The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 23, 1897, Image 1

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    to Sottas
" THE DAT.TtfS OPK'fiAV AVPnvper.iv iiT-VTin no i on- xrr t ,
Republicans Have a .Falling
Out Over Wool Schedule.
Ibli Coined Carter to 31 like CharRr-H
if Covert DflHUliK, Which Alll
miii HotlV Kerieiitpd.
Washington-, Juno 22. The wool
schedule was taken up in the senatu to
day. The first contest came in a motion
to reduce the rate on first-class wool
from 11 to 10 cents a pound. It was car
ried by a vote of 55 to 13.
This result was followed by a mild sen
sationon the Republican side. Carter
said the vote disclosed a purpose to re
dace the wool rates, and served notice
that a day of reckoning would come.
when a combination wouia care more
about the matter. He suggested a post
ponement of Hie wool rates. Foraker
Tehemently reinforced Carter's remarks
and aunounced that unless the agree
ment that be supposed bad been reached
on wool was respected, every senator
must act for himself.
Allison endeavored to smooth matters
and mildly resented the suggestion of a
combination. He intimated a willing
ness to postpone the disputed rates, hut,
. ii ; i i . up i. .
wnn rising temper, hsuu : senators
cannot he driven, and this is not a good
place to drive."
"And that is why 1 don't drive," re
torted Foraker.
"Xor will I," said Allieon, showing
great feeling. "If there had not been
an insinuation of a combination," he
said. "I would have moved the post
ponement ot all paragraphs open to
question, but with the senate thrown
into a condition of excitement, I do not
propose to submit to threats." "There
fore," said Allison, passionately, "I am
not to be driven by threats from any
body. We are told we are in a combi
nation, and that the combination will
not vote for the bill. I am for the bill
and erpect to vote for it, and I do not
wish to be charged as a member of the
finance committee with dealing with this
question in a covert way."
Foraker had remained on his feet, and
with biting scorn he replied to Allison :
"If anybody is excited," he said, "we
will have to look about the chamber and
see who the excited persons are."
He proceeded to show that entire new
features hud been proposed on the wool
schedules, which the senators had not
had an opportunity to examine.
OlltlV Kill in n SHA.a.Mn nn in I' 1 1 1 I
-vwwj uumc iu iuijuiic no iu
the agreement was to which Foraker
bad referred. The Ohio senator said the
agreement was informal, but Quay waB
informal as to it, having been invited to
attend the meeting when the senators
considered what could be done toward
an agreement on certain features of the
wool schedule. Sudsequently, the re
sults of this meeting had been laid be
fore the finance committee.
"In fact, you were present and a
party to the agreement," said Gorman to
Quay. The Pennsylvania senator sat
down and shook his head.
Llberula' Cuban l'ollcy.
New Your, June 22. A Herald
Patch irora Madrid says :
The avowed and final Cuban policy of
the liberal party is now complete. It
guarantees autonomy, sincere and thor
ough, directed by a trustworthy and
humane civilian governor.
The newspapers are busy looking up
the speech which it is alleged General
Woodford made years ago favoring the
Cuban rebels, and drawing inferences
therefrom. They also echo the state-
Revealed Remedy
Takes away all that gone" feeling.
"Happy Thought" Salve.
Pleasant to use, in a handy screw
l0P jar. It curea poison oak,, salt
rheum and all skin troubles, 50c.
Z. Doanell sells them.
i ; s
ADsoiuteiy Pure.
strength auil
lienlthfulncss. Assures the food cnint nltim
"!? I ns ol adulteration common to the
Royai. Batumi Powder Co. New York
ment published in an English paper that
the Hawaiian islands would be at the
mercv of the Spanish fleet in the event
of an international rupture.
A Coal Company Falls-
New York, June 22. Henry S. White
and El mer Stockton have been appoint
ed receivers for the Randolph Coal &
Coke Company, that operates mines
near Sparta, 111. The application was
made by Francis Gilette, president of
the company. It was shown that the
aseests were only $100,000, owing to the
depreciation of the company's lands,
while the liabilities are $717,000.
Father of Charley Hogg.
Pailadej.i'hia, June 22. Christian
Ross iB dead of heart disease, at his
home on Washington avenue, German-
town. He was the father of Charlev
Ross, and up to his last illness, Mr. Ross
never gave up the search for his missing
boy, whose abduction startled Philadel
phia on July 1, 1874, and became an un
solved mystery the world over.
Tiro Bodies KecoTered.
Watkktowx, N. D., June 22. So far
two dead bodies, those of D. W. Bradley
and Philip Patterson, have been taken
out of the wrecked Mulholland block.
The injured who were rescued are:
David Waterhouse, who will die; Henry
Zeck, S. McDowell and Mrs. Austin. It
is believed there are more bodies in the
The Dauntless Captured.
Washington, June 22. The secre
tary of the treasury today received in
formation of the capture of the suspect
ed filibuster steamer Dauntless yesteru
day off Indian Key Fla., with men, arms
and ammunition on board. No further
particulars are given.
Meyer Lebinauu Is Dead.
New Yokk, June 22. Meyer Lehmann
is dead at bis home in tills city, aged 07
years' Aside from his large mercantile
interests, he engaged in railroad, mining
and industrial enterprises, and was one
of the 20 men who established the first
iron furnace in the South before tlie
Vauakeu Was Acquitted.
New Yokk, June 22.-W. V. Vanaken
who, it is alleged, attempted to shoot
former United States Senator McPher
son, May 18, was tried for assault in tha
first degree by Recorder Gofi' and ac
tfn-llBh and Belgian cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co.
Little Girl
you want part of that
thousand dollars, youd
better get a lot of those
-Milling's Best tea-tickets
-your mother, your neigh-
anybody tnai hkw
, will give them to you.
'hpn look for the rules
the papers. Do just as
tell you, aim mo
'11 get a lot of money.
i .
of contest published in large
ment about the first and middle
advertisement i
. . . .
month. A,J
of each
'cfuoiii-uii sinie convention Will Sleet
Thl Af'enioon.
Toledo, O., June 22. The Republican
state convention begins here today. It
. ... . - . .
nui nominate a inn state ticket and in
dorses a candidate for United States
senator. There is no opposition to Sen
ator Hanna, for both the short and long
terms, and none to renomination of Gov
ernor Bushnell and other state officers.
The only contest has been from the
start for control of the .'central commit,
tee, which elects the campaign chair
man. Foraker, Bushnell and others
have been untiring in their efforts to re
tain Chairman Kuitz, while Hanna and
the old following of McKinley and Sec
retary Sherman have supported Major
Dicks for the place. The fight has in
volred party leaders on one side or the
other, and is the most bitter contest that
hs been waged within either party for
Senator Hanna arrived from Cleveland
with a large escort shortly after 11 a. m.,
and had a conference with Major Dicks,
who presented an ultimatum from Gov
ernor Bushnell. Bushnell authorized
Dicks to says to Hanna that he would
decline the renomination if Chairman
Kurtz was not retained in charge of
state headquarters. Hanna and Bush
nell are to have a final conference pre
vious to the district meetings of dele
gates at 3 p. m. The assembling of the
convention is announced for 1 p. m.
Toledo, O., June 22. The conference
with Senator Hanna and his friends
closed at 12:30, when it was announced
the senator would not consider the
withdrawal of Major Dicks as a candi
date for chairman.
Hanna Off lor Toledo.
Cleveland, June 22. Senator Hanna
left for the state convention at Toledo
this mornrng with a retinue that any
monarch might envy. The train was
ablaze with color and every one of the
400 who accompanied him wore beauti
ful badges of red and gold in which was
woven Hanna'e picture.
McCartney Is Acquitted.
Washington, June 22 Judge Brad-
lev today sustained the motion of the
defense in the case of John W . McCart-
nev. a broker of this city, on trial for
alleged contention in connection with
the senate BUgar investigation, and or
dered the jury to return a verdict of ac
David Could Vouch for Some Wonderful
Thing They Did.
"You don't believe those stories about
women being' human magnets, doyou?"
Dora asked.
"Some of them are mighty attract
ive," David said, looking at her keenly.
Dora blushed.
"I don't mean that," she said; "I
mean tneir tioing sucn great tilings
lifting half a dozen men and all those,
tricks. Do you believe it?"
"Well, 1 don't know," David reflective
v answered: "I saw a woman to-day
she wasn't more than five feet high,
and slight tit that J saw her just lift
a finger it was right in the street,
crowds of people around her she
raised hr linger and and "
"Well, for pity's sake, what?" ex
claimed Dora, impatiently. "Don't be
so long about it.'
"I don't go so far as to say site, had
electrical powers," David pursued,
calmly; "I won't undertake to explain
what it was, but this much f vouch for,
for I saw it with my own eyes the
moment she raised that little finger
it had udninty piuk nail on it a heavily
loaded stm-t car that was passing came
to an iustunt stop."
Hut Dora, with heightened color, de
clared that if ever another woman lived
who was married to so mean a man, .all
she had got to say was that site pitied
her. N. Y. Recorder.
De chaplain ob congress is name'
Milburn, an' he is as blin' as or bat. Hit
mus' be or comfort ter him terbeabla
ter cite de Scriptures. Heah! yeah!
He Couldn't r.eave California.
San Fkancisco,, June 22. Dr. George
Gibson, who has been so often mention
ed in connection with the Durrant case,
has withdrawn his resignation as pastor
of Emmanuel Baptist church,
Off for Gray Gables.
I'kinckton, N. J.. June 22. Mr.
Mu..iunri nnrl famllv have left Prince
UlC.VMMi" - " '
ton for their summer home at Gray
Subscribe for Tuk Chbonici.k.
Ladies' Wrappers.
Excellent Assortment.
Splendid Values.
7 KC anc better,
kJ in Calicos,
and Mulls.
DealneHi Cannot he Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is bv constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, nud when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
uny case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Ciiio.vKY & Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10
liuolclen's Arnica naive.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It iB guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or inonev refunded. Price 25 cent
per hox. tor sale uy Jijaueiey aim
Houghton, druggists.
Have Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys f l.ou wortii ot grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher E.term-
it Jtor is the most effective and econom
ical poibon known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. A. Donuell,
I'rlmarr. Hv
curedlnl6to35dYi. You can be treated
home for iame uricounderiunioiruaran.
tr. If rou prefer tocomehera wewllleotn
tract to Day railroad fnrend hotel bllli.ind
Boebane, If wo full to euro. If you bare taken uter
cury, fotlldo uotuab, and Mill bare acuea and
paloj, Mucui;a 1'atcliealn raoutb, Hore Throat,
I'iiDple. Copper Colored Hpoti, Ulcer oo
ur part of the bodr, Ilulror Eyebrow fulling
eat, It U this Hecoudary llLOOU FOIHOft
wo aarantto to cure. We aoliclt the most oiii tl
Bate cum and challeujre tlio world for
caae weeauiiotciire. Tula dlieaaa baa a! -art
baflM the eklll of the iaoit ewiueut pbjral
l. asOO.OOO canltal behind our nnmiulL
tlonalmarantr. A baolute proof tent aeaUidoa
lubiB .Hi niton, BUrtlafMrrauudluwPJI.ifMMalMit U
PK. BO-HAN-KO'S f ILK IMBOT. w. lu:!,.
Ittji.abMJit. tumor. X i.illrt cure. Circular, .am tit, rrlc
Subscribe for Thk Cukoniclk.
Special Mention.
Belts and Fans.
Fancy Leather
Newest Novelties
Greens, Ox-hlootls,
White Leather, Crash, ifc.e
All Prices,
25 cts. and up.
See our new assortment of
Fancy .Japanese Fans.
5c, 8c, 10c, 15c and 25c each.
Some at -10c, 50c and 70c "
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Brn, Shorts, Xled
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
f"rT"l TnioilT ''''s ''"'ollr 18 manufactured exprevsly for family
UVXA A A,-'lx. ugu. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our good a lower than uny house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and et our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We Carry afuuimeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 26.
175 Second Street.
pF"Country and Mail Orden will receive prompt attention.
Caps Caps
Girls', Hoys', Ladies'
and Men's
newest things in Caps
now on display
in our Hat Departm'nt.
Caps, 20c to $1.
The popular Crash
Yacht and Golf.
White Puck Golf.
New Leather .Jockey,
Golf and 10 a ton,
Fancy Checks,
Corduroy, ifce, itc.
Have you seen the
New Leather Sailor?
Chocolate, Ox-blood, Green.
75c, 85c and $1.00
The Dalles, Oregon