9 Special Sale of Clothing FOR ONE WEEK. The Good Clothes Habit ii J8j; h increase. Consumers are wearing moio good clothes every season. Wo know this by our increasing business. ' WE WISH TO ENCOUR AGE THIS HABIT, And with this end in view, we have selected ninety suits from our regular lines, that retail for Jon, lwelve-fifty and Fourteen Dollars, FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS WEEK We shall offer them at a uniform price of 7 3 $8 65 PER SUIT $8.65 SEE FURNISHING GOOD'S WINDOW. ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY, JUNE 21.1S97 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random OoservutiouH and Local Events of Leaser Macultutle. in Mr. Brooks reports that the rainfall this afternoon amounted to .03 of an inch, If you are In need of a new Biiit, it will pay you to read the ad of Pease & Mays in this iesne. The .Regulator went to Vancouver yes terday after a cargo of bricks, arriving back about 9 o'clock. There will be a meeting of King's Daughters at Mrs. Brooks' tomorrow afternoon at 2 -.30 o'clock. This is the longest day in the year, and one of the most welcome since it brought a generouB rain. The Regulator this morning left her wharf at 9:15, having remained half an hoar to give the boat crew a chance to vote. The voters of Klickitat county recent ly passed upon Ithe free school-book propoeitmn.itinoV'aecided against it every dist; We wilt vefctureito say, that never be fore inDie DllleBiiave values been of fered thjft acting offered by PeaBe & MayE ffottiiB week, in men's clothing. TbeiligheBt daily bowling scores for laet week at the Commercial Club are aB follows: Monday, T. N. Hudson 50; Tuesday, Bradehaw and'HoBtetler 52; Wednesday, B. F. Laughlin Gl; Thurs day, F. Houghton 41 Friday, Hostetler 58; Saturday, Hostetler 01. " It needs but a glance at the clothing displayed in Pease & Mays' furnishing Roods window, to convince the most in credulous that they are offering aston iehing bargains. Their clothing is up-to-date in every particular and the bar gains offered are from their latest pur- . 1 (-'iiaseg. At the Umatilla House parlors this morning at 4 o'clock, Justice Filloou united Mr. L. Barzee and Mies Stella Howell in Hymen's holy bonds. Mr. Barzee awaited the young lady here, she coming down from Sherman county on the early morning train. The young couple left for Dufur on the stage at 0 o'clock. A dinner web given at the farm resi dence of Duncan Rose, on Howell prairie, n Marion county, last Snnday, and among those present were the venerable Pioneer, John Durbin, who is now 103 years old, and the 2-monthB-old son of 8. Durbin, making five generations of the Durbin family numbered among those participating in the affair. Grasshoppers continue their ravages about WaitHburg. Several localities in Jj"t vicinity are literally alive with '"em, and aince they are now nearly Brown, every green plant in the gardens teing rapidly consumed, aud, unless tuY fly away boom, garden truck will be entirely eaten. These pests have never before been so numerous in that part of the country, aud it seems as if noth ing can be dene to protect plants against them. Dan Moore, who is charged with being a party to the theft of $80 from Taylor Hill a few days ago and who had been in the country for several days, came into the city Saturday, and learning of the charge against him, went up to the sheriffs office to Bee about it. He was arrested by Nightwatchman Wiley and is held for examination. There does not seem to be any evidence against him, other than the statement of the man Shurts, who is held to appear before the grand jury. Shortly after noon a big, black cloud came up from the southwest, and ex tended itself over the grain fields of Wasco and Sherman counties. For a while it looked as though The Dalles waB to be slighted, but at 1 :40 the big drops began to fall and in a few mo ments a heavy down-pour was in full operation. The rain cloud swept across the river and evidently paid our neigh bors of Klickitat a much-needed visit. The rainfall here waB verv heavy for half an hour or more. There will be an open air meeting at Nielsen's corner, Second and Washing ton streets, at 7 o'clock thiB evening. It will be addressed by Mr. B. J. Sharp, state organizer of the Labor Exchange. The subject will be the "Necessity and iPractical Workings of Labor Exchange." The labor exchange people think tney a ninn tn solve tire hard-times Question and take this means of present ing it to the public. Mr. Sharp is said L be an eloquent speaker, and as he has &nade the matter a epecial study, be will no doubt, be able to advance some new ideas. Go and hear him. Friday night one of Mr. Jos. Peters scowb drifted away from the landing at Sprague, having been 'left by those in charge of her, without a watchraao. The heaw wind caueed ber to break awav, and she took the trip down over he Cascades all by her lonesome. iur. mp went down the river yesteruay 10 look for her, finding her lodged on a rock , HE DIDN'T DO A THING TO HIM Just riayeil a Few Selection Wagner on His Backbone. From Doctor Cams of Hood Riyer owns a dog. Mr. Bartmess also of Hood River owns a cat. The gentlemen named live on opposite sides of Oak street, and the cat and dog consequently occupy quar ters and are at home seven days in the week, just across the street from each other. The dog boasts of no high-born ancestry, is diminutive, old gold in color, and in fact is, in every day language, 1 just "a yaller dog." The cat is, on the other hand, an aristocrat, being of that blue-gray color, indicating the genuine Maltese, though it may be only a Mai tese cross. He is of magnificent propor tions as to frame, long of limb, flexible of joint, velvet footed in peace, but a telegraph message with hair on it, the cylinder of a threshing machine done in gray, a cyclone with a swelled tail, or any little thing of that kind when en gaged in active pursuits. Between the Cams' dog and the Bart mess' cat, besides the street, is a long standing feud. When either of them feels lonesome, or pines lor the good, old days in the mining camps, that we now can only read about, he makes an incur Bion into the other's territory. Saturday Cams' dog felt blue. He had chased an old hen, helping himself occasionally to a mouthful of feathers until he was as full as a tick, and having nothing else to relieve the monotony of the tedious afternoon, he cast his gaze over into the enemy's territory. The gate was open and the Maltese evidently off duty. Here was an opportunity not to be neglected. He walked over, and after reconnoitering for a few moments, he sauntered in. He was on dangerous ground now, and proceeded cautiously and slowly, but gained boldness at every step, as his hated enemy did not appear. The Maltese was curled up taking hie afternoon nap, never dreaming that an insignificant yaller dog would dare to try to play him for a Boer. "The best laid schemes of.mieeand men," aud also of venturesome dogs, result in their un doing. A lady visiting the Bartmess residence iU middle of the river and partly 1 came in and walked around the house. 0,nt He removed the provisions; sails The dog having a guilty conscience, and a lot of bay and grain, anu wueu j suew jib who ucc uc uou uu uuciucm the water gets lower will Eee what can ' and struck for the gate. It was closed, hi done with the scow. At present he! With a despairing howl, he poked his nfinks ehe mav be a total loss. j head through between the pickets ana ilDK8 : I tried to crowd his frightened body after Notice to Taxiiayer. j Ui Ljke gome political pushes, it t'i 1 iftQ7 nnts will be i wouldn't work. He had too many On and after Jul) 1. : 89, costs w II be & added for the collection of al axes due I Wasco county u --7- - . '. . f ! sheriff. This is now in me 7 an imperative order from the county court, and the sheriff ha. no option but to collect Buch taxes by levy on property All parties coneerucu , notified that no leniency will be shown fn "be collection of taxes after July 1, id tliatlevyw.il be made on all prop- rtv delinquent after that date, erty aenuq DwvJ8B jH.td Sheriff of Wasco County. off, but he found, as the couutry editor's epitaph said, "We are here to stay." As he could not move, he raieed his voice in lusty lamentations, longing vainly to hear his beloved master's voice. This was where be showed poor generalship. Had he remained still, some one would have eventually released him, but his 10 to 1 music only disturbed the slumbers of the Maltese, which rose with a start and at once proceeded to investigate the Infernal din going on at the WHRNING. Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles lirm,othor than our Agents, otlering Baker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The .Dalles for many years for the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account, of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your on tire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Ported. Barb Wire. 205 Oregon ian Bldg., Portland, Or'. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. portals of his domain. He discov ered the dog and realized that his pri vate grounds had been invaded while he slept. His eyes flashed, the blood of ten thousand or more illustrious ancestors surged through his veins, his tail as sumed the dimensions of a brush on a dynamo, and the lady whose attention had been drawn by the dog's expres sions of regret, saw a blue rainbow and heard a thud as the Maltese sailed through the air and impinged on the hurricane deck of the pilloried canine. Then there was music in the air, n sound of revelry, all furnished by the dog, the Maltese clawing the keys and running the scales up and down the purpa back in a way that would have made Paderewski green with envy. Never a cat had such an opportunity be fore. Never a dog had so much of his earthly troubles behind liitn. The dog's calls for assistance became momentarily more vigoious, until the air pulsated with "the music of hiB fears," and the sound was as though a city dog pound had set up a joint and several death chant. Finally with a mighty backward surge, that head, that didn't know enough to get itself out of trouble, was yanked from between the pickets with such force that most of the dog'a hair and all of his bark waB left there, and with a gladsome whimper he leaped the fence and fled for home. He was fast when in the gate, but a great deal faster as he Btruck the ground on the thither side of the fence and realized that there was no place like home. The cat watched him gain his own ter ritory, and then went back to the wood shed and spent the remainder of the afternoon in picking the dog meat aud hair from between Ills teeth. What the dog did was to crawl under the house, but his thoughts were prob ably like those of "FeBtUHi" "I tilume no heart, 110 love, 110 fat'', Ami I liHVtt Nothing to forKlve, I wIhIi for nuuKht, reiKiiit for naught, Dislike naught but to live. The deflation of the houl It what 1 feel--A m'Iim: of lodtnem that leaven death Hut little to reveal." ; Be Not Alarmed By the so-called "WARNING" of ojir competitors. TI10 threat made to our customers la nothing more nor leas than 11 big bluff of a would-be monopoly. Our Baker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of thu largest concerns in the United States; o.tch spool la branded "Genuine Hnkor Warranted," and we invito comparison with any other make of Wire. Wo have bought nearly J00.0OO pounds of this wire for Sl'OT CASH, at the right price, and propose to give our customers the benefit of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to bo the best Wire on earth. It is worth no moro than any other good Wire, but ia ua good as any, and wo are selling it as low as any. Compare our so-called "Spurious" Wirowith the ONLY Baker PERFECT, be fore buying, and get our prices. Wo are making pricea that should get your trade. MAYS & CROWE, f. Fire Works. One business man wanted in every city (not already taken) for excliihive sale of manufactured goods. Applicant muBt furnish few hundred dollars caBh capital to carry small stock of saleable merchandise with which to supply his own customers after orders are lirst se cured. Two hundred dollars monthly profit assured over all expenses. '.State references, qualifications, etc. F. E. Vah, 136-140, Nassau St., New York. juulO-ot On the occasion of the meeting of the grand lodge of Elks at Minneapolis, the O. It. &. N. will Bell round trip tickets July 2d, good to return until July :11st, for 0.50. These tickets are good for stop-over privileges returning. The meeting of the National Educational As sociation is held at Milwaukee at the same time, and same rates to Minne apolis will be given. At that point, tickets will nave to ne purcnaseu to Milwaukee, costing for the round trip $12.30. Jnl7-tf Subscribe for The Chkonici.k. Jacobson Book & Music Co. Flags, Rockets, Torpedoes, Roman Candles, Bombs and Firo-craukors. Largo Assortment. Prices the lowest. Mall ordors promptly attended to. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon, GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Huccefekor to Clirlmiiau A Coron, " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Fii'e delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Sec. rowe & CO.. Th9Dlle Or