The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1897, Image 4

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    Tk Dalles Daily Chronicle, f
Ail vertUlnjj Unlet.
V Hh'A
One Inch nr le In Dally ?l V
Over two luehei uud under four inches 1 o
Over four litche ami under twelve ltiehe T"
Over twelve inohfc .'
One inch or les. per inch. .. 50
Over one luuh and under four Inches - C"
Over (nur inches and under twelve inches 1
Over twelve inches . ... .. I W
Mrs. G. C. Bhikeley is spending si few
days in Portland.
Mnrrici'fc nnd Fiuquhnr McKsie of An-1
telopt; arrived in the city hist iiieht.
J. B. Mnllny, deputy inspector of in
ternal revenue, is up from Portland.
Mrs. J. F. Chase and family returned
last niu'ht from an outing at Hood Uiver.
Miss Daisy Allaway came up from
Euuene Saturday, to spend her vacation
at hoiu-.
Messrs. Carey Jenkins and Walter
Van Duyn returned last night from
Hood Ittver.
Misses Allie Rowland and Cad Booth
returned yesterday irom viiitinc Miss
Fulton at Deschutes.
Mr. T. 5. Hamilton, county commis
sioner of Crook county, and "one of its
leaning stockmen, is in the city.
t Mrs. E M. Wilson was a passenger on
the morniuL tram, going to Portland to
attend the annual meeting of the Ore
gon Pioneers.
Mrs. Inez Filloon and Mr. C. E.
Dawson went to Goldendnie this morn
ing to. if pos-ible, organize a Circle of
the Woodmen's order.
Mr. Clarv, bank examiner, who has
had charge rt The Dalles National hank
for some time, turned the control of the
same over to Receiver H. S. Wilson yes
terday, and left for Portland this morning.
Thin, Pale
One S4itisfuCtion in giving"
Scott's Emulsion to children is
they never object to it. The
fact is, they soon become fond
of it. Another satisfaction is
because it will make them
plump, and give them growth
and prosperity. It should be
given to all children who are
too thin, or too pale. It does
not make them over-fat. but
It strengthens the digestive
organs and the nerves, and fur
nishes material for rich blood
Vc have a book telling you mere on
the subject. Sent free for the asking.
SCOTT 4c BOWSE, New York
The Views of
Driver of
One nf th'
' She can do her best work in the world
by turning her own talents to account
to smooth the path of a man whom she
can sway and who has all the possibili
ties before him. So when the woman
does her utmost to use her brain in
his interest, to attend to all tiresome
details, o a. to leave him as free as
possible from petty cares and worries.
Then the man can concentrate the
v.iiole of his energy in his work, and
the woman's ambition i vicariously
patisfied. She watches the friend,
brother and husband, and feels, with
a half-amused complacency, that but
for her his end would never have leen
attained. And this eternal watching
and criticism develops in woman a
greater power of knowing what men
will do in particular circumstances.
She has seen so often before that par
ticular circumstances have particular
efi. t in determining the actions of
.the vorkrs. In the stress and hurry
of the fight the man is not conscious
which way the action is tending. He is
absorbed in doing the duty immediate
ly before him. The womun looking on
coolly can say to him: "See, this line
of conduet must lead to this and this
fiOneequence; you have only to take ad
vantage of it and your success will be
f It is therefore because woman is es
sentially a looker-on that she is so in
valuable as an adviser to man. To runny
a great man the advice of an Egeria,
even an Egeria of an obviously inferior
intellectual caliber to himself, almost
essential. She can watch and weigh
the motives of his adversaries, she can
calculate the probable effect of his own
actions, and still more of his words,
she can criticise his past decisions and
indicate the best chance of success in
the future. In fact, to be a v.oninr. i to
to b a mahout a driver of elephants.
The goad with which she steers The ani
mal & iu her hand, but yet she knows,
ns according to Mr. Isudyard Kipling
every mahout knows, thut some day,
sooner or later, the great will
got beyond her control and may turn on
hor with a terrible punishment for the
insult of having kept him in subjection.
Ear the ultimate force in life, physical
strength, is against the woman as it is
against the mahout. London Specta
tor. I
Hunting Club-, on Whom Illfr
Fiue Wore Impo-ieil.
Among the sports of olden times the
hunting clubs were prominent eery- i
where, says the Atlanta Constitution.
In Camden county one of the mos' fa- i
mot: of clubhouses in this country was
built nt Bear Hammock and kept under
the supervision of Gen. John Floyd. It 1
was there that the Camden Comity j
Hunting club organized in 132. held its ;
meetings, made its rules and imposed 1
its fines.
The charter members of the c'ub
were Charles II. Floyd. Richard Floyd, .
Henry Floyd John Floyd. Ben Hopkins, j
J. II. Uilworth, James Holzendorf, John
Holzendorf, Alexander Holzendorf, P.
M. Nightingale, William Berrie and J
Elenrv du Bignon. Several members
joined afterward. The club dress was !
i scarlet jacket and black pantaloons ;
and a fine of 500 copper caps was iui- '
posed on Alexnder Hok'.endorf at cne
meeting tor not having on the rerula- .
tion dress. No member was to be ab-
sent from the meetings unless by good j
excuse, and James Holzendorf was
fined l.OtX) copper cap for one absence, j
After the day's hunt, sometimes with i
the luck of 10 deer, an elegant dinner ;
was served before dispersing.
The 10th rule read: "Game is con- j
;idered by the club to be deer, bear,
hogs, cows, bulls, wildcats and turkeys.'' ;
Wild cattle and hogs abounded in he j
woods in those days, the latter lh ing '
to an old age. which was told bv ihe .
sometimes eight, to ten inches
One Kind of llusine. That 1 Happily anil
l'frniunently Stupt-ucleil.
"Where has the jewelry auctioneer
rone? Up to three years aero there
were at bnst a dozen places on the
South side where a gaudy display of
watches, diamonds and revolvers in
Hie windows called attention to a scarce
ly less loud auctioneer within. He stood
on an flevation Iwhind the counter; he
had "cappers" lxth inside and outside
the place, and his sonorous tones weie
ringing all the time. He watched the
stream of passers-by on the street nnd
"backed the play" of the capjers. II"
'old all manner of watches, and he al
ways "got the best of it."
As a rule, says the Chicago Post, these
salesmen were excellent auctioneers
and knew all the wiles of their crafr.
lTp to two years ago some of rle-m
were still running, but they gradual! v
faded out. and now there is u-t one.
with the trilling exception of a Satur
day night fling in West Madison street
They must do a good business, selling
quantities of material at an excellej t
price. But there was an end of aK
tilings in their line and the jewelry auc
tion has vanished.
M. in: t'Isi.K tli.-cwered an animal
cule that could run six Inches in a sec
ond, anil calculated that it must move
its legs no less than l.'JOO times in that
brief period.
Tin millers are greatly annoyed by
worms which appear in the Hour from
time to time nnd then mysteriously dis
appear, without impairing the vnlue of
the Hour.
Lati!i:u.m: once cut oft' the antenna;
of an ant. and its companions, evident
ly compassionating its sufferings, an
nointed the wounded parts with drops
of lluid from their mouths.
Tiir aphides are the milch kine of
the ants, and are regularly approached'
and milked by the latter. Ants have
been known to keep the aphides in cap
tivity, as cows are kept iu cities.
consists in virtue.- Don
!ut Ilctrltiutlnii.
"Bid you hear about Andy?'' asked '
one reminiscent westerner of another.
"No? "Well. A ltd v made a strike of
Bkttkk not be nt
noble. Tennyon.
Mokkstv. prudence
all than not be
. wit and eivilitv
Notice is hereby given that by au
thority of ordinance No. '292, which
i the Common Council of Dalles
sixty-live thousand dollar at Cripple Oitv April 10th, ISO", entitled, "Ah or
Creek. As soon as he got the money , rlinnnce to nrovide for the sale of certain
in his hands he went down to Denver I lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on
nnu tuew it in. Kuni. carils and fun.
You know how it is. The morning
that he woke up sober and found all
his money gone he set out to punish
himself by walking to Cripple Creek.
He wouldn't borro-.r n cent. A fellow
who was teniniiK fur me overtook
him and offered "him a lift, but he
wouldn't got in. he plugged along
muttering to himself: Walk, curse
ver, walk. Blow in your dust, will
yer? Then walk, you fool. It'll do
you good. No. ynu needn't stop at no
spring. Ain't y.v.i drank enough? Go
dry. you son of a ;-. I.'cht out and
walk, von dr.rued jackass.' And he
of true nobility.-
Hi' CliarRiHl tlit- .lory. - . '
During the era of "reer.-truction" 1
in South Carolina one I'onpcy Smash,
a coal-black negro, became a "trial j
justice." It was not long before ,
tire the elements
German Proverb.
Chai'.actkk is not cut in marble, it is ' toward the adj'iinir.c room for consul
not something solid and unalterable, i tation one of the lawyers interposed
It is something living and changing, ! and said: "May it please you
and mav become diseased as our bodies i vou have not charged the
do. George Eliot. ( Whereupon Judge Pompey gathered
Tin: face of a woman, whatever be the : himself up. and. with all possible dig
force or extent of her mind, whatever ( nity. said: "(nn'men of dis jury, as
be the importance of the object she s le fust time 1 have had you befo'
pursues, is always an obstacle or a rea-1 rne. I eha'ge each one of you one dol
?on in the story "of her life. JInie. de ' lab ""d a half."
stael. J bare Your Grain.
Do vou want vour windows cleaned, Few realize that each squirrel de
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or ! stroys $1.50 worth of cram annually,
janitor work of any kind done by a i Wnkelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm-
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry 1 ir.Jtor is the most effective and econom
.Tnhnsnn nt. Parbina hnrW alinn I ICal 1)01-011 KnOWl).
Saturday, the lolh dav of May, 1 597 ,
sell nt public auction, to the highest
' bidder, all the following lot? ana P'ns
of lots in Gates nddition to Dalles Lity,
Wasco count v, Oregon, to-wit : ,
Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block 14; lots
17, S, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15: lots
,7, S, 9, nnd 10, jointly in block 21,
known as butte; lots 10. 11 nnd 12, in,
, nlock '27; lot 9 in block 'M ; lots 2, H, 4,
'5, li, 7, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35
i lot" 2, ".. 4, S, 9. 1(1, 11 and 12, in block
.'16; lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. S, 9. 10, 11 and
! 12, in block 37; lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. S,
' 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42: lots 1. 2, 3,
4, f 9, 10 and 11. in block 43; lots 1.2,
3, "', 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lots ,
! 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 4b.
The reasonable value of sa . 'ots, for 1
less than which they will no i e sold,
has been fixed i.r.d determine, ty the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol-!
lows, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10, in block 14. $150; lots I
S. 9 nnd 10, jointly in block lo, s-jou;
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paxil
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Every Fire Days fur
Pompey had a case before him. When g y aiu 10f jointly in
the jury arose nnd began moving J ijO; lot 10, in block 27, ?225 ;
r consul- , block 27, 225; lot 12. in blocK
terposed 1 lot 9. in block 34, $100; lots 2,
r honor. (9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect
iurv." ivelv $100; lots 6 nnd 7. in block 35,
block 21. SAJN Jb'HAlNUlSCO. GAT.
lot 11, in ;
27, $300 ; j Fnr fuu ti0tnll cnll on O. K i Cn. s Accit
3, 4, O, S, Tho Dalle, or mldress
W, H. HUKLBUKT, Gen. I'nss. Aet
l'ortland, Oregon
E. M'NEIM. President aud Mima er
'Phone 119.
We sell Hoe
Ma vs.
Cake soap. Pease & J
For sale
Price reduced to 30
by M. Z. Donnell,
Subscribe for The Chrokiclk.
owj flbout Your
job piTiNO?
all kinds
card to a
"We have the facilities for
of Job Printing, from a visitinc
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not only desire '.o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let
have vour next order.
l?roi)i;le publistyi9$ $o.
ennb reaneetivelv 125 : lots 2, 3, 4, S, 9, I
! 10 nnd 11, in block 36, each respectively (
j $1 00 ; lot 12. iu block 30, $125 ; lots 3, 4, Tlle New Tltlle Card
1 5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37, each re- ..... .. , , ,
jsnectivelv .$100; lots fl, 7 and 12, hi: Lnder the new time card, which goes
l block 37, each respectively $125; ; into effect tomorrow, trains will move as
Hots 2. 3, 10 cud 11. in block ! follows :
41, wch . respectively $100; lots 1, y 4 t Spokane and Great North
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively, . ' .un
1125; lots 3. 4. 5, S, 9, 10 and 11. in arrives at 6 p. in., leaves at0:0op.m.
block 42, each respectively $100; lot c , No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
! G and 12, in block 42, each respectively Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. ni., de-
$125; lots 2 3,4, 5 9, 10 and 11, in j t T .20
! block 43, each respectively 100; lotl.M
in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in , 3-from Spokane and Great North-
i . . . ... 1 . . . . nr . . 1 ! n .tin .1 . j . n n-
mock 4b, each respecti 'eiy fiuu; jois l em, arrives o:ou, ueparts a:aa a. m.
and fi, in block 40, each respectively 1, from Baker City and Union Pa-
x , -i i l -n i u ' citic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Each of these lots will be sold upon ' . . ,' ,
the lot respectively, nnd noue of them1 8' - ami -4. moving east of The
will be sold for a leas sum than the value Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
; thereoi, as aoove stated. arrives at 0:30 p. m., departe 12:45
One-fourth of the price bid on any of ,
i i. ii t. ; ) ; .... .1... I P ill'
I saiu lots snail ue pain in ciieu ai me
1 time of sale, and the remainder in three
1 equal payments on or before, one, two leaving here 0 :05
and three years irom tne date ot suiu j
sale, with interest on such deferred pay-1
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per i
annum, payable annually; provided' EAST and SOUTH via
that the pavment may be made in full j
at any time at the option of the pur- j fjlj gjfja R0Ute
The said sale will becin on the loth
rnv nf AInv. 1S97. at. tho hour of ' i
o'slock n. m. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Passengers for Heppner will take train
p. m.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1897.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
For Sule.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
J 18 I'aces a Week. 156 1'aiiern a Year
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train leave and are duo to arrive at Portland.
i-.. (HI r
1 press, Sulem, Kojio- ' ,
I I burg, Anhlaiiu, Sue-1
J nunento, Ogdeu.Sun i ,
Jl-t1 KranciNCO, ilojave, ('"J.rx A. M.
Los AHKele!i,EI I'abn, i
I ew orlemis una I
jlEiirit J
,.., . , (l'.ofburg Knd way ntu
t.JO A. 31. tlmj!)
' f Via Wnodburn fori
iiniit- ' I Mt.Anpel, riilvLTton, i
Sundiiv, ' vuc,oiriuBin:muiiu
M.;i0 P.M
f7::) A. 31.
I li Hi 1' M iMcMinnvUle
M"" i'M- hvu.v stations
way f 3:M l'-M,
and t S:i5P.M
Dally. tDuuy, except bunaay.
1IU Oiih (iri'iit Trouble.
An old bedridden ftshennan at a
fashionable watering place was fre
quently visited during his illness
by a kind-hearted clergyman, who
wore one of those elohe-flttintr cler
ical vest with buttons behind.
The clergyman saw tho neur ap
proach of death one day in the old
man's face, and asked if his mind wi s
jKirfeetlv at easj.
"Oo ay, I'm a' rieh," came the fenble
"Vou are sure there is nothing
troubling vou? Do not lc afraid to
toll me."
Tit old man .seemed to hesitato, and
nt length, with a faint return of itni
ination, said: "Weel, there's just ae
thing that troubles me, but I dinnalike
itt) speak o't."
"Believe n.e, I am mfwt anxious to
comfort you," re)lied the clergyman.
"TeJl me what it is that troubles and
perplexes you," j
"Weel, sir, U'k just like thin," Mild the .
old man, eagerly. "J eanna for tin
life o' me mak' oot h x ye manaue Uu
rot intu that westcoat " -Tit-7iit.
! fianiblliiK in India.
' J Amongst the Hindoo throughout
the whole of India there is a holiday
celebration in honor of I.ak.sluni, The
goddess of wealth and good fortune,
. whereon gambling i universally re
garded as a religious duty. It is known
j as the fentivnl of lamps, and on that da
all eJusse indulge in games of chance
with shellh. coins, curds, dice, etc., and
the future of the individual, whether
! good or bad, is looked upon as a
of hih wealth or poverty during the en
I suing year. Tho wunin tnke n most in
teiifce interest in the proceedings nnd, if '
fortunate, expend their winnings in I
. the purchase of sv.eet-meath nnd fruit;,
as gifts to all their friends und rela
tions, toys for the small children und
fireworks for the boys. At Benares,
their sacred city, as night approaches,
, small earthen lamps, fed with oil, are
kindled, making the outlines of every
mansion, palnec, temple and minaret I
visible. All vessels iu the rhcr are also i
illuminated; so that the whole city b
one blue of light. .
Agricultural Implements.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
It stands fi ret nraong '"weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, varietj and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vaet list of
; subscribers, extending to every state and '
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its newB columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a lone
j series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
I Conan Doyle, .Terome K. tlernma,
j Stanley Wfyiimn, Mary K. WUkliiH
Anthony Hope, llret iiarte,
Itramler Matthew, Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
Ihe Dalles T wice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for .00. The regular
price of the two papers is ?3.00.
Attached to all Through Trains.
IJ. S.
H. 31. Beam,,
I Soap Foam excels all other washing
' 1 n .i...
a2.3m Qpp. A. M. Williams'ifc Co.,
first National Bank.
A (.leueral Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dar of collection.
Sisht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thomphon. Jno. 8. Scuenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbk.
H. M. Bkai.l.
Direct connection at san Kraucitco with Occi
dental aud Oriental and racific mail steamship
Hues lor JAl'A.N and CHINA, sailing dates on
a plication.
Kates and tickets to Eastern jKj'nts ana tu
rojM;. Al.-oJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLl'Ll and
Al'STUALIA, can be obtiiined (row
J. II. KIEKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Olhee, 131 Third street, where
throuch tickets to all point;- in the tastern
Htutes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rutes from
J. 13. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart iron
Grand Ceutral Station, Fifth nnd Irving streets.
Passenger leiot, foot of JeBcrson street.
Leave lor OSWEGO, dally, except
1 1. "O.W I'.
b 10 a.m.
Arrive at
(and ll:yo p. m. on Saturday only, and b W a. m.
u:au p. m. on (sunnuyii omy;.
and oailv at 7:10 and &:Su a n
4:15, 0;;5jand7:5.p. m., (and 10a. ni,-
I'ortland Qiilly at
I0nd&;a)a m.
6:10 p. m. on Sundays only).
nnd 1:50.
15 ana
Leave for Sheridan, week days,
Arrive ut I'ortland, 1):30 a. in.
li.i.n tnr A 1 1 I II- .... MiinftuV. MYdneadftS' afld
r. n i viui i
Fri'lay at 9:
A I It LIE on Monday, Wednttdajand
lay at 9: 10 a. m. Arrive at roriiauu,
dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:0o p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except caturduy.
Asst. G. K. i FasS'
Mow and
Harry Liebe,
Alt work promptly attended to.
and warranted.
Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent
and Cross Hollows.
C. M. HHITKLA1V, Antelope.
Stages leave The Dalles from rmntllla
nt 7 a. in., iiIho Irom Antelope at . "''"JtionJ
Monday, Wednesduy and Friday. 'd
made it Antelope for Frlueville, M touci
iiolatH beyond. Cioae connections wade a
Dalles with railways, trains and boom.
Stages from Antelope reach The iu lief ' lu
dayn, Thursdays and Saturdays at l.X P-
Dulles to Deschutes
do Moro.
do Gross Valley .
do Kent
do Cross Hollows.
Antelope to Cross Hollows
do Kent
do Grass Valley
do Moro
do Dctchueeo
do Dalles
. 1