?! WARNING. A Stylish Jacket of Gape FOR We wouldn't be human if we didn't make mistakes. We bought a large lot of Stylish Jackets and Capes because they were cheap a few more than we could handle that was a mistake. Very low priced originally, we shall now offer them until cleaned up at Just Fifty Cents on the Dollar. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other than our Agents, ottering Haker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles for manv vears for the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that nil, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no morit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wive, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has boon tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Porfeet Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or, BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY. - JUNE 15, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'.unrtom Onnervatinng and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Three carloadB of bogs were ebipped toTroutdale this morning. The Dalles City took a load of eheep to Collins Landing this morning. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Methodist church will he held tonight. ' Max Vogt, Jr., left for Baker CityTh7sTarmval next Saturday evening in the morning, where, we understand, he ex pects to start a bowling alley. ... Five, four and six-horse teams loaded with merchandise pulled out for Gilliam county points this morning. Between IL',000 and 15,000 sheep will he shipped to Dakota this week. They have been brought up by a Mr. Wright. Yesterday a train load of sheep went out for White Earth, Dakota, carrying away -1950 of Wasco county's wool grow ers. Commencement exercises of the St. Mary's Academy will be held Thursday at 2:30 p. m. The invitations state that children under 14 will not be admitted. Seventeen carloads of sheep were shipped to Chicago tliia morning, and twenty-eight cars went out to Dakota points. They were shipped by Wright. A big Balmon run is reported on its way up the river, and our fishermen are anxiously awaiting its arrival. The catch improves here steadily, but is yet very light. Mr. A. Urqulmrt, at present residing in Portland, is in the city, representing The Farmers' Market, and is trying to get together a carload of cherries for shipment. At the recent meeting of the board of examiners, Professor Aaron Frazier, of Dufur, was recommended for a state life certificate, which last week the state board granted. It costs bat 16 cents to hear the pro gram and get a dish of ice cream tomor tion before Justice Filloon yesterday afternoon, and was held to await the ac tion of the grand jury, with bonds fixed at $300. The recorder's office failed to furnish an item today, other than this one, even the hoboes have ceased to trouble. The camping season is on, and the profes sional tourists are enjoying their sum mer outing. A Michigan paper gives an account of the sturgeon fisheries on Fox islands, and the danger the getting the big 30-pound fish landed. Our Columbia river fishermen would use a fish of that size for bait. The Good Templars will have a Gypsy Email K. ot l'. hall. This lodge nas a ..imputation of giving excellent socials, and the committee intend making this excel all others previously given. The magnitude of the shipping in terests and the stock interests of The Dalles and vicinity may be judged from the shipments made daily. Yesterday twenty-eight carloadB of stock and today forty-eight carloads were sent away. Owing to several circumstances, the moonlight excursion, which was to have come off tonight, has been postponed. The weather is unpropitious, and the matter has not been sufficiently can vassed to permit the excursion to come off without it being a failure. From the program received of the Gladstone Park Chautauqua Assembly, we note that MrB. Alice Hamill-Han-cock, who formerly had a class in elocu tion in this city, will again have charge of that study this year. This will be , good news to those who attend from this place, as she is a favorite. The Snipes-Kinersly drugstore win dows look like a Chrietmas ox 5today, or the aftermath of a prize fight or any old thing. The amount of advertising mat ter stuckj in the windows is simply immense, and besides all that, pills warranted to find a fellows kidneys, if he has any, are being given away. Mr. Webber brought about twenty horses over from Yakima county, arriv ing here this morning. He will take them to Portland either oy uoat or uy collected this year, and the everlasting delinquent roll put an end to. yrpi. ii i . S -iiie n-year-oiu son ot A. Arnold was ''thrown from a horse yesterday aftemoou near his father's place on Cheuoweth creek, and very seriously injured. One arm and two ribs were broken, and he was lmiirpfl intprrinlUv lint tn u-liof av. . d M " V WW .fcV tent is ag yet unknown. I Dr. llollister reauceu me iractuiesrnrimade the little fellow as comfortable as ciicumstanoes would permit. Hie condition is danger- fishermen run from ous, but he mav pull through. The rain yesterday morning reached the country south of us, watering it well, the rainfall increasing in amount as iar out as Tygh Kidge, where it was quite heavy, the -water standing in the roads when it was over. The Juniper Flat section was the center of the shower, which seemed to exhaust itself before it crossed the Deschutes. Sher man county got but little of it, but was favored with a good shower last week that passed over tie. Mr. 13. S. Huntington is a gentleman of excellent judgment. The other duy he was about to purchase a iioree, but out of an abuudance of caution, con cluded to drive her first. The horse traveled all right around town, and Mr. Huntington concluded he would take the horse he owned out to the pasture, having made up his mind to make the purchase. So he drove out, leading his buggy horse, but when a couple of miles from town the horse balked and would not move a leg. The result was that the old stand-by was put in the barnees, and the proposed purchase was led home behind the buggy. The sale was off. The city election takes place next Monday; but little interest seems to be taken in it so far. The usual custom has been to call a citizens' meeting Thursday or Friday before election for the purpose of nominating candidates, which cuBtom will probably be observed on the present occasion. We under-, stand Mayor Menefe'e will not accep that office again, and candidates do not gram and get a dish of ice cream tomor- tbom oyer Barl(W rQad T,,e row night at the Methodist church, fry ! ougbt tQ fae o disposition, as they came from that portion of Ya kima county kuown as "horse heaven." Yesterday afternoon George Husted, to be there, and thus assist the ladies in their commendable work. Commencing Thursday, June 17th, the steamers of the Regulator Line will change lime of leaving Portland and The ( Dalles as follows : Leave Portland 7 a. m. and The Dalles 8:45 a. m seem so numerous an they are for places with more money in them. But one name hae been mentioned for the place, and that is Hon. W. II . Wilson. W'd do not pretend to say that Mr. Wilson will accept, for we do not know ; but others mention him as the only available man, Notice to Taxpayer. V On and after July 1, 1897, costs will La swlHwl trw ttt ettittf rf fill iuvua A tit of Fossil, while unloading wool at one ; on de of the warehouses, stepped on a Email . . . , , . ,. . OJ ll IV niu"l i nnir In thn litlmlti nf th alioriir Thin In : rock, turn nir h s right ank e, and break-, rot, tumult mo I 'an imperative order from the county in? the bones of the leg about two inchee t . ... , u . i ingiun uuuMwm 'court, and the sheriff has no option but to collect such taxes by levy ori property The weather is not at all pleasant, ,lVlf..,rt u nr. Hollister reduced the being windy and dusty, still it is just frflcture, and Husted last night expressed what is needed for the wheat crop, and 60 is welcomed as heartily aa though it were of a more comfortable variety. A number of tickets tor the moon light excursion, which was to have taken place tonight, have been sold. The excursion is only postponed for a abort time, and the tickets will be good then. Shurtz, the man charged with stealing S0 from Taylor Hill, had hie examiua- his determination to start home today, but this morning changed his mind and will remain. Commissioner Blowers was up from Hood River last night, to advise with Judge Mays concerning taxes. An alias warrant for their collection was at tached to the roll.and nothing further will be done until the regular meeting of the board. Taxpayers, however, can make up their minds that the taxes are to be if not paid voluntarily by property own ers. All parties concerned are hereby notified that no leniency will be shown in the collection of taxes after July 1, and that levy will be made on all prop erty delinquent after that date. T, J, Dm v eh, j!4-td Sheriff of Waaco County. English aud Belgian cement, very best imported brands, for aale by Wasco Warehouse Co. tayi-lm Oplulon of Wood Ticks. Sticking to the sagebrush, the grease wootrond the natives m .Mauieur county is a species of exodus albipictus, and by people in a hurry culled wood ticks, says a Eastern Oregon editor. They are dipterous, with steel traps their feet and a diamond-drilling ap paratus attached to each palptiB. They eometimes feed on dous, but prefer boys and printers. They are without wings, but can jump 300 feet, and when they get beneath your pajamas, the damage they do is not so much in what they eat as what they tramp down. A wood tick is not so large as a bull dog, but ho is more to be dreaded than a book agent or a Spanish mule. Some people, when they find an exodus albipictus sticking to them, take the bullet rnoldh and ruth lessly tear away what there is in sight, but this is not the correct way to do, as it leaves the mandibles still in your company, and a sore that will not quit itching for mine yearB. The only proper thing to do when yon find a wood tick screwed (they are never nailed) to you is to take a gold-headed needle, run It into the tick at the point that offers the least resistance, until it penetrates the pons vuroliof the medulla oblongata, then hold a lighted lucifer match to the protruding part of the needle; this car ries the heat to the aforesaid pons varoli, which causes the tick to with draw his corkscrew and also to get out of business. Drive Tliein Down. Whatever else may be said of and concerning The Dalles sidewalks, they cannot be charged with having ingrow ing nails. The measly spikes stick up promiscuously, knocking the veneering off the iew shoes and" the soles off the old ones. It is not conducive to pleas ure, nor an adjunct to good morals to perambulate these aids to proficiency in the art of profanity. When a lady htubs one of her Trilbies on a projecting hand spike and ruins a pair of fft shoes, and before 6he recovers her equilibrium of body or temper another spike reaches up and catches on to the bottom of her EkirtB and brings her to a dead halt, the air is not redolent of profanity as it would be were she a man, but the ago nized look of utter disgust ut not being permitted to give audible expression to herJeelljigJrlejtbljcally touching. The city council wourdil6 welITorfasH an ordinance compelling property-owners to drive down the measly nails. One business man wanted in every 'city (not already taken) for exclusive sale of manufactured goods. Applicant must furnish few hundred dollars cash capital to carry small stock of saleable merchandise with which to supply his own customers after orders are first se cured. Two hundred dollar monthly profit assured over all expenses. State references, qualifications, etc. F. E. Vaii, 186-140, Nassau St., New York. junlO-Ct Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf Be Not Alarmed Uy tho so-called "WARNING" of onr competitors. The threat made to our customers is nothing more nor leas than a big bluff of a would-be monopoly. Our linker Hurbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns in the United States; u.icb spool is branded "Genuine Baker Warranted," and wo invite comparison with any other maku of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 poundH of this wlrn for SPOT CASH, at tho right price, aud propose lo give our customers the benefit of it. Wo nro not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to bo tho best Wire on earth. It is worth no inoro than any other good Wire, but is UN good as any, and wu nro tu)llug it as low as any. Comparu our so-called "Spurious" Wire with tho ONLY linker IMCUFKCT, bu fore buying! and gut our prices. Wo are making prices that should got your trade. MAYS & CROWE. Baby Carriages JUST ARRIVED AT THE Jacobson Book & Music Co. Whore will also bo found tbo largest and most com plete lino of Pianos, ami other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Ne5 Notions, Paso Hall Goods, Hammocks, Rooks and Stationery at lied rock Prices. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (fiiicccuhor lo C'lirUiiian A Curvon, 1 FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GhOUERIES. Again in business ut the old stand. mm all my former patrons. I would Iim iil((iiH('(l tn i'A'o delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE Sl CO., Tin Dalles Or