The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1897, Image 4

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    Tk Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ad virtltiie ICitca,
One liidi or levs In Dully
Over two liichtH .-ind under four Inches. . .
Over four Inches mul under twelve Inches
Over twelve Inches
One inch or less, per inch
Over one inch and under four inches
Over four inches nnd under twelve iucho
Over twelve inches
J'cr inch
,n m
imperfect hearing, ami ulion it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the itiflaniiiiiition enn be taken
1 out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, lienriii) will lie destroyed for
.ever: nine cuss out oi ten are eaused
i 1
, by catarrh, which is nothintr but an in
(lamed condition of the nuieoiid stir
, faces.
, We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any ease of Deafness (caused ty catarrh)
I that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
j Cure. Send for circulars; free.
! F. .1. Ciiknt.y Co., Toledo, O.
J gJBT-Sold by Druggists, Too. fl-10
II u
Gun Goes Off
instantly when you poll the
rSTS"cr S sickness may come
on suddenly. But it takes time
to load the gun, and it takes
time to get ready for those ex
plosions called diseases. Coughs,
colds, any "attack' whatever
the subject be, often means ore-
ceding-weakness and poor blood.
Arc you getting thin? Is
your appetite poor ? Are you
losing- that snap, energy and
vigor that make "clear-headedness?"
Do one thing: build
up your whole system with
Cod-liver Oil. It is the essence
of nourishment. It does not
nauseate, does not trouble the
stomach. And it replaces all
that disease robs you of.
A book telling more about it sent
free. Ask for it.
SCOTT & BOWNE, New York.
Researches in the (Snrbnce
tuclca mul Ills Kinds.
i "That man is a shipper," remarked a
police otlieci- to a Washington Star
writer a few morniups since, "nnd lie
and his class give us any amount, of
trouble. If he stole we could reach
him by law, but as he only finds we can
not easily reaeh him." In further ex
planation lie said: "A stopper is a man
who searches throuph the jjarbaprc cans
in the alleys in the rear of hotels, board
ing houses and private houses. Rome
search for spoons, knives and forks
that are thrown into t he. gnrbago recep
tacles by careless servants, for it. is a
fact, that there are more silver spoons
and knives and forks thrown away
with the garbage than are stolen by
servants, though the eontniry is gen
erally believed. The slopper is gener-
Thn "Cutter-Out," Wlm In Kmpio.viil to
llrenk Vt ludclmlli Attachment..
A new profession that of the "cut
tor-out" is thus discussed b.v the Sat
urday lloviuw: "The world i over-populated
with amiable, good-looking
young men. highly educated, healthy
and wholly incapable of earning their
livelihoods. No ingenuity can provide
berths for all of them, but f.cnio might
bu employed as 'cutters-out.' This is
a now profession. The- duties of the
'cutter-out' are few. simple and agree
able. Fie or she lin. merely to make
love and to ride away. Tims, put it
that some oneV daughter. i:ieee, or, it
may he. favorite eou.'in, litis b-eonio
engaged ton man who is not liked or
upproted by Uia family. To resist her
e.hoicr is futile. Opposition merely
ttrmly Wit or u Vouiij- Woman I.nrwrn
III!! Toajiuo " ii Moili'il IVr.
Here is a ntoryof love and courtship,
told by Waller 'lie-ant in the London
(Jucen. There was a young lover who
war, a compound very rare--of high
fans the 11;
a note or .
of the 'S'oetei v I'
lolni'iie ' ! t!.
on' lie is ; r1";
hk. pci-hnp ': it.:-
1 ..:! vi '.
e.p':;'".'! .
the - .1
io:. r-uymtsend
(lie central ollice
'-.i; utilisation of
!.. patch a eutter
ani'.f.onie, agreea-
an honorable a
1 1 is duty may be
, t -lit is to cut out 1
lady's atiianeed lover, to I
ank rnvat abiliHes. with inveot-
iicm. great modesty nrd shyness. Most
noble I n- Is know 1'ieir own value, anil
behave aeenr.lingly. This noble hml,
howdvr. wn.t inodont. He thought
himself . o far -so very far below the
worth of the young lady whom he
loved that he was afraid to speak.
Some women do not understand this
modesty. Delieve me, ladies, 'tis a jo, l, 7, S, !),
sure and certain sign of a noble char- i lota
actor, because only a lofty soul can
conceive the e::i, of a goddess:
we measure other;-., you see, by our
selves. It ! i'.i.o :. : vre i'th of love,
because siieh a ire.n can oHy love a
woman whom he deeply respects. I-Iii-eourage
this modcv.ty. my da tight ersj
above, sill, do not lau'th at it. This
young man. therefore, wi: afraid to
speak, and the delay, which is at lirst,
I am told, pleasing and exciting, be-
Notice is herebv yiven that by au
thority of ordinance No. 202, which
pun-eel (ho Common Council of Dulles
Oitv April 10th, 1807, entitled, "An or
din'iuico to provide for thcalo of certain
lots belonging to U"Ut?s City," I will, on
Saturday, the loth day of May, 1S07,
sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, all the following lots and parts
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
Wasco conntv. Oregon, to-wit:
hots!) and 10 jointly, in block 11 ; lota
7, 8, Oand 10, jointly in block 15; lots
7, 8, 0, and 10, jointly in block 21,
known as butte; lots 10, 11 and 12, in
nlock 27; lot !) in block JH ; lots i,
, ), 10 anil it, in iiiock .to;
I, S, 0. 10, 11 and 12, in block
:;. -i. r. o. 7. 8. n, 10, 11 and
01V12S THE
illy an hour or so ahead of the garbage
out. to be slipped at young men who
have entangled their affections unde
sirably. Lord Algernon is fond of
the rector's daughter, of tlte gardener's
it n 11 1 rl, .... ,lt.K.. !11 t..
1 .....1 l. lr. ntt- .,.,,tn,. "ll'tpllH.! , Wi IWlWJil IWIl Will. ll-
, ..... , ,, ,, 'stead of crying, if you are his lady
and careful in his rounds than the gar-. ..H .
mother, or swearing, if you are the
nage inan. i duke, you send up to the Central depot
By industry wc thrive, n i the line forilreillv eutter-out. mar-
iran to grow monotonous.
make he.' out of with that ilisn- 1 fine u- 1'iov were nlavine- eanls fm
giviable ).'v.m):i, and then to retire j money after the f;: h.ioti'of their gen
gracefully to Mime outlandish part of I eration. The lady won: the loser paid,
the globe. The scheme is pculinrly J "It is." he .aid, "half t- crown. 1
valuable to parents, but anyone may j wish, indeed, it were a crown."
make use of it. Of course there may j "At least," replied the lady, "your
also be and should be. female cut ters- j lordshin can give me a coronet."
And behold a miracle! l'or his
tongue was loosened, and his eyes
glowed nnd his lips spake. They lived
happy, one may add, though it is an
unusual ending to .1 btory, ever afterward.
. :ili: lots
12, in block !!7; lots l. ;i, o. w. n,
0, 10, 11 and 12, in block -12; lota I. 2, !5,
1, f 0, 10 and 11, in block -13; lotn 1. 2,
',, 7', 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lots
1 1, 2. .", 4, o, (i, in block 'it).
The reiifonatue vame oi hu 'im, wr
les3 than which they will iuu i e sold,
hna been lixnl i.nd ihiterininei. i y the
Common Council of Dalies City aa fol
lows, to-wit:
Lots 0 and 10. in block 14, $10; lots
7, 8, !l and 10, jointly in block If), $200;
by industry on a good west end route,
esjjocinlly one which takes in a num
lx?r of boarding houses or hotels, a slop
per can find enough tableware to juiy
the cxiwnses of his tour. Often he
makes a rich find. Very frequently he
has permission to 'slop' tin can from
the owners of the house themselves, for
he tells them he. is on the lookout, for
stray pieces of meat. etc.. which he sells!
to tlioe who have dogs to feed. Some j
stoppers are honest enough to return '
any silverware they may find for the
dog-meat privilege, but. it is a terrible
temptation to many and one they can-'
not or do not. at times withstand."
weeks the rector's daughter, or the
gardener's daughter, is as dinconsolnte
as Calypso, and then the cutter-out
disappears, carrying with her the re
spectful homage of the family whom
she lias rescued."
Do you want vour windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
lirst-class man? If eo. tclephont' Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
'Phone 1 10. al0-tf
Subscribe for Tun Ciikoxiui.r,
went to Portland
Mrs. W. C. Curtis
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter of Denver are!
in the citv visiting his brother, Lewis .
Porter. j
Mr. David Garrison, who lias been ,
very ill of pneumonia, is now able to be ,
out, and called at tin's office this morn-1
inc. ,
Mis? Elizabeth Packard arrived
lnel r,;.l,f' .-.ii.. 1
JUCl 1,1111. C llrtlli HUH! waiviaiju, Will., j
and is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Eshel-;
man. ;
Miss E, Louise Kiddell, who has been '
attending the grand lodge, 1. 0. G. T., '
at Portland for several days, returned on j
the Uogukitor lastevening. i
Mr. aud Mrs. E. Sic'.iel last n' o
in from Priueville, where they have re- ;
sided for several year?, and went to Port
land this morning. The firm ofSiclnl
& Co. is closing out its business in Crook
county and Mr. and Mrs. Siuhel expect
10 remain permanuntly ir: Portland
A Alyaterioufi LlKlit That Ilanjrs
West VlrKinlu Canyon.
An old-time West Virginia wonder I
is iigain ttiusing quite a discussion j
among the reading and thinking peo-!
pie of Wyoming' and adjoining conn- j
ties. The "wonder" referred to is the
mysterious light which has been. known
! since times almost prehistoric as the i
on "Wago Owanhan."
This phenomenal light, says the St.
Louis Uepublie, apjiears to emanate i
Arom a certain spot on the precipitous!
sides of the great. Pat Wess canyon. I
It easts its ghostly sheen across the 1
waters of the river, lighting the sur- I
reundiugs not with a "sickly, pale, '
white light," but with a phosphorescent
glow of suii'eient brightness to make j
the. reading of a newspaper or a book j
possible on the darkest night. Accord- ,
ijg to some investigators of the "Wago
Owanhan" the light docs not, emanat
Ne-r Way to Settle Ounrrel-
After a San Diego man got a divorce
from his wife the other day tie went
home and found her there. She asked
him to sit down to dinner, after which
she asked him how he liked the new ar
raugeinent. "First rate," he replied,
"but I can't understand it." "Oh,
that's all right," she said ; "we can live
this way in contentment. The other
way we quarrel. Now
you retain me as bou
dollars per month
asK.' llus struck thufx-lmaimiwi .. i
ibly, and the bargain was closed on the .
Bpot. The couple have not had a sign of '
trouble since, although they were in hot '
water for thirty-two years, fretting un-;
der the marital yoke. They dare not
quarrel much now, for fear one will ,
leave the other In the lurch. He inuU
have his meals cooked arid she must j
have a place to stay. Together they are I
happy now, and the bargain promises
to last to the end.
Accident at It.-iliur.
j fiom any spot on the canyon's side, but j
hangs out. over the river, like a luminous i
cloud or fcg. This appears to have been j
the ease at the lime when Prof. Tohlure !
nnd Mr. 1. H. Christian -the latter of '
Oceana, W. Va. visited the spot. On I
the 15th and 10th of last February an j
expedition, he.-iled by Mr. Christian,,
again visited the "Wago Owanhan."
Snow was falling rapidly at the time,
and Mr. Christian says that, every flake,
when it readied a height of about 200
feet above the wafer, "would bla::e out
flow fhoat Your
job piifHW
Wc have the facilities for doing all kinds
of . lob Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. AYo not only desire ,o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
(?f7roQile pjblisi?ii7 ?o.
lots 7, 8, Oand 10, jointly in block 21,
$200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot II. in
block 27, $223; lot 12, in block 27, $00;
lot 0, in block !M, $100; lots 2, 'A, 4, 5, 8,
0, 10 and 1 1, in block each respect
ively 100: lots G and 7, in block .'If,,
1,, ii. .l'.-i! Intsi '2. 'A. 4. S. !).
' IA .1 I 1 ! .. l...nt. tll .t.i'tli .ie 11 (irif 1 -till tt
JU mtJ 1 If III UtUUh tW( i-iiuii iipuunMii;
$100; lot 12, in block M, $125; lots !!, 4,
fi. 8, !), 10 and 11, in block :17, each re
spectively $100; lots 0, 7 and 12, in
block :i7, each respectively $12f;
lots 2. 8, 10 and 11, in block
41, ei'di u-spectively $100; lots 1,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively
$125; lots .'i, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in
block 42, each respectively $100; lot s ,
G and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2. !!, 4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 411, eacli lespectivcly $100; lot 1,
in block 43, $125; lots 2. !!, 4 and 5, in
block 415, each respectively $100; lots 1
and 0, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold upon
the lot respectively, and 110110 of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15th
day of May, 1S97, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this Kith day of April, 1807.
Gii.hukt W.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Choice of Transcontinental Roites
TV A-.- -
avxiiiuwapoiis Omaha
St. Paul Kani
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Krnrv Five , fllr "I,U
W. II. IinilMiDiiT, Oen. tm
K.M-NKIIX I'r(ac..t,ul3K'0Bn
For Hale.
Lots A, 15, Kami L, block SO; A H,
block 72; A, 15, C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, 11, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to M. SlI.L'Ki:i,VOItl).
Tho Nmv Time Cam.
Under the now time card, which
into eilect tomorrow, trams will moron
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives nt 0 p. ni., leaves at 0:05 p.m.
No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. m,(de.
parts 1 :20 u. m. '
No. .'!, from Spokane and Ort-at Nortb
ern, arrives 8:30, departs 8:35 a.m.
No. 1, from linker City and Union h
cilie, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. in.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 0:30 p. 111., departs 12:45
p. in.
Passengers for Ileppnor will take train
leaving here 0:05 p. 111.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y,
Tmtii.s Icnvo and ure due to arrive at I'ortlni
IS I'aui.H a WmoIc.
150 I'lipi-rx a Year
ow, then, snppo-e' with (,ilzzliT brightness" nnd remain ,
sekeeper? Tweniv ! ,"n,,,!ou. "nt h
, , , , ,. ' A scientific investigation of tho phe
and board is all 1 , ll0InciI0n w, ,H Iia7,u
-riE.U.KHS IN-
H. L. Lincoln, one of the
Colonial AmcrleaiiH Wn Kurly
Their lIoineH in C'unmlu.
Jfany loyalist particularly from
New Kngland, hail lied to Nova Scotia
before the close of the war, emd settled
cn the spot where the city of St. John
now stands. This gave one objective
point, at any rate, ways .Maemillan's
-Ma.gazine, to the. much larger band of
exiles who at, the peace were forced to
week new homes nt. short notice; and
in a single year the new settlements
grew to some l.'J.OOO souls. .Men of all
classes flocked there, ollicers and sol-
gricultural - Implements.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
i.a uramie , ,ii,.. ,.i-..m ,,,,,1 1,,.... r ., " 1 i 1 .1 T-vi TT 3
mnninK team, met with a serlou, aec ! , , o V 'Z ' r tJltJ UrfettfJU JTlfclULU XltJfeiaer.
dent about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Willi his team he was practicing on the
track, the team beinu' tangled tip at
the start. off, and .Mr. Lincoln was
thrown to the uround, the cart passing
over him. Ills left ear was nearly sev-
ered and his nose was broken. lie
I naturally much above the average of
ordinary emigrants, both in diameter,
, education and intelligence; but all, or
mirly all, were equally destitute and
, forced to begin the battle of life a fresh.
! A year later New Urunswiek wns .sep
I arated from Nova Seotia. endowed with
1 us
It elands first ainone; ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low-
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of thu Union and foreign conn
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairnesB of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, ami anions
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all tho
lateat fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Coiihh Iloylc, .litromi) K. .luriima,
Httinl.ty WoyiiiHii, Mnry K. WUUIiih
Anthony llopn, ltrt llartc,
lliiuiilur .lIultlmwH, Ktc.
Wo ofler this tinequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-n Week Chronicle to
gether 0110 year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
, S. SciIh.NK,
II. Jl.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
.,. 1 ..!...! I , . . . ' " ..Willi
i..inui.i uuu curgiciii namis, ami 11 is , capitol moved
hoped by all the firemen that the iniu- Prederieton.
ries will be so carefully attended to that ! The first council included many well-
assembly, ami the , 1,1 a t yjrriMxm .cj'rRiiiri-
t) the oreftent sit., ntJJlK" ''---' a ,
the La Grande team will not bo lianili
capped in tho races by the absence of
t one of its best men. Democrat.
Jleitliit Cannot tin Uurcil
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
nnd that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is causpd by an Inflamed con
ditlou of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
mimed you have ti rumbling sound or
Miown .New Kni'land mimes, .such as
Putnam, Winslow, Allen aud Wlllard.l
Ir iiif.liifUi.l .. 1..,..
-, Him, ti mu-. jiiiigc 01 tne
Hiipreme court, of New York, another
iiistingiiisiieil lawyer of tlmi. minnv 1
tind several oflieers of the loyal regi
menLs. Floth the New York and the
Virginia branch of the Hobinsons, oim
of the wealthiest and most influential
families in colonial America, were here
represented, and to this day are, conspic
uous in upper Canada.
Subscribe for Tun Chiioniuu:.
Fit-st national Bank.
A Ueneral Hanking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Now York, San Francisco and -Portland.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Suhisnuk.
En. M. Wiu.iAMB, Gko. A, Liicuk.
H. M. Bkat.i.,
Harry Liebe,
Opj). A. M. Williams'ifc Co.,
All work promptly attended to,
ud warranted.
'(i:Ul 1. M.
s::;ii A. Jl.
i:::;o A. M.
ire!!, Siilcm, Hose-1
1)11 1 K. Aslilaml, Sill'-1
1 L...... I
J llllUUIllll, VH'll-li,"1! K
) KraiioiM'o, Mojnvc, (
I New urlenns mid I
IKiist J
ltoeburK anil way tn
tiiius ... . .
fVIii Wooilburii fori
I Mt.AiiKel, Stlverton,
We.t sclo, llmwns-
(.Niitruii . J
W) P.M
JCorvallls mid way) K 5:53 VX
(Stlltllllll . I ,.,,
IMeMliiiivIllu nnd ItSrJiP.M
Daily. fDniiy, exixpt Sunday.
AND riKCOND-CLASft 8I.KEPIK0 CABS to all Through Trains.
Direct eiiiiiiectloii at Mill Knincltco wjt-
ilental mul Oriental anil 1'nctllc wail tlemm
Hues for .1 AI'AN anil CHINA. SalUn? W 01
111 plication. , , ..r.
Hates mul tlcketn to Kastcru points Mt"
roiie. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HO.NOLUIL ml
Al'BTI'.AUA, can bo obtiiluiil from ,
.1, II. KIKKI.AND.TiclietApnt
Through Ticket OllicT-.liil Third tnt,rt
through tickew to all points In the i W
BMte.s, Cauailu and Kurope can beoWaWW
lowearatcrom kikkmnI)i t
All above traliiN arrlvo at and
OranU Central Station, fifth and ItviM! -
I'lUbcnger DejHit, foot of Jederbonsint-
Iavo for OSWKtiO. dally, o!
(11111I lI::;o p. 111. on Saturday only, and
ami a:;:a p. 111. on HfiYl "V ,''mn41
i'ortlaml aally at 7:10nidS:a m;. a j
l:ID, 0:35 unci 7:Ki . 111.1 (andlOtt-iM1'' .
0: 10 p. in. on Sundays only).
Invo lor Shcriclali, wcuk days, 1:30 f'
Arrlvo nt I'ortlaml.'J::'".
U-ave for AIltl.IK on Moiidny, JggSfJft.
ri.,..,. ..t n.Hi,, m Arrlvo nt I'oriuiwi
dav, ThurMlay ami Saturday at i.wt-
Kxcopt Sunday.
Arrlvo nt
urday at 0
K.vccpt featardny.
v I'. BO0EB3(
AMI. 0.1'.
n 11
iir J k
s, moid m in
1 IllllUUil U) itJC'"
and Crobs Hoilowii.
..iiirul.AW. Al""""
Stage, leave Tl.o UaUej J.VClMlS I
1I17U, III.. icib'J iwi ', , irhuy. vmSSfut
sionnay, wincu '"'.T.iuevll c, '"'iw
inuilo at Antelopo (or "v j, , 1nattl'' ,
points beyond. lo,r iS lwU. :
ballon with railways, trains VtW,St
.Ih'vn. hiiiVd cy and baturua
. UK.
WiilU'N to DchChllU's
do mow..
do UrawValle)
Hf) Siihlioi,-. '
Antelopo to CroMllo"0""
ao '.,;,''.
do Morn, .,.
do DcoliiiWi( .
do Dalles ,
11 H '
lH '
lit 1