WHRNING. A Stylish Jacket or Gape on. We wouldn't be human if we didn't make mistakes. We bought a large lot of Stylish Jackets and Capes because they were cheap a few more than we could handle that was a mistake. -Very low priced originally, we shall now offer them until cleaned up at Just Fifty Cents on the Dollar. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. .X PEASE & MAYS The Dalies Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1S97 thie, and when the time comes will give ! well rendered, and everybody seeined the old veterans a ereetine that will ! to be hiehlr nWspri. Alhhr.m o.j cake prepared were Eold, together with what extra supplies could be secured at WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random OiMTvatloun and Local Events of I,enT Magnitude. Circuit court adjourned yesterday for the term. The steamer D. S. Baker went down to Portland yesterday. Pease & Mays will announce their Saturday Special in Friday's issue. License to marry was issued today to V. II. Munger and Josie B. Carter. Saturday evening the Good Templars will give a Gypsy Carnival in their hall. Three carloads of sheep we're shipped from the stock yards here today to Troutdale. The Dalles City lefon the new time card today, at S:4 She was loaded to the guards with wool. The special sale at Pease & Mays on Saturday nest will be an eye-opener. Don't fail to read their ad. next Friday. Commencement exercises at St. Mary's academy were held this afternoon, but were not concluded at the hour of going to press. The wind has made it quite disagree able today, kicking up whole lots of dust that might just as well have been left where it was. The encampment of the Oregon mili tia at Hood River promises to draw quite a crowd of visitors to that place. It be gine June 29th. Seven wagon loads of Baptists, most f whom arrived on the .Regulator last ht, left this morning for Ooldendale, ffhere they will uttend the general con- induce. Reports from Eastern Washington are. '0 the effect that the recent rains did an make them glad they are alive Do not fail to attend the mas0 meet ing called at the courthouse for tomor row evening to nominate citv officers. j The nomination is generally equivalent I to an election, hence it is to the interest ! of every business man and property- owner to be present. the different ice cream stands in the city in the later part of the evening. The ladies realized $30 profit for their labor. ! On the occasion of the meeting of the j grand lodge of Elks at Minneapolis, the No fish were received at the cannervjV", , . Wl11 eel1 round trip ticketB todav. A big run is reported 5n th'e Hd, good to return until July 31st, lower river, bat it certainly has not for G0-- These tickets are Kd for reached here. The water is falling verv ' stoP?ver Privileges returning. The fast and becoming clear. In a short I -"'k uta'1 time it will be too low for several of the stationary wheels to be operated. Mr. I. J. Norman evidently believes in the correctness of the doctrine of sweets to the sweet, for he presented this office yesterday with a couple of boxes of honey made by his bees. As it was gathered from Dalles flowers, it is needless to add that it was finer than silk The bodies ot Captain Coffin and his daughter, Annie, were removed from the cemetery here Tuesday, and taken to Portland on the Regulator yesterday. Captain Coffin died about eleven years ago and the daughter Beveral years be fore that. We understand the bodies will be taken East for interments The trial of the case of the State sociation is held at Milwaukee at the same time, and same rates to Minne apolis will be given. At that point, tickets will have to be purchased to Milwaukee, costing for the round trip $12.30. jnlT-tf He Sized Illm Uj. against Mrs. Iola Beebe was completed last night, the jury promptly acquitting her. She was charged with practicing medicine without a license, but the evi dence failed to suetain the charge, it simply snowing that she was introduc ine a patent medicine Old Moses Tebbs of Genoa, Nevada, was a lawyer. Not, a way-up, tip-tip, '"Tilt-edged lawyer ; not eo high but that he consented to fill tue responsible office of justice of the peace. He made a suc- ess ot it, too, some ol his decisions be- ng worthy of preservation. He was a error to evil-doers, especially if they ad money, and his instincts were usu ally unerring in eiziug up a culprit's financial condition. The old fellow had acquired a habit, common to mining countries, that of indulging in profanity on all occasions, in court or out. One day a prisoner was brought be fore him charged with carrying a con cealed weapon. As a matter of fact the prisoner had been a party to a shooting She leit-ior460rape 'n wu'cn some very poor marks inansblp had been exhibited. The First T- i 1 .1 tUin i n!ri ff roriiBiiu iuio U.U......&' rfssr-w.sn. ' tJ i t.... t f . n c H.,lPe CUU1U ""UK"'" me uimicr, i.ui I hill VUHIgV f) ' -J J ' IbUIIUI Was brought before Justice Tebbs and pleaded guilty. Tebbs sized him up for iiiuoment and then said: "ihe een- nce of the court is that you pay a fine $30." "But judge," said the prison- "I hayn't got that much money." In consideration of the prisoner's fin- took command of Company C, in Pen dleton, on Saturday evening, the com mand being '.formally transferred from the former captain, J. E. Krause, to the ew commander, under special orders , 'from Adiutant Riddell. It is probable IUO v v : ..... i i 1 "umente amount of good, and that that an election will be ueia soon -Uu "ops, especially in the Palouse country, captain chosen lor conipauj v. ' ancial condition," at once said Tebbs, Hoe better than usual. -"i Arthur Hodires. county clerk of Crook ( tne fine is reduced to $20." "But, The city recorder yesterday had one 1 countv, came in on the stage yesterday judge," again pleaded the prisoner, "I tobo before him, fining him $40, but i and went on to Portland this morning. , haven't $20." "Then," said Tebbs, depending the fine provided the said ' He tells us Crook county has shipped ; fixjng his gaze on the culprit, " , koto removed himself from the city ' not less than 100,000 sheep, and between ; the court taps you." tails, which he promised to do forth- 8000 and 10,000 cattle this spring. In J SoUc( to with. ! np wer to our inquiry if the ranges were The Or.,! .i a th nt not depleted, he stated that the increase t On and after July 1, 1897, costs will be John i?uTn an TnUOn8 " M Hi for the ear would counter balance the : added for the collection of all taxes due w!! "T61 a..day r..,W. ag0' Il't J 'Wasco county on all delinquent rolls on me uouie-ASiona , , , tbe mn(8 of th(J BberIff Thl(J ,B time, and went down there When you wan ta rtalfco 0u a c i illjper8tlve order from the county jo nt Ho worked here for colore oao-hts be r.n minclt. Wie ,bmmi- Ward, Kerne & Robinson. fit, at a attorney N. B. Brooks of Goldendale colorings better ma er ... , . r: i . . i ,..o n rrinstuereu. is euiu mcu at noon from K ckltat's county " . anv other He reports the fall grain as look- inore re.wn.bU , price than an oU .r in well, bat that much of the spring Alrt in the market. A h,Ie. faindid not sprout. The recent rains . Co. are exvlus. ve idler, o f th. e not extend to the i i . ft, on ...Is week. An assortment of these - uwpatcb received by J. M. Patter- T ' av be eeen in their shop window "M y rom a, H, Learned, who le 'tending the encampment at Independ fcce, announces that the elate encamp Jjent of the G. A. K. will be held in this c,tyiul898. The Dalles is glad to hear shirts may The ice cream social given by the Lutheran ladies last even.ng was a grand success, the hall being crowded with E all evening. The program was to collect such taxes by levy on property if not paid voluntarily by property own ers. All parties concerned are hereby notified that no leniency will be shown in the collection of taxes after July 1, aud that levy will be made on all prop erty delinquent after that date. T. J. DaiVKK, jl-l-td ,1 Sheriff of Wasco County. Yellow washing powder will make your clothes th same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. a2-3m Our attention has boon cnlleil to the advert isonionts of a Dalles linn, other than our Agents, oflering Maker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles tor many years for the sale of our Haker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is eopyrightod, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker IVrfeet Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or, BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. State Sunday School Convention, The Annual State Sunday School Con vention will be held June 2S-30, in the M. E. Church here. The program has been prepared with the view of giving the greatest help possible in the time al lowed to the delegates in attendance. It is practical ali the way through. In ad dition to the several addresses by some of the best Sunday school talent in our state, there will be exemplified the working of a model Sunday school. ThiB school will bo organized on the floor of tho convention and the best methods of conducting a school will be taught. The subjects to be treated at each session of the convention are those of "today," not last year or those of some future generation, but that the foundation for the future generation may be well laid in all our work of the present time. This is a mass convention to which all Sunday school workers are invited. The number of delegates from each school is not limited. Tho greater the number of workers present, the greater the benefit to be derived. Free enter tainment will be provided for all who present credentials as delegates from their superintendent or secretary. Delegates from points on the lines of the Southern Pacific R. R., must buy tickets to Portland, paying full fare to that point, take a receipt for the monuy paid, which must be countersigned by the secretary at the convention. On the return the agent at Portland will sell tickets at one-third fare toj destination, provided, twenty-five full fare tickets are purchased going. Tbe O. R. & N. It. R. will sell full fare rates going, and return at one-lifth ; but in this case also a receipt must be taken and countersigned at the convention by the secretary. A special round trip rule has been made, from Portland to The Dalles of $11.00, which is open to all. The I). P. & A. N. Co. will make u round trip rate of $1.50 from Portland, $1 from Cascade Locks, and 50 cents from Hood River to The Dalles and re turn, via their boats. Copies of the Oregon Sunday School Tidings, containing the program and further particulars, may be secured by addressing the state secretary, A. A. Morse, at Portland, Mail the names of your delegates to the state secretary at once, C'uril of TliHiik. The Lutheran ladies desire to men tion their gratitude to the public for the good will so kindly shown them last evening in so many ways, especially to the members of the Degree of Honor, who visited them in a body. J'or HuU. Be Not Alarmed By the so-called "WARN'INU" of our compotitorH. Tho threat made to our customers Is nothing more nor less than u big tihill of u wuuld-bu monopoly. Our Itaker Harbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns In the United States ; inch spool is branded "Ocmiinu Raker Warranted," and wo invito comparison with any other make of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wiro for SPOT CASH, at l lie right price, and proposu to give our customers the benefit of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to be the best Wiro on earth. It is worth no more than any other good Wire, but is an good as any, and we aro selling it us low as any. Compare our so-called "Spurious" Wiro with tho ONLY Maker PHUFHOT, be fore buying, and gut our prices. We are making prices that should get your trade. MAYS & CROWE. New Mussilon separator, 24-inch cyl inder, as good as new, having only threshed 1000 bushels. Also Dingue Woodbury J2-horse power. Price $300, Call on or address T. Uau-ouk, jnlt)-lm Lyle, Wash, Subscribe for Tiif Chbo.vici.j;. Baby Carriages .HIST A UK r VIS I) AT Ti l 10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most com plete line of l'ianos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Brices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (HucccKiiir to (Jlirlhinuii A Conoii, FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again In business at the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Frve delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building: Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. rowe & CO.. The Dalles Or