro today its wannest friends.
For sale by Ulakeley & Houuhton.
Suvh Vuur (I nil ii.
Few realize that each eijuirrel do
stroys $1.50 worth of Brain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Externa i
ir.Jtor is tho most effective and econom-'
mil poibon known. Price reduced to 30
tfenle. For sale by M. Z. DonnolJ,
We soil IIoo Calto eoap. Pease &
Mays. all. 'Jm
so common in summir-tirne.
accompanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient supply of nourish
ment. The vital force is lost
It isn't a question of muscle and
sinew, but of resistance and
endurance. At any age, bul
especially in youth, it involves
the risk of lung disease. Loss
of flesh and a cough are threat
ening signs.
Of Cod-liver Oil, With the hypo-
. ... ,
Jl lUOpi lllliO, IlldulO UlUOu vdOO
perfectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens.
In Scott's Emulsion the taste
of the oil is fully disguised,
making it almost as palatable
as milk.
Kor aalo at oc. and $t.(v- by all drucrirists.
SCOTI U liowxii, Mfg. Chrui5, N'o.v York
Almost Any Auiuiitl Mny lie Hired, from
u Squirrel to an Ulophunt.
Mounted animalstind birds are rented
for a great variety of purposes, and al
most any animal or bird may be hired.
The fur-bcariug animals are rented prin
cipally to furriers for iibe as show
pieces. Many furriers buy show pieces
but there ore others who prefer to rent
them, thus getting a new or different
show piece every season. Sometimes ti
large number of animals, from the
smallest squirrel to the largest tiger
and lion, are rented together for tho
decoration of a show room: nnd birds
in largo numbers nnd in great variety,
from humming birds to peacocks, are
'sometimes rented for .similar purposes.
Animals and birds both are rented
for theatrical purposes. A stuffed dog
was needed in a play, .lust tho dog re
quired was found at the taxidermist's.
There may be a piny with a scene in it
in which a hunter comes in with a fawn
over his shoulder. Tho fawn can bo
hired at the taxidermists. It may be
that in some ploy an eagle alights upon
the stage; an eagle may lie hired. In
plays depicting circus life, if a parade
forms part of the representation, tho
wagons can be fdled with lifelike stuffed
tigers, bears and other animals, such as
might be found in a real circus. And
bears, elephants and various other
mounted animals are at one time or an
other used on tho stage.
Mounted animals are renterd for va
rious civic displays and parades and for
ballroom decorations and other uses.
Tigers can bo hired for political proces
sions, Kor a presentation of Little Red
Riding Hood a wolf can be hired. Swans
are rented and all sorts of birds. Some
times n dining-room, as on the occasion
of a game .supper, is decorated with all
kinds of game birds.
Lecturers hire mounted animals. Lec
turers on natural history to a school,
for example, tho lecturer might upon
the stage a earilwin, an elk and a deer, to
show the difference between them.
Mounted animals and birds are rented
for various photographic purposes. A
lear, or an eagle perhaps, to be photo
graphed for ii trade mark, or a (xirrot,
to Ik? held by a child. The live bird
would not keep still; astulfed bird will.
Birds are rented to artists to draw or
paint from.
Kor fish store openings, big por
poises, sharks and sturgeon are rented:
and crocodiles and alligators are rented
to leather and shoe stores.
The cost of renting mounted animals
and birds is much less proportionately
for a longer than for a shorter periodi
The charge for show pieces is a certain
percentage of tho value, graduated ao
u"L'r ('0,ll(1 ,,e llire(1 for $10 ""'l ' null
tiger for $5; a middle-sized elephant for ;
?25 a day; a big grizzly bear for SlO.nnd
a small grizzly for $5. Au eagle, for a
single occasion, one or two days, would
cost $3 to $1. A squirrel could be hired
for a day for SO cents, a wolf for $3, a
parrot for 50 cents, a humming bird or I
a robin for 25 cents, and an ostrich for
$4 a day.N. Y. Sun. I
Yellow washing' powder will
your clothes the tamo color.
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure I
white. a2.3rn
How to get rich.
S25 will earn you 87 weekly
With our plan of investment. You
cannot loso. Two men made .foOO and
WOO last month on .fJo. You can do
likewise. If you don't invest, and keep
your money in vour pocket, you will be
poor all your life. Try us with f2.j, and
see what we can do. Absolutely no rik.
Write for particulars to "Guarantee
Jlroberuge Co., offices 2K1 and 215 Byrne
building, Jos Angelee, Cal." j'J2-lin
of So
S 3 I?) ' '
remarks relative to their work.
" 'I'll bet you.' said Vest,hilu 'that I
eau turn out more baskets than you
can between now and the 1st. of Septem
ber. So confident, nm I that. 1 am willing:
to fsJnke my factory on It.'
"His rival had just put In some new
machinery and had taken on several
additional hands, and he know that the
capacity of his planl had not yot been
fully tested. Westlako spoke in all ear
nestness, and after considering the
proposition form few moments ho said:
" 'I'll take you up on that. Let's
make it out in black and white-'
"They went, to a notary tho next tlnv
j and had a contract drawn up whereby
I it was agreed that tho one who ninnn
! faetured tho smaller number of baskets
I should forfeit his factory to tho other.
I "On the 1st day of .September they
i took au account of "Vj-k. and tho figures
.-...v. in. i, . , v . i u in in iiititii- t,nr;
baskets less than the rival firm. West
lake's friends wanted him to figiit the
claim, but. his disappointment had
taken all tho life out of bhn, and ho
turned over his entire factory without
0ilst "h,mv of ''stance- That one
Miiwiiuu!. m.ik iii.iuiiu.uiy mc CIlll
of his career, and from then on he has
been what you see him now a dead
weight on his mother's hands." Chica
go Tribune.
Inillim lliiHkct Maker.
A delegation of Indians from the
flrand Konric reservation make an an
nual outing trip to Portland, Ore., every
year in time to attend tho Fourth o"f
Inly celebration, and if possible a
circus. They have tents and come in
wagons. Mime having two horses and
Mime four. The ostensible purpose of
(heir visit is to sol? baskets. These
they make from hazel twigs, heated in
the fire till they are rcndcretl tough
md pliable.and the bark peels off easily.
J-lou; flbouk Your
Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. AVe not only desire '.o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have vour next order.
Agricultural -
Manufactured and Renaired.
Pjt.e' TnT'fiRrlfi'PS PflWPrS! &Tr TT!vTC
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Sonic Moil rntlihiUlngty
I'lU'tn It Is Itnulo to Tell.
The head of one of the oldest and
mint lniirt(int financial houses in Chi
cago said this one day lately with a
ifreat deal of emphasis:
"1 much wish that our younger busi
ness men would exorcise a keener ap
preciation of how injudicious it is to
.oluntarily nppcur in print by giving
accurate information regarding such
matters as tho days on which their
establishments have the most cash on
iiand, the mails in which they usually
make their heaviest shipments of cash,
and all that sort of thing. Only this
week n young bank- olllclal did all of this
:nd more. Not only did ho name the
lays that the institution with which he
is connected has the most cash on hand
and makes its heaviest transfers of
money to the post and express otlices,
but ho gave the same information re
garding two or three other institutions
of a similar nature.
"There have been other oases where
the same tiling has been done by young
men. It is seriously wrong, wiioiiyaiui
'entirely unbusinesslike. To do so
I simply means the giving of valuable
and otherwise wholly unattainable
1 pointers to the highwaymen from whom
j we are hearing with such alarming fre
' queney and in so serious a manner of
I late. Were an oilicer or employe con
I nocted with our institution to do any-
' Hiinir tf flu. lfitul In nr I wniilil imme
diately sever connection with that in
stitution. The man guilty of doing
such a thing, eitheriwittingly or unwit
tingly.instantly forfeits all right to con
fidence. Sue'i a man is cither a fool or
i knave, and neither should hold a po
sition of trust. Most sincerely do I
hope that our young men will be more
.in their guard as to this thing in the
publisl?ir$ ?o.
Notice is hereby given that by au
thority of ordinance No. 292, which
passed the Common Council of Dalles
Citv April 10th, 1807, entitled, "An or
dinance to provide for tho ale of certain
lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on
Saturday, the lith day of May, 1897,
sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, all the following lots nnd parts
of lots in Gates rddition to Dallee City,
Wasco cotinlv, Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block 14 ; lots
7, 8. 9 and 10, jointly in block 15; lota
7, 8, 9, and 10, jointly in block 21,
known as butto; lots 10. 11 and 12, in
olock 27; lot 9 in block !M ; lots 2, !i, 4,
5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 nnd 11, in block !15;
lots 2, Ii, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block
;il5; lott 4, o, fi, 7. 8, 9, 1U, ll and
12, in block 1)7; lots 1. 2, li, 4, 0, 0, 8,
9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42; lots 1,2,
I, f 9, 10 anil 11, in block 415; lots 1. 2,
Ii, 7; 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lota
1, 2. C, I, 0, (I, in block 41).
The reasonable value of sa.'. lots, for
less than which they will no,, t o sold,
has been lixed dotorniinei. I.y the
Common Council of Dalies City as fol
lows, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10. in block 14, .$150; lots
7, 8, 9 and .'(), jointly in block 15, !f200;
lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 21,
$200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11, in
block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 27, $300;
lot 9, in block :il, $100; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 8,
9, 10 and 11, in block "5, each respect
ively $100; lots 0 and 7. in block 35,
each respectively $125; lots 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,
10 and 11. in block 30, eacli respectively
$100; lot. 12, in block 30, $125; lots 3, 4,
5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37, each re
spectively $100; lots 0, 7 and 12, in
block 37, eacli respectively $125;
lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block
41, each respectively $100; lots 1,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively
$125; lots 3, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11, in
block 42, each respectively $100; lot h ,
G and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in
block 43, each respectively 1 $100; lot I,
in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in
block 40, each respectively .fiuu; lots 1
and G, 111 block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will bo sold upon
the lot resnectivelv. and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above slated.
One-fourth of (lie price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
anil three years Irom tne date ol said
sale, witli interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rato of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made 111 nil
at any time at the option of tho pur
The said eale will begin on the 15th
dav of Mtiv, 1S97, at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con
limn; from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1897.
G 1 1. HURT V. PlIHM'S,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
For Hall.-,
Lots A, IJ, K and L, block 30; All,
block 72; "A, 15, C, D, E and l block 82,
and A, 15, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
tO W.M. hillAt'KKl.KOItl).
, M. Hi: ALL
First Kational Bank.
A (ieneriil lianking llusiness transacted
Ueposits received, subject to bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remiueu on oar 01 collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Erancisco aiivl port-
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schmmci:.
El). M. WiM.tAMH, QKO. A. LlEllE.
II. M. IJbaix.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Executor's Sale.
l'lirMiant to 1111 orili.r nl lliiii'niuiti.nMi.i nr
the Statu of Oregon lor tlio Whk'o County, made
him I enteral 011 tlio nd day of May, lfc!7, in tlio
matter of tliuctato of Jame.s ilcUafian, deceased,
dltectlnir mo to m11 tlio real proiwrty beloiiKlnc
to tho estate of bald deeeau'd, I will, on Hatar
day, the 5th day of June, lh'J7. at tho hour of'.'
o clock p. in., at the courthouse door 111 Hullo
City, Oregon, hell at publlo hule.'to the hlKhest
Dluaer, nil of tho IoIIiiwIiil'
grty belonging to oaid estate, to-wit: The
boiithweat quarter of Section Eight, Township
Ono South, Range Fourteen East W. M con
taining 100 acres 111010 or less.
,nu' It. r. (1IHON8. Executor.
Assignees Notice.
Notieo is herebv olvmi h lit. till, II lilliirt In. mil
has hied his final account us nKilimrxi nr ti.7.
toto on ouug (juong Ixmj Jake Tow and Da-Oag
l ong Tang, partners doing business under tho
,,,,4.,.,,. A WnI 'i'1, XHU" (1U"K Company
nnd 01ngQuong Insolvent debtors, with tho
Clerk of tho Circuit Court of the Htatool Oregon
for W ateo County. That suld llnul account will
eomopn for hearing in tald Court on tho first
day of the next renular term of said Court
K'ft,.-0'".'.1,1 V10 """i""1 WonUuy in Novein
ber, tho hour of 10 o'clock a. mor us
boon thereafter as tho matter cuu bo hearJ.
jmiiu-u,. J. U. MACK, AdSlgllOO.
hOlleo is heroliv i.l n .........!. ...1 ... .......
m,!? u lh0. H.On!goii, that tho name
H ,V" lreiiUfd to 11 s, Wilson, receiver,
in .,thi,0f, ,t;K.,,l..,:r0H . ,1,erc."' w,,"' three
in 'ved l'to,or they may bedls.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
OOKAN 8TKAMKKH Lei.vo l'rU,id
Kvorv tflvo Dhym rr
W, II. IIUni.llUltT, (len. IMss. Agt
I'ortlaml, Oregon
E. M'KKII.l, I'rcsldcntnud Mann er
Tlio New Tlmo t'nril.
Under the new time card, which goes
into effect tomorrow, tnunB will move as
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at 6 p. in., leaves at 0:05 p. m.
No. 2, to Peudleton, Baker City and
Union racific, arrives 1 :15 a. m., de
parts 1 :20 a. in.
No. .", from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives 8:!i0, departs 8:35 a. m.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Nos. 2.'5 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 0:150 p. in., departs 12:45
p. m.
Passengers for Ileppner will take train
leaving here 0:05 p. in.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortland.
press, Salem, Hose-'
burg, Aelilnnil, Sac-1
rameiito, Ogdcn.Sau !
Kranclseo, Mojave, (
I-os Angeles,El 1'aso,
New Orleans and
'ii:00 1'. 31,
"J.::0A. M.
tliast J
'S-.-M A. M,
Koscburg and way tn-,
f Via Woodburn fori
I 3It.Angel, Silverton,
t West Helo. Hrowns-
M::u 1'. 31
ville,Sprliiglleldauil t
1, matron
17:0 A. M,
tli.M) I'. 31,
and way) j) 5:.)0 I'. 31,
way stations
and ( 8:'2oI'.3I
Daily. finally, except Sunday,
Attached to all Through Trains.
Dlreet rnniicdtlnii nt Hun Kraiiclsco with Occi-
dental and Oriental and l'acliic mall steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
a plication.
Kates anil tlcKcts to Kasicrn pomis ami r.u-
roiie. AltoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU aim
Al'STKAMA, can bo obtained from
J. II. KIUKLAND, Ticket Agelll.
Through Ticket Olllce.Wl Third street, where ii.ioiu tn nil uniiits in the Kustern
States, Canudii and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates irom . t .
J. 11. KI1IKLAN1I, TlCKei ageni.
All nhnvn Irnlns arrive at and deoart from
(irand Central Station, Fifth aud Irving Btreets.
I'afcseiiger Depot, foot of JeUerson street.
Ix?avo for
ir OSWECiO, daily, except Sunday, at
r 10. ir. IMS. fl.i. fi:.15. 8:0.r) P. tn.
7:20 11. m
fund ll:i p. 111. on Saturday only, and 8 MO a. 111.
nnd :i:30 p. 111.011 Sundays only). Arrive at
i'ortland dally at 7iloami.i;aua m., aim t.uw.
1:15.0:35 and 7:55 v.. in., (and 10 a. in , .115 ami
5:10 p, m. on Sundays only).
Iajuvo for Sheridan, week days, utl:30p. m
-Vrrivo at Portland, 0:30 a. in,
U-avo for AIHLIE on Monday, Wed.nesday and
Kri.niv ntO!4nn. in. Arrivo at 1'iirtlaiid, tues-
dav, and Saturday at .1:05 p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday.
Asst. O. E. J; 1'ass. Act
Through by daylight via (irass Valley
and Cross Hollows.
The Dutlei
Stages leave Tho I al es from ,Uint to Uou'
at 7 nVin.. also from AnteloM t J.,, m. eyw
Monday, Wednesday and I' rid' y. Con ecu on
mado at Antolopo for I'rlaevi lo, M tclieli ana
tiolats beyond. Close coiuicctioua mado at loe
linlles with railways, trains and boaU.
Stages from Antelope reach The ;
davs. Thursdays and Batardays ut i:J0 p. m.
iutkh or faiik.
Dalles to Deschutes
do Moro... .
do Orass Valley
do Kent....--
do Cross Hollows. . ,
Antelope to Cross Hollows ...
do Kent. ....
do Urns Valley
do Moro
do Desolmees
do J)flUt ,i. ""
... a as
, . 3 00
... M
... 1
. 200
. . . s 00
... S 00
Mora and Antelope