WALL PAPER! WALL PAPEH1 Just Received The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Regulator Line The Dalles. Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co.' Int limes to tell just uhat brand of Democrat; whether Colorado, Colo r.ulo Mariuro or Mailuro, for the The only Republican Daily Stmpapn n Wasco County. "rripp""-' sometimes varieti, nut tnc .'.) to 031 Termite brand on the box has always ro- li ASTERS OFFICE Court, S. Y. Citv. E. KATX, Aijrnt. ! niained the same !; Doinourat. It Iras been dilllcult 0, - est:' '-t'-'fJB-,. (Pi- i-i Li,1' , ft.,1 . I 1 A- 5v -o 1 75 " 00 SATURDAY. JUNE 20, isnv The 'Christianizing and uplifting of the dwellers along the Tpper Kile at the point of the bayonet and quiek ''liring machine guns seems to have met with a temporary rebuff in the 'reported wiping out of Baron Dhanis-' secret expedition into the Soudan. This is not a favorable time for such a setback to British intrigue, for the rise of the Kile, which makes passage of -the cataracts possible, is near at hand. Besides this expedition, there is yet to be reckoned with the result of the British mission to Abyssinia, Which, bearing handsome presents and a letter from (Jueen Victoria, 'has just been kindly received by -King Menelik. Its ulterior purpose is fairh to be construed as to induce jMenelik to refrain trom sending an Abyssinian army westward into the Egyptian or British Soudan. How over these contributory -schemes turn out, resistance to British conquest of the Soudan cannot long be effective there. Africa must be defended, if at all, from Berlin or St. Petersburg or Paris, perhaps at Constantinople conference, rerhaps in the stormy waters of the English channel. Ore- On iliis recent trip South President McKinley was presented a baby to kiss. He faced the music like a lit- tie man, and kissed the kid just as fervently as though he were running for ollicc. We fear he made a mis take in establishing the precedent, for there are babies and 'babies. And then, again, this is a free country, and the American people are jealous of their rights. If the president can kiss a white baby, by what authorit, in the light of the fifteenth amendment, can he refuse a like caress to that acute brunette offspring of some lady who was "born that way." It may be no inter-racial complications will follow the president's rash act; but -should the thing become a fad, the offce of "kisser in chief tc the presi dent" will have to be created. The job would not be a delectable one, but with a good fat salary there would be plenty of applicants. Judged solely by tiie quantity of mouth displyed, Oregon might put up a winner in a competitive exam ination in the person of her own be loved Max Prachl. The people of Eugene, or a large number of them, seem determined to get rid of President Chapman. A bitter fight is being made against him; but the boaid of regents stay right with him. We know nothing of the merits of the matter, but ono thing is certain, and that is that the usefulness of the college will be im paired by his retention, and that regardless of who is right, simply be cause a large number of Oregon's citizens are dissatisfied with him. Chapman should resign. Weekly OlnhliliiK Itute. Chroniclo nml-Oregonian. . Chronicle ami Examiner Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. World.. Whatever cite the Democrats and J'opnlists inny think of Senator IJaiina, they are hound to concede that he is u brave and hard fighter. McLean, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, himself a candidate for Ilanna's seat on the Democratic ticket, had, 'through the columns of his paper, dared the state convention to indorse Ilanna. The state convention very promptly did that verv thing. Mo. Lean thinks Jfanim is so unpoptilar J with rjtho working people that thn! state will go Democratic. An exchange says Pennoyer is again a Democrat. The word ''again" is superfluous. I'oiinoyer always was ! And now the Oregon cherry has i received deserved praise, it coming , from Senator Vest ot Missouri, wlio i says he was here and had his ill 1 of cherries that were the finest on earth. When the state of Oregon can fill Missouri's Vest full of cherries and not miss them, the possibilities in the cherrv line seem boundless. Mr. Andrew Carnegie lias promised to present the art museum ot Spring field, Mass., a cop of the celebrated statue "Mercury in Repose." It ma' not be known to most of our citizens that Blakelcy A' Houghton have a beautiful copy of this same statue. It is small, weighing only sixteen pounds, .but is said to be perfect. Mrs, Nettie Craven, whose suits to prove that she is the brevet widow of the late James Fair are on trial in San Francisco, fainted again on the witness stand Wednesday. If she would light more and feint less, she would have a better chance of win ning some of the gay Jimmy's troublesome millions. sewer Cott ELY'S CHEAM: BALM isapoBltlTecnro. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 ecnta at Druseists or by mall ; samples 1 9c. by mail. ILV BROTIIEKS. 66 Warren St., Kew Tork City. Wanted. Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign find Dianioirl Jubilee." Over flowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the indorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic history of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only ."f 1.50. Uig book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission oO per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and terri tory. Tiie Dominion Company, Dept. 7, 3o0 Dearborn St.. Chicago. jun22-lin Ouli in Your Chock. All countv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1S92, will bo paid nt my office. Intereet ceases after May 7, 1S97. C. L. Piiillii'S, County Treasurer. "The Delft" Enameled Ware. Mixed Blue and White out side and While inside. "The Dolft" is the latest ware out in cooking utonsils. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum waiv, and prettier than oithor of thorn. Call and see tho oods at MAIER & BENTON'S 107 Second Street. I .cs as 1 T-EST vl!h a big 12. Bl.ic.liwGU'a Genulno BuUk d r" Durham Is In iicIiifs by itself. You will find ono t H ' coupon lnsldo cicli two ounce bug, una two con- fttk H pons inside each Tour ounce bug- of A H BEackwell's Gesiunis Durham Stroking Tobacco H Bnyabngrof this celebrated tobneconnd rend the coupon M H wWchgtvedivllstor valuable presents aud how to get tbeni Wholesale. rjdines and Cigaps. THE CELEBRATED k. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, nnequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. u There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune." The poet unciuestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALl Who are selling those goods MICHELBACH BP.IOK. New York Weekly Tribune With the close of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to homo and businePH interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will he put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspapur, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indisneusable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. " Write your name and uddress Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a sample cony of The New York Weeklv Trib une will be mailed to von. Job Printing STEPHENS of men which, taken at its Jlooa Furniture and Carpets & BURGET'S, out al greatly-reduced rat - . UNION ST. KOI! Farmers and Villagers, KOU Fathers and Mothers, FOK Sons and Daughters, FOK All the Family. on a noatal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. at This Office. 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A UKNKHAli HANKING 1IU8INKS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. I. COIKEINI, SOLK DKAJ.KU IN THK DAI.I.US 01-' Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preeerves the Body by Ex eluding the Air. It possesees every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place lor tne ueau. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be lirnily fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Coniini has on hand a larce sun ply ot lirst-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in rortlanu. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AIII, MlNNEAl'DIJ IJUI.UTH PAltGO TO O KANU FOH OKOOKSTON WINNU'KG IIKI,KKA mi ltllTTB Through Tickets Tfl CHICAGO WASHINGTON l'lllI.ADKr.l'HIA NKW YORK ItOHTON ANIJ AM. roiNTH east uni houth For lnformiitfnii. rlmn r.iu mum. n..f ,it.. cal on or wrlto to W. C. ALLA.WAY. AKent, The Udllea, Oregon OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G, P. A oiornnou uor. inini. t'ortiana Oregon Tills Ih Tour Opportunity. On receint of ten cents, c.nah ft UenorOUB Baimilo will hn mnilpd f Iia J W W tUOSt DOnllUr Oiltnrrli nnil ITnv I'ouci. Hnra Clilv'B CrCftm Iialm BnfflniAtif. in fUmnn. trato tho great tnorits of tho remedy. 1UUX JUlUTilKHH, CO Wurren St., New York City. Iter. John Iteid. Jr. . of Croni P.iIIh Mnnl recoinmouded Ely's Creain Balm to me. I v.4.ruiiu ma niuiuiueiii, "n I tt posi tive CtirO for catnrrh if nuail nu.li - - "v w vwiww Rev. FranciH W. Poolo, Pastor CentrolPrefc vuurcii, neionn, Mont. Ely's Oreoin Balm in hn euro for catarrh und coutuiriB no mercury sirs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE iiktwi:i:n The Dalles, Ilooil Hivcr, Cnscmte Lucks mid Pn laud dally, osccjit Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES DOWN THE VALLEY . OR TO ( EASTERN OREGON? Are you going II so, snvo money and enjoy a TjcnuWiil trip on the Columbia. Tho west-bound train arrlvesjt The Dalles lu nmidc time lor ian,emrers to tnki the steamer, arriving In Portland In time for tho mitgnliiK Bouthcrn and Northern trains- East, bound iassen(,'ern arilvliiK In The Dulles la time to take the Kast-bound train. For further Information apply to J. N. HARNKY, Agent, Oak Street Doek. Portland, Oregon, Or W. O. AI.UWVAY, (Jtn.AgL, The Dalles, Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. DR. GUM'S IJIl'KOVED PILLS A .Mild 1'liyxic. Ono Fill, for n "oe. A movimiont ol I h bowela each dy w necenura (or bealtrj. Thnpo pillH supply whit tUq oyntem UIW makt! it rfgnlar. 'llieycuro Headache, bncntea tM Krai, vwl clear IhoUomplmion bcttertUaniounl. TUeyneitln-r (-Ti-i iiur Bicken. To connncoiia, Hid mail KMiinlM frtw, or fnll Ihiz lor ftje. $Angh me coiuiia Mnti PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFAOTUKKKSOF Pine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC. - - NEW YORK WORLD T8R1CE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'ukor Weok. CB '1,M Ye" t i , " " i...,onkiv" Dapera it eninuH iirHi muuiiB -".- . in size, frequency of publication tf irUHUMOHH, VIIIIOUV Hliu ...... . tents. It is pnictically a daily at tteww . . . i.. . 1 lla vatkt lUf' price o uweeKiy; mi" "d t d BiibecriberB, extending to every etate anu territory of tho Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy fuirnesH of its news columns. It is flplendidly Illustrated, and amog 11b apeclal features aro a me nu page, exhaustive market reports, u lateflt fashions for women and series of stories by the greatest American and English motb, Conun UoylB, Jurome Kt J" 1fcl9i HtanUy Weyniin. Mary ' Anthony Ht. et H"r,e' We offer this unequaled nPjJ V Tho Dalles Twice..-Week OhM gether one year for '.00. Tiie rcg price of the two papers is