The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 16, 1897, Image 1

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    lie Dnllco
EEEEECf .11 tlvL PESSmEm
dTdwTto iiif.inFS ITT rnn
Takes a Header Into
Broad Atlantic.
I.,Plilriit MrKliilt-y Will IntrrTeiip, nml
Will Iu n 1'rnteKt Acuiiiot
Spnnlftli Cruelties.
Absolutely Pure.
ff'tfit for its great Ipavening strencth and
T1U Ouostluii Win Confront the Senate
AsmxiiTox, June lo. The treaty for
the annexation of the Hawaiian islauds
to the Uniteii States will be sent to the
senate by President McKinlev tomorrow
unless the present plans are changed
I Jle" close to the administration and
otners engaged m pushing through the
tariff bill have been informed the treaty
I ...mi i
j win oe transmuted to tho senate tomor
, row. It is stated there will be no con
I tiuerauon ot tne Hawaiian reciprocity
provision of the tariff bill until the
treaty is received.
taiiuoknlunt I, eft
asiiixgtok, June 15. One point of
.importance in which the Hawaiian
i treaty differs from the convention ne
Assures the food Hgninst alum ' gotiated by Secretary Foster in Presi
dent Harrison s administration is the
, healthfulness
i nnd "'I forms, of adulteration common to the
FfNCHM'i Madeira, June 15. The fol
lowing details have been obtained of the
jnicide of Barney Barnato :
Barnato had been in ill-health for
some time. Yesterday between 2 and 3
',.inpt hn seemed to be in eood snirits
md was walking up and down the deck I!0YA1, Bakis" rownER Co- New Vobk. omission of any provision for ex-Queen
on the arm of a companion. ' Suddenly ! Uliuokalani and Princess Kaiulani. In
D,.-.ntrl hin c-nmnnninn tn fill i the original treaty it was provided that
Mm the time and before he received a i su"eng that results from their concen-1 the United States sho"'d Py the ex
..-......,ni,n,u,ia am, n-nv onH infiltration in fortified cities. Just whatl"6611 sum ' f-'O.OOO cash and the
rinvprhnard. The fourth officer iumn-lform this remonstrance will take has I same aU30nt of money as pension
nf.o, v,im !,mQ;i,. ' not yet been decided bv the officials of i eacn -vear during the remainder of her
h, MM tn save the life of the South i tue state department who have the mat- llfe- Provided that she m good faith sub-
ter under consideration. I "Jlllcu i" " government oi me unneu
The president has "been unoffieiallv in. 1 fctate8 aDd the local Rovernment of the
African specultor as a heavy sea was
running and the vessel waB steaming at
the rate of 17 knots an hour.
As soon as possible tne steamer was i
Mopped. A lifeboat was towed and
pulled lo the spot where the two men
were last seen. The fourth officer was
rescued in an exhausted condition, aud
later the body of Barnato was recovered.
The remains have been embalmed, and
will be taken to England on board the
African Shares Depressed.
London', June 15. Officials of the
Union Steamship Company, to which
the steamer Scot belongs, confirm the
announcement made last night in a
special dispatch from Funchal, island of
Madeira, that Barney Barnato, the
South African diamond king, committed
suicide by jumping overboard while
that veseel was on the way from Cape
Town, which port she left on June 2, for
The death of Barnato has caused a sen
sationln financial circlee. His office
here was besieged this morning by hun
dreds of eacer inquirers, and even mem
bers of his firm had not received con
firmation of the news. Throgmorton
street was filled with excited crowds of
brokers discussing the news of Barnato's
death. His self-destruction is generally
supposed to be the outcome of his recent
illness at Cape Colony, which, according
to rumors on the Etock exchange, wsb in
the nature ot brain trouble.
The African market, as a result of the
death of Barnato, was depressed today.
The Pall Mall Gazette, commenting on
the death of Barnato, says he has been
mentally unwell for three months, and I
that he has been under constant sur-!
veillance. '
TheBarnatos lived in the Spencer,
house here for several years, and were I
turning to occupy their gorgeous hone, I
jast finished, on Park Lane, opposite!
Stanhope GateE. '
Although the Btock exchange waB ex-1
cued by the news of Barnato's death,
there was no panic.
formed that Weyler is to be withdrawn I islalld9 Princess Kaiulani being next in
and conciliatory tactics are to lie pur
sued. If such is the case, the whole as
pect will be changed, and peace may be
restored by granting complete autonomy
without the inference of this govern
ment. But if Weyler is permitted to
remain, the president, it is believed,
will feel compelled, in the interest of
humanity, to notify Spain that non
combatants must not be concentrated in
small cities where they cannot obtain
sufficient food and medical treatment,
and where they are exposed to ravaging
diseases and suffer untold hardships.
line of royal blood, was to receive a cash
payment of $150,000, but no peneion un
der a similar proviso as m the case of
the ex-queen.
It is understood that any objection
that might be expected to the annexation
of the islands based on the large propor
tion of coolies in the population, liaa
been forestalled by an article not only
prohibiting further immigration of such
laborers to the Hawaiian islands, but
also prohibiting the coming of any
Chinese from the islands to other parts
of the United States.
After July 1st Indians Will He Allowed
but One Squaw Each.
Pekky, O. T June 15. The Chey
enne and Arapahoe Indians were
wrought up over the new law which goes
, into effect July 1st, relating to polygamy.
After that time each of the forty Chey
enne Indians who have more than one
wife will have to choose one of the two,
I three or five wives that he has, and the
j cast-off wives leave him.
To the squaws who have become en
lightened as to their situation, the mat
ter has become tragic. Every Equaw
who wants to remain with her huBband
is doing her best to please bim, so that
she will be the lucky wife. There are
forty of these polygamists, and in all
thev have over 100 squaws.
Evicted by Indiaui..
Wichita, Kan., June 15. A party of
prospectors headed by William Cooley,
an old Montana miner, ventured into
j the Wichita mountains last week and
' began to prospect for gold, which is re
,' puted to be there in abundance. They
j were discovered by a band of Indians
1 and forced to flee for their lives, leaving
all their tools and equipments. The
redskins pursued them for many miles
from Cutthroat gap, where they were
camped, in the direction of Navajo,
which the prospectors, being on the
fleetest horses, were enabled to reach in
Eafety. The Indians are determined to
keep the prospectors out.
Do you want vour windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Ilenrv
sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease &, Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
a3-2m , 'I'hone 111). al0-tf
to be divided among the -missing
FINDERS is the answer.
? of the
Not Idle Talk.
if Proffer's German Headache Powders
Schilling's Best tea is not only pttre but it
t's f because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
cwy,W c liest tea at vour grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
u" Ul" ' ' . . ... IJ l.1...
send it wiui your guess iu auuicaa ucivw
Kemonstrance Acatniit Atrocities In Cuba
to Be Made.
Chicago, June 15. A Washington
Dispatch says :
Unless General Weyler is withdrawn
oon and there is a change in the policy
Spanish government so far as the
"fcatment of noncombatants is eou-"-d,
the president of the United
Mates, Ii-lll :.!!-. . ,1 rt !..
-- muicaie to me opaniBu m i . . una
forcible and nrmii,.. ila 1 Cthere is one in every package;
Pleasure with which he views the j before August 31st. ,
deities that ar hi. nmtinpri n n flowed for every yellow ticket. If your ticket (or tickets)
"ehelpiegs pacificoa of Cuba, and the! , wftr. ru1v 1st. vou are entitled to two word for each ticket.
, IMtnw JJ . . ... .t... I J-Jlo-
ir on neraon finds the wora, ne gcu unu tuuuaam.
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Everv one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more m one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar no advertisement on ,t.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest-August 31st.
Cut this out. You won't see it again
for two weeks. m
Special for
Three of our best linos of
H is'li-(.i ratio Wash Goods at
A light and airy fabric; greatly resembles Swiss, with a
wavy raised stripe; very pretty goods; comes in plain,
delicate hades Cream, Nile Green, ivo. Regular 20c,
H DONNV.ri. ru.,....iCfr ...,u
Jfcur money back. 25c pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
Happy Thought" Salve.
50c in screw top glass jars.
This week, 16c a yard.
New Persian patterns; pretty colorings. Regular 20c,
This week, 16c a yard.
.In beautiful, entirely new
regular price is 25c
and colorings.
Special price, 18c a yard.
Imported Goods- Tissus Brode.
These noodH cannot be described ; pen cannot do justice to the dulicalu blend
inge of all Unit is beautiful in colorings, the artistic patterns, the rich ellectH.
Wo can say, though, that these efiee.ts art. exclusive they cannot bo bought
in cheaper materials. They are original. !i0c yard,
Mascot Gloves, $1.00,
For this week, only 25c.
The New Time Card.
O. R. & N. has made another
chaugAn its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It is as follows : No. 1,
west-bound, arrives .'5:55 a. in. and de
parts at 4; No. Ii, west-bound, arrives
8:25, departB S:.'J0; No. 2, east-bound,
arrives 1 a. in., depnrts 1:05; No. 1,
eaBt-bound, arrives 5 :55 evening, de
parts at 6. All trains except No. 4 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of $'i for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days'
imit, lias been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are also good gome
Saturday and returning Monday.
The company has also made the very
ow rate of f first-class and $2.50 sec
ond-class from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth aud
meals. jl-2w-d,w
Klectrlc 111 iter.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevaile, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
and alterative is felt. A prompt use of
this medicine has often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more surely counteracting
and freeing the system from the malar
ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hit
ters, win and fi.uu per ixmie hi jsiukh-
ey & Houghton's drug store. 1
Ciitli lu Vour Check.
AH countv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after May 7,
1897. C. L, Pun.urH,
Countv Treasurer.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?!?!!
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTI FlnilT ''''H '''our ,H iiiKiiufaetiireil expressly for family
"'JAA A H-'W. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, aud if you don't think ho
call aud get our prices and be convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Tlila I Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten centi, canh or stumpa",
a generous nampio win vo iuuuuu ui mu
most noimlar Catarrh and my tever wire
fElv'B Cream Halm) sufficient to demon
. . . . t... ii - .1..
Ntrato tne great merits oi wo reweuy.
CO Waixen Ht., Now York City.
Rev. John fieid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mout.,
recommended Elv'a Cream Halm to me. 1.
can emphasize his statement, "It is a poii
tive cure for catarrh if uned as directed."
Key. Francin W. Poole, Pastor CentrulPre
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor auy iiijurioua drug. Price, 50 cento.
We Carry
a full line of
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Tlu. bk.7LaTuuiufl. A LdIti euim. CTieulmit bl fret. rrl
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
Country aud Mall Orders will receive prompt attention.