l)c Dalles (Chronicle. NO 135 trfl uBlkflH nlEfe THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1807 Coditions ruder Which Ha waii May Be Annexed. i i GOVERNMENT IS PROVIDED FOR local I.eRlilnture Will Mnkr Law Which Then Must ISe Approved liy the PrpUlont. WisiiiNi ton, June 10. The Hawaiian commissioners, with secretary Sherman j and Assistant Secretaries Day and Crad-' ,iv.t. nembled in conference at the 5,le department at 9 o'clock ths morn- iaj and began a careiui uuuijmnsou oi ,he test of the Hawaiian treaty. The tteatv was signed at 9 :20 by Secretary- Sherman, for the United States, and Messrs. Hatch, Thurston and Kinney, for Hawaii. The document wilt be submitted to the eenate today. The treaty provides that the govern ment of the islands cede to the United States absolutely and forever all rights of sovereignty in and over the Hawaiian islands and its dependencies, and that .l... :i.....i i.il 1 I . . e ... I T ; " 7. , t " cedes to the United States all pu b he lands, puunc nu lining? ana puunc property of every description. Concress shall enact special laws to govern the disposition of the lands of the Hawaiian islands. All revenue from all these lands shall be used solely for the benefiit ot the inhabitants of the Hawaiian islands, for educational and other public purposes. The Hawaiian islands shall be admitted into the Union as a territory of the United States, its local laws to be passed by the local leg islature, hut subject to the approval of the president. Until congress shall apply the laws of the United States to the islands the present laws of Hawaii are to govern the islande. The present treaties and laws govern inz Hawaiian commercial relations with j foreign nations shall remain in force un til congress shall take action. Further immigration of Chinese labor ers is prohibited pending congressional action.The entry of Chinese from Hawaii into the United States is likewise pro hibited. The United States assumes the public debt of Hawaii, but with the stipulation that tliie liability ehall not exceed $4,000,000. The treaty, before it becomee effective, thall be ratified by proper authorities of the United States and Hawaii. No mention is made of any gratuity to Liliuokalani or Kaiu- lint IMUI, The Japanese government bas filed a protest against the Hawaiian treaty on the ground that it promises to lead to a breach of treaty stipulations between Ja pan and Hawaii. AS AKKANGEIi Y THE COMMITTEE ACree to Kates on ABncuiturai l'roductn. Washington, June 16. The senate today agreed to the rates on agricultural products as fixed by the Republican . . . 1 Agricultural i members of the finance committe. The! fates on fish were adopted. The senate also agreed to the commit ,ee rates as follows: Figs, plums, prunes, prunelles, '2 cents per pound; 'aisine and other dried grapes, 22 cents; ti i..".. .'"""' " , uiiYCB in caske, lo cents per ganon. j .iatant Secretary Pruden arrived at tl'e canltol at s-an .iih th HaWaiian i annexation treaty, but after consulting ' ed Allison, retired without presenting "i with the understanding that the sen ate would be prepared to receive the Not Idle Talk. Holer's German Heaiache Powders DON'T CURE, Z. DONN'Rr.i. rtmauisi will uive M. your money back. 25c pkg. Same proposition on the Skin Cure, Garland's "Happy Thbtignt" Salve. Wc in screw top gliiee jare, POWDER Absolutely Pure. . Celebrated for it ercat lrnvoiiine strrmrth .,h J JSeiSiSfi i - - aA"b 10HDKR L0- ' ; j , , I bnef message ( document at 4 :4o p. m. The president sent a with the treatv. THE Ql'EEN IS ALMOST HLIND. KeKecy Under the Prince f Wale, May ! Soon Be Etabllhed. London-, June 16. The whole aspect nf Ihl' f.fiminc inhiloo has been sud- changed by painful information which comes from a source making it impossible to doubt its accuracy, annoQnced on the aiJthoritv It is one of the royal physicians attendant upon her majesty that "the queen is almost to tally blind." This is the true reason whv she will not ride alone in the procession, and why Ehe will not leave the carriage at 1 the service at St. Paul's cathedral Tues- j day. It is semi-officiallv announced j 1 that she will be unable to respond to the ' greetings extended along the line of the royal procession. This explains the recent revival oi gos sip of a regency under the Prince of Wales in the near future. Fiendish Xecru Captured. Los Angei.es, June 16. Sheriff Burr, with a posse of deputies and two blood- j bounds, pursued and captured Cv ' Thompson, a negro charged with atempte ing to abduct Addie Brown, 15 year old, who lives with her parents near Azuza, in the San Gabriel valley. The crime waB comitted at midnight. The girl was awakened to find herself in the arms of a strange man, who was in j the act of carrying her out of her room through a window, realizing ner pern, i she screamed and siezed the window sash, nolding on with euch tenacity that ' thP man let tro and fled. ! Bltteu by a Kattlegnake. j Redmng, Cah.June 19. The 3-year-old child of Mrs J. H. Porter, living six miles east of Redding, was struck by a rattleenake and may die. The little one was playing in the vara witn its moiner . not six feet away when the reptile ap- j peared. Mrs. Porter, alarmed by the whirr of ite rattle, screamed and leaped i toward 'the baby. The cry and her quick j , movemeni amjereu u.c - .""helms learned much. That is trout j coied around the baby s leg, ana H ggjnanj Uo you pc.0ple with money ' struck at the child, fastening its fangs and leisure bear in miirl the fact that Jin the little one's arm. The child is in jf you hl,arc the rod you may spoil j a precarious condition. yourself. t .1 lUn nnnl'A irhinh Iflfl Jajmu Not Looklutr fur War. , Paris, June 16, The Matin publishes an interview with Count Ito, of Japan, ' who is now in this city, on hie way to ; attend Queen Victoria's jubilee, in which , i. .. Tontin never had an' iaea oi , lie ra i u wf"" - - With thC ,Vniied , nntcomeoj tne trouDies uts-, onH Hawaii, which, he en greatly exaggerat added' "ave Me b Jai.au to subsldlie Staler. Victoku, June 16.-A. R. Milne, col- j lector of customs, is in receipt of a letter from Hakodate, in which it is stated, that the Japaneee diet hae passed a bill t to subsidize sealere. This expected to cause the transfer of many British seal- j ers to the Japanese flag. r. Edward Kooeral. New Youk, June 16.-Tbe Herald says , .1 o.. ..rwumeneement of the Princeton non,.pmBnt of the I'riuceion ine g . . fnnpr. univereity was interrupted b the tuner , al services of Dr. George K Wward ' u'nR cons! Idered tne !"" , graduate of the university eince he oo tained bis diploma in We sellTIoe Cake v.-PJ Mays. Oellmlnatlnn tier. CoxsTAXTiNori.E, June 15. , Delayed in transmission. i Ambassadors of the ( powers submitted to the Turkish itov ernment yesterday a scheme for delimi tation of the frontiers of Greece and Turkey as drawn up by the military at taches of the different embassies. It gives Turkey the mountain crests on the frontiers of Thessaly, but tho Turks are i not allowed to retain anv of the villages , of Thessaly. J Tewfik Pasha, minister for foreign af t fairs, said he would submit, the plan to the sultan. Turks Preparing to FIrM. Lamia, Thessaly, June 10. Turkish troops are posting guns on Othrys heights, concealing them beneath the bS of t rees. They have also placed artillery in the burned convent of Ana- zehtla and Turkish scouts have been seen during the night lime on neutral ground between the two armies. This activity upon the part of the Turks cre- ated much distrust among the Greeks. llutler Was Couvlctetl. Sydney, N. S. V., Jure 16 The trial f k Butler charged with murder Of vfiwiuj,re hcjici, nuuuiuc mu were on a gold-prospecting trip, was conclud ed today, the jury rendering the verdict of guilty. u'OYS Or TROUT FISHING. Irlof Hut Graplilu Ten I'icturs ot a 1 I with Koil ami Line. Silent as an otter, the man moves nto the water till it curls about his J ::iees, says n writer in Outing'. An arm l .ways basic and forth, and an insect 1 lf.lt jr-i r.oftlv unon the surface of this ) ,.,! . laj yawls away. Quickly the arm .w:iy . uain, and again an insect kisses "o surfaca of the water. A Hash of a !i,vrlT crescent, a plash in the water, a .uiiuer., stronger swirl in tne writning .nrrent; then a sharp, metallic discord ar.ps out against the song of the irJs. Tho man's eyes blaze with a rwiit, cacrer light, his check flushes ilightl;,-: there is then exultation in svery line of his face. His right hand dinches upon the wand, the raspingdis- : ird ceases, the wand arches to a semi' :ircla and quivers with perilous strain, vhilo two keen eyes rivet upon a shift- n' owininy coramouon unit mauuens .;ic uui i iiL'jc, t.iuji.) iuii.li, uii- seaiin'rly. A bull of .snowy spume upon ,he surface, a spatter of j.-weled drops, t tinted i-hnpe curving in air an in itant, a:i apprehensive "Ah!" from the nans parted lips, and again the lithe .vand curves and strains. So is fought ;he good fight, till skill conquers. Within the fatal net gleams a shining selly and pearl-bordered fins above a streai Qf olive gemmed with ruby The man's face glows with spangles. pride as he carefully bears his captive to the shore. Upon n fragrant bier of freshest green within the creel u dead kJ lics j,, state A1j tlay thlJ sileilt man creeps hither and thither along the stream casting, lighting, waiting, noting many things, until dnrkness falls; then homeward through the scented shadows, with a whisper of fall- f darkened copses. Tho man's fcet are tired with a healthy weariness; the creel strap cuts deep into his bhoulder, but his heart is light and his soul ono evil v.. vw MUST TELL THEIR AGES. A law That In Xot I.lkiily to Jtovu I'fjpu lar ulth Mint U'oiih'm. According to a recent den-e .f th Austrian courts of law. coir eulmciit o age on the part of the bride i . miH km in nvalidatc the maniage. .Ml ,uif trian baron has succeeded in .btainin, lin nnu merit ot Jus union in L'OIISC quence of Ids wife's having pretendw at the time of its celebration that fhi was fifteen years younger than her rca Hitherto concealment of age b; women has always been considered a to a certain extent defensible and -js tomary, and no one has ever drcamoi of regarding these departures froi i th strict truth in the light of n lega fraud. It is, however, well '.n f.ny ens to remember the old adage nceordlnj ft) which a woman is as old us she looks says the New York Tribune, and if bh be passe in appearance it is iw'ess fo her to claim a fictitiously youthful age MM.,.-., ic fid (il triK.tlvi'lH t.S llti.!L'hil)l - - ;r.: " to eaeli penoo oi me, mm mc i h. n Jj(iy way rjuUo Uf. (.,ianniu the debutante. The merchant who telle you be bas something else ai good as Hoe Cake soap le a good man to keep away from. a2-3in Subscribe for This Cksomclb. Special for the Three of our host linos of Hitrh-llnulo LIBERAL REDUCTIONS. LAPPET MULL, A light and airy fabric; greatly resembles Swiss, with a wavy raised stripe; very pretty goods; comes in plain, delicate shades Cream, Nile Green, eve. Regular 20c, This week, 16c a yard. FIGURED LAPPETS, New Persian patterns; pretty colorings. Regular 'iOc, This week, 16c a yard. TAMBOUR CLOTH, In beautiful, entirely new designs and colorings. The regular price Imported Goods- Tissus Brode. These jioodn cannot be described ; pen cannot do justice to the delioulo blend iugs of all that is beautiful in colorings, the arlistic patterns, the rich etlectH. We can say, though, that these efl'ectH are. exclusive they cannot bo bought in cheaper materials. They are original. !!0cyard, For this week, only 25c. Mascot Gloves, $1.00. A. IKE. WILIjIAIYIS CO. The Net Tlnit) Card. The O. R. & N. has made another change in its time table, which went into effect June 1st. It is as follows : No. 1, west-bound, arrives 15:55 a. m. and de parts at 4; No. 3, west-bound, arrives 8:25, departs S:l)0; No. east-bound, arrives 1 a. in., departs 1:05; No. 1, east-bound, arrives 5:55 evening, de parts at 6. All trains except No. 4 stop at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now runs via Walla Walla. A special rate of $1$ for round trip tickets to Portland, with two days' limit, has been made, going into effect today. These tickets are also good goinc Saturday and returning Monday. The company has also made the very low rate of fi first-class and $2.50 second-class from Portland to San Fran cisco, which rate includes berth and meals. jl-2w-d.irw Electric Hitter. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and and alterative is felt. A prompt uso of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more surely counteracting and freeing the system from the malar ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Blake ley & Houghton's drug store. 1 Caili lu Your Clieckx. All countv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. C. L. Pim.Lii'H, County Treasurer. Thla I Vour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cent, cush or stamps, a generous eamplo will be mailed of tho most popular Cutarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Oreain Uabn) sufficient to demon trate tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHEHB, Ui WaiTcu Bt., New York City. Itev. John Reid, Jr., of Oreat Falls, Mont., recommended Ely'H Cream Balm to me. I can cmplianizo his statement, "It is a port, tive euro for catarrh if uued M directed." liev. Franein W. Poole, Pabtor Central Pre Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and coutains no mercury nor any injunoue drug. Price, 60 eejita. I US, m CURE for PILES ui, Bk4fu rfrcitru'.fof flU rUUif Mft tj Uuuuu w au. IU. VVAMV, fail, fa. ' m is Joe Special Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SaSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our nrices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. We Carry afuinineof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 25. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. Country and Mull Orders will receive prompt attention. Week, Wash Goods at price, 18c a yard. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles, Oregon