The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1897, Image 1

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    el)c Dnllce.
NO 138
McKinlcy Determined to Re
vive Arbitration Treaty.
A Htv Treaty nun Already Bern
Drafted to Serve ns n IIusIh
of Nccotlatious.
Wasuixgto.v, June 19. President
JlcKinley has determined to revive
the arbitration treaty between the
United States and Great Britain. He
has already turned his attention to the
nbject, and under the direction of Sec
retary Sherman, the matter has pro
cessed to the extent that a new treaty
has already been drafted to serve a9 the
basis of negotiations. In the draft which
is to be used as the basis there are said
tobenoueof the objectionable points
which caused the failure of the Olney
treaty, it is not in cuuieuupiuuuu iuiu
the treaty will be submitted to the sen
ate before next December, and there is
reason to believe tnat the attitude of the
senate toward a new treaty will be fully
canvassed and understood before the
treaty ii signed.
It is understood that the initiative in
the present case will be taken by the
government, as the failure of the former
treaty, by the inaction of the senate,
left the subject in fcuch a condition thatj
the British government did not feel die
posed to renew negotiations until first
invited by the United States.
Sir Julian Pauncefote leaveB Washing
ton next Tuesday for Great Britain. It
was understood at first that the ambas
sador would take a copy of the new treaty
with him, but this will not' be done. It
is expected, however, that a draft will
be tn London at no distant day, m which
case Sir Julian Pauncefote will be in
communication with the foreign office
to consider the terms of the instrument.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavcnlnc strencth nud
hcalthfulness. Assures the food Bgainst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Roy.u, Baking I'owdkr Co. New Yor.K.
Canovai Buys Spain Ik Cuuable Of Ills
lug to the Emergency.
New Yoi:k, June 20. A dispatch from
Madrid to the Herald says :
Premier Canovaa declared vesterdav
that in the event of a conflict between
the United States and Spain, the latter
country was capable of rising to the
General Woodford's expected arrival
awakens considerable speculation, since
it is known here that from the date of
his confirmation, he is allowed 30 days
to receive instructions, and 30 days for
tbe journey to Madrid.
Her majesty makes it an invariable
'ale that foreign ministers shall neither
take leave nor be presented at San Se
bastian, Bince facilities are wanting for
the requisite ceremonial and the royal
family wishes complete retirement. So,
normally, Mr. Woodford cannot present
his credentials until October 1, when the
wart returns to Madrid. If the usual
worse is followed of hastening Woodford
here, or of pressing for a reception ahead
f time, Spain will regard it as an effort
to precipitate events.
blends Orer Nearly All the Gulf
JAbu, June 20. A severe storm
prevails in nearly all of the gulf 8tate8
and Southern Tennessee.
At 1 a. m. all telegraphic communica
t,on with Memphis and New Orleans
wae stopped by the collapse of the wires
"j the whole Lower Missiesppi valley.
great extent of territory covered by
ne etorm is indicated by the fact that
the Southern coast routes from Atlanta
Not Idle Talk.
if Ffaffer's German Headache Powders
M- DONSELL, Druggist, will give
your money back. 25c pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
i( Garland's
'Happy Thought" Salve.
60c in screw top glass jare.
to New Orleans are also down.
At Montgomery, Ala., the electric dis
turbance was terrific. The lightning
struck the Western Union wires near the
city and the leaping sparks in the office
of that company caused a fire, which de
stroyed the building, valued at about
There are are no reports of heavy wind
accompaning the storm. In fact, noth
is known of what occured south of here
beyond the disabling of the telegraphic
system and the fire at Montgomery.
Afternoon Storm at Montgomery.
Montgomery, Ala., June 19. The se
verest storm known in this section vis
ited Montgomery about 5 o'clock this
afternoon. The wind legistered 54 miles
an hour for a few minutes, and almost
three-quarters of an inch ot rain fell
within 20 minutes. The tempature
dropped 20 degrees in as many minutes.
Crope in the surrounding county were
damaged and numerous roofs were blown
Struck by Lightning.
Iowa City, la., June 19. The library
building of the Iowa state university wae
struck by lightning this morning and
destroyed by fire. It was a two story
brick structure. The loss is $100,000.
Of this $50,000 was on books and $15,000
on apparatus. The library was the best
in the state. Many of the books are out
of print and cannot be replaced. Tbe
Talbot collection of 4500 volumns was
about two-thirds destroyed. This col
lection was exceedingly valuable, many
books dating from the 16th century.
Fireman L. M. Leek was caught under
a falling roof and burned to death.
Qui.n-cy, 111., June 19. Two farmers
were killed by lightning in a barn near
Taylor station, Mo., today. They were
James H. Smith and Samuel H. Hick
man. Tbe same flash fired the barn and
it was burned. Hickman was roasted to
a crisp. .
"For three years we have never been
without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,"
savs A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins &
Co., Indianapolis, Ind., "and my wife
would as soon think of being without
flour as a bottle of this Remedy in the
summer season. We have used it with
all three of our children and it has never
failed to curf-not simply stop pain, but
cure absolutely. It is all right, and any
one who tries it will And it so." For
Rale by Blakeley & Houghton.
English and Belgian cement, very
w in.norted brands, for sale by Waeco
Thronged lij- a Catherine of
London, June 19. Never in the his
tory of Encland has London so strik
ingly shown itself the heart of the world
as it does tonight, the eve of the jubilee
At all times the busiest hive of the lav
man race, tonight London is crowded to
the innermost door by a stupendous
gatheringof strangers representing near
ly every race under the sun and nearly
every country found upon the map. The
common object of this crowd, participa
tion in the greatest historical pageant
yet witnessed in tins hisiorv of the Brit
ish empire, gives tone and complexion
to every minute of time, to every
thought and action. There is nothing
in men's minds at the hour, from the
highest prince in the palaces to the low
est eueak-thiei in the streets, but the
It is impossible to pas9 along any of
the crowded thoroughfares without
everywhere remarking the two predomi
nant notes of the occasion, the world's
desire to honor Queen Victoria and the
proud wish of her subjects in doing so
to impressively demonstrate the strength
and vastnees of her empire. The streets,
hotels and stately mansions of the West
End are crowded with the great who
have already come to honor the queen,
while barracks and bivouacs in and
around the metropolis are thronged with
soldiers in every uniform known to Brit
ish administration, from the headhunt
ing Dyaks of the Borneo police, the
mounted men of Australia, India and
Africa, fort soldiers from the West
, Indies, Zaptics from Cyprus, to the
stalwart representatives ot military gov
ernment under "Our Lady of the
Snows." Suggestivelv, it is a rare ka
leidoscopic picture of races, men and
creeds, a vivid panorama of the march
of that empire, upon which, as Daniel
Webster said, the sun never sets. The
air is alive with expectancy, thousands
upon thousands of flags and banners
float in the evening breeze, the decora
tions, which have easily cost a million of
English money, are in place, myriads of
lights are glowing or stand ready for their
flame London smiles in self-content.
Warehouse Co.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchaut of
SalFord, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed fu. it ; it
never fails, and is a sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Cougbt and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at the head. It
neTer disappoints. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton'B drug store. 1
A Ulackberry I'lcKlng Uee.
I.iBEitTY, Mo., June 19, Fully 10,000
blackberry pickers have already arrived
here for the eeaeon, which opens Mon
day. The crop is estimated at 00,000
crates, the largest vver known. Never
has there been such a crush of human
ity here. Gambling devices of all de
scriptions are running without interrup
tion. LOST.
A gray mare, branded "g on left shoul
der. Was originally one of the O. 8.
Morgan band, and was raised on the
range adjacent to3Mile creek. Suitable
reward will be paid for the return of
said mare to T. A. Hudson.
juul' The Dalles, Or.
Tore Through Kaiifcui.
Lahned, Kan., June 19. A tornado
swept through the northwest part of
this county, and Roselle, a village 18
miles west of here, was almost wiped
out of existence. A mile north of
Roselle the farmhouse of Ed Chesterton
wae unroofed and one Eide blown in.
Working for .fudge Carrie.
Wahiiixc.ton, June 10. The Oregon
delegation called on the president today
and urged the appointment of John F.
Caples to a consulship. It Is probable
that Judge. Caples will get something
do you suppose is that miss
ing word ? We tell you
this: it isn't very hard; it
isn't easy ; it's about mid
dling. The tea isn't middling
though: your money back
at your grocer's if you soon.
til J" fc i The rreucli Cyclone.
don't like it better than any . p JuneWfGau,oU tpday says
vnii ever had before. ! that 20 persons were killed and 80 in-
you cvci i jured jn a cvclone which swent over the
RuJw Pf contest published in i an, o Bezoog( Colombe8 gnd Ag.
advertisement about the first and middle
of each month.
Special Mention.
Ladies' Wrappers.
Belts and Fans.
Fancy Leather
Newest Novelties
Greens, Ox-hluods,
White Leather, Crash, ifc.o
Excellent Assortment.
Splendid Values.
and better,
in Calicos,
and Mulls.
All Prices,
25 cts. and up.
See our new assortment of
Fancy Japanese Fans.
5c, 8c, 10c, loc and 25e each.
Some at 40c, 50c and 70c "
Hovs', Ladies'
and Men's
newest things in Caps
now on display
in our lint Departin'nt.
Caps, 20c to $1.
The popular Crash
Yacht and Golf.
White Duck Golf.
New Leather Jockev,
Golf and Kalon,
Fancy Checks,
Corduroy, ifco, e.
Have you seen the
New Leather Sailor?
Chocolate, Ox-blood, Grcun.
75c, 85c and $1.00
"t tfrtfnn w'
Deafueaa Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, bb they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is bv constitutional remedies.
Deafness is causpd by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling Bound or
imperfect hearing, aud when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; nine casas out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10
Uucklen'a Ariuca Salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheurn, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and post
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect eatlsfac
tion. or money refunded. Price 2b cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, (lruftgists.
Have Your. Oralu.
Few realize that each squirrel do-
- - - . ti--
stroys fl.ou worm oi ijrain annuaiiy.
WaUelee's Squirrel and Gopher hxterm-
it jtor is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cent. For sale by M. X. iJonneil,
1'rlioarr. K
tired In lfitoSSdara. You can be treated ai
borne f or aame prico under aame fuaran
ty. M you prefer tocouie bera we willcoo
tract to finr railroad t areaod hotel blllf .mod
bg chary, If wo fail to cure. If you bars takan uter
curr, lodldu Mitaab( aud still bar echea ao4
pauu. Mucoual'au-hee In mouth, Hore Turoitt,
Dalai. MucouaVaU-hee In mouth, Hore Till
rlisiilea. Copper Colored 8ioU, Ulce
or part of tlioTwdr.HalrorBrebrowf f
a oa
'Krebrowa ralllne?
.-.. u .......... .. uff JfcSkfh K4klurfcT
we aTratta to cure. We aolictt toe obeli
ute csaea and ctialleoaa tbe world for a
eaae we cannot cure. Tnla dUeaee boa alvara
fretted tbe akllt of tbe moat eminent pbjraU
eianj. 000,000 capital beblod our uocondb
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SPItLWeed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOllT '"''8 ','our 18 manufactured expressly for family
UVAA use: every sack la guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, aud if you don't think so
call and get our prices and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
We Carry afuuimeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 26.
OR. O-BAM-ttO'a Vila IIMIOY. hk-k 1Kb.
uiunu t unir int. e)aaaaaa
Subscribe for Tim Ghkonicms.
175 Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon
'Country and Mail Orden will receive prompt atteatioa.