The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 16, 1897, Image 3

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A Stylish
Jacket or Gape
"We wouldn't be liuman if wo didn't make mistakes.
Wo bought a large lot of Stylish Jackets and Capes because they were
cheap a few more than we could handle that was a mistake. Very low priced
originally, wo shall now offer them until cleaned up at
Just Fifty Cents on the Dollar.
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie. bedding wraPfedtinf ? ta'paulin'
iwj iuiiv. - was a green blanket in the roll and he
tuinks an overcoat. A reward will oe
JUNE 16, 187 ' Paid for their return to this office, or to
! Mr. Moffitt.
While Pease and Mays are not going
to give goods away next Saturday, they
I Ml !. !
. . .... t ,.i v i wm come bo near 11 on one ime, luav
Kaudom Olnervutious ami Local fcieutu
(r i.'er Magnitude, j yon will not appreciate the ditlerence.
i For this reason thev will be obliged to
Pease & Mays will announce their
Saturday Special in Friday's iBSue.
All for 15 cents a good program, ice
cream and cake at the M. E. church this
John L. Baliett Qled a homestead ou
a40-acre tract in the Mosier neighbor
hood tcday.
A big scow load of wood and railroad
ties is being unloaded at the foot of
Union street.
License to marry was issued yesterday
afternoon to Frank McKeilar aud Elmi-
liniit the quantity to be sold to any one
The Gypsy Carnival, which will be
given by tne Good Templars at their
hall Saturday evening, promises to be
one that cannot be excelled. No ad
mission fee will be charged, but iuEide
can be had all kinds of refreshments at
very low rates.
Mrs. Iola Beebe was arrested last
night charged with practicing medicine
without a license, and the trial of the
case is going on tbisj afternoon before a
jury In Recorder Phelps' court. Prose
cuting Attorney Jayne appears for the
state, and Gates & Story for the defend-
na L. Turner.
At the tTmntilln hona todav a fire was
. -p-- j ntuii
kept in the office, ir being too chilly t ant
without it for comftrt. Hnrrv whallen. "the human ostrich,"
Frank McKeilar and Elmina L. Tur- ho traveled with a circus and made a
ner were married todav. Justice iilloou i tiTn( hv swallowinc nen-knivcs, nails,
Vsjrforniing the ceremony. yi broken glass and other like dainties,
Wool is coming in quite plentifully, and who was recently cut open to relieve
and there are now between four and five I hie stomach of an overdose of hardware,
million pounds in the warehouses
The special sale at Pease & Mays on
Saturday next will be an eye-opener.
Don't fail to read their ad. next Friday.
All Elks are requested to be present at
a special mefituif tnnipht at the small
K.of P. hall. l!v order
which lav beavilv thereon, did not sur
vive the operation, but made an assign
ment of his stock, so to speak, and re
tired from busiuesB.
A dead body, supposed to be that of
Dpnnis Devine. was found buried in .the
. , 'o,,,,! n n. hank of the Salmon river,
of the exaueu T. ,
in the extreme normeru pi u u iu.v...
boats will leave the wharf here at 8:45
instead of at 7.
The weather remains cloudy, cool and
breezy, all of which is good for the grain
ops, If the wind would ouit rain
j COunty, early in the month. Devine
Do not forget that beginning toraor-nneared about eix months ago, and
row mornini Mm TV V. .fc A. N. Co. 6 . .. ... . .t. .:, that ha wan
O - , . .nnnnnr HI LJIC IIUIC ' '
murdered by the Indians; but tne coro
ner's jury that examined into the caee
I decided that he came to his death by
i drowning. The sum oi $4.60 was found
thp dp.'id man.
I u vmw
S r. . f icecream auu chh.b io uwuB ... ...
The foundation for E. 0. McCoy's j fhfi ,,tore rooaj first door south of the
residence is about completed. The antj office this afternoon and evening
bllilrltncr (fill Via wmmw VianrlcrtmA nnfi. T nflibfflii ladies. Both ice
aUng.abauU7im -t cream and cake are of the finest quality,
The Workmen and Woodmen have and every attention is being own to
leased the Scbanno hall, over Harris' : patrons. Those who attend will be sure
tore, and are preparing It for oceupency. to spend a very pleasant evening. . a
They wiU take formal possession July excellent musical program will also be
1st. rendered thlB evening by some of the
But little woo! has changed hands so leading talent fj$lg.
far this season, both buyer and seller ; Professor m. Birgfeld. Eerjboai
Elding off to eee what is done with the' I vitec to attend.
tariff ai.-u.. -i.. i v,n,i'ri,Sr.hool boird expects to have tne
at Prices ranging from 8 to . cents.' plans for t e ,-pos d bn ahool
A man whose name we cannot learn, . . construction
yk ng on the Hood River flume, fell ' l b' tbe
Monday a distance of twelve feet, str , of he Ju dhu, to 1B fae
on his hands and lace on the rocks. 20th. It Pr0" aml baee,nent,
aggerated. The Herrick cannery put up
about two and a half tons yesterday,
and about half as much today. In
quality the fish are the finest ever caught
in the Columbia, which means the finest
in the world. The run is almost all
Chinooks, that go from twenty-five to
fifty pounds each. They are big, fat and
juicy, and the spring pack of '97 ought
to add to the reputation of the Colum
bia river pack.
Superintendent Ed. McConville, of
the Lapwai Industrial school, has made
arrangements for his Indian boys' base
ball team and athletes to visit Spokane
on the 21st inst. A schedule of games
has been arranged with the Spokane
team, and the Indian boys will engage
with the pale faces of that section in a
number of athletic contests. Joe Mc
Cormack, the Indian boy who sprinted
Spokane's crack foot-racer to a stand
still last year, will again represent the
school in measuring distances. Dr. 0.
J. West, the veteran sportsman, will ac
company the Indian boys to Spokane
and coach them in all the events.
Fire at Umatlllu.
f!" ! 8l,and8R"dfnceon tl! TAe: the superstructure and basement
'wiveu several ug v cuts auuut m - , , The contract
face, but was not aerioVely injured. ' ??TU -terday to
nineteen carloads of young cattle were 0akg (or the very low price- ot v
unloaded I. flro tVito mnvnfnn frn lift fail. I J- u- 7 t nphft wa was defi-
". "" -- renta per cuoic yi".
1'ey came from Albanv. ten carloads c" ''.,,, onfi taked out this morn-
came from Albany, ten carioaus , " . jocate,i and staked out tins morn
being yearlings, and the balance 2.yea,r- ju e, . tUe ff0rk 0f excavation begun.
"'. Uiey belong to Flowery & Plavey, hetter.and
d are going to Cut Bank, Montana. ' The salmon catch is a trifle better,
Yesterdnv tk rinlloo and I next week ought to ue .
A destructive fire occurred at Uma
tilla Sunday evening, when it was die
covered at 8 o'clock that Henry Means'
store was in flames. The fire was oc
ca6ioned by the overturning of a lamp
in the rear room of the store by Mr.
Means placing it on the end of a fruit
box, It was no more than sixty seconds
later that the building was one masB of
roaring flames and in an incredibly short
space of time the store and the A. R.
Jack hotel and dwelling house property
were all in ashes.
Mr. Means saved scarcely anything
but a few of the books and an armful of
sweaters, his loss being about $5000 on
building and stock, with insurance
amounting to $1930 on the stock, $200 on
the Dostorlice fixtures and $500 on the
The loss on the other property will
not be less that $3000 making $8000 in
Dick Kelly, landlord of the hotel,
saved some of his furniture and bed
ding, but lost heavily, with u very small
Notice to Tuxjihj er.
On and after July 1, 1897, costs will be
added for the collection of all taxes due
Wasco county on all delinquent rolls
now in the hands of the sheriff. This is
van imperative order from the county
court, and the sheriff has no option but
' to collect such taxes by levy on property
if not paid voluntarily by property own-
... . . . t.
ers. All parties concerneu ure neruuy
notified that no leniency will be shown
in the collection of taxes after July 1,
and that levy will be made on all prop
erty delinquent after that date.
T. J. Dim-Kit,
jl4-td Sheriff of Wasco County.
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. f-dta
Subscribe for Tub Chkonic.k.
Our attention has boon otillod to tbo tulvortisomonts of u Dalles firm, other
than our Aiionts, oflerinr Maker Marb Wire.
Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents
At The Hallos for many years for the sale of our Baker Perfect Marb Wiro.
Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them.
This Wire is manufactured under our patents: the name is copyrighted,
and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer
of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all,
Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated.
The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker.
You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su
perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction.
Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS,
Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles,
For no other firm there has or can secure Maker Perfect Marb Wiro.
205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or.
H. J. McMANUS, Manager.
The Orrcun Vlnltor to Go In n Spt't'lul
President H. S. Gile, of the Oregon Y.
P. S. O. E., returned to Salem Monday
from San Francisco, where he went ten
days ago to make definite rates for Ore
gon visitors to the great Christian En
deavor convention to bo held in that
city July 7th to 12th inclusive. He was
eminently successful in securing cheap
transportation and low hotel rates.
The program is as follows ; There will
Btart from Portland on Monday morning,
July 5th, a special Oregon O. E. train
in one or more sections, according to the
number desiring to go, which will stop
at all principal points on the route. At
Ashland the Rogue River conference
will be in session, and the train will
stop over night, permitting the visitors
to take part in the convention work.
Pearly next morning the train will pull
out, making the run over the mountains
by daylight.
The Oregon headquarters will be at
the Baldwin hotel, where special rates
of $1 per day have been secured.
The fare for the round trip will be $15,
and a careful computation of actual ex
penses make the total outlay, including
fare, $24.
It will be necesiary for all intending
C. E. tourisiH to register with President
Gile at the Salem Headquarters, in per
son or by letter, at ouch, in order that
he may have an Intelligent idea of the
scope and personnel of the representa
tion from Oregon, and give his oflkial
supervision to the pleasure and comfort
of each.
Mr. Gile reports that arrangements
are already complete at San Francisco
for the Pennsylvania delegation, which
will come west in five big trains, while
New York and Ohio C. Es are provided
for at 800 each, besides thousands of
others indefinitely quoted.
Every Bigu indicates a grand conven
tion and a glorious and wonderfully in
teresting outing for the young people
from everywhere, and San Francisco can
bo relied upon to contribute handsomely
to a magnificent success.
On hU way north Mr. Gilo spoke at
Ashland once, and at Grant's Pass three
times ou Sunday last, and declares the
convention sentiment In Southern Ore
gon to be alert and enthusiastic.
The palpable success that has attend
ed the Oregon president's efforts, is the
more manifest, iuce he has a ceo in
pUshed it all, after the idea had been
abandoned by those in authority in Cal
ifornia, as far as Oregon was concerned,
but now Oregon will send her liundrHls
of bright-faced young people to share
the spiritual and material enjoyments it
store for theru at the big gathering by
the Golden Gate,
lUOibone, At'eillluiil
Be Not Alarmed
By the po-called "WARNING" of our competitors. The threat
made to our customers is nothing more nor less than a big tilnlf of n
would-bu monopoly.
Our linker Harbed Wiro was purchased from one of the largest
concerns in tho United States; e.ich spool is branded "Genuine- Uaker
Warranted," and wo invite comparison with any other maku of Wire.
We have bought nearly 100,000 ponmla of this wire for SPOT
CASH, at the right price, and propose to give our customers the benefit
of it. We are not holding it for u funcy price, and claiming it to bo tho
best Wire on earth. It is worth no more than any other good Wire,
but is iih good as any, and wo are selling it as low us any. Compare
our so-called "Spurious" Wire with tho ONLY Uaker PERFECT, bo
fore buying, and get our prices. We are making prices that should get
vour trade.
All members of Itathbotie Sisters are
requested to be present tomorrow even
ing, June 17th, as there will be nomina
tion of officers,
Lizzik J.vti.k, M. E. C.
Mi.vnik Gossek, M. It. & O. pro tern.
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Where will also be found the largest and most com
plete line of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern Oregon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Mase Jiall Goods, Hammocks, Mooks and
Stationery at Medrock Prices.
New Vogt Block. The Dalles, Oregon.
(Hnt'ce(iM)r to ClirUiiiuu .t Cornon.
Again in business at the old stand. 1 would bo pleased to
see all my former patrqim. Frvu delivery to any part of town.
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &e.
ROWE &l CO..
The Dalles Or
'niiseno, Mr. T. J. Moflltt lost a roll of