WHRNING. A Stylish Jacket of Cape HAiiF We wouldn't be human if we didn't make mistakes. We bought a large lot of Stylish Jackets and Capes because they were cheap a few more than we could handle that was a mistake. Very low priced originally, we shall now offer them until cleaned up at Just Fifty Cents on the Dollar. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY, - JUNE 14, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of LehHer Magnitude. Moonlight excursion Tuesday night. Wash goods, special reductions, at A. M. Williams & Co.'e. Daniel H. Clough of Hood Eiver has been granted a pension. The salmon catch is increasing slowly, but the run is still very light. Circuit court meets ugain Wednesday, at which time it will probably adjourn for the term. A little daughter of Chris Dethman of Hood Eiver met with an accident, re sulting iu a broken arm, Friday. Special reductions on high grade wash goods for this week at A. M. Williams & Co.'e. See advertisement on first page. The Regulator made two trips to Col lins Landing, near Wind river, trans porting a flock of sheep to that point, yesterday. "'' Nick Sinnott, John Booth and Walter Sinnott went down the river Saturday night on a fishing expedition. We are The river is going down very rapidly and a fall of a few feet more will compel the steamerB to land at the old place above Hood River, for that point. An excursion party, composed of some seven or eight ladies from the East, left the train here this morning and took the ride to Portland on the good steamer the season. Everybody can't go, but he and his folks can buy a ticket, and thus help in the good cause. Recently a couple of bicycle scorchers died. The doctors said their demise was caused by heart disease ; but they can't stuff that down a suffering public's throat. It is a well known fact that a "scorcher" has no heart, that piece of his anatomy being supplanted by gall. The north half of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 2 north of range 17 east, was sold today by the officers of the land office at public auction, under section 2455 of the revised statutes au thorizing the sale of isolated tracls. The purchaser was William McNab, and the price paid $1.50 per acre. Two horsemen, supposed to have come from Snohomish, left a 4 or 5-day-old infant on the front porch of the house belonging to Harry Flaugher, a rancher living near Hartford, in Snohomish county, Friday. Flaugher has gone to Snohomish in hot pursuit of the parties, threatening death is he overtakes them. On the way home from the tourna ment at Baker City a man named Ward of Walla Walla and another named Clark, of Pendleton, had a dispute, which they finally settled at La Grande by going off the cars and indulging in an ntument of the Corbett-Fitzsimmone style. Walla Walla won in the first I 1 .! ID . Saturday nient wnne trucking wooa on to the Regulator, Ralph Gibons re ceived a severe strain, which has snce confined him to his bed. The trpek carried about a half a cord of wood, and while going down the incline the end, board caught, throwing the truck to one side and causing the injury, which was so severe that he was unable to walk bonier -a-'T Just why the 0. R. & N. fails to Btop the Spokane flyer at the Union street crossing, is one of the mysteries of rail roading no one will ever find out. Other trains stop there, and it proves a great convenience to the public, and certainly no great inconvenience to the company. It would only take a minute to stop a and we humbly oiler the this afternoon. He states that another party gave him 20, it nil thus account for his flush condition ; but the officers claim that they have followed his tracks, and know where he spent much more than $20. Those who attended the Children's Day concert given by the members of the Congregational Sunday School last evening, were deiighted with the way in which each selection was rendered, not a break occurring in the program. Especially fine was the exercise by the little tote, each one speaking bo dis tinctly that they could be heard in any part of the room. While all enjoy hear ing good entertainments, those given by children generally attract the most at tention. The High Jinks lawn social given on the combined lawns of Mrs. J. T. Peters and Miss Lav, was all that' had been an ticipated for it a ver enjoyable, as well as novel, affair, a stage had been erected directly under he open window of the Lay residenca; where the music of the piano from inside could be diB stinctly heard, and imon which an ex cellently programwas rendered. The entire evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number present, composed mostly of young people. The receipts were for the beefit of the Episcopalian church- " " " - Jvbout 5 o'clock this morning the wel come patter of the rain upon the roof was heard by all those who were wide awake enough to hear anything. It was not a gentle patter either, for the big drops came down thick and fast, making the sweetest musicjje&rjd.iu. Jjiis section for many a day. ;The shower Hwted'"for1 Half an hour, and from the appearance'; of the eky, was quite general. It in sures a. bouutiful crop of the fall-sown rain at least, and will pull the yield of train a1 fP?ng grajn un materially The skies are still cloudy ana there is promise oi more. If the rain extended over Sner man and Klickitat counties, it was worth a quarter of a million dollars, and riot a cent lees. A Fatal Accident. Yesterday afternoon a special train, Regulator. The Klamath Falls Express says 7PJ 800 head of sheep are now being driven from Lake county to Huntington, for shipment to Nebraska. The wonder is where they all go, and who is going to eat them. The highest daily score at the Com- . . i i uierciai Ulub bowling alley iasi wees , wi,ile. tl-r. f 1 1 -ft r 1 1Tn.Uil 11.' .... 1 1 iouows : juouuay, " . , suggestion that the stop oe maue. x; conB,8tnI. of H C0llcu atld caboose. carry iuesday,. Van NordenSO; 5 "eB "jtrTand Mrs. J. It. Warner of White lf)g the officials of the road, who were day, N. J. Sinnott 50; Thursday, DeHutl Salmon) accom,,anied by two sisters of ( on a t0ur of inspection, ran Into a hand J,!. Fndav. F. Wilson 54; Saturday, t. Warner yUIttd Trout Lake and j car near Rooster Rock. The earn, as is llson 40. t tlio -ce caveg ja8t week. On the way ! the custom on euch occasions, were be ll the first eirl vou ask to go up and home the horses became frightened and i jn pushed by the engine. On the hand Our attention has boon colled to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other than our Agents, oilering Baker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles for many years for the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copy righted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, ami we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no morit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to bo stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. take ice cream with vou at tho M. E, church Wednesday evening is going with a handsomer fellow, there are others, Any way go, as there is to be a good program and ice cream and cake, ill for 15 cents. Mr. J. D. Gibson of Sherman county arrived here this morning. He reportB the grain crops as looking well, the northern portion of Sherman county baying received a fine rain one day last week. It was apriakling there tbia Morning when he left. The excursion for the benefit of the tournament fund will take place tomor row night. The band haa been, engaged for the occasiou, aud the affair will un doubtedly be one of the most pleasant of car were a man named Uathburn, brother of the O. R, & N. port captain cfnrtoi tn run. The back seat oi tue w - unnh- nn uriilnh Mrp. Warner was sitting was loose, and the result was that sue at Portland, a young son of Edward and one of her sisters were thrown out. Dunne, section foreman at Rooster Rock, It was at first thought she was seriously aDd another man whoso name we could injured, but we are gfad to state she not learn. At or near Rooster Rock the has about recovered, ! train rounding a curve, came suddenly George Shurtz wbb arrested jester- on to the hand car, striking it before its ,inv marked with stealing $80 from occupants were abls to jump. The r mil Tt seems that he had been i Dunne boy, aged we are told about 10 in Hill's room with him, though others were there also, aud after hiB departure Hill missed the money. The only evi dence against bim is that he was flush of roonev afterwards, or it is bo claimed, while before he was, to put it mlldy, not in condition to open a bank. Hie exam. Ination was had before Juatlce Filloon years, was killed Instantly, and Rath burn was bo seriously injured that he died at an early hour this morning. English and Belgian cement, very beet imported brands, for tale by Wasco Warehouse Co. my6-lm Subscribe for Tmk Chkonicm. HOOD RIVER'S EXPERIENCE. Only One Hinket fur lift Kcc. nntl Tlmt Dropped. Hood River is undoubtedly one of tho finest sections of Oregon, and yet just now the people down that way feel pretty blue and sore, resulting from tho partial failure of the strawberry crop, aggravated by a really inferior berry and from that and other causes, poor prices. The trouble with Hood River is that, like many other communities, it has put all its eggs in one basket. This is only true in a sense, for outside of tho ber ries, hundreds of acres of orchards are growing that in a year or two will yield abundantly and furnish at lunst a second basket for the eggs. This trouble will soon be obviated, but it sliould have been dono long ago. Eight years ago, in Ptarting tho Glacier, wo advocated bringing the waters of Hood river through tho val ley. We talked it in season and out, but the insane desire possessed by some people to pull a wagon out of the mud by pulling in opposite directions pre vailed and nothing could be done. Now the big west Bide ditch is Hearing com pletion and water w ill be abundant for all purposes. Year after year the berries have been picked aud sent away, the checks re ceived, cashed and sent away too. It took all the berry money to buy hay and feed. It is the richest agricultural coun try on eariu, lor us tanners nam ineir prpduce to market in top buggies and haul their hay home in tho name ve hicles. No other country could etand "ItT With the completion of the bin ditch, Hood River can have hay to .sell. The Boil is adapted to the growth of clover and alfalfa, and when the money received for berries Is kept at home, things will he different. It ia undeniable, though, that Hood River has had the worst season it ever experienced, aud one that if its good citizens are wise, will never happen again. Water will he abundant for all purposes, the orchards will come into bearing and the many little and big holes through which the money leaked out being stopped, our neighboring town, iu the language of the immortal Sandy Rowers, will "Have money to throw at the birds." Nutlet) Iu Ty)rii. On and after July 1, 1807, costs will be added for the collection of all taxes due Wasco county on all delinquent rolls now in the hands of the sheriff. This is an imperative order from the county court, and the sheriff has no option but to collect such taxes by levy on property if not paid voluntarily by property own era. All parties concerned are hereby notified that no leniency will be shown in the collection of taxes after July 1, and that levy will be made on all prop erty delinquent after that date. T. J. DlllVKH, jl-i-td Sheriff of Wasco County. Nebraska corn for aale at the Waico warehouie. Beat feed on earth. uiO-tf r Be Not Alarmed Dy tho so-called "WARNING" of our competitora. Tho throat made to our customers is nothing more nor loss than a big blulf of a would-l:o monopoly. Our Baker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns iu tho United States; o.ch spool is branded "Genuine Baker Warranted," and wo invite comparison with any other iiiako of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wire for SPOT CASH, at the right price, and propoHu to give our customers the benefit of it. We are not holding It for a fancy price, and claiming it to bo tho beat Wire on earth. It In worth no more than any other good Wire, but Ih iih good as any, and wo ure relllng it as low iih any. Cotnparo oiirHo-culled "Spurious" Wire with tho ONLY Baker PERFECT, bo fore buying, aud get our prices. Wo are making prices that should got vour trade. MAYS & CROWE. Baby Carriages .JUST ARIUVKI) AT Til 10 Jacabson Book & Music Co. Whore will also bo found tho largest aud most com plete lino of Pianos, und other Musical fnstruinonts in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Haso Hall Goods, Hammocks, Hooks and Stationery at Hedrock I'rices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Kiiccmor to UlirUmuu & Corfcoii, " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see alfiny former patrona. Kifce delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. rowe & CO.. Ths Dalles Or