The Dalles Daily Gtoniele; ness The onlu Republican i'aih, Setapapf IPcwfo County. year hearted, chivnlric man; E ASTERS OFFICE S.W to SS4 Temple Court, S. Y. Citu. E. KATZ, Agent. Clubbing llntr. Chronicle and Oregonian Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and 2s. Y. World J2 25 0 .- 1 75 2 00 FRIDAY, juxe is. isn; HAS AS IS 'IAS RIGHTS f the millstones of greed and selilsh- Tlie white man found him -lew ago a gallant, generous, kindly- i child of nature, free from vice, vho extended to the pale-faced brother f:om over the sea the hand of hospitality. The white man was r. stranger and he took him in: hut the white man in turn took the Indian m also, and all that was his. lie rewarded the In dian's hospitality with the same gen erous return that the germs of measles, scarlet fever, of smallpox, do the gentleman who furnishes a home for them, the only difference beinc that those diseases would have Indian any rights that hU spared some H r-EST vrllh a blp 12. niapkweu's Genuine Bullk H ps lmrlmm is In a c!as by is.-clf. Von will II nd ono V ' iti:iHin lnldt each two ounce bag, and two coo- k HHj pons Insitlc eaets four ounce bat of , H Biackweti's I Gens Durham Wm Smoking Tobacco Bnyabapofthlseolebrntetltobaeconnurend thecoupon m Hl ulUchglvcd&lUtofviiluublciiresatuiiclhowtogcttbeiUjV WflliLPflPERI You Wflltlt PflPERI : Just Received Get Thej most! Wholesale. jVIALtT LtlQUOHS, CZJines and Cigars. Has an pale-faced brother is bound to re-j spect: The answer is a most em-. But this is nor what we started to say : .phatic 2o. History prove it. From j it is simply a digiession, a sort of pre the time the Spaniard first set foot on! hide to the crowning act against the American soil, the native has known ( simple child of the forest, no rights, except such as he could j Down among the Cheyennes some maintain by force. Cortex made j forty Indians, or bucks, are living in a him a beast of burden and a slave, j state of polygamy, having, in the aggro His sold was taken from him in eats, one hundred wive. o; an avernce Mexico, and his daughters fell a prey of two and a half each. The secretary to the Spaniard's desires. It was no! of the interior heard of this, and it lietter alonir the Atlantic shore, struck him as too raanv. He looked Having no gold of which he could be j around among his white brethren, and despoiled, the white man took his j real zing that one wife made life worth broad lands, not by force, but by j living vover again' to most of them, his '; superior knowledge :iud superior heart went out in a great wave of pity j trading power. He gave a handful for those forty Cheyennes. He issued a of beads, or a few dollars' worth of j decree, from which there is no appeal, gew-aaws for priceless acres. He commanding these forty bucks to each took advantage of the Indian's lack , choose of his wives one, and to discard of knowledge to cheat him in trade, i the others. It was a cruel and a wicked instead of robbing him by force. Of thing to do. We do not believe in po the two systems that of the Spaniard J lygamy, God forbid ! but we recognize was the more manly. the position these poor simple-minded The lime 'Sime when the encroach-j Indians are placed in. rnents of the white man showed the Whatever else may be said of In- Indiau that he must resist them or 1 dians, th-y are human, and the paternal lie crowded off the face of the earth. ! instinct is developed in them as in all . He resisted the best he could: but humanity. For the male Indian the in-j c"n"DTTVT nnrTC against the supeiior knowledge of ; iurv is slight; but how about the squaw? JN JtLi W Da -XJLiN JT VjUU Ub warfare and supeiior weapons he was j How about tne children! How about -- -JTTVT-N nrrTa powerless. He ran up against the ' the family separated? We know that : -- V fex JXi.lN t VJTUJL0 5000 i Rolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. 2 1; i ft , f,jSrs' Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buyin di red from the manufacturer. Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ! FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niANSACT A GESERAL BANKING BUSINES Ithe celebrated ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In Dottles. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sicht Exchange and Telefjraphic Transfers sold or. Xew York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore iron, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ' Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. I "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. a non-alcoholic! -B" CO-MINT, ! SOLE IKA1.EP. IN THE DALLES OF STUBLING & WILLIAM inevitable and was annihilated. I concerning civilized white folks, who i Across the Alleghenies the conquer-! robbed the Indian of a continent, these j ing pale-fase forced his way; then things are considered immoral. For a I down through the fertile valley of j white man they wouid be, for he niut the Ohio, across Kentucky's battle- draw the line some place; but what ground, he swept his resistless way. ! harm wonld have been done to have ai The Indian ' fought and lost. He i lowed these poor red remnants to have was told to move on, until across the i finished their days along with the fami- JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water "'id Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar- , Die wrticn can ue nrmly fastened to 1 gethei with cement, thus making them : air and water tight. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usm the best material and the most in ' -roved machinery. We ha vo r.o c jsnis Sold direct from fac.oryto tii rider, fully warranted. ?bir anywhere for examiners' WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Regulator LineA Dalles. Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co. Ml"7--- - . -.7. 1 sirs. Regulator 6 Dalles Gitv was se- Tbe white man had ; The graves of their fathers are turned up j "There is a tide in tkc affairs of men which, taken at itsflooa nto what was then i by the white man's plow, and the bones . " y " creat American des-! of their loved ones are cast aside to! leadsonJo fortune Mississippi, far from the graves of his ancestors, a new home lected for him. crowded mm 1 considered the ert. That's what the white -.1 1 . . iiiouuut u was. out it w enoush for an India cause the lands the w him from wie "too dian," lies their customs had permitted them. I We have taken their lands, their homes, i All Kinds Cemetery Work ' Mr. Comiui has on hand a large eop ! ply oi first-class Marble, to be used in ; Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Pcn laud dally, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. Are you going ( DOWN THE VAffl OH TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? man j make room for the white man's build- :ood ; mgs. We have forced onr laws upon The poet unquestionably had reference to the l u was 1:0011,'". " e nave lorceu onr laws upon, t A J CI 1 f)"n ' f rLj'r:t'::ii. juosm (lot hale oi hrniture and Oaroets cood for an In- of itate the 0I' tiie'r customs van-' I ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. j ishes, and these forty Cheyennes, 'in j ! their old age, are told to segregate their ! Here he might have been per- j familiei antl then to choose between .; mittt-d to stay had the white man's ! tbeir wives' Alas! poor Lo. j idea of the countrv been correct:! ; but it wasn't. The great American desert was a great American myth, j True, there was some of that so called section unfit for agricultural at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNIC.S ST. 1 N Camp .Jxckion. It will be but ten davs until the mili- ! tary encampment at Hood River will I take place. The engineers corps, under nnrnn: ),f tl. .1. , ..uuu.. i u.C;, , , l, fKlut flOUU HlVer I-... u iuc tuuung;; uiuu;;imi; , ThurJdr of buffalo proved it to be a great New York Weekly Tribune s Pullman Elegent Tourist lay evening. June 2th, and wih lay out the caiun L'round. The next grazing country, and a grazing coun-1 contingent to arrive will be the Third try was too good for an Indian, sim- battalion intantry, which will leave The ply because it was ood enouh for Dalles -Monda-v mornlnp, June 23th, on a white man. besides this, a hounti-. ""J ptrf - f mpani,e3A La . . , . Grande; C, Pendleton, and A, Wasco, ful creator had filled the mountains wm arrive at Hood River on the mom with precious metals, and what use in-r- of the 29th. The balance of the had an Indian for money, anyhow? troops from the west Hide of the moun The mountains were too ood for , tains wili reah Hood River the evening him, too. And so he was kicked' f ,The Camj! ifi ver-v . ... n.n,nuu iocatej about two miles west of Hood from pillar to post for no other ren- , ii7er, and has been named Camp Jack son thau that the white man wanted : son. in honor of the distinguished ofiicer the earth, or at least so much of it, detailed by the government as instructor of the Oregon militia. When the bovs -FOE Farmers and Villagers, rort Fathers and Mothers, KOJ! Sons and Daughters, KOll All the Family. TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'Ain. .MlN'.NEAl'Ol,! IJULUTH t'AHGO GUAM) FOK CItUOKSTOX WINKIJ'EO HELENA uo UUTTE It so, stive raoncr mid enjoy a bcaatlfal trip on the Columbia. The w&t-bouiid train snkesi! The Dulles Id ample time for passeneerstotale the steamer, iirrlvlnK in Portland in time for tie outgoing Southern and Northern trains; Ewt Dound ias.cnKers univlnc in The DaIes in tin to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oat .Street Dock. Portland, Oreson, Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen.Agt, The Ualtw. Ortzoo Through Tiekets DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. he. o-iiiEiisrasr. j set in camp once, mere will no doubt be many of their friends visit them. With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the business interests. To 'meVt thl.wn d !WM?Z' Un,M tanA Ucteli' j b?Fl- nrom nence. until anotber Ktatn nr NMinnnl nnoinn ,!...,.iD 'i. ... .. ,b;. J. P'l'A' l?&?Xl'tZSkucV light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present dav. and won its trreatest victories. ! Every possible effort will be put forth, and monev freelv snout, to mnV top A' ?9S,?T9.'-AB8t'.G P. A., I at S:30 o'clock, a nublic meetinc nf ih . WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Fa nilv NewH.a,Pr. in,.r(.,Ti, , I - :L ,ortln'1 0 . I f !l I . - as could i)0;;iblv ftiniiih existence for an Indian, The native son resisted, and lie did rijrht. 'He fouyht for his home, I5.v or(1r "'Hon. Frank Menefee, for his" rights; only he hadn't an v. or ,nayor f Dalles cit-v' r,otice Is l,ere,.v at least none that a white man was 7 , 7.,: V ";,i ' at o :,ju o clock, a nnbl c rMHctinc nf t)i& hound to ob-erve. ' l.oi ..ntrB nf T)ii.a rift. ,ni i v.,.i.i ' instructive, entertainint: and indisuensable to each member of the fnmiiv. n - "iv; , nut tm IIUIU , " ' , ' And so, by slow degrees, leaving at the county court bouse, for the pur-' behind him a trail of blood, lie was ' P'e ot nominating city oflicers. i moved at the white man's will,! gu.hkut w. t,IEm.8 We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- steadily decreasing in numbers, Recorder. tine One year for Only $1.75. steadily fighting the unconquerable, j At last broken in spirit, he was herd-' inciter, as good as new, having onlv uune ymce, rew lork cjny, arl a sample copy of The New York Weekly ' CIIICAUO , WASHINGTON ! I'lllLADKLl'IilA j NEW YOKE i HUSTON AND ALL l'OINTS EAST anil SOUTH I DR. GUHH'S ijiriiovnD LIVER PILLS One Pill for a "J-?,., or.- i ne uaiK-s, Orc-Ktm ISrL", V0"r5'"r' ""''1..T, iti. sold irill mall Mior' Irw or lull hoi f.r'', r'.ir.hifli lill. ilUSATiKO MKU. CO.. Wutdcura fur Sal. jd on reservations, a prisoner in the land of his fathers, with metes and hounds set, beyond which his feet dare not tread. lie is conquered at last, ground exceedingly fine between - I cocta curj- New Massilon separator, 24-inuh oyl-1 tW Write your name and address on a postal card, eend it to Geo. W. Best I ft""-? nlr xnuune Ullice, rew ork City, and a tamn e conv of Tim N- Ynrlr W..tlv T,th i.Kl ....ii i ii. . i ------ j i wiwi iriouoaT. niiir.'-".-r .-i-ir."" out. It 1 thla Keiond.. 'Hi ?SK.W?.!"'M threshed 1000 bushels. Also Diniree-! Woodbury IS-horee power, i'rice $300. Call nn or address. I T. Bawouk, ! jnlO-lm Lyle, Wash, i tine will le mailed to vou. Job Printing at This Office. Pt" we cannot cur Thta rthSJIh for Baffled the "kill of the mift aSuSi1.3? J.waTs elan a, efnitI?iT.fn,?",ut l,hrl- Goiumfl BLOOD POISOH 1 2 if VJ.rSB'! P"c under amo unarao! rre if r fin '."""iareandhotelbllli and PORKand BEEF MANUFACTDBKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausage Curersoff BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.