The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1897, Image 1

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    !)c Dalles
HH Chronicle.
vol. x
NO 132
Millions Will Be Made by
the Sugar Trust.
AeroliimtH ren iiirtju iiiuunniin f i'ti
Moro Very Klcli Quartz Found
nt Baker City.
Chicago, June 12. A special to the
Times-Herald from New York says :
Another advance of one-sixteenth of a
cent a pound lias been ordered on graded
Nos. 5 and G, or domestic refined sugars
This is the third fractional advance
within a few days, and follows a rise or
dered Thursday of one-eighth of a cent
on all grades of refined sugars except
Nos. 5, 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16, in which
grades the figures were advanced one-
sixteenth of a cent per pound.
These advances, coming after thous
nnds of tons of raw sugar had been
rushed in before the tariff bill becomes a
law, means the amassing of millions of
dollars by the American Sugar Refining
Company, otherwise known as the sugar
An Aluskn Editor Shj'n tlie Ilev
II lady Will ISc CliuHen.
Seattle, Wash., June 12. G. B.
Swinehart, editor of the Juneau Mining
Record, has just returned from Washing
ton City with important news.
"I called upon Secretary Bliss in re
gard to the governorship," Baid Mr.
Swinehart this morning. "He is a man
of few words, and when I introduced the
subject, he promptly said: 'We have
decided to nominate the Rev. Mr. Brady,
the candidate of the missionary element,
as soon as Mr. Sheakley's resignation is
"By 'we' he meant the president and
himself, for the appointment comes
through the interior department."
Information about the other officers is
not obtainable. Charles S. Johnson and
Brady compromised Bome time since,
the former withdrawing his application
for governor. He is now a candidate,
with Brady's support, for collector of
Fell Three TlioUHiuitl Feet.
Berlin, June 12. Herr Wolefert, an
aeronaut, accompanied by a machinist
named Knabe, made an experimental
ascent in a so-called steering airship
from the Templehoff common this even
ing. When the balloon, which had been
filled at a military ballooning establish
ment, had reached a height of 3000 feet,
a loud explosion was heard, and the
next moment the balloon was seen to be
ablaze. The car, which waB also on
fire, detached itself from the burned
silk, and fell with fearful rapidity to the
ground. Both of its occupants were
found dead. Their bodies were horribly
burned. It appears that the benzine
used in the steering gear motor explod
ed causing the disaster.
Klch 1'leces of Quartz.
Bakek City, Or., June 12. While
working on his placer mine on Sutton
creek, twelve miles southeast from
Baker, Obe Batten discovered within a
few feet from the ledge of his quartz
claim, called the Red Rird, some pieces
of quarz about as big bs a man's fist,
from which the chunks of gold pro
truded in all directions. One of the
Pieces is worth $220. The Sutton creek
Placers have yielded largo quantities of
gold in the past and for years prospectors
have been hunting for he fountain bead,
and Batten thinks that he has at last
Not Idle Talk.
if Pfuffer's German HBaflacbe Powders
M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist, will give
your money back. 25c pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
"Happy Thought" Salve.
60c in screw top glass jars.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its prcnt lonvcnlnu strength mid
lienlthfulness. Assures the food npniiist alum
mid nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brnnds.
Royal Baking Powder Co. New York.
struck the true ledpe.
The Virtue mine brought in the usual
clean-up of $20,000, and the Flagstaff has
brought in several retorts since it started
up four weekB ajro and, while it is known
that their quartz is exceptionally rich,
the company does not publish results.
It ii Halo .Jonex' Project.
Peuuy, O. T., Juue 12. 'Buffalo"
Jones, the well-known Kansas populist,
left here today for Alaska. He says he
has two objects in view, one to prospect
a route for the Canadian Pacific railroad
and the other to corral musk oxen in
Alaska and drive them to the United
The musk ox is nearly extinct, and
Jones proposes, by the assistance of
numerous shepherd dogs which he took
with him, to herd them on an island off
the coast. He will also raise several
species of the fox for their furs. Several
persons will go with Jones on his expe
dition to the gold fields on the Yukon
A Shower of Broken Ice.
Cincinnati, June 12. A special to the
Commercial Tribune, from Parkersburg,
W. Va., sajB :
A phenomenal hail storm occurred
here today on the line ot the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad, east of thiB city. The
storm Bhowered broken ice from two to
three inches long and an inch thick,
with such force that trees were denuded
as completely, as in midwinter, and
crops were completely destroyed for
many miles, while horses, cows and
sheep became frantic with fright.
Attempted Lynching In New York.
New Yokk, June 12. A mob of over
1000 men tried to take a negro named
Charles West from policemen last night
at Washington place, for the purpose of
lynching him. Clubs and revolvers
were drawn, but the mob was finally
beaten back.
West had shot a white man named
Hyland because his daughter, aged 18,
told him that Hyland attempted to as-
Bault her last week. He shot deliber
ately and without explanation. Hyland
is dying.
A Aligning Man Found.
Los Angeles, Cal., Juue 12. Mark
Boren, who was reported to have been
killed near Mendota Sunday night last
by falling from a train, was found last
iieht five miles from Moiave, wandering
about in a demented condition. His arm
was fractured and his face badly cut. i
isoren is irom epoKaue, ivubh., uu u
relatives in Wallace, Idaho, and Ross-
land, B. C.
Good Tea
is the cheapest beaverage next
to The missing word
in this sentence is water.
What do you suppose is the
missing word in the following
sentence: Schillings Best tea
is because it is fresh-
Rules of contest ate published in our large
advertisement about the first and middle of
each month.
Mohlllrlng Her Krlnforcriiient
London, June 12. A dispatch from
Athens to the Exchange Telecraph re
ports that the armistice between Greece
and Turkey ha9 been broken bv the
Turks mobilizing reinforcements, fortify
ing Volo and Prevesa, and sending troops
to various islands.
The dispatch teports also that tho
Turkish fleet passed out through the
Dardanelles at 10 oVock last night.
A AVnrnliiK to ItrTucre.
Athkns, June 12. The governor ot
Volo has issued a proclamation that
property of refugees who do not return
to Thessnly with their families within a
fortnight will be confiscated by the Otto
man government.
Stomach Finally ltehelleil AcattiNt
l'orket-Kulvrft anil Nails.
Kansas City, Juno 12. Harry W
Hallen, a traveling circus performer, was
cut open at his own request at the Ger
man hospital here today, and f ally three
handfuls of hardware, which he had
swallowed within the past two weeks,
were taken from his stomach. A pho
toeraph of the articles, taken by George
H. Tilley, a responsible photographer,
later, in the day revealed the following
outlay :
une lour-Miauea kniie, three ana one
half inches long; one two-bladed knife
two inches long; three knife blades,
ranging from one to three inches in
length ; 38 8 and 10-penny nails and
spikes; 34 G-penny wire nails, sharp
pointed; 26 shingle nails; 16 carpet
tacks ; three large screws, one horseshoe
nail, one barbedvvire staple, three ounces
of fine glass.
Whallen claims to have traveled
around the country for the past 17 years
eating glass and other hard substances
in his avocation as the human ostrich.
Up to withiu two weeks ago his peculiar
diet bad agreed with him perfectly. It
is believed he will recover from the
MileM' l'lace in the Parade.
New Youk, June 12. A special to the
World from London says :
General Miles who recently came to
Europe to witness the Graeco-Turkish
war as the representative of tho United
States army, is to ride mounted in the
queen's jubilee parade in a position
very near to the queen's carriage.
The place will be second only to her
majesty's body guard. His assignment
to it is regarded here as evidence of the
British government's good feeling, and
is likely to create something of a sensa
tion. Sacramento Salmon ltun.
San Fkancisco, June 12. The ruu of
salmon in the Sacramento river this year
is greater than it lias been since 1890.
Already the pack has been 0000 caees
more than for all of last year. Then it
was 13,887 cases, while the spring catch
alone has amounted to 20,000 cases, and
it is expected that the fall catch will at
least double these figures.
The result is largely attributed by the
packers themselves to the hatchery es
tablished at Battle Creek by the board of
fish commissioners.
Suicide in a Church.
New Yokk, June 12. While services
were being held in Cavalry church this
atternoon, an unknown women walked
into the vestibule and killed herself by
firing a bullet into her right temple. A
number of persons were in the church at
the time, most of them being women.
Much excitement ensued, and services
were stopped. Some of the womui
The Jury Dimjfreed.
LiiiKiiTV, Mo., June 12, The jury in
the Foley double murder case reported
for the second time that they had been
unable to reach a verdict and were dis
charged. Judge Broaddus set the sec
ond trial for the fall term. The ciowd
ot spectators was visibly disappointed,
and there was some talk of lynching the
Senator Aldrlcli'n Condition.
Washington, June 12. Senator Aid
rich left the city today by order of his
physician. He lias been confined to his
room at the Arlington almost all the
time since the first week of the tariff
debate, with an aggravated attack of in
digestion nd dysentery. It is con
sidered doubtful whether be will return
during the pendency of the tariff bill.
Special for the Week.
Three of our host linos of Hisjh-ti ratio Wash Goods at
A light and airy fabric; greatly resembles Swiss, with a
waivy raised stripe; very pretty goods; comes in plain,
delicate shades Cream, Nile Green, Sm. Regular 20c,
This week, 16c a yard.
New Persian patterns; pretty colorings. Rogular '20c,
This week, 16c a yard.
In beautiful, entirely new designs and colorings. Tho
regular prico is 25c
Special price, 18c a yard.
Imported Goods- Tissus Brode.
These goods cannot be described ; pen cannot do justice to the delicate blend
ings of all that is beautiful in colorings, the artistic patterns, the rich ('Ducts.
We can say, though, that these clients art exclusive they cannot bo bought
in chea er materials. They aro original. 30c yard,
For this week, ojily 25c.
Mascot Gloves, $1.00.
The New Time Curd.
The O. R. & N. ha9 made another
change in its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It is as follows: No. 1,
west-bound, arrives Ii:55 a. in. and de
parts at 4; No. 3, west-bound, arrives
8:25, departB 8:.'10; No. 2, east-bound,
arrives 1 a. m., departs 1:05; No. 4,
east-bound, arrives 5:55 evening, de
parts at 0. All trains except No. 4 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of $15 for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days'
limit, has been made, going into ell'ect
today. These tickets are also good going
Saturday and returning Monday.
The company has also made the very
low rate of $5 first-class and $2.50 sec
ond-class from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
Kleutrfc Hitter.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and tho need of a tonic and
and alterative is felt. A prompt use of
this medicine hns often averted long" and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more surely counteracting
and freeing the system from the malar
ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hit
ters, oue ana f i.uu per bottle at mane
ley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Cali in Your ;lii!Ck.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1892, will he paid at my
office. Interest ceases after May 7,
1897. O. L. Piui.ui'H,
Countv Treasurer.
Thl Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
ueneroUB surnnlo will bo mailed of the
most Donular Cutarrh and Hay Fever Cure
fElv's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-
Irate tho fjroat merits of the remedy.
CO Warren St., NV York City.
Bev. John Jleid, Jr., of Orcat Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
on emphasize his statement, "It is a posl-
.. ' i t. 1M .1 .... M
Uve cure tor cauirrii it useu na uirucicu.
ltev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre
Church, Helena, Mont.
Elv's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any lujunoua drug. Price. 60 cents.
itcMo m mind, ti!e4ibfw rrouu'JIsrf ril. iltMal r. u
!of , tJrV (wiun. A ailcuin. TirouiSrr.Mil If , Wi
fit. Ufuwiiutriuli
UH. MVkANKV, fail.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?SLk5D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"foil FlOlll" ''''H 'r'our IH manufactured expressly for family
AV,U1' use: every sack Is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and il you don't think so
call and get our prices and bo convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
We Carry
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain "Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
175 Second Street.
"Country and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention.
a full line of
The Dalles, Oregon