.i1 ,K j-i ft wit r.v&MBt I"- IT -. K- 4 :. '' t Hi'.. . - T ... 'j; ine uaues uany wiruiiiuic - The onlv Republican Vaili, Xttctpapv ir,co Countu EASTERN OFFICE "SO to CS4 Temple Court, A. Y. Vitu. t.. KAi., .igati "MONDAY. JUNE 21. 1S9T WIFELY PEVOTWX. Lemuel Melson. who is sentenced 1 Cuban patriots, with neither friends, to be hanged at Grants Pass July 2d, 'money nor credit, what would hap has made no attempt to appeal to the 1 pen to her if she ran up against this supreme court, or to take advantage , country, with its 70.000.000 people of any of those delays now consul-! and unlimited resources. There arc cred a part of a criminal trial. "I several countries that might give us have nothing to say." is his only an- trouble by bombarding and destroy swer to all inquiries concerning his ing our seaports: but to come over case. And et one would think, sus- land whip the American people, all tuined and sympathized vith as he is by a tender and affectionate wife, that life would be sweet and he would make a struggle for his liberty. His case, liko hundreds before it, shows the depths of devotion to which a woman's heart ma' reach. Humanity is prone to speak lightly, in these degenerate days, of wifely devotion, but it is because speakers are heedless of the noble examples which occur every day. Now. in Melson's case, his wife wrote him a letter the other day that must have affected him powerfully, for one can hardly peruse the tender solicitation, the pathetic longing, the despairing anguish of the heart-broken wife, penned on a tear-blotted page or two to the man who won her girlish affections, on whom she leaned, and whom she loved, honored and trust ed, without being moved to tears. She was at the time, and probably is yet, in Del Norte countv California, but in his last hours she pours out ' her love to him. and in a burst of affection, says she would so love to come and see him. but she wasbus-1 cooking for a camp of twent-five men, and couldn't spare the time. She is a thrifty little housewife and will get along probably as well Tfl( limit l,!m l.llt- ctill -i..r nr.....-..- 1.... " .V14W..I urub will; V..111111II. UUl feel touched at the hard fate that causes his decease right in her busiest season. The letter has probably had mufti to fin rifli miL-mrr Afolinn nnt milCU 10 UO Willi making ICisOn llOll rml,- rn,;nn,l tr. Uie fot ,.! die. .YOU' IS THE TIME. dis-! The California senators are posed to light the annexation of; Hawaii. Their nrincinal objection. and it is an objection, is to the mixed population. President McKinlev ! , . meets this and overcomes it. Ila- 11. xi.i waii will be annexed to the United States, because it is next to impossi i ble for it to maintain its independ-; ence, and this country will never , ' submit to any other government et- j ting control of it. There are some people who look at a gift horse's teeth. They did it concerning the northwest territory, our own fair Oregon, and they poked all manner of fun at Seward for m-rr. ing the purchase of Alaska. Yet ' both were, after all. pretty good in. ! vestments. Senator Perkins says ; Hawaii isn't much good anyhow, and! for his part lie would rather pur-! chase British Columbia. He seems ' to think that all the countries of the: earth are on the bargain counter, and ' that if the lnited States doesn't see j what it wants, all it has to do is to ; asu for it. Just now, on the eve of her gracious majesty's jubilee, we imagine the pi ice might be a trifle high, but the senator might price it ,. . . . . . -. mioiH wc augycaieu, uiougii, tu.'it it would be better to wait for the ' special sale to be advertised, which will probably be some time, as En. land has not yet gone into the busi- ness of selling her colonies. Hawaii we can now get peaceably. ' waiv, and prettier tlmn either The question is, shall we tf.ke it, orof themi CaH and see tje vau until we nave to light for it. 5 Une of the amusing things about ; the Cuban question is the cheerful- ' ness with which Canovas and other i leading Spaniards view the possibility of war between Spain and the Tinted i s Cnnovas savs Hint in such n , cai0 .,Spn,n wui rise to the cmer-; , coney," Other Spaniards seem tot , think that Spain would at once blockade our ports and send an army ''here and whale us to a standstill In-! slnntov They do not seem to real ize the open faced absurdity ot their threats when viewed in the light of, ; Spain's success in Cuba. If the ( j mother country cannot conquer a : few rageed. half armed, barefooted the nations of the earth coul.l not do , it. The United States raises every-' thing necessary to sustain the lives j of all of its people, and can dety the world. ' At last a spark of humauity has : tlashed in the darkness of Spanish ' cruelty in Cuba. The Spanish sol-1 diers of the Guiness garrison have ; petitioned General "Yeyler for per-, mission to give half their dailv rations i to stat ving Cuban women and clnl- dren. It is only a little spark, but it shines like a star of the first magni- i tude. unrivaled and solitary in the universal darkness. Had such Span- j ish soldiers had to deal with the Cu- j bans. the' would have conquered ' long ago, if. indeed, there had been ! anyone to conquer. 1 Eugene V. Debs declares silver a dead issue. As Eugene speaks from j from the grave, his words ought to ! have weight. CATARRH local'sdisease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection me (Kmtiveiy state tint this remedy does not contain raertiiry or any other inar- I iO'J tlni. j ( Ely S bSIH oM is acknwrleUzed to be the most thorssh care for :."a?.il Catarrh, Co;d in Head and Hayi'eTer of ail remedies. It open? ano cleanses the nasal passages, a.:ays pain and inflammation, heals the eores, pro- , 1 the nemBrane irom colds, restores the senses ' 0f u?teandsme!l. Price SOt. at Dmzjrists or bv mail. ELY BKOTHEIlS. 5o Warrec. street. ew York ' I Hundreds of thousands have been I duced to try Chamberlain's Couph Rem. j edy by readinc what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for . ! tlximselves are todav its wannest friends. For sale by Ulakelev iV Houxhton. 1 Do von want v0l,r windows cleaned, carpets taken up' he3ten and ru"laid' or ! janitor work of any kind done bv i ? . i o 1( , t ' ' iirgt-class man? If so, telephone Henrv Johnson at Parkins' barber shoo. 1 ,Ione alO-tf 'The Delft" j- -. llLR 3.111616(1 -r T T yy ir6. .Mixed Blue and White out side and While inside. "The Delft" tlip lqfntf 1 ItUti31 j IS . i , i "uiuuuuiii luumii(: umiiciir, j J-rices are about the cailie as I " ; granite ware, and a great deal L . than the ahlininumj "oods at MAIER& BENTON'S 107 Second .Street. WWWHWOWWOOoctnroo . . . . . . . - . $250,000 I Hi II The Best SmokingTobaccoMade Wholesale. IXlims and Cigars. ( ; THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anhenser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. ' "There is a tide in the affairs leads 07i The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALl Who are selling those goods MICHELBACH BRIOK. New York Weekly Tribune 1 HU With the close of the Presidential fact that the American people are now huaineeB interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or Nationnl occasion demands a renewal of the i.-i.. .1... : ! ...i.:..t. Titu TDimivi' i. 1 ! JiKiu iui inc iirtiiutiiicn iui n iiiwi iuu q (jje present (lav. ano won its greatest victories. Ever' possible eflfort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Fumily Newspaper, interesting, nt'ctlve. entertaininu and iudisnensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. m Write your name and address Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. Job Printing - . . . , - To Hi Given Away C o 0 o o o s O o 0 o o this year in valuable articles to smokers of j BEackwell's Genuine Durham a a e c a o & o Tobacco You will find one coupon in side qach 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ouuce bag. Buyabag, rend the coupon nud sec how to get your share. - BUSCH and BEER on draught and In Dottles. STEPHENS. of men which, taken at its Jlooa to fortune" Furniture and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduced rat - - UNION ST. yon Farmers and Villagers, KOR Fathers and Mothers, F0H Sons and Daughters, FOK All the Family. Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the anxious to eive their attention to home and iinuunji una muuicu iiuiu lib luuupiion on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. at This Office. WAItli PflPEfl! WALL PflPEHl Just Received 5000 "Rolls of Wall Taper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilASSACT A GENEKAL BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold 011 New York. Chicueo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Hi. comiivri, SOLE DEAl.Ell IN THE DALLES OK Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to gethei with cement, thus" making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a larce sup ply of first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RV. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. PAUL -MlJJNEArOLI 11ULUTU FA It GO GKA.XD FOIC OUOOKSTON WJNNIJ'EO HELENA mi ItUTTE TO Through Tiekcts CHICAGO WASHINGTON l'HU.ADKLl'HI A NEW VOKK BOSTON AND ALL 1'OINTB EAST Hint HOUTU ForinforniHtlon, lime cards, mapfcand ticket, cal on or writo to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The l)dllw, Oregon op. A. D. CHARLTON. Asat. G. P. A., iSM. MorrUon Cor. Third. Portland Oregon TliU Ih Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten conte, caah or Htampn, a genorous saiuplo will be mailed of the most iopnlar Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon troto the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CO Warren bt., New York City. Itev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can ompboHizo his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if uned as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentralPra Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury or any mjurious drug. Price, CO cent. You Get the Prefrtg fJ SSrs' ASents Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usipsj the best material and the moot improved machinery. Wo have no 'cqenis Sold direct from factory to rider, fully warranted. Shipr anywhere for examination,' Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, lad, " ni i c ruii Regulator LineA The Dalles, Portlanfl aii Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator (6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, HooU Kl ver, Cuscade Icks and Port land daily, except feunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going on to EASTERN OREGON ? II so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wait-bound trail! anlveat The Dalle in nmiile timu for aseni:ers totaie the steamer, iirrivliiK in Portland in time forth" outgoing iioutliern mid Nortliern trains; East bound jiassengers arriving In The Dales in time to take the Kiist-bouml train. For further informntlon itjly to J. X. HAKNKY, Agent, Oak ritreet Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W. 0. ALLAWAY, Gen.Agt., The Dalles, Orepra DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. DR. GUNITS IMl'ltOVEP LIVER TOY Y f ft A MM U c. On? MIL tor A maremant of tbe bowel "?'; JJfSlwUW . i . ffv ..hi.. ....... i vhit thfl inWB.'r TH6 coiumDia pacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFAOTUBKKBOK Pine Lard and Sausage Curersol BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.