The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1897, Image 3

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    Special Sale of Clothing.
The Good Clothes Habit
Is on the increase. Consumers are wearing
more good clothes every season. Wo know this bv
our increasing business.
And with this end in view, we have selected
ninety suits from our regular lines, that retail for
len, lwelve-fifty and Fourteen Dollars,
We shall offer them at a uniform price of
Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other
than our Agents, ottering Baker Barb Wire.
Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents
At The Palles for many years for the sale of our linker Perfect. Barb Wire.
Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them.
This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted,
and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer
of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all,
Cheap, undesirable articles of no morit are never imitated.
The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to bo stamped Baker.
You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su
perior excellence of the wire which has been tosted to your entire satisfaction.
Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS,
Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles,
For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 22, 1897
Hand 0111 ObnervatiouB and Local Eveuts
of Leaser Alaenitude.
JaBon A. Wakefield made final proof
on his timber culture claim, Eituate in
thie county, today.
William E. Wheeler of Mosier made a
homestead entry at the land office today
on land Bituated near Mosier.
The body found near Stevenson a week
ago lias been identified as that of Aram,
a cattleman of Lewiston, who was
drowned by the upsetting of a ferryboat
at that point a month before the body
was found. j-
Wool continues to come in abundantly,
and the warehouses are crowded. Borne
email lots change hands nearly every
day, the price running from 8)2 to 9
cents, the latter beinc the top notch
paid so far. ir
was beguu on the Columbia
Southern Railway yesterday morning,"
about fortv men being at work. The.
force will be gradually increased, and it
is said the road will be completed in
v uiutu IUQ Kivyia HIM (j.vtt.w. :
1 esteruay afternoon .03 of an men Qi
rain fell and last night .24 more came
down, making .87 in all. The rain ex
tended over Klickitat, Wasco and Sher
man counties, at least, and has added
thousands of dollars to the crop value.
C. F. Jewett, the defaulting bank
cashier, who was arrested in the East a
short time ago and brought to Portland,
ie evidently a pretty smooth worker if all
accounts are true. Yesterday's Tele
gram says that among others whom he
victimized was Dr. A. Dietrick of The
Dalles, from whom he got $930.
Dan Moore, the man ' arrested on the
coarue of mna n n.irr.v to the theft
went into the baBement, turned on the
gas yet, and lit it. The explosion fol
lowed. The north end of the building
is pretty badly wrecked, the plaster is
torn off, the stairs leading to the U. S.
court rooms blown to pieces and win
dows and doors torn from their hinges.
Janitor Maloney was quite seriously in
jured, and another person hurt, but
neither fatally.
Yesterday's Election. J
The election yesterday was a hot one,
carriages running all day carrying voters
to the polls, and yet the vote was not
lull. The heavy rain in the afternoon
prevented many living on the hill from
going to the polls. The result was as
follows :
For mayor Nolan 138; Wilson 52.
Treasurer Crandall 188.
Counciman Johnston 133 ; Logan 52.
"Water commissioner at large Dufur
jWater commissioner Croseen 184.
For mayor Nolan 96; Wilson 109.
U7 Treasurer Ciandall 200.
jWater commissioner at large .uuiur
Councilman C F Stephens 194.
Water commissioner Simeon Bolton
113; Mac Allieter 82.
)For mayor Nolan 127; Wilson 100.
1 Treasurer Crandall 230.
Water commiBeiener at large Dufur
Councilman JohnB 220.
Water commissioner Phirman 130;
Nielsen 91.
Total vote for mayor 622. Nolan 361;
Wilson 261.
When the returns were known the
band boys turned out and serenaded the
successful candidate for mayorv..
Labor Kxclianee Talk.
Last night Mr. B. J. Sharp, state or
ganizerfor the Labor Exchange, ad
dressed a small crowd at the court
from Taylor Hill, had his preliminary j house on that subject. Mr. Sharp
lamination this morning before Justice is a logical reasoner and a good alM ,
i-illoon. Prosecuting Attorney Jayne though it strucK us J ""
stated that there was not sut3c!ent evi-1 rectly to the subjec t, bu t looted much
flence available to warrant holding the ' of his time to rld.cul m nonjury
PriBoner.and he was discharged. The science," which he cla.u does not nit,
only thing connecting Moore with the and jabbing some point "
matter was the statement of Sln-rts that , "Hamilton's System of be
d received the money from him. main idea advanced b the speak r wa
that the Labor Exchange system, uy
bam Ennis, a miner, employed by the gtoring products in warehouses and Is
Lapwai Mining Company in the fTpper ! . certificatee against them, would
Clearwater, died at HarpBterSuuda .'.the jde a flexible currency or medium
result of a protracted spree. With two f excuanget that would adapt itself to
other men he began drinking Saturday . WRnU o( business. It would go out
nifc'ht. The party drank all the whi-Kty ,e wbt.n cr0ps or products
"iey could get, then took in a lot o' ai- aVinnriant. and would
Twelfth Annual Convention, M. K.
Church, The Dalles, June 2K,
!!0 and HI).
come oacK
2 to
cohol, and topped off with eleven bo ho3 redemption when there was a
' Jamaica Ginsrer. three bottleslof Ptrry .,. av,,anrHntr or contract!
Jvis Pain Killer and four bottlei of the needs of the business. At the
HoBtnUnr'a D!n.n c..n1 otron i. a ... i. tl,Q audience W8B
Bittern. Rundav even iK . ... . m ramnrks the audience was
Eonis collapsed, and during the night . t ign tUe pledge, binding them-
I selves to Bupport uie wwr.-.-The
postoffice building at Portlaid merchant who tells you he has
was badly damaged yesterday afternocu 1 lU0 , ood ft8 Hoe Cake soap
1:30 o'clock. Gas had been mpU'TSS?Wttom a2.3m
vu,o nme, anu janitor rami;
loney'e attention being called to it, tt
subscribe for The Chbonicik.
The following is the program lor the
Union State Sunday School Convention,
to be held in the M. E. church :
Monday Evening, Junk 2Sth.
7 :30 Devotional "Gratitude," Rev J
L Hershner, Hood River.
o . r ri .11 it?..! r r
o :vv Auaress eicome, :urs m c
Briggs, The Dalles.
8 :10 Response
S8:20-President'6 Address "Past Re
sults," Rev G E Hawes, Portland.
6:50 Address "The Outlook," Rev
GV Gue, D D, Portland.
9. :20 Fellowship.
9:30 Adjournment.
Tuesday Morning, June 29th.
9:00 Devotional -"A Conscious Pres
ence of the Holy Spirit," Rev E E Fix,
9:20 Appointment of committees.
9:30 Reports from county associa
tions. 10:00 Discussion.
10:20 Report of State Executive
10:35 Report of state treasurer, Mr
H M Clinton.
10:50 Report of state secretary, Mr
A A Morse.
11:10 Report of Oregon Sunday
School Tidings, the manager.
11 :2o Discussion.
11 :45 Business.
12 :00 Adjournment.
Tuesday Afternoon.
1 :30 Conferences a Superintend
ents, Mr F R Cook ; b Primary work
ers; Mrs E W Allen; c Teachers, Mr
HM Clinton.
2:15 Devotional "The Bible bb a
Jext Book," Rev N Shupp.
2 :40 Department Reports a State
primary superintendent, Mrs E W Al
len. 3:00 b State normal superintend
ent, Mr G F Billings.
3;20c State home superintendent.
Rev C C Poling.
3:40 d State house-to-house visita
tion superintendent, Rev G A Blair.
Discussion after each report.
4 -.00 Progressive methods, Rev W S
4 :30 Question box.
5 :00 Business.
Tuesday Evening.
7:30 Praise service, Rev W R Winans
of the American S S Union.
7 :50 Address "Is this Old World
Growing Brighter?" Rev Ray Palmer.
8 :25 Address " Uneeen Helpers,"
Rev E P Hill, D D.
Wednesday Morning, Junk 80th.
9:00 Devotional, Rev W J Hughes,
Baker City.
9:20 "The Model Sunday School in
Session," Prof R R Steele.
10 : 20 Discussion "The previous
hours work tor Officers, Teachers and
10 :50 Reports from the field by our
missionaries, Eevs Vita Travis, K A
Rowley, W J Hughes, W R Winans, S S
205 Oregonian Bklg., Portland, Or,
H. J. McMANUS, Manager.
Caldwell and C A Nutley.
12 :00 Adjournment.
Wednesday Afternoon.
2:00 Devotional, Mrs Mary K K Ed
wards, Newberg.
2:20 "The MarkB of a Good School,"
Mr J K Groom.
2:50 "After the Lesson and Between
Sundaye, What?" Rev B J Kelly, Cor-
3:20 Discussion.
3;30 The preparation of the lesson.
4 :00 "Gathering up the Fragments, "
4 :30 Adjournment.
Wednesday Evening.
7:45-Devotional, Rev J II Wood, The
8 :00 Address, Prof W C Hawley.
8:35 Address "The Authenticity of
the Bible," Rev A W Ackerman.
9:10 Consecration, Rev G A Blair.
9 :30 Benediction.
Lurtu ltubertH Ntray Prom Hume mill,
is wui Jl 1 1 .IKIIl.
f -I
Last Fr i d ay"af t e rn odrf "K r i if,' 1 1 1 e 2,'s-
year-old son of A. S Roberts, whore-
Bides at the big beifd of the Deschutes,
Btrayed away froin the house about 4
o'clock. His mtfther soon missed him,
but thinking he could not hayo gotten
far, wbb not alarmed, until a search of
ten or fifteen minutes failed to discover
him. The country is broken and hilly,
full of ravines and gulches, and it was
easy for him to become lost. Failing to
find him, she gave the alarm, and soon
her husband, her aiBter and herself were
scourini! the hills in the vicinity for him.
Not fiuding'him in the course of half an
hour, the neighbors were called upon,
and boou the entire neighborhood had
turned out to Bearch for the little follow.
He being so small it was feared the
covotes would attack him, and it was In
deed a long and anxious night for all.
TIim cpiirch wn kent ui) all tiluht. and
about sunrise hisfather found him,
chafiing after alband of horses. The
fiiflt thing hefeaid as his father ap
proached him was, "Where's mamma?"
His tracks bad been found during the
night, but could not be followed, and in
his efforts to get home he had traveled
probably five miles, as ho was found two
miles and a half from home. A young
shepherd pup had followed him and was
with him when he was found, and it was
probably due to ttiAt fact It lint he es
caped being attacked by coyotes.
His mother rode horseback all night
in the search for him, but broke down
completely when he was found,
One business man wanted in every
city (not already taken) for exclusive
sale of manufactured goods. Applicant
must furnish few hundred dollars cash
capital to carry small stock of saleable
merchandise with which to supply his
own customers after orders are first se
cured, Two hundred dollars monthly
profit assured over all expenses. State
references, qualifications, etc.
F. E. Vail,
136-140, Nassau St., New York.
Be Not Alarmed
By the so-called "WARNING" of our competitors. Tho threat
made to our customers is nothing more nor lo3s than a big I) hid' of a
would-be monopoly.
Our Baker Barbed Wire was purchasud from one of tho largest
concents in tho United Stint's; o,u:h spool is branded "Genuine I!ker
Warranted," and we invito comparison with any other tnako of Wire.
Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wiro for SPOT
CASH, at tho right price, and propose to give our customers tho benefit
of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to bo the
best Wire on earth. It ia worth no more than any other good Wire,
but is as good as any, and wo are selling it 11s low as any. Compuro
our so-called "Spurious" Wiro with tho ONLY Baker PERFECT, be
fore buying, and get our prices. We are making prices that should get
vour trade.
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Flat's. Kockots. Tornedoos, Roman Candles, Poinbs
and Fire-crackers. Largo Assortment, Prices
, the lowest.
i Mall orders promptly attended to.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
IHiiocokbo; to Chrtmuun A Coreou.
Again in biulness at the old stand. 1 would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Fe delivery to any part of town.
Lumber, Building: Material and Boxes
Traded lorHay, Grain, Bacon,Lard, &c,
The Dalle Or
r r. ' '