'mm m,m mm 4'.' BM!.- me$w ... . P. 1(J The BalleS Daily GhPOflide, catsohi8con8tHucntB,renrille88ofiiny , guflsi, intures'. It was through his The only Republican Paily Neiapapet n prompt action, and through him nlone, Watco Countu. ti,lU ti,L. reservation was thrown open in - - - - - 1S95 ttm kept open in 1S9G. We know EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 23i Temple wlu!,cof wo speak. v' Oltihliluc lliitc Chronicle anil Oregonian Chronicle anil Examiner Chronicle and Trihune Chronicle and N. V. World 2 L'5 1 75 I Mr. Karnes ia either crossly timin ' formed, or has a grievance of his own against Mitchell. tobaccos is "Tust ns ! good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good C3 aw "MONDAY. i77i DEMOCRATIC IDOL. The battleship Oregon will not 2 00 come to Portland, and so the silver - j punch-bowl and the gewaaws and JUNE 14, 1S0 jiin-omoUs neeompniiyiiig the bowl, will probably have to be loaded on a wood scow and sent down to Asto- ELY'S CREAM BAX.M Is a noMtlvecure Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 There seems to be a conceited ria, or freighted over to some point j rplan among the papers opposed to on the Sound where the ship may be , :frce silver to belittle William .7. j found. That silver set ought to be Bryan. He is spoken of as '-little ( a valuable souvenir, for it was a sub- Billy r.ryan." and in other terms j jeet of annoyance, sorrow and tribu- j equally suggestive. Whatever opin- j lation from its inception. It was ions may be held concerning the free hard to get, and apparently just as I coinage of silver, and however much I nnieh dilliculty has been expert. ( the papers in question, or their read- enccd in getting rid of it. Oregon's ers. may (lifter from Mr. Bryan in best wishes go with it. if it goes, and his views, the fact is undeniable that j along with the wishes goes the hope he is no longer the coming man of ' that it may never come back, the free silverites. for he is here, and here to stay. He has taken a firm j hold on those who followed him in T the last campaign, and he is to be the next antogonist the Republican ' nominee for president will have to face. ' It is utter foolishness to belittle an antagonist, and those who watched Mr. Bryan's campaign realize that in his case it is something that cannot be done. Possessed of strong con victions, a wonderful mind, line ora torical powers, young, keen, hopeful, aspiring, aggressive ; he is foeman worthy of any man's steel. He may be thought little, but he is large enough to have out-topped Cleve land. That gentleman is a back number; Bryan is the living popu lar volume. His campaign was one or the marvels of American political histor-. He made from three to twenty-live speeches a day for months, lie was tireless, sleepless, and in til that campaign, making as he did in numerable speeches, he never made a mistake. He is the idol of Democ racy today, and has awakened among the masses r.n make bin" a dangerous foe to the best man the Republican party can find. The measures he advocates may be wrong, his theories of gov eminent faulty; but right or wrong, he looms up across the political sky I the giant of the Democratic party. Jt may be the race of last year over in 1000, but whether it is or not, if W. .1. Bryan is alive, then he will he the candidate for president whom the Republican nominee must meet. The silver question has been stirred up, and the roiled waters will not be taken out of politics in the next dozen years. It will die eventually from the repeated defeat of silver advocates, from the balance of the world deciding against it; but until then William Jennings Bryan is its avatar. Blackwefl' BULL DURHAM Smoking Tobacco WAIilt PAPER! Just Received 5000 You will find one coupon insida each two ounce Mag,nutl two cou pons mr-iao cccii lour ounce liagot Ulackwclrs DurUam. Kuy a bag of this cele brated tobacco end read the coupon wliicu eivcs a list I ot valuable presents turn Mow to yet Uicm. Wholesale. IVIRLiT MQUOfiS, I Cllines and Cigars. i - (THE CELEBRATED i ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and tn bottles. A n h en snr.Pn srdi TVTnlt. TMTntvine a n rm -n 1 nnVi nl i r tents at Druzeists or by mail ; samples 19c. by mail. I . ' ELY 13ROT1IEHS. SO Warren St.. New York City. 1 DeVGlage, UHeqTJialeCl aS a tOlllC. Kealne-; Cannot he Curi'il by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumblinc sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can he taken out ami this tube restored to its normal condition, hearint: will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous stir- enthusiasm that will i ,a.s- .... .. . . .. u e win give une Hundretl Dollars for any case of Deafness . caused by catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CiiENnv iS: Co., Toledo, O. fTS-Sold by Druggists, "oc. 0-10 STUBLING & WILLIAM v. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. Hundreds of thousands have been in- edy by reading what it has done for ! others, and having tested its merits fori themselves nro today its warmest friends. ' For sale by Dlakeley it Houghton. I We sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease A ; Mays. a3-2m j u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the A CROOK COUNTY IDEA. (ieo. W. Harr.es, in a communication to the Prineville 1'eview, gives the en tire credit of openi serve to pasturage to men and the Prineville papers. We re alize that the Prineville papers present ed the facts in the case strongly, and do not doubt but that the gentlemen named by Mr. Harnes did all in their power; but there are others, and one of them, contrary to Mr. Harnes assertion, was the Hon. John H. .Mitchell. Mr. Harnes verv childishlv remarks that "if the "The Delft" Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELBAOH BRICK. - - UNIO.N BT. New York Weekly Tribune iew, gives tne en-1 Enameled Ware. Mixed .Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft" is the 1 FOK- Farmers and Villagers, Fathers and Mothers, FOK Sons and Daughters, FOK All the Family. Yon Eolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. New Invoice The most of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANSACT A GKXEKAI. RANKING Hl'SI.NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Kustern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on "New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. 1m. coihini, SOI.K DKAl.KK IN THK DALLES OT Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water nd Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security nnd durability, thus mnking a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. Tiiis vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to gethet with cement, thus making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a large sup ply ot first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. i'AUI. M1NNKAIMH.I DULUTII FA ICG O OKAXD I'ltlt CUOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA uu IUJTTE truth could bo known, he IMitchell) did ware out in COOkiilL' utensils I all lie could against tliem. because lie! did not get all the votes of Wasco, Crook, Gilliam and Morrow." Mr. Barnes is a lawyer, and yet ho makes an assertion which he admits he does not know to be true. John II. Mitchell is still a factor, and a large one, in Oregon politics, and in his own interests ho would not oppose ' goods at the demands of the people of Eastern Oregon, for be may yet ask further favors at their hands. But outside of that, Eomitor Mitchell has always, in season and out, looked after the inter- , With the close of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the I fact that tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and latent ! blIsine5S interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and 1 iJiwiiiiiiuuui;, uuwi miuuiui diiuii ui nuiiuinii (jccumon demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tne present uav. ami won its greatest victories. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper tban the aluminum ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the'l Through Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON I'ltlLADELl'IlIA NEW YOKK HUSTON AND AI.I. l'OINTS EAST and SOUTH .l0n,!"fu'n.,,,tl0!1, ltme cards, mniw. mid tlckeu., W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The D.iIUn, Oregon on ...immX??..!; 'lrt wl" ). Pl forth, and money freely Hpont, to make THE uiviL,i nui)Uiiv pre-emineniiy a national family Newspaper, in instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each membor of the famil itereating, We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only$1.75. A. B I a D 1 H '. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlund On O recoil MAIER& BENTON'S Write vour name and address rm a nnslnl rnrd. Nnnil it in Hon W Hoot Trihuno Office, New York Citv. acd a samnlo conv of The Now- Yorlr Wenklv t-h..' j une will be mailed to vou. 107 Second Street. Job Printing at This Office. L00DP01S0N Mmmxsssiigi cury, locJiae patuah. and Vim" u XFZX. J"?n ??. PPep Colored IhS'JtZ. 'iift.'iS! Ilin luuiu mini an . ' a . viivin NIU IUUIL I i XfJttue5f?e world for m lal ciun ' wuuai miaraniT. aiix appllcatkon. AOA 4. ?L jri red from the mam,fac2Q' No better tel made than, Acme Bicycl Built in our own factory b skilled workmen, usin the material and the most taorovd machinery. H'e havo .wVecaj, Sold direct from factory to t rider, fully warranted. ShV- " anywhere for examinaiic;'" " WHITE F03 Our Interesting Offer Acmo Cycle Co., Elkhart 1, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlani ai Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. ReguIator&DallesCity FREIGHT AND PASSENGER UN IIKTWEEN The Dalles, Hood Klvcr, Cascade Locks tnlfsv lund dully, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES ( DOWN THE VAM Are you go.ng OR TO If fo, suve money inul cnjoyaUantifoltajE the Columbia. The we-t-bound train iniiaB The Dalles In umiilc time for passenKerstobli the steamer, arriving In Portland in llmefotta outKoiiiB tinutheni and Northern tniai; Eis biiund iias.seiiKers arriving ill TheDalesiaC! to take the Kast-bound train. For further Information apply to J. N. 1IAUNEV, AbciU, Oak .Street Dock. Portland, Orezon, Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen.irl. The Dalles, Cttf.1 DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. hi. g- Xj is nsrN' DR. GUKN IJIPBOVO LIVE? PILLS IIMf. A moiemcnt tit the noneu ,nU """.Z Th., null utinn rwt!' t'ZVtZiuit mak It regular. They cnr "KJriainr"! ipeyilH iur eni" -.7, fr -jjc (VT..h I" The GoluiDia PactiH PACKERS OF - PORKand BE MAN OFACT0 KKB8 OF Pine Lard and S C,sofBM(l HAMS & B 9 eawiUi a: r; DRIED BEEF, W