Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle, tiik OAi.r.Ks, OKKGOX Advertising ltiitn. I'cr inch One iiirh or less In Daily 1W Over two Inches and under four inches. 1 IX) Over four Incite nnil under twelve Inches To Over twelve Inches CO DAILY AND WKKKf.Y. One inch or less, per Inch Over one inch nnil under four Inches. Over four Incite. mid under twelve Inches Over twelve inches J 60 J 00 1 r.0 1 00 I'lJIIHONA I, M KNTION. Miss F.dna Harnett returned from Hood River hut nipht. Mrs. Ilullett A vend is in the city, the guest of iter friend, Mrs. V. I.. Brad ehaw. Hev. .1. II. Wood went to Hoed River today to conduct the funeral service of Mrs." Chris Nickelsen. Mr. Rotter Sinnott left for J5aker City this moraine to attend the tournament, beginning there tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. V. T. Miriele of Loim Creek are visiting with Dr. Belle C. Rinehart. Tlte doctor and his wife are on their way to Portland to attend the Medical Association. Mrs. Anna Urquhart left on the Reg ulator this morning for Portland. From that point she will s:o hy way of the Northern Pacific, to Canada, where she will visit ner parents. Tim New Tirnx-Uaril. The 0. R. it N. has made another change in its time table, which went into effect .1 une 1st. It is as follows: No. 1, west-bound, arrives 15:55 a. in. and de parts at 4; No. o, west-hound, arrives 8:25, departs S:o0; No. L east-bound, arrives 1 a. m., departs 1:05; No. -1, east-bound, arrives 5:35 evening, de parts at G. All trains except No. 4 stop at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now runs via Walla Walla. A special rate of Hi for round trip tickets to Portland, with two days' limit, has been made, going into effect today. These tickets are also ?ood goinu Saturday and returning Monday. The company has also made the very low rate of f" first-Class and .f'J.50 sec-ond-claia from Portland to San Fran cisco, which rate includes berth and meals. jl-LNv-d.tw Contractor anil Carpenter, Tako Notice. The respective officers of the Lutheran chuicli are now ready to receive bids for the btiildinv: of their new church. The plans are complete and are on tile at the store of L. Rorden A Co. Responsible contractors are herewith requested to bid on the miiling of this church. The bids will be received and opened on Tuesday, June 15th, at S p. m., in the loner south room of the brick school house on Court street, and no bids will bt- leonived after that hour. Contrac tors desiring to take possession of these plan- lor a day or two are requested to do this at once, as they may not have an opportunity to do so later. J!uv. L. Gkkv, j j4-Ut Chairman Building Com. J Only One Standard You and we may differ as to money stind.irds and out of our very differences good may come. But we won't differ as to the merits of one standard emulsion of cod liver oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION has won and held its way for nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until to-day it is al most as much the standard in all cases of lung trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fev rs. Differ on the money ques tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your druggist sells Scott's Emulsion, Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00 SCOTT & HOWNli, New York. I NO AUTOGRAPHS FOR HER. J-lou; fibout Your JOB piTW Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job TVmting, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "Wo not only desire ',o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Lot us have your next order. tyroile publist?ip ?o. Servant Girl Hud No Use for the Check Slip Itccelveil. t A certain family, whope home is in the suburbs of London, have in their employ, sfiys Amusing- Journal, a cook, whose ways are invariably so methodical and her cooldnfj.so near per fection that, were she to leave her pres ent home, one-half of the mistresses in the district would be eager to secure her services. Never by any chance has ' dinner ltoen late at the Myrtle villa, or ' the joint under or overdone, neither has 1 any policeman crossed it.s threshold. But, treasure that she is, she came near j to making a change of residence at the I close of her very first month's stay. ' On the morning of tlte day upon which her wages became due, her mis- I trass requested her to step into the study, where her master was waiting to pay her. In a few moments, she rushed from the study to the kitchen, where she had left her mistress, and in less time than it kikes to narrate had , given that astonished lady notice. "But whatever is the matter, Mary?" inquired her mistress. "What has your master said or done to annov you?" "lie hasn't said nuthin'," replied 1 Mary, as she Nourished a check in her mistress tace, hut ie on given me RA6T SE()OX D STREET, ain't no orty graph collector, I ain't." c. w. PHELPS & CO. -UKALKItS IN- Agricultural Implements. Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. THE DALLES, OR REPRODUCED IN OREGON. l).atn- Cannot ))) Cured by local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There iponly one way to cure deafness, anil that is bv constitutional remedies. Drafuess i? caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous linini: of the Eus tachian Tu he. When this tube is in fluiieil you have a rumbling sound or iinprfnet hearing, ami when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine ciisjs out of ten are caused J, by catarrh, which is nothing but an in-1 flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. 1 We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cat-e of Deafness (caused, by catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulare; free. F. .1. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. 22?" Sold by Druggists, 7oe. (M0 The Rett Sea -Miracle Often Seen In Link J Itiver. J It is a well-known fact that at cer- tain times of Ihe year Link river, si j stream a mile and aquarler long, which connects the great water systems above and below this point, becomes almost dry, says the Klamath Falls Express.. This state of affairs, however, lasts, a i a rule, but a. few hours, during which time people hau been known to walk j across the river, 300 feet wide, without ! getting their feet wet. The bottom of j the liver has been dug out in many j places bv the action of the water, form- i ing large potholes, and when the river 1 becomes dry these holes are tilled with trout, which are left stranded. At such j times it is a common occurrence to see men and boys knocking the fish on the head with clubs, and in this way secure many a. good meal. There are many traditions regarding this phenomenon among the Indians here, but the real cause of the low wa ter in the river is the action of the wind. The course of the stream is southeast, . ami the high winds which prevail in : the spring and fall arc from the south, j and blow up tbe river. The outlet from j j the upper lake being small, the force of j ' the wind keeiw the water back in the , i big lake, causing the river to become , very low. We Carry a famine of Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO 7VL Z. DONNELL, PlESCSlPTIOri DRUGGIST I'.lectrlu Hitter. Hlectric -Hitters is a medicine suited for .hi v hea-nu, but perhaps more genr- ..!!.. .W...1...1 ...1.,... .1.,. 1, ..,,...;.! l.,,ol,,l anv iiucucu wiiuii i in; inugum, t.iiniu!ii.u Cyclist with t Jlrolten feelins.' pievails, when the liver is torpid i liucv. and -hi'.'trisli and the need of a tonic and j A fatal cycling accident hapjiened re- ' Opp. A and alterative is felt. A prompt use of cently at Malson Lailitte thi- medicine has often averted long and A .FRENCH INCIDENT. I.B Wins a TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Williams perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more study counteracting and freeing t lie Hystem from the malar ial poibini. Headache, Indigestion, Con Eiiputiuii, Dizziness yield to Electric Hit-lei-, otic an $1.00 per bottle at Blake- le & HiiiiihtoirH (ititg ftore. i Two young Englishmen, F. -Morris, the steeplechase i jockey, and F. Davis, first stableman in the employ of L. Robert, the trainer, : had arranged a bicycle match of six kilometers Irom thcMnhon Lulllttv rail way bridge to the Croix de Noaillesand 'back. They had almost, completed the nice when .Morris, who was a little ahead, looked back to see how far Davis The We,tti..d (I.i(l, Nihvh prints the , wn lchl. n. 'I V.ng wi hiJlelll.iM , ,, . , 1 1 ,,n , f machine, run agair -.1 the. curbstone. I he friuw mi.' n regard to ati od torident of . . . . . ... , , ' , . unfortunate rider came to the ground l,lMt l'riiuk ",Aviy, for many hl.ol.p 1js ,c.fP bo(m. t,K, ,.JR1Ui AJor. years in Hi-employ of the I, N. A. A , ,-js, who was following close behind, 0. Hy. hern, -tys: 'I have used Cham. - could not avoid his fallen opponent and berlaiti'f Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea was thrown heavily to the ground, HimiihIv for ten vears or longer am where ho remained Insensible. nver with.MtkiUin' iiiv family. 1 tako ' Jgarding both IiIhowh broken leg pi.., in i.tm-ndiug it.' " It is a n"'1 h, l.ViJ'p- molionlesH on the ' , , , r, , , it i ground, Morris, in lm anxiety to win ,!(! for all bowal disorders. J'or JU mw Lk.vdi! J(1 8(K)n sale by MlnMey & Houghton. ; mi(!m u,,. v. iitning pout, with one foot 1 U't. fcdi Hou Cako fcoap. I'eitre & ' on the pedal, the other hanging useless j1,V(.i a!l 'Jin , oh ",t! opposito side. Davis was then ' - wirricd home, but Im died during the 1 guhscrlb foi TtiH UmtoNigi.K. 'night.. & Co., TJ-IIS J)ALLES, Oil. I : : : i NOTICESALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice ia hereby tflven tit it by n thorlty of ordinance No. 202, which v iBctl the Commoii Council of Dalles I tv April Itlth.lSOT.cntitled, 'An or. dlnatire to provide for thealo of certain 5? KloX to!)." City." 1 will . ott Saturday, the Ifith day of Miiy.181), sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following lota ami pnr s of lots in Gates nddition to Dallee City, Wasco county, Oregon, lo-w t: Lots 1) anil 10 jointly, in b ock 14 ; o 8 7, 8, tland 10, jointly in block 15; lo s 7 8, 0, and 10, jointly In bloch : 21, known as h.itte; lots 10. 11 nlock 27; lot 0 In block ill;, lots -', ... 4, B, 0, 7, S, I), 10 and U, in block .15 ; ts2, !, 4, 8, I), 10, Hand 12, in block l!G Tots il 4, 6,0 7. 8. 0. 10, 11 .....I 12, in block .".7; lots 1. 2, .5, 4, 5, (j. 8, ll, 10, 11 and 12. in block 42; lota 1, . , I 5 0, 10 and 11, in block 4; lots 1.2, ; 7; 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lots I, 2. ll, 4, f), (!, in block 4b. The reasonable value of mi " 'ots, for less than which they will no. c sold, has been fixed r.r.d tlctermineu t y the Cotntnon Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit: Lots 0 and 10, in block 14, .$loO; lota 7, 8. and 10, jointly in block U, $200; lota 7, 8, 0 and 10, jointly 111 dock 21, $200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; ot I ,111 block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 2, tflOO; lot 0, in block ill, $100; lota 2, I, 4, 5, 8, I), 10 and 11, in block i?f, each icspect !,.u. i nil hits fi and 7. in block Ho, each respectively $125; lota 2, II, 4, 8, S), to ,,.,,111 in lWk :!(!. each respectively $100; lot 'l2, in block 30, $125; lots !i, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 7, each re- specttveiy tfiuu; ioih u, . J-; block .".7, eacli respectively lots 2, II, 10 and 11, 111 block 41, ei'di respectively $100; Iota 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively $125; lots li, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in block 42, each respectively $100; lot h , a f in hlnek -12. each resnectivelv $125; lots 2, :i,4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in block 41!, each respectively iuu; ioi i, in block 4;, $125; lota 2, Jf, 4 and 5, in l.lni.lr JIV eneli resoecti .(! V 1 Ot) : lota 1 and (i, in block 40, each respectively $12.). Each ol these iota win no soiu opon the lot respectivelv, and noun of them .wilt be sojj.UuvwIesssuin than thu value thereof, aa above stated. One-tourth of the price Did on any ot said lots shall he paid in cash at the timeiif s'.ile. mid the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three yeara Irom the date oi saiu sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate ot in per ceni pur annum, payable annually; provided that, the payment may he made in full at anv time at the option of thu pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the loth day of May, 1S07, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said Iota shall be sold. Dated this llftli day of April, 1807. (ilI.lllJKT W. PlIULl'H, Itecorder of Dalles City. J'or Sale. Lots A, 15, K and L, block .'50; A 15, block 72; A, 15, C, I), E and F, block 82, and A, 15, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to TM. SltAOKKI.tOltl). THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION- l.S I'nceK Week. 151. l'lipeiH u War It stands first among 'weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, varict) and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and ita vast hat of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of thu Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of ita news columns. It ia aplendidly illustrated, and among ita apecial featurea are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiond for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Oonitn llnylu, .Ionium K. .lemma, Stanley WejniHii, Mary K. WllkliiH Anthony llnuo, llrot llarte, Itraniler AluUhitwH, Kic. We ofTer this tineqiialed newspaper and The Dallea Twico-a Week Chronicle to getlier one year for $2.00. Tho regulur price of the two papers is $3.00. J. H. fCIIKHK, rresliloat. II. M. IIKALL, Cashier. THE SCAB. TICKS rLICE WORLD RENOWNED First National Bank. A iionerul iJaukuig I5ustnesH tritnsacteo DepoBite received, subject to Sight wruu or jucci(. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange aold on New York, San Francisco an.' "ort land. 131 KKOTOKS I). 1'. lllOMl'HON. JnO. S. KCIIKNOK. Kn. M. Wili.iamb, Uuo. A. LtmiK. I!. M. I5l.M,L. Harry Liebe, PHACTIOAL Jit Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. w atchmaker Jewelci All work promptly nttiifU to, unit wiiiriiiitj. 174 VOGT. BLOCK. 0.R.&R EKSTi 01VE8 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes ' VIA . sP2ane Denver Minneapolis St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities Kvorv rive Duvk for Um1 SAW FRAKCISCO, OAL. W, It. HUHLIIUIIT, Ocn. pMs Aet l"onlana,orMnn K. M'NKILI, I'resiacutnud Manner Tho Now Tlmo Card. Under tho new time card, which ?oei into effect tomorrow, trains willmovei! followB : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives nt 0 p. m., leaves atGiOop.m. No. 2, to J'endleton, llaker City and Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. m.,de. parts 1 :20 a. ni. No. :i, from Spokane and Great NottL ern, arrives 8:30, departs 8:35 a. ro. No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pj. cilic, arrives 1 :'J0, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nos. 2!$ nnd 24, moving east ol The Dalles, will carry passengers No. 23 arrives at f:!50 p. in., departs 12:15 p. in. Passengers for Heppner will take train leavine; here 15:0") p. in. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains luuvu mitt arc (lm; to urnvc at 1'ortlict 8iC0 I'. M, h::;o a. m. Dully except Haniiiij-.-. 1:00 1'. M, 7::!0 A. M, MM.") 1'. M. Dally. OVKKI.AN1) EX- prob, Biileni, nose' )iiiir. Afcliliind. Kac-1 J riimunto, OKdwi.San I IlllIlelew, .'lujaic, I.os AliKClcs.Elfiiso, Nutr Orleans una I East J KoubnrK and way ta lions fVlii Woodbnra for I Mt. Angel, Sllverton, West Kclo, Hrmviis vlllcSprliiglleldiind I Valtnill tinleni mid way stiitionsj'I0.15A.M CorvnllH unit way. istutlons l.li;.Mlnnv!llo wny htiitinns AERITI, mul way), ilo' and lis I 'j:10A. II. v.a p. Ji except Suudnji. (C:a)P.M. 1 8:25P.M MJaiiy, except Sunday. DINING CAUS ON 0(iUEN ROUTE. PULLMAN HUKl'KT SLEEl'EKS AND HKCOND-CLASft HI.EEWK0 CiEi Attiiclutl to nil Through Trains. Direct connection at fan KranclKo with Owl ileatiil anil Oriental and I'aclllc mall bteaMlup lines for JAl'AN mid CHINA. Sailing toto " ni plication. , , .,tn. Kates f.nil tickets to .KaMern 1p'nts and" ro,e. Also JAl'AN, OIUNA, HONOLULU m Al'STKALIA, can lie obtainiHi from J. it. KlHKIiAND, Ticket ThrouRh Ticket Olliee, 131 Third ttreet,wW thrmiBh tickets to all points lii tte.fJJfS Bt'itos.Oiiiiadiuiiid Europe can be obtainca n lowest rates fr All nbovo trniiiH arrive at and dep tttm Gruiid (Antral Htatlon, FIftli and Irving YAMIIlTTinyiSIOX. . 1'iHs.enuer Depot, foot of Jcdcrboaslrctx. Ixiavc for OSWKtiO, daily, w.Sif OiimI U:l'0 p. in. on .Saturday onl) . nAff'U I'ortl.iail at 7:IOiuid 8;30 a.m.; audi..' 0:aj mul 7:S5 p. in. Iavc for 81ierlilan. week days, M:301 Airlvo at I'ortliind, 'J:"i) a. i . U.vo for AIBUK on Jtotar, JSWfif itmiiv in 'jmu n. in. uii m iinv. 'f-iiiirkiiiiriimi Siitarday at J.oa Sunday trains for OSWKtjp mul 12! if?, 1 : 15, :i:i!0, 6:'i) fiM;' '"1 ? i, .ii, .mi nts'ia . 0:00 a. m.i " 7:.v. p. in. ,m nteope Dalles, Hon aoi 1 STAG-E LINE. Tl.roi.Kl. I.y dayllKlit via OrasS Valley.' anil Dross Hollows. IHHIU1.AH AM.KN. TheWlWi. C. Il. WIIITKI.AM i Ktn,...s Inavo TllO Dillll'" f"" .V.rfS .ftV ' nt 7 1.7 in., also from V'lKuM imi.lt. at Anleloi-o for 'r auv ;detl b,ille.s with railways, tralinn" u tf ilii),Tliiii6iliiys.iiidhatardajbai Diillih lo DcBflinte .1 . i....t 111! .Ml..... , ilo (iniss Vnlley. (III. Kt'llt. ilo cross Hollows. AnleloputDt'ross Hollows .1.. K'nnt do (iins Valley III .MOIII..' Mi 1 ... 3 ..! i . A- ltd ' Mom.... .. im ilo Di'fi'liiiees t,. ' ilo Dulles