The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1897, Image 4

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    Sfiifft - -
flVf .V-.'
Tkt Dalles Dally Chronicle,
Advert llnr Cute.
One lhcli or lc In Dully
Otot two luelies and under four Incite
Over (our luche mul under twelve luche
Over twelve Inches-
Per inch
1 o)
One Inch or le?s, per Inch .... $2 W
Over one Inch mul under four inches . 2 CO
Over four Incites nml under twelve Incite 1 V)
Over twelve Inches . ... HO
Frank Fulton is down from Biges.
Lewis C. Hennecnn of Victor is in the
city on hind business.
Miss Lizzie Bonn went to Portland to
day to visit relatives.
G. C. Blnkeley returned from Portland j linue. n thing- greatly to be deprecated,
HtTfoluf: "t tin- Cnrppt Contain
.Mrtiiy Dimccrs to Health.
To tlioso who know the true inward
ness of things the sight i f a housemaid
brushing a dusty carpet is suggestive,
of many evils. The death of Pasteur has
leminded the world of what is fon.-tiint-ly
present in the thoughts of iretlicul
men namely, that while micro-organisms
are the groat producers of disease,
dust is the great currier of micro-organisms.
-Vow that we know these things,
it is distressing to find how little our
knowledge is put to practical use. and
to see old customs still unchanged, old
habits which we know to be dostruc carried on. and U lind the house
maid on her kn'es. with her brush and
dustpan, stirring up dust to the detri
ment of every one. and breathing germ
laden particles to her own destruction.
It nettls but a small amount of common
sense to see thnt if carpets must con-
Tho Now Time Card.
The 0. R. N. liaa made another ,
I change in its time table, which went into
The Troubles of a Woman In a Wild
Mountain Country.
n-..., i i i. .- .... rii v i ' "Uii my nrst circuit i nun a ire mi i:
...1 .. . I .11
human nature that. 1 have never for-
i Notice is horeby given that by au
thority of ordinance No. 292, which
passed the Common Council of Dalles
nitvAnr 10th. 189. entitled, "An or-
weal.,oun,l arrives .,:5o a. ,. and de- .. mM n MuUl(1(lisl ininistor lo (iinn ,0 provide for the ale of certain;
parts at 4 ; .No. .,, west-bound, arrives a Washington Star reporter. lots belonging to Dalles City," 1 will, on
t.-o, departs h:,(U; o. J, east-bound,! "The circuit was in the mountains of
arrives t a. m., departs 1:05; No. 4, j West Virginia, and among the members
east-bound, arrives 5:55 eveninjr, de-1 of my church was a widow, who, in ad
pnrts at ti. All trains except No. 4 stop -lition to the loss of her husband, had
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now suffered final earthly parting with four
run" via Walla Walla ?f lu'r 'k'Idrcn, leaving but two. a girl
A special rate of ! for round trip I ai1.?" ,M prmv,"' , , , f , tn
... , '. "One nnrht 1 was asked to hasten to
tickets to Portland, with two days' j hn wh-d, , di( KaeMnts tlim.
limit, has been made, poing into effect iust in tilne to w5.h ),,,,. sou wiUM1 i,c
today. These tickets are also good goinw hied f.-oni the effects of an accident.
Saturday and returning Monday. I "The mother, although deeply
The company has also made the very ! grievel, acted more calmly than I
low rate of f first-class and $L50 sec-! peoted. and early in the morning 1 wetit.
Lome, returning in liie a"irnoon. l
Saturdav. the loth day of May,
, l. . 4i. i.
sell at puonc auction, iu mc iiihusi.
I bidder, all the following lots and parts ,
' of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
! Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit: j
' Lots l and 10 jointly, in block 14 ; lots I
7, S. Itand iu, jointly in oiock to io , pi,n:nft Trii n. .
S, 0, and 10, jointly in oiock zi, UIIUIUO Ul I laildUUllllllBllIdl HDUlM
, u ana t-, in
t) o j ' 1 (V
ond-class from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rale includes berth and
meals. jl-L'
Inst, nieht. where he has been attending
the pharmaceutical convention.
Alex. Mcintosh, at one time a resi
dent of The Dalles, but at present of San
Francisco, is visiting his old friends
Mrs. Katie Hallett-Abend, who has
been the guest of Mrs. Bradshaw ior the
past two weeks, leit for Portland last
Superintendent Gardiner, ot the Boys
and Girls Aid Society, cime up from
Portland last night, and will return to
morrow. MAltniKI).
At Stevenson. Wash., June 12th, Fred
E. Leavens of Cascade Locks to Miss
Carrie North of Multnomah county.
At Stevenson, Wash., Wednesday,
June 10th, John Anderson to Miss
Amelia Jujens, both of Cascade Locks.
thev should K". rulued with a damp
cloth rather than brushed, and that
if, in deference to prejudice, they must
lie brushed, this should be done by n
covered American sweeper, with plenty
of dnmp tea leaves.
Klcetrfc Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhans more getter-!
1 ally needed when the languid, exhausted !
Of all ways of re- j feeling prevails, when the liver is toruid !
moving uiri -nun a uup i ; ami sUiggiHh and the need of a tonic and !
is by ttie use ot tne ordinary snort
brush, which involves the housemaid
kneeling down in the midst of the dust
which she so needlessly creates, and
' drawing it into her lungs with every
i breath. For ordinary household use
j something like lineoleum. something
I which can be- washed with a wet cloth
! c very morning, would seem to In- the
lest covering for floors: but if carpets
must be. and it is imjxvisible to teach
j the present generation comfort, at
the expense of future risks, at
, least let us lemomber that car
' jx'ts may yt washed even where
i they lie: tliat. till the day of washing
j t nines a closed sweeper is far better
1 than a brush, and that the worst form of
j ''rush is one with a short handle.
I nritLsh Medical Journal.
! and alterative is felt. A prompt use of
this medicine has often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more sureiy counteracting
and freeing the system from the malar-
ial poison. Eleadache, Indigestion, Con
i stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit
! ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Bloke-
ley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Tor Sale.
In this city, Sunday, June 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Smith, a daughter.
In this citv. Mondav, June 21st, to Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Blazier, a sou. 1 A Ay N ,
In this citv Sunday, June 0th, to;
Mr. and Mrs.'D.ive Leuierson. a daugh- j May mduiBeii in with Profit by Tired ,
er i IIllUHPWlVPS. I
I If a vacation is impossible, try rest, i
I1KI'. I advises a writer on women's work. J
At Fortuna, Humboldt county, Cali- ; There is no special satisfaction to the j
fornia. June 5, 1S97, Silas Beezley, aged j tired, over-worked housewife at this .
87 yeas, 7 months and 19 days. j .season to be told that she must try
Fluiuosuil t-nc (rr mnnv I'linrc n rnsi. I ! li:lTl"f tlf K('tlH .'111(1 moderate CXBrcisO.
There is no better preventive of nerv
ous exhaustion, we are told, than regu
lar mi'iiirrli'il muscular exercise. If
we cnuld moderate our hurry, lessen our I
worry ami increase our open air exer
c! a large portion of nervous diseases
v mild be abolished. P.ut the tired house-
;:eoner realizes onlv too well that it is
she needs half so much as
New Massilon separator, 24-inch cyl
i inder, as good as new, having only
! threshed 1000 bushels. Also Dincee
I Woodbury 12-horse power. Price ?300.
' Call on or address
T. B.vlkoui:,
I jnlO lm Lyle, Wash.
returning in the afternoon
found the widow in the paroxysm of
tears. I tried to comfort her fab the
usual Christian consolation. Finally
she quieted down enough to say:
""Tain't only th-rt he died. I know
he's a heap better off.'
" 'What is it. then?'
" 'We hain't hev no funeral.-
"'No funeral?"
"'No. Sal's jess got back from th'
sto'. an' not a ya'd o' black hev they got.
I never did 'tend no funeral 'thout black,
an' I ain't goin' ter 'fend now. lie kin
git 'long tcr be buried 'thout a funeral
better'n I kin bemcan myse'f hav'n one
when I ain't got nothin' fitten to w'ar.'
"And Jim was buried with no one
present except his mother, his sister
and me."
known as butte: lots 10
I nlnck 27: lot 0 in block 114 ; lots 2, .", 4,
io, f, 7, S, 0, 10 and 11, in block 3o; aolranfi
I lots 2, S, 4. S, ft, 10, 11 and 12, in block 0P?ihaiie
'SB; lots .", 4, 5, 0, 7. S, 0, 10, 11 and
'12, in block 37; lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 8, Minneapolis
I 9, 10, 11 and l'', m diock iota i, z, o,
4, o 0, 10 and 11, in diock -13; iota i
I a, 7, 10. 11 and 12, in bloe
1. '. 3. 4. S. B. in block 4b
The reasonable value of sa.ii lots, for
less than which they will no. K- sold LOW KBteS tO 8 EaStem Cit!BS
has been fixed ni.d tluterminei. 1 v the I lg" W'H00
Common Council of IUlles City as fol-
aid Vofs j st- Pal11 ?ansas City
Cnli In Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1S92, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after May 7,
1S97. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
STKAMKKH Lenvo I'lirtlaiid
Erurv Vive IIiivh for
The merchant who tells you ho has
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from. a2-3m
lows, to-wit :
Lots and 10, in block 14, $150; lots
7, S, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15, $200;
lots 7, 8, ft and 10, jointly in block 21,
$200; lot 10, in block 27, ?22o; lot 11, in
block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 27, ?.'(00;
lot 9, in block 34, $100; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 8,
9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect
ively 100; lots G and 7, in block 35,
each respectively $12.) ; lots 2,3,4,8,9,
10 and 11, in blo'ck 3B, each respectively
$100; lot 12. in block 30, $125; lots 3, 4,
5, S, 9, 10 and .11, in block 37, each re
spectively $101); lots 0, 7 and 12, in
block 37, each respectively $125;
lots 2, 3. 10 and 11. iu uiocu i follows :
41, epch respectively $100; lots 1, i v . tn Snnt-nno .) v a
7 and 12, in block 41 , each respectively 0' 4' Jo Spokane and Great Northern
$125; lots 3, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11, in ; arrives, at 6 p. m., leaves at 0:05 p.m.
block 42, each respectively $100; lot s , , No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
0 and 12, in block 42, each respectively Union Pacific, arrives 1 :15 n. m de.
$125; lots 2. 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in . . . m'-ae
block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, i ,a"8 V, ,
in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in , . fr0U1 Spokane and Great North-
block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1 orn, arrives S:30, departs 8:35 a. m.
and fi, in block 4G, each respectively ( vn. l. from Raker Citv unci Hninn p.
V, II. HUKLBUKT, Gen. l'ass. Aet
I'ortlana. Oregon
K. M'NKM.I. rrcsiUcnt mul Mima cr
The Jiew Time C'uril.
Under the new time card, winch coea
into effect tomorrow, trains will move as
i.ach of these
lots will be sold upon
1 cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. ui.
dent of this citv. and had manv friends i
here who will be grieved to learn that
the good old man is no more.
Soap Foam
excels all other washing
City Election.
The elsction itself
It was quiet ; but
The city election opened today with a
change in the weather that made it un
comfortably warm,
was not cold, though
there was an intense feeling underlying
the contest. It is impossible to make
anything more than a guess at results
on the mayorship, it being a six-days-go-as-you-please-free-for-all,
with no
favors asked or given. Politics cut no
iigure, Democrats, Republicans and
Populists being alike divided in their
The polls opened at 9 o'clock, with the
following officers :
First ward Judges, W. H. Butts, J.
B. Crossen, Chris Knabe. Clerks, C. L.
Schmidt and F. N. Hill.
Second ward Judges, J. M. Patterson,
James H. Blakeney, Wm Michel!.
Clerks, J. M. Huntington and John
Third ward Judges, C. E. Bayard,
J. W. Lewis, John Marden. Clerks,
J. Doherty and N. H. Gates.
Up to 11 o'clock about 150 votes had
been cast.
I'ounil tin) Oaliln.
At. For thos who cannot get a holi-
rhr; the best substitute is an occasional
(In; - in b?d. Many whose nerves are eon
sta u!v strained in their daily vocation
h.i' e discovered this for themselves. A
Spanish merchant in Barcelona told his
niejlieal man that he always went to
bed whenever he could be spared from
btiijin'T-s and laughed at those who
stxnit their holidays on toilsome moun
tains. One of tsiv iiio-.i successful work
ing women in Lngland, who had for
n.Siiy years conducted a large wholesale
hijsino.'T. retains excellent nerves at an
i("fd ;r, owing, it is said, to the
habit of spending one entire day of each
wjeek in led. If we cannot avoid fre
qjient agitation tve ought, if possible,
to gie the nervous system time to re
cover between shocks. If the idea of a
yholc day in bed kimils absurd to the
tjred mother and housewife at least de
termine to take half an hour's seclusion
and rest after lunch, and it will prove
il saving and not a loss of time. Chi
cngo Chronicle.
Whj- thu
es a
Jfou fbout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. AVe not only desire ';o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
Two years ago James Brown was at
the death-bed of an old Indian woman,
who lived on the upper Umpqua, and
before her death she told Brown the fol
lowing story, save the Oakland Gazette;
Thirty years ago three Germans discov
e.ied a fabulously rich mine in the Bohe
mia district, and while they were at
work were murdered by the Indian
woman's husband. She told where the
bodies were buried, described the local
ity, and told were the pick, shovels, etc.,
were hidden, and described a chopped
tree which stood near the mouth of the
mine. About three weeks ago Brown
imparted this information to Will Mar
cey, brother of the Marcey brothers of
Oakland, and the two men left for the
mountains. They returned a few days
ago, and report having found the ruins
of the cabin, the chopped tree and the
caved-in mine; also what seemed to be
the grave of the Germane. They had no
tools with which to open either the
grave or the mine, but will outlit and
return iu a few days, when it is prom
ised some interesting facts will be de
veloped. The Westfield (Ind.i News prints the
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank McAvoy, for manv
yenre in the employ of the L., N. A. &
C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in ray family. I take
nleasure in recomniendini! it.' " It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For We
sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Mayi.
i:yes of u I'aiiiti-d l'urtr.ilt Fol
iiiw mi. iju-uTvur.
m Ifitit nn i im imi 1 1 1.- i iL..j)i ......
that by adding to each i.air of V
nose directed to the i-Iirht or the J.'ft,
the eyes Ion- their fro:.! i.'ir v: ,n. mid
iook im tne right or let:. io i
the direction of the noe. .' u,".!, , of '
a flap representing the iVuMires
in a different position, as 1r. V n'l;, fin
remarks, "a lost looi: of dcoi:i rac
tion in an uplifted countenance of in- '
quisitive archness iu the leer of a
younger face turned downward and ob- i
liquely toward the opK)site s-Idi-," i
As by changing the direction of the
lower features we change tin-dir-t tion '
of the eyes, says Notes and Qin'rie , so
by changing our position, th : ye of the
portrait apparently touov.s p-. if n
vertical line be drawn through th tip
of the nose and half way the
eyes, there will be the same breadth of
head, of cheek, of ohin and of neck on
each side of this middle line, end inch
iris will be in the middle of the whole
eye. If we now move to on -!-, 'he
uppnreut horizontal breadth .f m :y
part of the head and face :i; i, (M
minhhed, but the parts on aeh sidi of
tin- middle line will be diminished equal
ly, and at any position, houeicroblitiec.
there will be the ,.! .e breadth of f ni
on each side of tic- iniddle line, and the
iris will be in tin- center of the v hole
of the eyeball, m that, being on a Jlnt
surface, the iris will be seen Jn front of
the picture or
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
-DEA1.E1IS l.V-
Agricultural - Implements,
moving east of The
passengers. No. 23
m., departs 12:45
jhe lot respectively, and none of them 1 os- 6 anu
will be sold for a less sum than the value J Dalles, will carry
thereof, as above stated. 'arrives at 0:30 p.
said lots shall be paid in cash at the j p' m
time of sale, and the remainder in three j FuBPengers for Ueppner will take train
equal payments on or before, one, two ' leaving here 6:03 p.m.
and three years from the date of said )
sale, with interest on such deferred pay-1
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per j f
annum, payable annually; provided EAST and SOUTH via
that the payment may be made in full 1
at any dme at the option of the pur-gg Route
The said sale will begin on the 15th I
day of May. 1897. at the hour of 21
o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con-1 CnnfUnvn DnnifiM Pmmm'h
tinue from time to time until all of said , 00111116111 "301110 LOlTiP V.
Into ctinll lio onlfl I
Dated this 13th day of April, 1897.
Gilbert W. PiiEhi-s,
Recorder of DalleB Citv.
For Kale,
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82,
, B, C, D and K, block 25. Apply
Wu. ijiucKEi.roun.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
Nebraska corn for sale at the WaBco
warehouse, Best feed on earth. m9tf
sell Hoe Cake soap, Peaso &
18 Page a Woek. 156 l'uperx a Year
It stands first among '"weekly" papers
in Bize, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its newB columns.
It is Bplendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of atones by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Cuuan Doyle, Jtiruuie K. Jnrotna,
Htanley Weynun Mary K. Wllklns
Anthony Hope, IJret liarte,
ltrundiir Matthiv, Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twicq.aWeok Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is f3.00.
Trninx leave and nre due to arrive nt Portland.
f OVKKI.A.N1) KX-1
prcsh, Salem, Kose-1
I hunt, Ashland, Sac-1
I..UU 1 . .M.j Krnncllie()i J0juvei f
I New Orleans and
B.M A. 31. tlnnt)
.! f Via Woodburn fori
! M
1'9.S9 A. M.
Tlally 1 ''.'""pe'i ouvermn, i umij
Sandayi. i ( vllle.Sprlnglleld aud j Suiidaj-i.
17:::o A. M.
U:50 I. il.i
istatlniiK . .
(way statloiib
mul way
( 5:50 P.M,
If1 S. "25 P.M
Dally. fUaiiy, cxccjit Banday.
Attuohed to all Through Traliib.
Direct connection at knn FrancHco with Occi
dental and Oriental and l'acllic mall .steamship
lines for JAPAN und CHINA. Sailing dates on
Kute.1 and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
rope. AIho JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLl'LU and
Al'STHA LI A, can bo obtained from
J. U. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
pfst National Bank.
A (jeneral Banking Business traneacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
urau or uuet'K.
Through Ticket Olllec, 134 Third street, whew
through tickets to all points iu the Eastern
States, Canada and Kurope can bo obtaliieo ai
lowest rates from
J. It. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All iihovn tniinu iirrlvn nt nud depart iron
Grand Ceutral Station, Fifth and Irviug street.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jeflcrsou street.
Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at
7:20 a, m.: 12:15. IMS. 0:15, "S:to p. m.
(and 11:80 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:ioa. m.
and !S:30 p. in. on Sundays only) Arrive at
Portland dally nt TilOund 8;K0a m.i and l.W.
4:15, 0:35 and 7:63 p. in., (and 10 a. m ,315 and
5:10 p. m. on Sundays only).
Leave for Sheridan, week days, t4:S0p.o
Arrive ut Portland, l:30 a. m.
Uave for AIHLIE on Monday, NVednesJavaiid
Kritlav ut 0:40 a. in. Arrive nt Portland, iuf
dav, Thurbday and Saturday at 3:03 p. n.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday,
Asst. U. K. t Pa"-
T 11
Mora and Antelope
remitted on dav nf noli nnrinn
ght and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on
few York, San Frauciaco and port-
P;,T,!?,MPB0N jN0 6- SCHENOK.
hn. M. Williamh, Gko, A, Likbk.
H, M. Bkam..
Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent
aud Cross Hollows,
Harry Liebe,
rl Jeweler
a3-2m Qpp. A. M. WilliamB & Co.,
All work promptly attended to,
ud warrautea,
The Dolle1
Stages leave The- Dalles from -VmaU a IIou
ut7 u. in., also from Antclopcat 7:30 ; W-Xg
Monday, Wednesday and 1-rlday. Con ecliopj
made at AntoloiK) for Prinovllle, ! u.e"tJhe
points beyond. Close coiniectious iiuideat i
Dalles with rallwoys, trains nud boats.
Slaces from Anlelouo reach The I)aue
days, Thursdays and Saturdays ut i.-u !
katks or FABK.
Dulles to Deschutes
do iloro. .
do Gratia Valley..
do Kent
do Cross Hollows. ...
Antelope to Cross Hollow . .
do Kent
do Uraks Valley
do Moro. .
do Desohuees
do Dalle
a J5
3 08
. 4
5 00