The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1897, Image 1

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    2l)c Dalles
NO 130
ElLbK MA I LtAl't
III IMI ."1 Il.lil.ll. 11 IIIiIjIIIII
ing General.
. m - i - a a at- trm
Campos or inanco uiKeiy 10 many
Supplant niiii Mure Victories
for the Insurgents.
New Yoitic, June 10. A dispatch to
the Herald from Huvana says :
It is believed here since the long sup
pressed news of the affairs in Madrid
have been made public that General
Wevler's return to Spain will bo the
most important result 01 uauovas
in xnHi'ninn rtnmati TvSitnfi
telegrams have been sent to persons Here
ID WIllUIl It HUD UlCblMbtlV oinicu lUUb
Camnos, Dbminnuez and Pidal had
given tneir Huppun in uuiiuvua umy
. i i. i n.. . i.
with the plain stipulation that General
Weyler should go.
In fact, it is felt here that General
Hflmnna urhn iu nnv in nnwflr in Nrmin
Vflmiuu t ' -" " " ' 1 - -
and fills the popular eye, would not on
any account lend himself to the contin
uation of Genoral Wevler's policy. The
lnn !o cutirl onoral TVTarln liovn f rntn
Porto Rico and then BUpplant him in
turn by General Blanco or Campos.
Opinion of a Ketlrlng SpaulsU General
lu Cuba.
New Yokk, June 10. A dispatch to
the Journal from Havana, Bays :
Another of Weyler's generals, Lono,
inspector-general of the civil guard, in
Cuba and military governor of Havana,
has resigned in disgust, and expects to
leave the island bv the transatlantic
liner sailing on Juno 30th for Spain di
rect. Lono regards Weyler's early recall as
quite assured and thinks Blanco or
Lopez Dominguez will come out aB his
successor. Both are unusually intimate
with Martinez Campos, to obtain whose
support in the recent ministerial crisis
Canovus is known to have made im
portant concessions.
Weyler is reported to have cabled Can
ovas insisting that Minister Dupuy de
Lome demand from the Washington
government the extradition of Nunez,
Cartava and Arteaga, alleged filibusters
recently captured by the United States
authorities on the Florida coast, alleging
old criminal indictments against three
of thein, Baid to be still pending in the
courts hero.
Opposing Commander Met.
Havana, June 10. The Herald's cor
respondent in Sagua La Grande reports
that just previous to General Weyler's
return to Havana, he encountered some
of Gomez' forces near Sancti Spiritus,
under command of Gomez himself, and
was forced to rttreat, leaving fifty dead
on the field and 100 prisoners in the
handB of the rebels. This matter has
been neglected in official reports.
Spaniard)) Defeated by InaurgontH
Several Mlusr Battles.
New Yokk, Juno 10. A dispatch to
the Juournal irom Havana says.
four thousand insurgents from the
Eastern department, led by General
Rodriguez and Quintin Banderas, have
crossed Matanzas, entered Havana prov
ince and are now mouacing the town of
Pinar del Bio advices report a hot fight
three days ago within sight of the town
of Consolacion del Sur. Two Spanish
captains, a lieutenant and six privates
were killed, but the rebels were corn pell-
Not Idle Talk.
if Pfoler's German Heaiacto Powders
M. J5. DONW3r,L, Druggiit, will give
your money back. 25c pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
"Happy Thought'' iSalve.
60c. in ecrewtop glass Jan.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength nud
........ ........ u.,. itiimi wn. iwm nKmiiab iuuiu
and nil forms of adulteration common to the
uueup uruuus.
ROYAL Baking Powder Co. New Yokk
ed to retire in great disorder.
In an engagement upon the La Luisa
sugar estate, near Port CabanaB, between
Mariel and Bahia Honda, the Spanish
column lost 30 killed and upward of 100
This is in Weyler's so-called pacified
district. The insurgents, after the fight,
retired into their fortified positions in
Maceo's old stronghold, the Rubi hills
Weyler telegraphed,- ordering six col
umns to marcn against tnem, but not a
word of the defeat at La Luisa had been
cabled to the war department at Madrid.
Henry O.
ISryant and Party
Mountaln'8 Base.
at the
Pout Townbend, Wash., June 10.
NewB comes from Alaska that Henry G.
Bryant Iirb arrived at Yakutat, which is
at the base of Mount St. Elias, with a
party of five, who will scale the monnt-
ain. Bryant is a .fniladelpnian, and
scientific enthusiast, and bis name has
many times before been connected with
expeditions in which adventure has
been by no means a subordinate quality.
He headed a party of exploration in Lab
rador in 1891, and was the first man to
measure and photograph the great fallB
in that country. Ho was a member of
the Peary relief expedition in 1894, and
and was commander of the Peary auxil
iary expedition which brought Mrs.
Peary back to the United States.
Bryant is accompanied by S. J. Entri
kin, who iB an old Peary expedition
veteran, and the government is sending
E. B. Latham of Atlanta, who is a mem
ber ot the United States coast and geo
detic survey corps, to take official meas
urements and data.
Bryant has had the ascent of Mount
St. Elias in view for years, but was de
terred from the attempt by the refusal
of the government to send a representa
tive. It is his intention to plant the
stars and stripes on the summit ahead of
the Italian prince, Luigi, who has gone
nortn to carry the Italian flag to the
mountain's top.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thiug that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Saflbrd, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that iB claimed for it; it
never fails, and is a sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot
say enough for its meritB." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at the head. It
nerer disappoints. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Until July ist
every Schilling's Best yellow
tea ticket entitles you to two
guesses at the missing word.
July i st to August 31st one
guess to a yellow ticket.
Rul'of conteit aio puMUUd .in-owr !frg
dwtUemcnt about U fit d lodU 01
each month. A$
Terrlllc Kxplodon of Gun Cottn at
Indian Head, Md.
AsinxoTON, June 10. The state of
Maryland trembled last evening as the
result of an explosion of 330 pounds of
gun cotton at the government proving
grounds at Indian Head. A 12-inch
breech-loading1 rifle weighing 101,000
pounds and worth $25,000, was blown to
pieces. The armor-covered "bombproof"
in which the spectators take refuge while
tests are made, was wrecked and a doz
en naval officers and ortlnance experts
narrowly escaped with their lives.
The final test was being made of a gun
cotton shell invented by a Chicago man,
and through some unaccountable acci
J 4 i V .1 .11 .
ueni me sueii expioaea in llie gun,
wrecking the monster and its carriage
t a ...
ana inrowing some ot tne pieces more
than a mile down the Potomac.
Colonel O'Neill, the chief of ordnance
for the nayy, and several United States
naval officers and naval attaches from
the various foreign legations had for
tunately taken refuge on a navy-yard tug
about a mile from shore. Lieutenant
Anderson, who had been directed to fire
the gun by electricity when the signal
was given from the tug, had gone behind
a big earth bank or "butt" about 300
yards from the gun. He and other
spectators were unhurt, though a mass
lve piece 01 tne gun, weighing manv
tons, flew through the air with frightful
velocity and struck the water within
100 feet of the tug.
If the spectators had gone into the
"bombproof," as they usually do, when
such tests are made, they would all have
been killed, for a big piece of steel struck
it and ripped through the 12-inch armor
as if it had been so much paper. A
great hole was torn in the ground where
the gun stood and the buildings at the
proving grounds were badly shaken.
Not a particle of the massive gun or its
carriage remained.
First there was a rumbling of the earth
and then the full clap of the awful ex
plosion broke. A thick smoke covered
the earth, and th,e next instant a huge
piece of steel came hurtling through the
air and struck the water, throwing the
spray in every direction. As the men
looked, they saw a great hole where the
gun had stood with the smoke floating
away in the air. For several minutes
the sound of the explosion reverberated
through the surrounding hills.
This was the largest charge of gun cot
ton ever iired or attempted to be fired
from a powder gun. The government
paid about $25,000 for the gun blown up,
and it was built especially for these testB.
A shell shot from this gun was expected
to perforate 21 inches of steel at a dis
tance of 1500 yards and to travel from
six to ten miles before losing its mo
mentum. Judge KltzGerald Dying.
St. Mary's, Kan., June 10. Judge J.
W, Fitzgerald is dying at his home here.
Judge Fitzgerald came to Kansas from
Cincinnati 10 years ago, and since then
has practiced law and been an import
ant factor in politics. He was at one
time very prominent in Irish affairs.
His name is sometimes coufouuded with
that of John Fitzgerald, former presi
dent of the Irish Land League of Amer
Talk about women being flighty!
Look ut ban!: cashiers.
A r.A.vra:.v jaw doui. not always give
light to the countenance.
Taku cave of the poor Indian and
the poor Indian will take hair of you.
A.v Ohio girl lia four eyes. Her crit
icisms on bonnets tiro said to bo worth
IK hpite of their proverbial hlow
ness, telegraph messengers go about
with a great deal of dir.patch.
Thk man that cheers, but not in
ebriates, muy be handy at political
meetings to take the other fellow
home. Texas Sif tings.
ItUhSiA produces 111,010 barrels of
petroleum daily.
America manufactures nine-tenths
of all the rubber goods used in the
In the world there uro 51,000 brew
eries, nearly 20,000 of them being In
'The most extensive and celebrated
salt mine in the world is at Wiellczka,
nine miles from Cracow, in Gulicia, a
province of Austria-Hungary. It has
been worked continuously for COO
years. The mass of salt is calculated
to be 500 miles long, !20 miles broad
and 1.200 feel thick.
Summer Wash
For the week
at BIG
Just Opened.
THE LATEST GOLF, in White Duck, Russia Crash or Leather.
THE NEW SAILOR, for Misses and Ohildron plain ami trim
med in Ox-blood, Green and Chocolate. Call and see them.
The New Time Card.
The O. R. & N. has made another
change in its time table, whicK went into
effect June IbL It is as follows : No. 1,
weet-bound, arrives 15:55 X. 111. aud de
parts at 4 j No. 3, west-Kound, arrives
8:25, departs SiliO; No2, east-bound,
arrives 1 a. m., depapts 1:05; No. 4,
eaBt-bound, arrives :55 evening, de
parts at 0. All trains except No. -i stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of fft for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days'
limit, has been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are also good going
Saturday and returniug Monday.
The company has also made the very
low rate of 5 first-class and $2.50 sec
ond-class from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
Huckleu's Aruieit Halve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per iwx. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
DaSrrVlMoU IWM iMJpc marten 1 1
ourtdlnl&toas dajri. you can bo trcatod ai
home t oreatno price under eume Kuurua
ty. If you prefer tocomebcro we willoon
tract tooar railroad fureatid hotel bllli .ni
ooebarse. If we fall to euro. If you bare takcu liter 1
cury, iodide rotunli, and atlll bave acbci and 1
Salna, Mucoua I'utcliealn mouth, Hore Throat, ,
out. It U tbla Hecoiidury 111,
ay pari 01 mo body, uuir or eyebrow falllnjr
we irurantee to cure. We solicit the rooit obatl
Bste cta and ctiaUeiiKu the world for m
eae we cannot cure. Tbla dlteaae boa alwara
Bled the eklll of the moat ewiaent phyal
claia. 0500,000 capital behind our uucondl
Clonal guaranty. Absolute
e proof aent sealed oa
tppiicaiton. AOfreaa vwi
Administrator's Notice.
Nntlrii in licN'bv elvL'ti thiit tho Countv Court
of the Btute of Oregon for Wuuco Oiuity, by tin
order date! IU11M day of April. 1SW, duly up.
pointed the undesigned udmluUtrutor of the
estate of Andrew V. Anderson, dtceahed. All
persons imvliiK claims uKuinst saia enwte are
hereby required to present the same, properly
verified) to the undersigned ut French & Co
bank iu JJuIIck City, Oregon, within six months
from thedHtu hereof.
Ualles city, Oregon, May i, 10117.
. UlaaiUuH Vn4f uSIu rilu f Witt ml
. A iltlvv cure. CTrcHljtrt Qt
Klll cure. :irelfi wet I', rrlit
Hloiu lick.
Mi. ViusshU u u
DIMITIES cool and crisp, rich and
WM1TTKS worth 12Ac and loo por
New Styles in Caps.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o? m?L'i!fe1bd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOUT '8 'UUI ,H manufactured expressly for family
UV'AX v' neu: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We Bell our goods lower than any house In the trade, ami if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We Carry afuuimeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
175 Second Street,
Country and Hail Orders will receive prompt attention.
See window
The Dalles, Oregon