MHRNINC. WHY ARE WE f THRONGED WHAT IS THE ATTRACTION In hot, sultry times like these, it is only the unusual bargains that don't go a-begging. Values, and big ones at that, alone possess the power to interest. Regular. 8Jc... 10c ... 10c ... 12-i-c... 15c .... 15c ... 20c .... 25c .... FOR SATURDAY ONLY. CORDONETS LINON BRODE .CREMONA CORDETTE CHATLLLION STRIPES LAPPET STRIPES .ORGANDIE ALIX LAPPET MULL .TAMBOUR FANTASIE .. Special. ... Gjc ... 7;jC .. 7:1c .... 9c . .IHc ...lUc .. .14c ,...18c A discount of 25 per cent will be allowed on all purchases of Lace on Saturday. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY. - - JUNE 11, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of Leaner Magnitude. There will be a buainesa meeting of the Epworth League at the MethodiHt church this evening at 7 :30. Tay payers are requested to read the notice in this issue, and profit thereby. Costs will be made after July lat. Two Indiana and a white man faced the city recorder this morning, and re ceived the UBual 'impartial attention. Moonlignt excursion on the loth for the benefit of the hoBe teams,. and the tournament this fall. Do not fail to patronize the boys. Up-to-date Hood River has Bhipped about 18,000 cratea of strawberries, or 225 tons. Juat think of tackling that pile with a teaspoon. The RamBey school, near Dufur, taught by Miss Annie B. Thompson, are going to give a picnic in the grove near the schoolhouse two weeks from today. Circuit court meets tomorrow for the purpose of considering Beveral equity cases. A final adjournment for the term will probably be taken next week. Don't forget , the Bale of city lota, which takes place on the grounds to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Now is the time tb get a piece of residence property, and get it cheap. The ladies of the Lutheran church will give a grand ice cream social on Wednesday, June 10th, in the store building adjoining the land office. All are cordially invited to attend. Governor Budd of California has re preived Durrant until July 9th, for the purpose of having the legality of bis appeal decided. It is not probable this can be done within thirty days, and a further repreive is not only possible, but probable. The Warrendale cannery is Baid to be blocked with fish. They are coming very slowly here, and our canneries can easily take care of a hundred tons a day for our friends down the river. All they have to do is to furnish the fish, The Dalles canneries will do the rest. Harjy Luckey, brother of J. J. Luckey of Hood River, committed suicide while in a fit of despondency, at Tekoa, Wednesday. He had been employed on the railroad and being discharged be came discouraged and put an end to bis existence. It was expected the body would arrive at Hood River this morn ing on the Spokane flyer, and the funeral would take place this afternoon. Harry was of a remarkably jolly temperament and the last person on earch one would Buspect of giving way to despondency. Mr. King of San Francisco, accom panied by his son, came up on the Reg ulator yesterday. Mr. King's son was the young gentleman who was organist in Emanuel church, San Francisco, at the time of the murder of Blanche La mont, and who testified to seeing Dur rant come down from the .belfry. He also testified as to Durrant's condition, he being pale and apparently sick, and saying he waB overcome with gas, as he had been fixing the burners. King went out and got Durrant a dose of bromo seltzer and was in the church at the latest, only a few moments after the murder. All the plans for the High Jinks are fully completed, and itpromises to be one of the events of theA'ear, in the way of rolicking fun. The skirt dance by Miss Pet-cran-shan-fish has never been excelled before Dalles footlights, and the song and dance by a creole beauty and her picininny is immense, besides many other specialties. All the young ladies in town are to be there, and, of course, all the young irren will be on band and cheerfully pungle up their little quarter of a dollar at the entrance at Mies Lays gate, Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Refreshments are to be served without extra charge. The Virtue's Cleanup. Along with the many other things of interest that are down on the program for tournament week the hundreds of. visitors from abroad will be given an opportunity to see more gold in its native state than was ever their lrt to behold before coming to Baker City. At the First National Bank yesterday the retorts from the Virtue mine for the month were received and displayed on the counters to admiring crowds. The value of the bullion was $20,000 or more. This is only one instance of the many offering proofs of the great mineral wealth lying almost within the gates of our city and is sufficient evidence of the substantial foundation of the Denver of Oregon. Democrat. St. Joseph's School Program. The following is the program for the closing exercises at St. Joseph's school this evening at 8 o'clock : Our Hqpps Home Solo nnd Chorus llondo-jerc Vima (Solo Free Stumps. The Laughing Boy The Minims Number Select Reclamation......... Dumb Bell Drill. Golden Rule , Angel's Dream ... ..Orchestra Our flog By the Juniors DerDieb ;otul Obedient Servants Dialogue Comic Song Farce , . Farewell Chorus by the School Awarding of Class Honors. Children under 14 not admitted. Yuy lour Taxes. The county court is determined that the taxes shall be collected closely and that the delinquent list shall practically vanish. To accomplish this the court has made an imperative order, acting under which the iberidf in collecting taxes will be compelled to add all costs of collection on and after July 1st. Steps will be taken to enforce collections as rapidly as possible after July 1st, and those who wish to avoid costs will do well to pay up before the date named. jll.jlyl BRAVE EDITH FRENCH. With IJofB and lievolver fche PlghU Throe liurglnrs. A dark face at the window awoke Edith French, aged 10, at 2 a. m. Thurs day morning, June 3d, savs the New York World. It was a chilling sight. The young girl, with two friends scarcely her seniors, bad come down to the hand Bonie old homestead in the outskirts of Port Republic on Monday to open it up and prepare it for the coming of the family. It ie a lonesome house, sur rounded by broad meadows and groves and cultivated land, for the Frenches are the richest family in the county and have a farm to be proud of. The only persons in the houBe Inst night were the three young girls and a hired man. who slept far away in the rear. Amid such circumstances as these the girl was awakened by the face at the window. It was only there for a mo ment. It disappeared as the burglar softly crept aiong the roof of the porch that fronted her window, seeking a means of entrance. For a moment she was as one para lyzed. It was only for a moment, how ever. Ab her faculties grew clear the innate courage of the girl returned. She remembered that in a certain drawer there was a fine, big navy revolver, while out iii the barn was a pack of flue bounds. She stole out of bed and crept softly to the bureau. The pistol was there, its five chambers loaded, and her hand grew steady as she raised the hammer. Stealing into the room occupied by her girl friendB, she quietly waked them up and whispered for them not to stir or cry out, no matter what they heard. They were glad enough to cower be neath the bed-clothes and let her do all the fighting. Heart m mouth, but courage still un dimmed, th" young girl stole softly downstairs. Every creak made her stop, and her heart was thumping loudly against tier ribs as she descended into the darkness. But she kept on. She opened a back door softly and listened. No sound came to her ears. She crept out. There was a long shad ow on the line to the barn, She kept in it, thankful that the moon had not yet grown old enough to furnish any light. She reached the barn In safety, and the big dogs sprang on her, wild wit pleasure at the unexpected visit of their mistress. She bade them to Btay down. Three men came round the corner of the house. They stopped aghast as they saw the white-robed figure coming tow ards them. Two men with a muttered command ran in at the door she bad left open behind her. The other one came towards her. With mounting courage she went out to meet him. A real man was not half so terrible as the imaginary ones she bad been carrying in her mind. She thrust her revolver into bis face. "Sick him I" she cried. And the faithful dogs sprang at the intruder, who Our attention Jtas ffeen called to the advertisements of a Dalles linn, other than our Agents, ottering Maker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles for many years for tho sate of our linker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under dur patents; tho name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious' Wire, and we desire to givo notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has cavised other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wiro, not on account of tho name, but because of tho su perior excellence of the wire which bus been tested to your on tiro satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited. Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Bakor Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. turned and fled, while they snapped at his heels. The other men dashed out. One of them aimed a vicious blow at the bend of the young girl. She answered it with a shot. Then came the shrieks of tho girls upstairs, unable longer to contain themselves. And then tho burglars ran, the dogs tearing at them as they went. At daylight blood was found upon tho ground, but whether it was drawn by a bullet or the teeth of the dogs can only be conjectured. A full kit of burglar's tools was found on the place. Mies French is the hero of Port Republic. TOURNAMENT AT BAKER. The Time Jtlude by the Competing Team. Early Wednesday forenoon Eevoral thousand people assempled at the Har rison street racing course to witness the races. The fpeed contest was first on the list aud the teams ran iu tho follow ing order : Speed contest Waltsburg, 24;, Pen dleton, 23 3-5; Huntington, 25 ; Haker No. 5, 24 ; 'La Grande, 23 3-5 ; Baker No. 3, 25 2-5; Walla Walla, 23 3-5. Three teams being tied for first place, it became necessary to run oil' the tie, which resulted as follows : Pendleton, 23 3-5; La Grande, 23 4-5; Walla Walla, 23 3-5. It was decided to run tho race of!" after the wet test in the afternoon. Ia the afternoon the crowd had in creased to about 4000. The time in the wet test was given as follows : Waitsburg, 43 j Pendleton, 35 1-5; Huntington, 47 2-5; Baker No. 5, no time; La Grande, 30 2-5; Walla Walla, 34. Then came the run-oir between Pen dleton and Walla Walla with the follow ing official result ; Pendleton, 23 3-5; Walla Walla, 23 1.5. Then came the hook and ladder con test with the following result : Baker City No. 1, 21 4-5; Waitsburg, 24. Cocked Hut Tournament. The following is the score of the Dalles participants in the individual tournament now being, mem bers of the Northwest Cocked if at Asso ciation. Tho first column gives the iiumber oi games uowieu tue seconu the average score : O Schmidt ...100 W Wilson 64 L Houghton 69 W LBradshaw 100 Joe Bonn 31 J O Hontetler 03 GeoO Blakeley.. 44 H Lonsdale ..., 64 id f'u A J Tolrale 30 FAVanNordei .57 B F Laughlln 40 John Hampshire 17 P W DeHuffT. 82 H H Riddejf 25 A D McCuly 45 Leo Schan&o 3 37.22 35.59 35 20 34.23 33.48 33.57 32.07 31.60 31.08 30.05 30.08 30 01 20.88 20,44 27.47 English and Belgian cement, very best imported brand, for sale by Waeco Warehouse Co. my5-l m Be Not Alarmed By the so-called "WAHN1NG" of our competitors. The threat mndo to our customers is nothing more nor less than a big bind" of a would-be monopoly. Our Baker Barbed Wiro was purchased from one of tho largest concerns in tho United States; o.ich spool is branded "Genuine Baker Warranted, and wo invito comparison with any other mako of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wire for SPOT CASH, at the right price, and propose to give our customers the benellt of it. Wo are not holding it for u fancy price, and claiming it to bo tho best Wiro on eurtii. It is worth no more than any other good Wire, but is a good as any, and wo are ee.lliug it as low as any. Compare our so-called "Spurious" Wire with tho ONLY Baker PKBFKOT, be fore buying, and get our prices. We are making prices that should get your trade. MAYS & CROWE. Baby Carriages JUST AMUVED AT T11H Jacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also bo found tho largest and most com plete lino of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Kuccwwor to ClirUmun iSi Coreon. '" FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Frt;o delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes TradedorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO.. The Dalles Or