MM i s Tk Pallas Daily Chroniete. THE PALI.KS. OKKKtlN All ertUlne U:ile. P iv1. J'. ' ' '"C Onciuch or ie in Ihilj Ovor two UiPhm and under four iuohe Over four Inch- nmi under twelve lnehe- Over twelre inches daily xat vthssly One inch or le-, per inch Over on imih and under four Inches Over focr lnche and mider twelve 1ebe Over twtle inche . to 1 CO KKSO.V.M. .MK.VTIO.V Hon. Wm. ilicjrs went tip to Sherman county last nicht for h day's visit. Rev. J. A. Speermid wife arrived in from the Warm .Springs hst niyht. Mr. H. Peterson of Victor was in the city yesterday, and called at this office. Mr: B. F. Lanshlm and family and Mrs. Mary Lnntrnlin left for their sum mer outinz at Seaview, Ilwaco beach, tnis evening. Mrs. Emery Oliver, who has been vis- nine ber parents in thi: city, returned to Portland yesterday, accompanied by ber brother, Frank. Mrs. C. S. Van Duyn and daughter. Edna, went to Heppner yesterday to join Mr. Van Dnyn, who will go into basiaeiS at that placs. NEWS NOTES. James ?. Harlan, brother of Justice Harlan, was fciiied by a railroad train at Louisville Tuesday. Jim Murphy, a well-known Portland gambler, was found dead in his bed at Esker City Tuesdav. Peudieton reports one sale of wool at nine cents ttie nignest price pairt tor any clip this season. , Th- hntLlp-h.n fWnn U nt Pnrt ! Town?end, and will 'o to Victoria to take par: in the queen's jubilee celebra tion. . Five men were killed in a landslide in j British Columbia Tuedav. Tiie nlace where they were killed iias a hard name it being "lilecillewaet." General kelson A. Miles is the biggest ( man in London, and on the occasion of j the queens jubilee will be right up at I the head of the procession. j . , ,. -till- AUi,U CHI .illii.tU UIU L l-l i-J .1 - damage Saturday last. At Cnittagong the earth opened and literally swallowed many buildings, among them the post .offiee. The Cape Town parliament adjourned out of respec: to Barney Barnato, and the London papers devoted column after column to obituary notices for the ,dead mara-ider. The Scio Ciilouil. A. W. Lang, business manager of the Scio colony, speaking to a representative ' of the Silvertoc Appeal of the proposed methods of the colony, says that there will be about 200 families or about 10C0 ; people in all, who will come from ttie Eastern states and settle on trie tract of land two and one-half miles rom Scio, j in Linn countv. It L- a companv in i i. n . " f,.. 1 which all are owneis. T it.. Mr. Lang nas just completed the sur-, vey of the land. The company owns ; 1GV miles square of level farming laud, ; almost all in cultivation. j Each family will be alloted a certain i portion of the land to cultivate. The company wjH operate two large sawmills of their own, to furnish lumber for building purposes. The colonists will plant 1000 acres in hops. They will set out S00 acres in prunes, all of one va riety, and will have 100 acres in straw berries, 100 in raspberries, beside a large amount of other small fruits and vege tables. They intend to purchase 500 choice cows for a dairy, and expect ly extra care and proper feeding, to mike - ! an article of cheese that will command the top price in the markets. The members of this colonv are all steady, hard-working people, and what-. Chronicle. ever they start they will push with all ; This raine haste applies to ni" nau enurtry. When the hops, prunes, etc., which pulls the cab or the ha'. draf are planted, they will be put there to, lorsss used as freijrhten,. At th.- r. -i 6tli.v- I hour on any of the tltwr.: 1 -'rft-- One business nan wanted in every city mot already taken for exclusive ! -r .- ...1 1 ...n . I 1 4 " must furnish few hundred dollars cash : (enC, of 8at,sfoeUont ' capital to carry small stock of saleable j It male no difference to thf horae merchandise with which to supply his , that the .ofc'.nr thronp set-s th in in rrT:rLr:,,t,;:"e,r,,;Sioro;i:S profit assured over all expenses. State ja,,-v of w,,om references, qualifications, etc. I on. ,Uu. wft.f 1 or a,,J0M;D, , , F.E.VAM, 1SC-140, Nassau St., New York, j Junlo-Ot I , Eliot' imiiiin Hlnie. j Miss Frances II. Tribou, daughter of Chaplain Tribou, takes exception to the . oft-rejieated Ktau-im-nt that no man now livin? can read Eliot's Indian Uible. She write. Zi"n' Herald that at 1 the Mohonk Indian conference of s!4 she heard Bishop Whipple say that it Is u wihtake to hay it cannot be read, be-, cause me ujiownvi. 01 .MinneHOta can read it. As the bishop's remarks tire I published in the proceedings of the con- ' ference, nnd an he in an authority or such matters, .Miss Tribou'b exceptior beems to be well tnKf n. Poor Blood "When a horse is poor in flwh, a new harness won't give him strength. If a house is cold new furniture won't warm it. If your strength is easily ex hausted: -work a burden; nerves weak; digestion poor; muscles soft ; if you arc pale and worn out, the trouble is with the blood. It is not so much IMPURE blood as POOR blood. Pills won't make this blood rich ; nor will bitters, nor iron tonics, any more than a new harness will give strength to the horse, or new furniture will make a house warm. For poor b'.ood you want something that will make rich blood. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phitcs is the best remedy in the world for enriching the blood. Vc hive pTJC-irfd a book telling you more about the subject. Scat Free, rcrsak by all draggutsat 50c.cc5l.00. 5. ?rr i B WNE Ycr. SALOON IN TWO COUNTRIES. Ini enlous Arrantreaipat for tho Thlr ty on the .Aleilc.m Uorder. There is au imreuiou.-- ssiloonkeetwr who conducts- a place in n Kitle viilacv on the bortltr between this country and Mexico.says the Lo'i:?-.:iK-C omE.en.:;!'.. The village is 'naif in California and half in Lower California. There i re tvo bars in his saloon, one on the south and one on the north s-ide of a larire t room. The dividing line tvtween the rtnnn.tMav liAs? ?l,.i ll vi T I , n-ltl one bar is located in Mexico ;.nd the other is located in the United States. The proprietor iiavs- biir l.'eease to both countries, but still makes a hauddome iivinrr out of the business. He has susrindl nil the wav across the street in front a unique sign. On the United i States side it reads, in letter.- a foot j hiph: "Your first uskI 2a.t chance." , on tlie otuer suie. in snanisn, u v presses the same idea. i The saloon is known by that name j for miles around, and many an eastern J tourist who has quenched hi? thirst j there will remember it. It is a great resort for "cow punchers" of both na tions who work in that territory. Hence many is the bloody ficrh; that takes place there, ami few are the ones brought to justice wfaa-e crimes are committ-d there. A Jiu!f;e'- lteply. At one time a delicate question as to the construction of a statute was dis cussed before the venerable chief jus tice of the New York court of common pleas, Charles P. Daly, and affr elab orate arguments on each side the chief justice decided the question in open court, riving' his reasons in a few well timed remarks which caused a lull in the courtroom. The silence w as speed- "f roKen ny tne siicee:ui aiM.rne;. who stood up and said with an air of . . r , .... . . patronizing approval: "May it please .our bonori fQr oue agree withyou ti,,.i.. ti,. ohinf with a twinkle in his oye which lietokrn.-d his i enjoyment of the joke, but a perfectly j grave face, quietly removed his slnsses. ; and. amid a breathless silence, said: "1 nave, counselor, trend-any iouihi in mv experience that the successful party agrees with the. court." , CHICAGO HORSES AT LUNCHEON Sinn'- I'nlthfiil "Mfants KniulHte Illm in Tukin;: a llurrietl JIcsil lJurntomi. Even the Lur of thi citi luncheon downtown. Every uu man knows v.hut thii- aivuit. the i. n ried bite taken in the slioit ho.:r ::: "U noon everv day. when biisine- :. - donvd Ion? enough to perm ' 1 1 '. struction of a piece of pie or u -..ikiv. h-u I Evervbodv does It, so it is as fair foi one a? the other, says the Ciiicagc the obttervaut person cur. .vf thf-. faithful boartU with nosebu- dep-nd-in? from their heads qukiiy inunfii rait, nr wirn with cwrv th( m0rnint:. It - in a lifetime, nnd t fhin,0 hor-- lm learned that he ! must nt whu In- con. nnd not In- too j particular about it. Hence he lays h'.s enrs back nnd mum-hes away with placid joy. B.v order of Hon. Frank Menefie, mayor of Ddlles City, notice is hereby given that on Friday evening, June ISth, at S :30 o'clock, n public meotini: of the legal voters of Dalles City, will be held at the county court house, for the pur-1 pose of nominating city officers. Gm.kkkt W. Phklps, Recorder. Heatnevs Cniilint lip Cured by lecal applications, as they cannot reach the diseased jKirtiou of the ear. I here is only one way to cure deafness, annm. tttnr ,ho nwi imtnU i-hilhlmns. n-issed the Common and that is by constitutional remedies, co, nd al, skf oruption,. and pos. City April 'JWJKS Deafness is caused by an .nflamed con- tivdy cures piiea, or no pay required , l'n dittonof the mucous lininc of the Ens- n u guaranteed to ivo perfect satisfac- Safurdav, the loth dav of May. 1S97 tachian Tube. When this tube n nt niih'ip miction, to the highest flamed you have a rnmblinc sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condiMon of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Pea'iivs caused ty catarrh tnat c.uwiot be e.ired by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo. 0. jg?"".-;oUl by Drn-gists, 7oc. 0-10 M.titcto nt tlip lliul. A2. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shiweport, La., says: "Dr. King's Ne.v D:scovery is the only thing that c;:r?s my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of .-.iffij.-d, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it : it never iails. and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's ew Discovery for Consumption, Onghs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and today stands at the head. It ! neTer disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley i'c Houghton's druc store. 1 English and Belgian best imported brands, for Warehouse Co. cement, very sale by Wasco mvo-lm foi fbout Your JOB We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desire '-o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let have vour next order. tyropKle C. W. PHELPS & CO. -DKALEIIS l.V- Agricultural - Implements. Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. . Lubricating OllS. EtC. White Sewing Machine and Extras. SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. Z. DONNELL, PfESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., ftnclclen Ariora astlvp. The best salve in the world for cuts hrnises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet per lwx. For sale Houghton, druggists. oy Blakeley and "For three vears we have never e venrs we nave never in.-t.-u , ... ,. i amberhnn's Colic, Cholera lea Remedy in the house," t without Ch and Diarrhoe; says A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., "and my wife would as soon think of being without Hour as a bottle of this Remedy in the summer season. We have used it with all three of our children ami it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but enrr absolutely. It is al! risrht. and any one who tries it wiii rind it so." For sale by Blakeley iV. Houghton. The Westfield (Ind. i News prints the i followiuc in recard to an old resident of .i . i .ir . m f ... that place: "Frank McAvoy, for itiuny years in the employ of the I.., X. A. A: C. By. here, savs: '1 have used Cham- berlam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea t i.. never without it in niv famiiv. I take'ivelv $100 1 lots G aud ,, in block oo, pleasure in recommending it".' " It is a ' rneh respectively 12o ; lu.s -, o. 4. .., ,in,ifi, fnr ii w -1 ,iUnlprS. Fnr - 10 and 11 , in block 3o. each respectively sale bv Hlahelev Houghton. Hundreds of thousands have been in- tincea totrv unamoeriain s v.ous:n l.rm- t:dy by reading what it has done ior i others, and having tested its merits for; themselves are todav its warmest friends. For sale bv Blakelev & Houghton. : Soap Foam excels all other washing compounds. a2 3:u Nebraska corn for sale nt the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-tf pilSfJICl? u- publish? ?o. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR. NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that by nil- thoritv of ordinance o. .n-', "- Uouneii 01 panes bidder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit; .- .1.. t.lnl 1 I lfe jiti t and ill loini iv. in uiul-i - $ t,i. i. lnia 7. S. ! and 10, jointly in block lo, iois ? 0 nIU, ,J0( Jointlv in block 21, 1 known as bntte; lots 10. 11 and 12, in nlock 27 : lot fl in block 3-1 ; lots 2, .5, 4, lot 9 in block Hi; lots -, i, , 9, 10 and 11, in block S5 4, S, P. 10, 11 and 12, in block p. - c o in om.I 11 in mock .i.t InSs 2 liG; lolfc o, 4. 5, 6, 7. S. U. 10, 11 and 12. in hlock o ; lots l. o, o. o. o, i). 10, 11 and 12. in block 42; lots 1,2, 8, 4. 5 f. 10 and 11. in block 43; lots 1. 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and 12. in bio.- 41, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4. o, B, in block 4b. The reasonable value of sa - 'ots, for ; less than which they will no. - e sold, i has been tixed i.ud determine, i v the ! Ctammnn Council of Dalles City as fol- . lows, to-wit : , If nd 10. in block 14, $lo0; lots 7, S. 9 nnd 10, jointly in "lock lo, 200; ,ts - p B aml 10, jointly in block 21. jo. ot jq, jn block 27, ?22o; lot 11. in block 27, ?22; lot 12. in block 27, iSOO; ; lot 9, in bloch 34 . 4100; Jots -.3,4, a, S, 9. 10 and 11. in block 3o. each respect- $100; iot 12, in block 30, $125; lots 3, 4, 5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37. each re- spectively siuu: IOIS ti. ( aim i-. " Si, eacn respecuvt-i lots . 3. 10 and 11. in block eecn respectively fiw; una i, 7 an(i 12. in block 41. "each respectively ! U25; lots 3. 4. 5, 0, 10 and 11, :n i block 42, each respectively 100 ; lot , 16 and 12, in block 42, each respectively 1 ?125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in ! block 43, each respective! v 00 ; lot 1 , , in block 43, $12o; lots 2. 3, 4 and o, in block 46, each respectively $100; lots 1 , 6. "'ck 40, each respectively I ?12o. ' Each of these lots wiil he sold upon I the lot respectively, and none of them ', will be sold for a less sum thau the value ' thereof, as above stated. I One-fourth of the price bid on any of : said lots shall be paid in cash at the I time of sale, and the remainder in three " equal payments on or before, one, two j and three years from the date of said I sale, with interest on such deferred pav- ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payaole annually; proviaeu that the payment may be made in full at any time" at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15th day of May, 1597, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day. and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots Hiiall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1S07. Gilbert W. Pheli-s, Eecorder of Dalles Citv. For hair. Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B, block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to Wm. Sn.cKELroi:D. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'asc a Week. l.'G 1'niirrn a Year 1 It stands first among '"weekly" papers j in size, frequency of publication and . freshness, variet and reliability of con ' tents. It is practically a daily at the low j price o a weekly; and its vast list of i eubscribere, extending' to every state and j territory of the Union and foreign coun 1 tries, will vouch for the accuracy and 1 fairness of its news columns. It is eplendidly illustrated, and among j Us epecial ieatures are a fine humor : page, exhaustive market reports, all the 1 latest fashiond for women and a loug I series of stories by the greatest living j American and English authors, I Cunau Doyle, Jerome K. .lemma, ! Stanley Weyiuan, Mar- K. Wilkin j Anthony liuiip, Kret llurt, lirancler .Matthew, Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and i The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to , gether one year for $2.00. The regular j price of the two papers is f3.00. I J. K. SCHRNK, President. H. M Bkall, Cashier. first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A (jenera! Banking BuBinese transacted Depoeite received, aubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIKEOTOKS. D. P. Thompbon. Jno. S. Scubnck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Liebk. H. M. Bkaix. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL rl Jeweler Watchmake All work promptly attended to, aud wm ranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. UJtPii EMST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VI A- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paxil Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS l.PHrr 1'ovtUnd Kvorv Five Harx fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full det:' call on O. K A Cn. e a, Tho nallex. or midrib b ' W, II. IICKI.BCRT, (icn. Pb.s. Ak Portlana. Orcoa E. M'M;II.L I'resirtcat nud iinna cr The 2"rw Time Card. Under the new time card, which goej into effect tomorrow, trains will move as follows : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at G p. in., leaves at 0:05 p.m. Xo. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. m., de parts 1 :20 a. in. No. 3, from Spokane and Great North ern, arrives S:30, departs S:So a. m. No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 0:30 p. m., departs 12:45 p. m. Passengers for Heppner will take train leaving here 6:05 p. m. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvc and lire flue to nmvc at I'ortUsl f OVERLAND EX-1 ' 1 press, Salem, Kose-' ' I ourR, Abhlaiid, sac-1 . I rauicnto, Ogden.siiu 1 i Krauebeo, Mnjuve, f .: A. M. j Los Angeles, El Fo, j , I New urlcnns cud 1 HEust. . . .' Uoseburg and way tta- tlonh ... M S P. M fViis Woodburn tor'; Mt.Ancel, Sllverlon, Dally 4 Wet hclo, Itrowns- except , ville.sprlnglield aud Sundays. 1. Natron . . j C:C0 I. M Doily exce): Sundays. !T:3 A. M. (Corvnllis and wnyi t 5:MP.M. jftttttiont- cadi t S:25P.M I H J) way stations Daily. tDaily, execjit Sunday DINING CAP.S ON OGDEN P.OUTE. PCLUIAN BUFFET SLEEPEP.S AND .SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAEs Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Francisco with Occi dental nnd OriiMttnl nnd 1'acitlc mail BteamaBlP j lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates oa aj plication. , Kates and tickets to Eastern jioints andtu iro;. Al-o JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU a Al sTKALIA. can be obtained Irora J. B. KIP.KLAND. Ticket Agnt. Through Ticket Otlicc.lM Third street, wbew through tickets, to all points in the EsfJ atites, Canada and Euroj can be obtdiuec i lowest rates Irom . . , J. B. KIKKLANDi Ticket Agent All above truinB arrive nt and depart Iroir Grund Central ritatlon, Filth nad Imnff street- YAMHILL DIVISION. . Pas-enger DefjOt, loot ol Jederson street Leave lor OSWEGO, dully, except Supdiy,! 7:-J0a. m.; 15:15, 1:45, 5:'i, G4i. p. B. 5:10 p. rn. on Sundays only). ! Leave lor Sheridan, week days, t 4 :S0p. Arrive at Portland, 0:30 a. in Iave lor A I P.LI E on Monday, VedndT E4 ; Friday nt 9: 10 a.m. Arrive at Portlana. m.. dav, Thursday and Saturday at S ft p. . I 'Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. It. KOEHLER, E. P R2Gr,ri. Munacer. Asst. G. F. i Paw- AS Dalles, Hon and Ad telope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Grass Valley. Kw and (Jriws Iiollowb. DOUGI.A8 ALLEN, The IH C. M. WHITKLAW, Anteloi-e- etnges leave The Dallw lrow rinatilli at 7 a. in., nlno from Antelope t .- "UoB! Monday, Wednenday and JrWoy. "Shell made at Antelope lor Prinovl lie, ''Siw poinm beyond. Clote crnnectlouf maen balle with rullwayn, trains and boa'1- SUrm from Antelope reach We J) ' day, Thursdays una naturunj. . . . BATe or fAR" Dalles to Denchutes do Moro. . do Onus Valley do Kent do Cross Hollows. Antelope to Cross Hollows do Kent do Grass Valley. .. do Moro do Icchue do IMUoe ci M i . t . 1 100 (and u:30 p. in. on Saturday oniy, auu f -r: and ;i:3ij p. in. on aundays only; Ar re Portland oaily at 7:10 and 6;30 a m.-af.;f 4:15.6:35 and T:S5 n. in., fimd 10 a. m . IjW I