Ii: Hulks Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22. 1897 NO 13W Mt PSpBiH "aaaVW flBKi ptaV LaaaHTaLaV POL RATES READY Finance Committee Agreed Keiranliiis: Schedule. DELAY DUE TO QUAY'S ABSENCE vocnti'- of Protection for Wool III. iitiefi-l IVIth tlie Kntes--Iay in thu Sennte. Washington, June 21. The senate finance committee has practically reached a conclusion on the wool sched ule, but it will not be officially an nounced till tomorrow. It was on this account the wool ephedule was passed over when reached Saturday. The de lav is due to the absence of Senator Quay, who is opposed to the increase proposed in carpet wools. Quay is ex pected to return tomorrow and make a protest, but it is thought the rates agreed upon will be reported. He may, However, secure a modification which will insure the use of wools imported as carpet wools purely for that purpose. The contention of the wool men is that much wool imported for carpet purposes is used in other ways. The following are the rates the finance committee has indicated a willingness to grant: First class, 10 cents per pound; second class, 11 cents; third class, if worth over 10 cents per pouud, 7 cents; it worth less than 10 cents, 4 cents. These rates are not entirely satisfac tory to the advocates of a high wool tariff, but there is reason to believe they will be accepted with but little pro test. The rate is 1 cent less on both first and secoud-claBS wools than that allowed in the house bill, but the pro vision made for third-claBS wool is bo much more satisfactory than that made by the house that they are inclined to congratulate themselves upon the result of their agitation and leave the matter where these figures place it. THU DAY IN THE SENATE. Free Lltt Keiicliect lu Consideration of the Turin Kill. Washington-, June 21. The senate today skipped the wool schedule until tomorrow, and taking up the paper schedule finished it in 35 minutes, agreeing to all the finance committee propositions. The sundries Bchedule was taken up next. Coal was passed oyer. On matches Allison moved an amendment, making the rate 8 centB per cross box instead of the senate rate of 20 percent. The democrats opposed the change as in the interest of match trusts, but the republicans denied this and car ried the amendment. Another fight arose over a duty of 10 per cent in safety Inses. Pettigrew and Teller fought the duty as a tax on the miner for the bene fit of a trust. A tie vote resulted and Pettigrew lost the amendment making them free. At 2 o'clock this afternoou the senate reached the free list of the tariff bill. SEW 1'I.AN to eni tub wak. 8tJCar Trust Would Buy the Island From Spain. New Youk, June 21. A dispatch to tbe Herald from Washington says: A story is current that the sugar truBt has evolved or accepted an ambitious suggestion that Cuba is substantially for 8ale, and might as well become a sugar plantation foraRigautic corporation sup ported by the sympaty and the interest of our country. in other words, that we might have a West Indian Company, 88 England had, and a Hudson Bay Company, each of which aided in the "tension of the British empire. It ie said the Spanish minister to the Moore's Revealed Remedy Takes nwv all that "gone" feeling. is a CUKE THAT UUKKB. "Happy Thought" Salve. Pleasant to use, in a baudy screw t0P jar. lVcurei poison oak, salt nieum and all skin troubles. 50c. H. Z. Donnell sells them. I I K.vktiiquake in MKMt o. I flNBSBSBSBBBVsBSBsm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its trreat leavening strength nud lienlthfiilncss. Assures the food Against alum nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co. New York. United States cabled recently to Madrid reports of the disposition ot our govern ment to decline to interfere by force and aleo to Eupport Cuban autonomy, and that this cable prevented the recall of of Weyler, when a change in the Span ish ministry was in the air, and pre vented sending to Cuba Campos, who, having closed the ten years' war with cash in hand, might.do the same job now by the same means much cheaper than Spain can keep 200,000 soldiers in the field. Colonel J. J. Cook is the gentleman credited with the immagination to con ceive the capture of Quba with cash as a measure of peace. Stands ut the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that iB claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and today stands at the head. It nerer disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1 Vnr.l!oVi nnrl Rftlcinn ppment. verv best imported brands, for sale by Wasco Warehouse Co. my5-lm On San Nicholas lalands. T Pfir.ii f!nl .1nnn 21. After UUiu ubnvii j vnii nearly three weeks' Bojourn on the bar- ren island ot oan JMicnoias, a panj ui i: i...noi -o'inViBrI I nno Rpurli todav. ICllU'UUUbl'ID v.i- " J -o i loaded with skeletons, skulls and an cient implements and ornaments of stone and Bbelle, the remains of pre historic tnoes. Tkinortv fnnnri R7 nk'iillg buried in the sand of the island, but were only able to secure three entire. They made one excavation 20 feet square in which they found nine SKeieious m a uuuwiui otnnrli. as thoueh men, women and children had been buried alive. In an other place they found the remains of hundreds of bodies tnat naa Dtseu uuru- Evidence was found that tbe island was inhabited by two or more different races, one of which was of great size, a peculiar characteristic oeing B'P" jawbones. . Yellow washing powder will make your clothes the eame color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. a2-3,u Kecord Was Smashed. PITT8IIU80, June 21.-From Chicago ti!.i-u...n In O imiirfl and 25 minutes, .... ii is the latest time-beating record of the Pennsylvania Company. It was accomplished without any flourish of trumpets or an auvauv;o uuuvm . and was not even Known by many em ....minl noints. It is con- nioyes ui i w i - , Jidered one of tbe beBt recordBever made on a railroad. The train consisted i w cars of officials of the road. James Mc Crea, vice-president, and Joseph Wood, eene al manager, headed the party of El which occupied the cars. From Urn to Crestine, 78 miles, therun jas Se i" actly 78 minute, minute. Old railroad men eay it was time ever made between fttU burg and Chicago- SubacribeforTB Cbwwiow. City of Tehuantpppr. Totally Destroyed ly Kecen Shock. O.kxkcx, Mexico, June 21. Earth quake shocks and heavy rains have ser iously interrupted telegraph communi cation with the isthmus of Tehuantepec during the last three days. Advices were received here last night that the official commission sent to the city ot Tehuantepec by President Diaz to investigate the reported formation of a volcano and the extent of the earth quake damages, has arrived at its des tination and found the condition of affairs much worse than they had ex pected. The town of Tehuantepec con tained about 15,000 inhabitants, and is completely destroyed so far as houses and buildings are concerned, not one re main standing. There were a number of substantial and costly buildings in the town. The people are living in tents and in the open air on the outskirts of the place. The earthquake shocks continue to be felt at frequent intervals, and the people are terrified. The heavy smoke and other indications of an active vol cano to the west of Tehuantepec is no longer visible. Captain Itoyco't Dead. London, June 21. Captain Boycott is dead. He was abo'ut 55 years of age and became famous through being the first man subjected to the "boycott" in Ireland. He was a land agent in 1SS1 in Connemara section, county Mayo, where he collected rents. The captain made a speech in which he urged the people of Ireland to abstain from agra rian crimes and to adopt instead the policy of sending harsh landlords, agents and baliffs to the "inventory," the old term for boycotting. Events so shaped themsekes that Captain Boycott was the first man the Irish experimented on in this connection. Shot Another and Himself. Waltiiam, Mass., June 21. Malone I. Wilson, of this city, shot and danger ously wounded Maggie Hines, a domest ic employed in the boarding-houBe of Mrs. Monlton, Wilson's mother, today. Wilson then placed the revolver to his head and discharged the weapon, killing himself instantly. The motive for the deed is not known. Lees Thinks Figel J Guilty. San Fkancisco, June 21. Chief of Police Lees, has made the statement that from the evidence so far brought out a1 the coroner's inquest, it is, in his opin ion, fair to conclude that Theodore Figel was immediately connected with the death of Ieacc Hoffman. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The oldest national flag in the world is that of Dennmrk, which has been in use since the year 121'J. Among- the earliest six!dmens of alphabetical writing are the inscrip tions given on the monument of King Eslunuunezer, which rival in impor tance the Moabitie inscription of King Mesha. The oldest Jewish alphabet is sup posed by some scholars to have been an adaptation of the Egyptian ideographs. Its earliest use in a monument is sup posed to be the Siloam inscription at Jerusalem. Astronomers calculate that the surface of the earth contains 31,025,025 Miuurc miles, of which 23,814,121 are water and 7,811,504 are land, the water thus covering about seven-tenths oflhe earth's surface. Size for size, a thread of spider silk is decidedly tougher than a bar of steel. An ordinary thread will bear a weight of three grains. This is just about 50 per cent, stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness. -Italy has 48 per cent, illiterate peo ; France and Belgium about 15 per pie cent In Hungary the illiterates mini ber 13 per cent.; in Austria, -- -""i nnd in Ireland 21 jier cent. In India only 11,000,000 people out of 250,000,000 can read and write. The 72 races inhabiting the world communicate with each other in 3,004 different tongues, and confess to about 1,000 religions. The number of men and women is very nearly equal, the average longevity of both sexes beinflr only 38 years, about one-third of tlw population dying before the age of 17. Jeroslaf I. of Itussia had no teeth, having lost these valuable adjuncts to happiness by a blow from a Turkish maw. An English traveler in. this country says it was commonly reported that the king's chewing was done by the queen, who masticated all the royal food and tranfcferred it from her mouth to his majesty' with a spoon, 1 i Ladies' Wrappers. SB? m Excellent Assortment. Splendid Values. y and better, in Lancos, Lawns and Mulls. Deafneftl Cannot lio Cured by local applications, na they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafnes9 is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling eound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine casB out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 Buoklen's Arnica rialvtt. The best Balve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piiea, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lox. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Have Your Grwln. Few realize that eacli squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher hxterm it jior is the most effective and econom ical polboii known. Prico reduced to .'50 cents. For sale by M. 'A. Donnell, Agent. R ILODD POISON tr$fSSo3joC' I'rlmarr.Hafc oodAiTorTar. Itlarr IS LOOM l'OISON permanentlf cured In 16 to 85 day. You can be treated a Mbomo fornume irlo UDiIertaueKuarita ty J f you prefer to com here wo will coo iract to par railroad fateaQdbvtalblllt.tDd nnnhsnm. If wo full tu cure, if rou hara token uier cury, lodldo liotunli. aod ttllt tiara be and aim, Mucous Vat cliea In mouib, Mora Throat, 'Implea, Cornier Colored Hpota, Ulcer oa any part ot tho bodr. Ualr or Kyebrowj falllnf at. t to tills Hecoudary HLUOO roisoi weN aiate uarauico wcure. n iwicn un wn iwih. eiutea and ctiallaiiar ilia world for m Kie we cannot cure. Tola dlsetfaa tiualwari lad tbe aklll of tbe moat emlneut phrsl ie we cannot cure. Tola dlsetfaa liaaalwai Claui. 000,000 capital belilnd our uricoudt. tlonalffaaraotr. Abaolute proof aantaealedoa Uv4ur- tircul.r. rr. rMf Bit- HmAH. felbfa, fa. H. lufl.u itt mil. Subscribe for Tufc CmkOniolk. SURE CURB for PILES DR. Q-AN-KO' ILI RKMfDV. n Special Mention. Belts and Fans. Ladies' Fancy Leather BELTS. Newest Novelties Greens, Ox-hloods, White Leather, Crash, ife.c All Prices, 25 cts. and up. FANS FANS See our new assortment of Fancy Japanese Fans. oc, 8c, 10c, 15c and 25c each. Some at -lOo, 50c and 70c " A. IKE. wiiiiAias CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, oPmTlleed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ryi TTloilT '"''H '''our IH manufactured expressly for family iwllX. UfJH. eecyguck ig Kuarantoed to give satisfaction. Wu sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and uet our prices und be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. We . Carry Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 25. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. -ARTISTS 3vrA.TSR.IA.XjB. 'Country and Mail Order will receive prompt attention. Caps. Caps Caps Girls', Hoys', Ladies' and Men's newest, things in Caps now on display in our Hat Departm'nt. Caps, 20c to $1. The popular Crash Yacht and Golf. White Duck Golf. New Leather Jockey, Golf and Eaton, Fancy Checks, Corduroy, vte, &c. Have j'ou seen the New Leather Sailor V Chocolate, Ox-blood, (Jrcen. 75c, 85c ami $1.00 a full line of T. PETERS 8c CO The Dalles, Oregon