The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1897, Image 1

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    (Tl)c Dalles
NO 121)
vkk hb SBBS
3urderer Still in the Shad
ow of the Gallows.
If Hi) Ieclds tlio Execution Would t
I.ttKiil It Miiy Take 1'lnvc on
Next Friday.
San Fuancisco, June !). It would be
a difficult mutter to conceive u case
more complex than that of Theodore
Durrant, the condemned murderer of
Blanche Lamont. Hia attorneys wholly
rely upon hia application for a writ of
habeas corpus which they hope to mnke
to the supremo court of the United
States in August.
The fact that the circuit court of ap
peal, while denying tho writ, asked for
last week allowed the appeal, lias been
construed as negativing the decree of
death of tho statu court for the present,
but the attorney-general is in doubt,
and although lie has had several con-
fcrences with Warden Hale, of San
Ouentin prison, within the past few
days, lias not rendered a decision.
Dnrrant's attorneys c'aim that should
Warden Hale proceed with the execu
tion of their client Friday, he would be
guilty of "legal" murder. Attorney
General Fitzwnild entertains no such
view of the matter, but whether or not
he would be justified in ordering that
the law take its course is a problem
which has not yet been solved. Should
he decide to do so Dnrrant's attorneys
would be compelled to have recourse to
an application for an injunction to the
federal courts. If this were denied a,
new problem would bo offered, inas
much as the action itself would be
an indirect admonition to the warden to
proceed with the execution.
It is argued that Warden Hale should
persist in hanging Durrant on Friday
the supreme court would be called upon
to pass on a "moot" case, but that offi
cial sayB that he has not yet decided
what he will do. Another conference
between the warden and the attorney
general will be held today, when it is
expected that some conclusion will be
Sew York I.iul Accidentally Shot Bin
Nkw Yoiik, June 9. The sons of Clar
ence L. Nelson, secretary of the Newark
Gas Company, fought a duel in play at
their home, and as a result one of the
boys is dying from a bullet wound in bis
left breast.
The boys, Clarence, aged 16, and Ber
tram, 14, decided to prepare in part for
tho celebration on July 4th, and went
to their rooms to clean and oil the two
revolvers which had been given them for
use on the holiday. Thoy laid the wea
pons aside again shortly, and when they
picked them up to replace them in the
box Bertram said to his elder brother,
"Let's fight a duel."
Clarence was delighted with the novel
suggestion, and the lads, standing back
to back with tho revolvers bv their sides,
waited until Bertram counted "three,"
and then gravely took four puces in op
posite directions.
'"Bout face!" called Clarence, and
the brothers turned on their heels, wea
pons extended, and, smiling at each
other as they squinted along the glisten
ing barrels. Both barrels fell and from
the muzzle of Clarence's weapon' shot u
little line of fire. There was a report,
and Bertram, clutching his chest, fell
forward on the floor. Clarence was
frightened, and ran screaming down the
Not Idle Talk.
if Pfafler's German Heaflacbe Powders
M. Z. DONNELh, Pruggittt, will give
your money back, -oc pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
"Happy Thought" Salve.
50c in screw top glass jars,
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated tor 1th great leavening strength nud
heiilthfulncss. Assures tho food DRiilnst iilum
mid nil lonns of ndultcrttcion common to the
cheni brands.
Koyai. 1Sai;in; I'owdkr Co. New Yoiik.
stairs and the members of the family
went to the boys' playroom.
A physician was called, and found
that the bullet had entered Bertram's
breast, penetrating the lung. He said
the wound was fatal.
Client Itrltnln Opposed to Turkish Re
tention of TlieMiiuly.
Constantinople, June 9. It is re
ported that strong pressure will be
needed to overcome the resistance of
Turkey to the retrocessions of Thessaly.
Reports that Great Britain is opposing,
on religious grounds, Turkish retention
of Thessaly, are being circulated here
with a view to exciting Mussulman fa
The powers contend that, as they
guarantee tho integrity of Turkey the
latter must respect the integrity of
others. In a memorandum submitted
to the Turkish government, the powers
propose that the crests of mountains on
Greek frontier be occupied by Turkish
instead of Greek troops and also that-
the indemnity be in proportion to the
resources of Greece. It is further pro
posed to modify the capitulations, or
special privileges enjoyed by Greek sub
jects in Turkey, with a view to abolish
ing certain abuses which have been the
subject of complaint upon the part of
the Turks. The two latter questions
will be entrusted to a commission of ex
perts and the limiting of the frontier
will be executed by an international
military commission.
Cretuns to Hold a Conference.
Canua, June 9. The Cretan delegates
will meet at Arrayro in order to discuss
the proposed autonomous form of gov
ernment for the island. Delegates from
the western districts of Crete are willing
to accept autonomy if the Turkish troops
I'rotesU Against It to Ite Made to
Unropcuu Governments.
Washington. June 8 The adminis
tration has outlined an important policy
to end, if possible, the controversies be
tween Hub government and Great
Britain, Germany and Belgium, regard
ing the exclusion of American cattle and
dressed beef.
Tins policy contemplates the submis
sion of an earnest joint protest by the
diplomatic representatives of the United
States at London, Berlin, Paris and
Brussels, aiming at the revocation of
the discriminatory regulations which
these nations have imposed on Ameri- J
ican cattle and beef. Before their de-!
partnre to their respective posts, Am-!
hBsaadnrs Hav. Porter and White re- j
ceived instructions to confer with each
other and with Bellamy Storr, the new
minister to Brussels, for the purpose of
Hiking action in the matter.
Mr. Storr was at the state department
yesterday receiving his final instructions
"before he sails on Wednesday next for
his post in Belgium. Mr. Storr's in
structions contemplate the recommence
ment of negotiations with the Belgian
government, with a view to securing a
removal of restrictions now imposed up
on American cattle and beef.
In case the protests made by the four
diplomats named are not effective, re
taliatory measures may be adopted by
the United States in the cases of all the
governments named.
w .Ail Hoe Cake eoap. Pease A
Her Effort to ItlufT the Hnnnllnus MTn
ii Total Fallurr.
San FiiANci.sco, Juno 9. Advices have
just been received from Honolulu per
steamship Australia to the effect that
the Japanese minister, Shimamura, has
changed his attitude to some extent
since the last advices from the Hawaiian
capital. After the departure of the
steamship Peru several conferences were
held between Ministers Cooper and
Shimamura, with the result that the
Japanese representative made proposals
of a much more reasonable nature than
those which were lirst offered.
Originally Japan demanded an in
demnity for the total number of immi
grants turned away from the islands.
Now, however, it is understood that she
is willing to accept damages in such
cases where the immigrant was illegally
rejected. This proposition the Hawai
ian government will accept. The origin
al demand was for 320 GO yen for each
man refused a lauding.
The Hawaiian government admits
that among a thousand or more immi
grants a few errors may have been made,
and ii any such appear upon a thorough
investigation, expresses readiness to pay
for such mistakes upon the part of its
At the instance of K. P. Rithet, a
wealthy shipowner of San Francisco, the
sugar planters of the island republic are
considering several propositions tending
toward independent action, and throw
ing off the yoke of the sugar trust. One.
is understood to be the establishment of
a retinery at Vancouver, B. C, in case the
reciprocity troaty is abrogated.
The Canadian governmeut is willing
to grant a concession to Hawaii in re
turn for business, and the Canadian Pa
cific road will furnish special terms for
transportation to the Atlantic seaboard,
should the scheme be carried out.
In any event, however, the planters
are resolved to fight the trust, and
should the treaty not be interfered with
it is proposed to ship all sugar raised in
Hawaii to New York or Philadelphia.
If tli Hawaiian output is shipped, round
the Horn, the large Bailing fleet now ply
ing between the islands and San Fran
cisco will be withdrawn and an oppo
sition lineol steamers, backed by flawai
inns, substituted.
It is understood that the cause of the
trouble between the planters and the
Spreckels' comblue is the increase rate
demanded by the latter for hualing Ha
waiian sugar, namely, of a cent per
The Hawaiian government has refused
to renew the exclusive crble contract
with Z. S. Spalding, expiring tho 1st of
May. It is now said they will contract
with the first company making a legiti
mate offer.
KtandH at tint llrud.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Sall'ord, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is atl that is claimed for it; it
never fails, and is u sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs, und Colds, I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at the head. It
ne?er disappoints. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Fatal MluuliiK Accident.
Pi:onu, III., June 8. Onno Kilts, a
miner, was instantly killed in an expo
sition at Shell's coal mine, three miles
south of this city, and William Peiper,
a companion luborer, was seriously in
jured. While at work a mile from the
mouth ot the mine they set a blast and
returned to the room just aB the explo
sion occured. An immense pile of stone,
coal and earth wan hurled against them.
Peiper crawled a mile on his hands and
knees and notified those on the outside
of the accident. Eiltn was aged 44. and
leaves a widow and six children.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy by reading what it baa done for
others, and having tested its merits for
themselves are today its warmest friends.
For f'ulu by Blakeley & Houghton.
The merchant who tells you he has
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from, a23m
Summer Wash
For the week
Just Opened. New Styles in Capes,
THE LATEST GOLF, in White Duck, Kussiu Crash or Leather.
THE NEW SAILOK, for Misses and Children plain and trim
med in Ox-blood, Green and Chocolate. Call and seo them.
Tim New Time Curd.
The 0. H. & N. has made another
chauge in its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It is as follows: No. 1,
west-bound, arrives !i:55 a. in. and de
parts at 4 ; No. 3, west-bound, arrives
8:25, departs 8:1(0; No. 2, east-bound,
arrives t a. in., departs 1:03; No. 4,
east-bound, arrives 5:55 evening, de
parts at C. All trains except No. 4 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of Hi for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days'
limit, has been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are aleo good going
Saturday and returning Monday.
The company has aleo made the very
low rate of f first-class and $2.60 sec-ond-claEs
from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
meals. jl-2w-d.iw
liuckitm'o atuh: Halve.
The bast salve in the world for cutu,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piies, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents
per lox. For sale by Blakeley und
Houghton, urunniste.
tiary Jlf.OOO i'OISON I
1'rluiarr. Nm
r DCrinarjenrf
cured In lb toS5 days. You can bo treated at
bonjeforeawoprJcounUcraanioicuarau 1
ty. Uyou prefer tocoraehcrowuwllicoa I
tract to nay railroad f ureand hotel bllli.nrut 1
nocbanre, If wo full to euro. If you have taken fner I
cury, Iodide notaxli, and (till tiavo aches and
pslnn, Mucoui l'utclieg in mouth, Wore Throat, i
1 iiuplc. Copper Colored WpoU, Ulccra on
any part of the body, Hulr orKjrebriiWH TulUna?
out, It la this Secondary liLUOl) fOIhoft ,
we guarantee to cure. Woaollclttuomont oltitW '
uate cunca ana cnuueutro mo woriu lor
catena cannot cure. Tlila disease baialwara
battled the skill of the moat eminent nli vl.
clanj. SOO,OOQ capital behind our uncondW
llonal guaranty
proof aent aealed as
reu t'OU
nrnf.ui VWm
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby Klveu that the County Court
of tuo Mute of oreKon for Wutco C' uuty, by uu
order datel the .'id day of April. JSU7. duly up
pointed the umleihlKiied udinlrihtrutor of tho
estate of Andrew V, AiidtTboii, deceased. All
peihoiiii hiiviiiK claimH UKuliut uld etntu arc
hereby rcfiilicd to present tho hume. projivrly
verified, to the uuderidKued ut I'rcnch it Co.'n
bunk in JMlli- City, Oregon, wilhlu kU iiioiiIIib
from thoil'itu hereof.
Dalle (il . Oreiron. Muv 10. lh'JT.
Itettin maa llliitil. ttlcedinf mi Proiruillii PH.. .1.
IfWftl timtt Ui
S,tlWli Tumor.. A Lemlrt 7e. TOcui.x rn
ft. Ufuuil.utuia. K.iMNtAMKV. 11
DIMITIE8 cool and crisp, rich and
DIMlfriOS worth me and 1 5c por
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmiuim
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOH FlOUT 'n'8 'our 19 manufactured expressly for family
UV'A every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower thun any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices und bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We Carry a fun line of
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
175 Second Street.
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
See window
The Dal let, Oregon