l)c dalles Chronicle. HjC VH mSbIPBV VQ X THE DALLES, OREGON, THUKSDAY, JUNE 24. 1897 " NO 141 . . flilA IN CONTROL Hai'iuonious Session of the Ohio Convention. MJSHN'EU NAMED FOR GOVERNOR DmiBln-rty tur Chairman of tlie Central C(iininlttiM'--l liitform lixlorm-s Die JloKlnley Administration. Toixuo. 0., June 23. With the con tit for the chairmanship Eeitled in fa vor of Major Dicks, and the entire Hanna elate, the Republican state convention nroceded toduy with the usual business. The report of the credentials committee was adopted without opposition, 'lem nrcunizatioii, with brosvenor in the chair, was made permanent. The committee on platform was in session all night, trying to frame a plat form so as to prevent a contest over the civil service, Cuban and other resolu tions. The platform adopted declares as follows : "That the republicans of Ohio rejoice in the mneniflcent victory of last year, whereby the voters of the United States overwhelming declared in favor of nn honest dollar and a chance to earn it, and elected as president that splendid Eonof Ohio, William McKinley. "The platform upon which that vic tory was witn declares the principles and policies of thu Republican party. To all the declarations of that platform we pledge anew our allegiance. "The Republican party has always been the friend of the downtrodden and oppressed, and deeply sympathized with the struggle of any people for independ ence. We extend sympathy to the pa triots of Cuba in their efforts to achieve freedom, and hope the day of their de liverance is near at hand. We commend the course of the president, and express confidence in his speedy and patriotic disposition of the Cuban question in accordance with wise statesmansnip and a firm and vigorous policy. "We believe the administration in negotiating a treaty of annexation with Hawaii has acted wisely. "We denounce the violation of the spirit of the civil service act by Cleve land. "We iavor the passage by congress of such a law as will provide a national board of arbitration for adjustment of differences betweeu corporations engaged in interstate commerce and their em ployes. "We demand for the woolgrowers of Ohio such ample protection as shall speedily increase the American flocks sufficiently to supply all American needs. "We indorse the candidacy of M. A. Hanna for the United States senate to succeed himself, and pledge the support of the party at the next general assem bly to his selection for both the short and long terms" Mention of Hanna's name was greeted with loud demonstrations. Hanna waB called for. He said the Republicans had been warned that this was a dangerous year. He joined in accepting the challenge. The opposi tion will revive free silver in Ohio, but never again free wool. The senator paid a high tribute to the president's efforts to bring about prosperity. The following nominations were made: Governor, Asa Buahnell; lieutenant Rovernor, A. W. Jones ; supreme judge, J- F. Burkett; attorney-general, Frank Monett; treasurer, Samuel Campell. A new state committee waB organized withe H. D. Daugherty chairman; Peter Drr, secretary, The Gllu Valley Itallway. Gloiie, Avix,, June 23. It is believed Moore's Revealed Remedy Takes awnv all that "gone" feeling. It is a CURE THAT OURKS. "Happy Thought" Salve. pleasant to use, in a bandy screw. tP jar. It cure, poison 'oak, 'salt rheum and all akin trouble. 50c. Z. DpnnQU sells them. 1r POWDER Absolutely Pure. hSf S!.for IMS. .8irSB'' -id unci nil forms of adulteration common to the ItOYAIi BAKINi I'OWDEU CO. NEW YOItK. that construction work on the Gila Val ley, Globe & Northern railroad will be pushed to a speedy conclusion. Two years ago the road was laid from Bowie to Fort Thomas, a distance of 75 miles. I'reBident William Garland, of Los Ange.es, and Vice-President Cutler have been here for several days in the inter est of the road, and it is expected that the to miles from Fort Thomas to Globe will be built at once. THE HAWAIIAN TllEATY. I'lnutico Committee Kefors It to Sub committee for Investigation. Washington, June. '23. The Hawaii an annexation treaty formed the princi pal topic of convention by the senate committee on foreign relations today. The treaty and accompanying papers were read and leferred to a subcommit tee consisting of Sonators Foraker, Davis and Morgan. The inquiry will require considerable time, and no effort will be made by the full committee to take the subject up until the subcommittee re ports on all the details. The protest trom Japan in connection with the Hawaiian treaty was consid ered in a more serious light than first made apparent. The committee took precautions to prevent the publication of its proceedings. The protest is ac cepted as almost an ultimatum on Ja pan's part to the effect that the treaty must not be pertected. To Keculate Annexation. Washington, June 23. Senator Mor- has introduced a bill to regulate the an nexation of Hawaii to the United States. SKNA1E ON THE WOOL SCHEDULE Quny Moved to Keatore House Hates on Third Class. Washington. June 2ii. Senator Quay todav moved to restore the house rate of 32 per cent ad valorem on third-class wool, valued at 13 ceuts or less, ine WeHtern senators combated it. Quay also moved to lay on the table the amendments of the finance committee to nnrnpranh 337 ( wool), the effect being to restore the house rates, and the motion was lost by a vote of 19 to 11. Teller made a vigorous speech in wincn h ..imrped the Republicans with hav ing no desire to push the tariff bill. Re plying to the remarks of Hoar to the ef fect that Bryan would have vetoed the ,; i.ni fordutvon wool, while eome of his supporters now urged a higher rate. Teller stated, it Hoar was goiuB iu bring the last campaign into debate the bill would be delayed indefinitely, as silver men would not allow such asser tions to go unchallenged. Wauted. Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her D . i T..i.t1n.rt H Hoar- Reign and tnamonu juu... .in. latest and richest pictures. Contains the indorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic msiory o ... :..,i.ia ,in. and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.60. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and terr torv. The Dominion Compauy, Uapt. 350 Dearborn St.. uuicaKo. jun22-lni LOST. w mare, branded D left 8LouU der. Was originally one of the O S range uj ? . .he return of reward win t a. Hudson. said mare to . DaiIe. Qr. 1 junlOU Heavy Knln Put n Stop to Opera tions In Culm. Nkw York, June 23. A letter written by General Maximo Gomez, dated Mnv 17, has been received by the Cuban junta. It states that the rains having begun, lighting is over for the season During the period of inactivity the Cu ban army is reduced to 3000 "men, but, writes Gomez, these men are well equipped, well-fed, sturdy and efficient soldiers. The Spanish army, the Cuban general describes as ill-equipped and ill-fed. Insurgents in a ISart Way. inkw okk, June 23. A dispatch to the Journal from Havana savg; A dispatch from Placetas insists that the backbone of the revolution in the Santa Clara district is broken. It also declares that a majority of the Monea gados insurgent forces are without arms; that all lack munitions, and are suffer ing from scurvy and smallpox. Their food supplies are said to be fast dimin ishing on account of the activitv of the Spanish columns engaged in the des truction of the crops. The double execution of Isidoro Car- mona and antbony Jordan, prisoners of war, sentenced for rebellion and incen diarism, occurred at La Cabanas this morning. The prisoners were court martialed yesterday afternoon. Want the Cubans llecogiilyetl. Washington, June 23. The general executive board of the Knights of Labor has adopted a resolution requesting the president and house of representatives to take immediate action recognizing the belligerency of Cuba. Annexation of Ilauail- London, June 23. In the house of commons tomorrow Beckett, conserva tive member for Yorkshire, will question the government as to whether it ia aware that "Queen Lilluokalani has been de posed by a small body of Americans who, without right or title, have as sumed sovereignty over Hawaii and to save themselves from the resentment of the people, have requested the Ameri can government to annex Hawaii, and whether Great Britain proposes to allow this most important coaling station pass into the hands of the United States without opposition. On the occasion of the meeting of the grund lodge of Elks at Minneapolis, the O. R. & N. will eell round trip tickets July 2d, good to return until July 31st, for $00.50. These tickets are good for stop-over privileges returning. The meeting of the National Educational As sociation is held at Milwaukee at the same time, and same rates to Minne apolis will be given. At that point, tickets will have to be purchased to Milwaukee, costing for the round trip ,$12.30. jul7-tf ISad Fire at New Vorlc. New Youk, June 23. Fire broke out this afternoon in a seven-story manu facturing building, at Laight and Green wich streets, which drove 300 people who were employed, out. All not out safely except one man, who jumped from a window and was badly injured. The principal tenant was W. E. Dietz, a lamp manufacturer. Dreyfus, whole sale liquor store occupied a portion of the building. The loss will amount to $500,000. Two Were Drowned. Stockton, Cal., June 23. News was received yesterday of a double drown ing in the San Joaquin river. Frank Robinson, aged 19, whose parents live at Petaluma, fell iuto to the water and was drowning, when his companion, Oliver Collars, plunged in to save htm and a death struggle ensued. Collars was powerless to hold his companion above water or help himself, and both perish ed. To Inspect the Soldier' Home. Santa Monica, Cal., June 23. The national board of managers of soldiers homes, General Franklin presiding, has arrived and will begin its annual inspec tion of the home here today. Major Bir mingham, treasurer of the board of man agers, had his foot badly crushed by an electric car at Barret station, near the home, today. Ilnndreda of thousands have been in duced to try Chaqiberlain'e Coujrh Rem edy by reading what it baa done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are today its warmest friends. For ealeAv BlaMey & Houston. Summer Outings. IF YOU ARE GOING- ON A TRIP, YOU MUST HAVE A TRUNK, &c. We offer a 15 per cent, reduction On all Trunks, Valises and Telesoooes for balance of week. WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to the "COMMON SENSE" TRUNK. DealneKi Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused ly catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Chunky & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 Buoklen's Ariuva salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, aruiigists. Have Your Oruln. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher fcxterm- it JLor ia the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Agent. LDDD POISON 'rimarr. Hmv oodr j or Ter Dermaneotl cured In 16 to 35 dan. You can bo treated at Dome loraame price unuor lame Kuurua tv. If roil Drufertocoinehorawewlllcon. tract to dot railroad f areatid hotel bllli.and coobarffe, If wo all to cure. If you bare taken mer cury, Iodide potash, and atlll bare achet anil tain, Mucous Vutcuea lu mouth, Hore Throat, luiplea, Copper Colored Hpotl. ulcer oa nr part of tiio bodr, Hair or Eyebro wg. fulllDK outfit to this Secondary BLOOD POISof wevnaranUiotocure. WeaoliclttUmotobU uu cuts and cnulleoK tit world for mib we ptumot cure. Tble dlseaae baa al vara KIm tBo aklll of the moafatnuent pliyal lao SOOfQOQ ca 1111 behind our uucowU. ItonaTnaranty; Abeolut proof Mntaealedoa At mmtt li Uiii. 1Kb. fr.. Prlc. UH. iuutfl.u r mall. IW.tMAtiU. pan- P. Subscribe .for Thk CiUfOicus. n n SURE CURE for PIL luhim .d mind. UUxlioi i f rotruiliiM Hl.i tuU nm. Bh.aui.KQil BMLaT lata, ri nTi.. tutfbi Tuiuurd. A cure, irculur. M-nt The two suggestive of one "COMMON SENSE" Old Style. TRUNK. KBtittd 9 ' INCHES 15 Per Cent. Reduction A. HI. WILLIAMS CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, y ITL'lfSSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTl TiOHl' '"''8 F'onr 18 manufactured expressly for family x AUUi' use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We eell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. We Carry afuiumeof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 26. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street, 'Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention, Trunks and Traveling Bags. another. We anticipate your wlshw, and otter you an assortment of the most up-to-dntu stylus in Trunks, Bag-s and Telescopes From which to make your bo- SPACE. lection. 15 per cent. Off the Regular Price For balance of the week. T. PETERS & CO & HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon