The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1897, Image 1

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    te Dalles
warn Chronicle.
NO t a I
Entire Southeastern Part of
the State Deluged.
ICnlMrnyn Wore Washed Out, Kami
house W rock imI and Large Num
lier f Cuttle 'Ilrovrned.
DnNVKii, Colo., .Tune 11. Four rail
way washouts, a $25,000 lire and a host
of minor loasee epitomized tlie evil re
suits of a storm which prevailed in
Denver and southeastern Eection of
the stale hist evening. A cloudburst on
the slopes of Piko's peak shut off traffic
on the Hio Grande and Midland lines be
tween Manitou and Colorado Springy
Sixteen miles out of Denver the Jules
btirc trackB were waBtied out. A wash
out on the Burlington & Missouri road
orcurred near Barr station.
Whole Country Swept JJuro by TurrcntM
of IVater.
Denveis, Colo., Juno 11. A special to
the News from Wray, Colo, Bays:
The morning light reveals the extent
of the devastation of yesterday evening's
storm, and reports have been coming
from the country all day so that we are
able to tell pretty nearly how far it ex
tended and the amount of damage
Two and a half inches of water fell in
less than half and hour over a territory
estimated from five to ten miles wide
and ten to twenty long. The whole
country had the the appearance of an in
land sea, and the angry torrents, sweep
ing everything before them. The crest
of one utream that was rnnnine onlv
few inches became a torrent 20 feet
,l it ? .i ii n i
ueeji, juiiug uie vauey, uuouiug yaruH,
cellars, houses, and washing out and
carrying away fences, crops, gardens,
shrubbery and trees.
From every valley and canyon floods
came pouring, swelling the Hood and in
creasing the terror. Hail drifted, and
today it is piled in drifts tour feet deep.
Nothing like it eyer was known here.
Dead stock is being gathered up and
carted away in great loads. People are
shoveling the drifted hail out 'of the
buildings. Fortunately little wind ac
companied the storm, otherwise windows
and houses would have beoa riddled and
much greater destruction of stock would
have occurred. This point seemed to be
the center of the storm. Estimates of
damage are pluced at from $1000 to $23-
llrltlsli 'Xroopo in Noitliorn IudlB Vic
tiniH of Treachery.
lioMiu Y.June 11. A dispatch from
Simla announces serious trouble on the
northern frontier, aud the massacre of a
number of British officers and native
soldiers in the government employ.
From particulars obtainable it seems
that two guns belonging to the Bombay
mounted battery, escorted by 300 men
belonging to the First regiment of Sikhs
and the first Punjab infantry, were
treacherously attacked in Tochi valley
by a large force of hostile natives. The
hrsi reports said Colonel Bunny, two
officers and twenty-six privates had
been killed, and three officers and
twenty-four meu injured. Indications
are that the affair is morothan a conflict
with warlike natives, and that the no
torious mullah of Piewindah is at the
bottom of the trouble.
Latest advices are that a political of
ficer, Mr. Gee, was visiting Shirani with
Not Idle Talfr.
if Pfoffer's German Headache Powders
M. Z. DONNKLL, Druggist, will give
your money back. 2oc pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
"Happy Thought" Salve.
50c in Ecrow top glass jars,
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its prrcat lrnvcnlnj; strength mid
lienlthfulucas. Assures the fond iipninst nlum
mid nil forms of ndultcration common to the
clienp brands.
Koyai. Making Powder Co. New York.
an escort of troops when he was attacked
at Manza by superior forces. The Brit
ish tioops were compelled to retreat, and
were followed several miles by over
whelming numbers of the enoiny. The
fighting was desperate. All the British
officers were severely wounded. Captain
Browne, of the First Sikhs, Eon of the
late Sin James Browne, and Lieutenant
Crookshank, of the Royal artillery, were
killed and Surgeon HigglnBon, Lieuten
aut Higginson, of the First Sikhe, and
Lieutant Seaton Browne, of the Punjab
infantry, were wounded.
A second dispatch says Colonel Gray
has taken command of the British
forces, and it is inferred that Colonel
Bunny is among the dead, as at first
Tochi valley lies north of Gumala,
and on the road to Ghuzni and Waziris-
lam. It has been controlled by the
British since the elimination of the
Hindoo Afghan frontier, but the tribes
have always been turbulent. Thb mullah
of Piewindah is a notorious fanatical
priest, and has always been hostile to
the British. Owing to an attempt lhe
mullah recently made to stir up a re
bellion he was expelled from British
territory. This caused him to be de
serted by his own people, and Bince then
it is understood he has been actively
plotting against the British.
StuudN ut the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. lung's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best Beller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Satford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it
never fails, and is a sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at the head. It
ne7er disappoints. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Question May He Submitted to Congress
During the l'reseut Session.
Chicago, June 11. The Daily News'
Washington special says :
A convention is on foot looking to the
annexation of Hawaii as a territory, and
details of the plan are so nearly complete
as to .warrant the belief that they will
soon be submitted to congress. The
United States, it is proposed, shall
assume the debt of the Hawaiian repub
lic to the limit of $4,000,000. Friends of
annexation in Washington declare the
president will submit a message to con
gress on the subject before adjournment
of the present session.
The effect of excluding from citizen
ship in the United States the Asiatic
population is considered the most ser
ious feature of the proposed annexation.
Have Your Grulu.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel aud Gopher Exterm
ir Jior is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Agent. .
llritlsh Won the Cricket bainv. ,
Manciiksteu, Juno 11. The cricket j
match between the team from Philadel-
Dhia and the eleven from Lancashire was j
resumed today, mien me '"""'
cricketers resumed play they had 01 runs
to make to win. They won by seven
hlllde Ksstly Makes Tlilrty-FIro Miles
An Hour.
New Yokk, June 11. The World says
Passengers looking out of the windows
of a south-bound tiain on the Audson
River railroad, in the vicinity of Dobbs
Ferry, saw the steam yacht Ellide, be
longing to E. Burges9 Warren, of Phil
adelphia, racing down the river against
time, and, incident-, making as good
time as the train.
rimed by two watches, which agreed
to half a second, the yacht covered
measured milo in I minute, 42ls' seconds,
which is at the rate of 35 miles an hour,
and on the run preceeding it she cover
ed the same distance in 1 minute, 51
seconus, or ai uie rate oi ax,1,, miles nn
tiour, making the mean time of the two
runs 33 miles an hour.
She is an open yacht.SO feet long.dri ven
by a single three-bladed wheel, propelled
by quadruple expansion engines of S00
horsepower. The engines, boiler, screw
and the hull, which is of mahogany,
were all designed by Charles D. Mosher,
of this city, whu also designed the fast
yachts Yankee Doodle, Nada, Felseen
and Norwood. He superintended the
running of the engines in the run, which
was a preliminary one.
Upon her official, trial which is to take
place in about ten days, it is estimated
that the boat will travel between 38 and
40 miles an hour, for yesterday Bhe car
ried much less steam than she can pro
To any yacht on a speed trial con
ditions were not favorable. The wind
blew dead ahead at least 25 miles an
hour, when the Ellide made her first
run up the river. The seaB were from 4
to 5 feet high, and there was an ebb
tido of quite 2 knots against her. Still,
she made this run, shipping nothing
but spray, and leaving a wake no bigger
than a motor launch, in the time stated, 1
minute 51 seconds. The return run, in
1 minute 42 J seconds, was made with a
heavy falling sea, with the wheel racing
at times.
A Fatal Drunken Jtow.
Alta, Cal., June 11. Last night
Sharon, of Dutch Flat, aud Ben Billings
of Towles, while intoxicated, became in-
involved in an altercation in a saloon.
Words led to blows, and the young men
aujourneu to tue street lor tuo purpose
ot settling the difference with their fists
Neither showed any ecience, and lion
ors were easv for Borne minutes, but
Sharon finally swung wildly with his
right and landed squarely on Billings'
jaw, knocking him down. As the latter
made no effort to rise his opponent sup
posed he hjid simply stunned him, but
on investigation it was found that Bill
ings' neck had been broken by the tall
and that he was dead. Sharon promptly
surrendered himself to the local officer.
No Heir fur the Czar,
Paws, June 11. A dispatch from St.
Petersburg says that the czarina has
given birth to a daughter. The news
papers here lengthily discuss the uews.
Regret is felt here that the babe is a
girl, inasmuch as the birth of an heir to
the throne would have permitted sympa
thetic manifestations.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem.
edy by reading what it has done for
others, and having tested its merits for
themselves aro today its warmest friends.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
The Jlartlii
The new dls-J; bteanrhv, the inven
tion of M. JJazln, was lai'iiehcd at St.
Denis dockyard. Admiral C'uuloinbcuutl,
who has a hijrh repute uiny French
naval authorities, Ih mi id to hi' a h'rv
believer in lhe posaibllitii s of this new
Invention, and In hat; computed that
onlv one-twentv-eitthth o U.a power re
quired to drive an ordinary boat is need
ed for a Bazin craft of the same hi si ami
speed. The dislcboat of -M. Uazin is
by no means the first attempt to apply
the roller principle to navigation, but
heretofore the rollers hne been made
to perforin the duly of paddle-wheels,
,-ir propellers; In the new boat they ur
merely devices to overcome friction, and
i In! renort of M. Baaln's exnerlments in
dicate that lie has been markedly suc
cessful. Child Marriages iu India.
In Tndln there are 100,000 boys and
027,000 pirls under the nge of 14 who
nro legally married, while S.000 boys
and 2!,000 girls who have not attained
the age of four are under marriage
bonds as arranged bv their parents.
Subscribe for Tiik Oiiuonicle,
Summer Wash
For tlie week
at J3IG
Just Opened.
THE LATEST GOLF, in White Duck, Russia (hash or Leather.
THE NEW SAILOR, for Misses and Children plain and trim
med in Ox-blood, Green and Chocolate. Call and see them.
The New Tlnm Card.
The O. H. it N. has made another
change in its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It Is as follows : No. 1,
west-bound, arrives :i:5T a. in. and de
parts at 4 ; No. 15, west-bound, arrives
8:25, departs 8:;!0; No. 2, east-bound,
arrives I a. in., departs 1:03; No. -1,
east-bound, arrives 5:33 evening, de
parts at 0. All trains except No. 1 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of $15 for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days'
limit, has been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are also good going
Saturday and returning Monday.
Tho company Las also made the very
low rate of $5 flrst-claes and $2.50 sec
ond-class from Portland to San Iran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
meals. '
Electric lllttertt.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
and alterative is felt. A prompt use of
this medicine has often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more surely counteracting
and freeing the system from the malar
ial poieou. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipatiori, Dizziness yiold to Klectric Bit
ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Blake
ley 'A Houghton's drug stoic. 1
Ciuli In Viiur clinckx.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after May 7,
1897. C. L. I'mi.Mi'H,
County Treasurer.
Tola la Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
ncnnrniia Kiimnln will l)fi mailed of tho
moHt ivninilar Catarrh and Hav Fever Cure
sp.iv'a rv.nrn Hnlinl snfficlent to demon
strate tho great merits of tho remedy.
Cii Warren St., New York City.
. .Toliri 1?irl .Tr.. of Or.-flt Falla.Mout..
recommended YAy'a Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a now
live cure for catarrh if uned as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Patter Central Pre.
Cnurcli, Helena, Mont.
Wlw'a r.rriim Halm is the acknowledged
core for catarrh and contain h no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Itobiax ud WlluJ, iikcdlbf of ffouudiuf Pi lei i toMai u
nm BA-fiAM-irntA kii v nurnJ h... i..k.
iug.ftbMfW witter. A iKUur.":iroiiUfi ut fr, Prlfltt '
DIMITIES cool and crisp, rich and
DIMITIES worth 12k- and too per
New Styles in Caps,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? IiL'lfbSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOll FlOUr '"''H ','mir ,s "uumfactured expressly for family
uw AVl use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house In tho trutle, and If you don't think so
call anil get our prices anil be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. .
We Carry aiuinmeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
175 Second Street,
Country and Mull Orders will receive prompt attention,
See window
The Dalles, Oregon