The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 09, 1897, Image 1

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    l)c Katies
fggg Chromck
NO l'J8
Japan Seeking Trouble With
Tiidc Sam.
The Steamer City of Kverett dinnered
by the Government to Curry Pond
to I nil In, Hil Ik Siiturdny.
London, Juno 8. St. James Gazette
this afternoon commenting upon the
dispute between Japan and Hawaii,
which it describes ae a corrupt little re
public, run by a handful of American
filibusters, says:
"As Hawaii has no resisting power the
question arises, win me united states
government see its protege through its
trouble? The Japanese may land an
a m
armed party at any moment, men
what will the 1'hiladelphiu do? Japan
siuce she smashed the Chinese is be
lieved to be spoiling for a light with a
.uifni ntwl oltn mnt' fi ti rl A tttfirlnn
ready to oblige her sooner than she ex
pects." Insnnu Womitii'H Awful Crime.
Jerry Holconib, the young wife of a
West Franklin, I'ofpv county, fanner,
sacrificed her 4-year-old daughter w hile
laboring under the hallucination that
the Lord commanded her to do so.
She had been regarded as partly in
sane for a year, but was never regarded
as dangerous. On Sunday while the
husband was absent, she took her daugh
ter into the bedroom, and after a few
moments walked into the kitchen with
her child's head in her bands and ex
hibited it to the cook. The latter fled
in terror. When Holcomb arrived his
wife was bound with cords.
A butcher knife as sharp as a razor
was found concealed in her dress. The
child's head was severed from the body
just above the shoulders.
food for Starving Hindoos.
San Fkanoihco, June 8. The City of
Everett, chartered by the government
to carry food to the starving Hindoos,
will sail for Calcutta June 12th from
this city.
The cargo will consist almost entirely
of corn contributed by people of Illinoie,
Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, under the
leadership of the Christian Herald of
New York. On reactiing Calcutta, the
grain will be sent immediately to the
American missionaries, and will be dis
tributed by them directly to the starv
ing people.
A Cemetery In the Heart or New York.
New Yorii, June 8. A human skele
ton and bushels of bones were found by
workmen who were excavating for the
foundation of Astor'e 30-story building
on the site of the structure at Broadway
and Rector street, in which Jay Gould
and Russell Sage used to have their
At fir3t the workmen thought they
had discovered a clew to some great
crime, but a bystander declared it was
only the overflow from Trinity church
yard, which embraced what Is now
Rector street and the land south for
moral hundred feet, while to the west
t ran down to the North river in a
splendid lawn-like park.
These bones, he declared, may have
been those of Illustrious New Yorkers,
for some of the first families of Trinity
parish who had been interred there were
evidently overlooked when tho contents
of the southern portion of the church
yard were taken up to make room for
Rector street and the pavements.
The skeleton found today lay facing
Not Idle Talk.
if Pfnfler's German Headache Powders
M. Z. DONNKLL, Druggist, will give
your money buck. 20c pkg.
Same proposition on the Skin Cure,
"Happy Thought" Salve.
50c in serow top glass jars.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great lPnvcnitiR strength mul
healthfulncss. Assures the food ngnltiit nlnm
mid nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
the east, fully six feet below the oldest
foundation stones of the old building.
It was below the sewers of Broaday, and
lower than the private vaults of old
Trinity, noc fifty feet awav.
Efli'ds ol tbo Stove Arc Upcoming Fnr
lsvuchinc. Omaha, June 8. Results of the open
ing of the Ogden gatoway and of the dis
ruption between the Union Pacific and
the Oregon Short Line are appearing in
railway circles almost dailv. One of the
latest and most important is the report
ed purchase and completion of the Salt
Luke & Ogden railway by the Union
Pacific and the Southern Pacific jointly.
TheSaltLake &. Ogden railway is huil
and in operation over 20 miles, beging
ing at Ogden, to Fairmount, 17 miles
north of Suit Lake.
It is rumored that the Union Paicfic and
the Southern Pacific are negotiating for
the purchase of the Salt Like & Ogden
railway. When acquired the railway
will be built through to S.ilt Lake, and
the "overland route" will have a line
into the Utah capital independent of the
Oregon Short Line.
jHalier In Hearty.
New Yor.ic, June 8. Peter Maher, the
Irish champion, is ready for the sound
of the gong on Wednesday. The Galway
cycle has run and romped about the
Westchester hills for seven weeks, and
he feels that he has become sufficiently
robust to withstand the onslaughts of
Sharkey. The tall Irishman is bright of
eye, clear skinned, flexible of muscle
and light footed as an antelope. His
training exhibits have not only wrought
this desirable change in bis physical
condition, but his large stafl" of trainers
have become hollow-eyed and thin-fuced
in their efforts to keep pace with the
Herculean boxer.
Road work has been the principal fea
ture of Maher's training. Every morn
ing shortly after breakfast he has
started on a jaunt of fourteen to sixteen
Sharkey also announces himself in
perfect condition.
The Work of Ghouls.
Indianapolis, June 8. The discovery
has been made by a farmer that Lick
Creek cemetery, five miles southeast of
here, has been almost emptied recently
of buried bodies. At least 50 bodies
have been taken.
The farmer saw lying near a new grave
the shroud in which a body had been
lmried. Today a number of graves were
opened and in eight out of ten the bodies
hud been stolen, and in three tlie coinn,
clothing and all were missing. Kvery
one who has a friend buried is preparing
to open the grave.
ThR merchant who tells you he has
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from, a-J-om
How many
Schillings Best tea tickets can
yon save up before June 15th ?
Don't you want one of those
$ioo's offered besides the bi
pne t
Rules of contest ate published In our larg
advertisement about the first and middle o
each inon'Ii.
Peril of the .Situation by No Mean
New YoKK.June S. A ppeeial to the
Herald from Madrid says:
The whole country is stupefied by the
extraordinary solution of the crisis.
The liberal feelinc is violent ngainet
Senor Sagasta. The majority of the
liberals call him a traitor, accusing him
of secretly refusing the queen's request
to accept, office. Great excitement pre
vails. The peril of the situation, so far
from being abated bv the conservatives
continuing in office i3 considered us only
just beglning.
Trtuan 31 ut Kriiittln.
Madiiii), June S. The Epocu, the of
ficial organ, says it does not deny the
possibility of changes in the cabinet,
adding, however, that it is impossible
j for the Duke of Tetuan, minister for
' foreign affairs, to resign in view of tho
position of the negotiations between
Spain and the United States.
Some Pet Fancies or Horrors of Prominent
People of Both Hemispheres.
Most men ure ashamed of their su
perstitions, because they hate to be
laughed at, j'et we have known many
to make fun of the weaknesses of othei s
merely to keep their own courage up,
says the New York Press. Nearly till
of the greatest men in history were
the victims of a silly superstition.
Marshal Saxe, who met. and overthrew
armies, fled at tho sight of a cat. Fe'cr
the Great dared not cross ei bridge. Dr.
Johnson would not enter tiny dooi or
passage with his left foot first. Cnct-ar
was thrown into convulsions by the
sound of thunder. Queen Elizabeth
could not bear to hear the name of
Mary of Scotland mentioned. The word
"death," or its French equi -alent, would
so disconcert Talleyrand as to unfit
him for all business. If n hare crossed
Montaigne's path be was miserable, for
a month, imagining all sorts of hor
rors. Voltaire, the fearless mocker,
shook with alarm on hearing rocks
cawing on his left. Rousscnu looked
tinder bus bed every night before retir
ing. Lord IJryon succumbed before the
weakest prejudice and was a victim of
nil the petty superstitions of bis day.
Andrew Jackson cut off the tails of
his hounds and buried them under tho
doorstep, believing this to bo n
means of keeping the pack from wan
dering away. Wnslungton would make
a wish and bow nine times to the new
moon. Garfield, who looked in a g'asw
nil day, dared not come face to face
with one in the-dark. Wo might go on
and name hundreds of similar cases.
Great and small, old and young, weak
and strong all hove their supersti
Host Wonderful Lair Presented Before
the New Zealand House.
The New Zealand house of rep
sentatives has been doing some wonder
ful things, and its lutest achievement is
a bill for a statutory half holiday for
domestic servants, which has already re
ceived its second reading. According
to this proposal, every mistress is bound
to turn her servants out of her house
from three p. m. until ten p. m. one
day iu every week. If the servant is
found employed at her ordinary work
during the statutory half holiday, the
mistress will be 'liable to a penalty of
$25. If the servants return to their
homes for food during the time men
tioned, the mistress must wait on them
or be mulcted to the same tune, but we
take it, says the Westminster Gazette,
that the mistress hns a legal right to
refuse admittance. The result will be
that a largo number of the servants
in tho town, being country girls with
out friends, will be driven to parade the
streets for tliese six hours of compul
sory holiday. The humorous complete
ness of this proposal will, we are afraid,
be fatal to its chnnces of becoming law.
A prominent lady politician has al
ready avowed her preference for a
statutory half holiday for overworked
mothers of large families who have no
servants. Tho husbnnd will then be
compelled to remain at home und mind j
his liouse in the absence of hm wife.
A I.euKtliy Courtship.
A courtship remarlcable for its length
is that of Abrain Maris, ji;red CO years,
and Miss Sarah 13. Will buns, aged 57
years, and the Keeno Is Damascus, a
quaint little Quaker village of Ken
tucky. Both bride and groom r0
among the wealthiest members of tho
Society of Friends in. that Btate, and
for 40 years met each Mwr on Sunday
at. the old brick church in their quaint
village. The attachment between them
began wlien Mlas Williams wan a rosy
checked girl of 17, but tbo only love
makiug was a smile and a minute's con
versation at the church door once a
week, year iu and year out.
New Arrivals
Plain; leather covered buckle .. each 2uc
Grain Leather; leather covered buckle each 50c
FANS FANS FANS. New and Breezy Japanese Fens.
Plain Colored Slicks, new colorings and designs; 9 and 12 inches . . . each One
Plain Pamboo Sticks, new colorings, fancy cord finish; 9 inch . .. each 08c
Plain .Bamboo Sticks, large assortment, fancy cord and tassel; 12 inch each 10-1 tie
Decorated Bamboo Sticks, new designs, cord ami tassel; 9 inch each 2oc
And others loo numerous to mention.
New Art Denims, 30 inches wide; new colorings, late designs 30c yard
Japanese Art Draperies, 30 inches wide; now colorings, late designs 20c yard
Newest Tapestry, 54 inches wide; Ivoman stripes, tinsel ellects; very rich. ...90c yard
Tapestry Portieres, 3 yards long; now and popular, latest ellects ...$3.25 pair
Tapestry Portieres, 3?, yards long; new and popular, latest ellects .. .... 3.75 pair
Men.s Black Alpaca Coats, superior finish $1.50 ami $2.25 each
Extra good quality, in sizes for stout men 2.'I5 each
Men's Grey Alpaca Coat and Vest $3.00
Men's Cadet or Navy Blue Flannel Coats; skeleton lined, patch pockets, one
inside pocket; all sizes $2.95 each
Men's White Duck Trousers; superior make, lined waist., straps for belt, clean
finish $ 1.50 pair
Men's Linen Dusters $1.25, $1.50 and $2.25
The New Time Curd.
The O. It. & N. has made another
change in its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It is as follows : No. 1,
west-bound, arrives ii:55 a. m. and de
parts at 4; No. '.), west-bound, arrive?
8:25, departs 8:110; No. east-bound,
arrives! a. ni., departs 1:05; No. -1,
eaet-bound, arrives .r:55 eveninjr, de
parts at (i. All trains except No. 4 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
rune via Walla Walla.
A epecial rate of $'.) for round trip
tickets to Portland, with two days
limit, hits been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are also good Koinif
Saturday and returning Monday.
The company has aleo made the very
low rate of flret-clitts and $2.50 sec
ond-class from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
Mucklon'n Ariue Halve.
The best salve In the world for cute.
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Ulakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
tlarjr lll.OOO l'OISON permanently
cured In 16 to 85 day.. You can ba treated at
homoforearue price under enmoKUurua
ty. If you prefer tocomo licro wo will coo
tract to par railroad f ureand hotel bllltnd
Bocbarm, If we full to euro. I f you buye taken mer-
cury, iodide itotauh, and etlll have achea aud
calm. Ml
Jt'iuaples, Copper Colored Hpota. Ulcer oo
aiaa, juucoui i-uicm-H in n.oum, nore i uroitt.
any part ox tno body, J I air or Kye Drown rulllng
out, It to tula Sccoudury Itf.OOU I'OJBON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the rnont ob.ti
nate casea sod cliallouco the world for a
caae weeanootcure. 'flits dlsouo baa alwayi
batted the aklll of the moat etulneut pliy.l
Clan. 000,000 capital behind our uncondW
tlonal guaranty. Abaol u te proofs aont aealed oa
Administrator's Notice.
Notice id hereby given that the County Court
of tho btatu of OrcKon for Wuhco Cfiinty, by an
order dutol thuiid day of April. 1W7. duly ap
pointed the uucjeifclgncd admluutrutor of the
estate of Aii'trow V. AnUerkon, deceived. Ml
TietMHiH Imvlnj: ulatinti ugulimt nuld tktuto ure
hereby retailed to prebent the mine. prorly
verl lied, tn tho uiuIerklKilcd lit French Ai Co.rK
bank In l)W City, Ouicon, wlthlu Mx month
from the Unto heieof.
Ualle City, Orcgou, Muv J'j, 18U7.
my-JMI . C, JIOSiTK f I.Kit,
int. KUHtrb. luituir.. A M.iui'ure. i:ircui.r. ui rret. IV!
tw. PiuUUutr mall. UU. UitUAHIiV, I'aUa fa.
DR. BO-SAN-KO'S ILI NIMIOV. suo, u.i,.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, m?!!
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
-vy FlOllI ''''8 '0,,r 18 manufactured expressly for family
UV'AA ,1HU. every eack is u un ran teed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, und if you don't think so
call and get our prices aud be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We Carry afunimeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
175 Second Street,
Country and Mai! Orders will receive prompt attention,
The Dalles. Oregon