TI)c Dalles HP l)roniclc. vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 8. NO 127 i CTPANfK APPFAT l J 111 fill UU ttl ILrfftL, Americans Asked to Aid Starving Cubans. T0 SPAIN WE CANNOT APPEAL" ThN I tll,! I'ntlietlu btntoinent Muflo liy l'cce1le GltlxunH Driven From Their l''nnnps tii tlic Cltv. Kew Yokk, June i. A special to the Herald from Havana Bays: A strange appeal on behalf of the starving and dying reconcentradoa in 1 4 ? . A. I t i- Matun.as, wno exeueo puy in uie neans of General Lee and Mr. Calhoun, has been made to the people of the United States. . Since the United States government has begun measures for the relief of its citizens in Matunzas, the desperate plight of the Cuban reconcentradoa, there has resulted in a petition, signed by a hundred of thorn, in which" they beg in the name of common humanity that they be included in the charity. The petition is bonded, '"An appeal to the United States.'' It is now on its way to Washington. The principal part follows : "First anil foronriat, let it bo said ti.nf !. iitilmimv rin 1 1I UP cam dn until- Mltll. II -- ing to help our suflunug country men. The pacificos that have huddled in our city would he looked upon us traitors for so doing, and as such we would be sum marily dealt with. We must not feel for them ; wo must be blind and deaf to their sufferings, and do nothing that can in any way interfere with Weyler's policy of extermination. "We have to witness day after day scenes of horror which no language can describe, nnd yet no voice can be lifted to protest against them. To Spain we cannot appeal for succor. She is well acquainted with the present condition of aflairs in Cuba, and so far not a farth ing has come to us from her, and yet we have sent her our money freely when ever the Spanish people have been in want or distress. "Upward of 10,000 of victims of this savage system of warfare have been crowded into Matanzas without provid ing for their most natural wants ; and after they have been compelled to aban don all they had in the world, they are to bo seen in crowdB, from 8 o'clock in the day until late at night, imploring charity. "In any other country this state of affairs would have brought on disturb ances aud riot; yet our people, suffering as they are, have not done anything that could in any way disturb order. Can there be a better illustration of a peace ful disposition? "Tender, loving mothers of America, to you in particular we appeal in our humane undertaking. Send us the mighty aid of your motherly co-operation ; enlist in our crusade against crime and barbarity, and the blessings of thousands will rise to heaven as a fit hymn in your praise. Think that at your very doors there are mothers who 1 ove as dearly as you love, and who day after day see their little ones periBh in our streets out of sheer hunger, and in most cases without a piece of rag to cover their uakedness. "As for us, we cannot do our work openly. We have to beg for food for the hungry and clothing for the naked, con cealing ourselves and our names as if we were doing something wrong, and we therefore suggest that if any reliol is to come it should bo entrusted to the American consuls for distribution, and The Three Cures. Pfuffer's German Powders 'J5 Cents. Moore's Revealed Remedy f?1.00. Garland's Happy Thought Salve for nil fkui troubles. 50c per jar. M, Z, Donnell Sells them.. rata mm POWDER ADsoiutely Pure. Celebrated for Its gtejit iPnvcniiiR strength mid heiiltlifuliiess. Assures the food Hpilnst alum and nil forms of Adulteration common to the cheap brnnds. Royal IUkiko Powdeh Co. New Yokk. wo would also suggest that the sending help in the way of provisions or clothing has its inconveniences and it U'ight give the officials an opportunity to interfere and thwart the object in view. "Very respectfully, "One Hundred Citizens of Matanzas." A KeuklRflB CycllHt'a Fate. Pkovidexce, 11. I., June 7. Arthur LihilT, a cyclist, while raciug against an electric car met a tragic deatii. Just outBide the Roger William's Park the roadway is quite steep. Trolley cars are in the habit of bowling down the incline at a high rale of speed, and many cyclists have tried to beat them in races. Last evening when a car headed down the hill Lahiff was alongside. He was measured up by the motorman for a race and the contest began in earnest. Suddenly La hift' was seen to tumble and make a com plete somersault over his handlebars. He struck with great force while going at his fastest clip, and his neck was broken. MtuuflH at the Bead. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of SalFord, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and today standB at the head. It ne?er disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghtou's drug store. 1 The Klevator Pell. New Yokk, June 7. The elevator in the postoffice used for carrying freight .and employes, fell from the fifth floor to the basement today. The accident was caused by the breaking of the elevator rope. The injured are: Captain J. J. Cox, special examiner. internal injuries; George W. Daly, postoffice clerk, inter nal injuries; John Murphy, laborer, broken ankle, other injuries; Joseph Luffer, broken back; Thomas McGovern, ol Brooklyn, broken back; Frank Birdsall, railway postal clerk, broken h'g- "For three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house," suys A. II. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., "and my wife would as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this Remedy in the summer season. We have used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who tried it will find it so." For sale by Blakeley fc Houghton. Mark Twain' Hlrtluilaor. Mexico, Mo June 7. Florida, which is near this city, has recently lost a very significant relic the birthplace of "Mark Twain." The old attuctuio is being removed, prepiiratoiy to building a now hon&e. Numerous calls have been made upon Mrs. llooney, the owner o( the house, by admireis of 'tho humorist, for Hiffieicnt timber to nuik a c.gn r "ven a shingle or u brick. Ti.urn-H w h vitit Florida in the future will sm only -he ground where once stood the birthplace of the man who made million fiuiie. This is uir-'Ago of Soap." Why u&e any hut the vurv best. Best fo.ip me.wiH Hoe C.cke. Sold by Pease & Ma s. a2.3ai NKff t'KHANA MOH. Captain i.eoiiant Now the Special Object of Its Wrath. Cincinnati, June ".A Times-Star special from Urbana, O., says: General Axline spent Sunday in Ur bann, nnd while here called on Mrs. Leonard, and assured her Captain Leonard would be protected. There is no feeling against the members of com pany D, the people generally believing they only obeyed orders, but Captain Leonard has been severly censured for giving orders to fire on the mob. Harry Bell, who was instantly killed on the night of the riot, will be buried this afternoon. GnurrUnien Upheld. Cincinnati, June 7. Governor Bueh nell, in a letter to the commercial Tri bune, says: "Members ot the National Guard at Urbana did their duty, and are entitled to the support of the state. La mentable as the results were, their eflbrts were to maintain the majesty of the law and they should be upheld." Adjutant-General Axline save: Care examination at Urbana fails to show that the National Guard's conduct was any thing but that of courageous and obedi ent soldiers." AM. QUIET AT SAN QUKNTIN. Work In the Jute Mill Was IteRitnied Today. San Quentin, June 7. So far as ex ternal appearances are concerned all traces of the recent trouble within the confines of the state prison had disap peared this morning when the 7 o'clock whistle was blown by the engineer of the jute mill. With the exception of about 250 of the most unruly convicts, who are still kept in solitary confine ment, in order that the originators of the stride and subsequent disorder may be discovered and punished, all the strikers returned to work as usual and performed the duties required of them this morning, with every appearance of satisfaction. In fact, many by extra diligence seemed anxious to retrieve themselves for their share of the trouble and used every means in their power to regain the good opinion of their officers. Despite the promising state of affairs shown this morning, however, Warden Hale has no intention of relaxing the disciplinary methods of keeping his wards in subjection, which were inaug urated last week, and announces his in tention to sift the matter none the leas thoroughly because the Btrikers have seen the futility of trying to coerce the custodians into acceding to their de mauds. This is, of course, a matter of time, but that the whole history of the out break, irom its inception will be brought to light the authorities are confident. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re cently perfected au ingenious cure for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already digested and a digester of foods happily combined. The importance of this invention will be appreciated when we realize what a proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach troubles. Thousands of pale, thin people have little inclination to eat, and what they do eat causes them pain and distress. The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers corrects any stomach derangement at once. It makes thin people plump. Every one will be greatly interested to read the little book which has been placed in the hands oi druggists for free distribution. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Outrage by Turk. Athens, June 7. It is officially an nounced the Turks have committed ex cesses in Kpirus, violating women, defil ing churches and engaging in geneial pillage. Turkish irregulars, it is further announced, have committed similar ex cesses in the villages nround Larifcfca. Hundreds of thousands have been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem udy by reading what it lias done for others, and having tested its merit for theuiHclves aro today its warmest fiiends. For eale by Blakeley & Hoiiahton. Cn.li in Voiir Clit'i'kH. AM cuiuitv warrants registered prior to Dtc. 1, 1802, will bo paid i t my office. Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. New Arrivals NOTION DEPARTMENT. LADIES' WHITE LEATHER BELTS New and Popular Fad. Plain; leather covered buckle Grain Leather: leather covered buckle FANS FANS FANS. Plain Colored Sticks, now colorings and designs: 9 and 12 inches . ... each 05c Plain Bamboo Sticks, now colorings, fancy cord finish; 0 inch each 08e Plain Bamboo Sticks, large assortment, fancy cord and tassel; 12 inch each 1 0-1 5c Decorated Bamboo Slicks, now designs, cord and tassel; 9 inch each 2oc And others too numerous to mention. New Art Denims, 3(5 inches CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men.s Black Alpaca Coats, superior finish $1.50 and $2.25 each Extra good quality, in sixes for stout men 2.45 each Men's Grey Alpaca Coat and Vest $3.00 Men's Cadet or Navy Blue Flannel (.'oats; skeleton lined, patch pockets, one inside pocket; all sizes $2.95 each Men's White Duck Trousers; superior make, lined waist, straps for bolt, cloan finish $1.50 pair Men's Linen Dusters $1.25, $1.50 and $2.25 A. IML WmUAXHS CO. NEARLY SMOTHERED BY VIOLETS MUs Sadie Connolly lias n Narrow Ecpfl In Mow fork. Miss Sadie Connolly, an actress, was half smothered by tlho sweot. breath of violets tho oilier nifjhL She wils. able to he out of the bed the next day to re ceive hi person the congratulations of friends, though still nervous and upet. over her extraordinary experience. When not ou the road rilie bus Imxmi nt home in her snug Hat nt 114.1 Second avenue, of which her sister Julia ifi housekeeper. The two Fist-crs live en tirely alone. Monday morning an ox pressman delivered at Miss Connolly's flat a huge box of viol eta shipixvl all tho way from California in a bod of moist moss. There were nenrly 3,000 separate flowers. The penetrating odor filled the flats. Muss Connolly's bedroom lw no means of ventilation except n door open ing into the front parlor and unother communicating with her sister's led room. The air being chilly tlie actressi re tired in tlie midstof her violet wltili the windows all closed. The next morning lier sister found her unconscious. A physician who was promptly called brought her back to enrth after having dumped the violets outdoors. Tliese lie said were partly responsible for tto young woman's condition. As they were cut flowers nnd in the process of deca3' they had. added greatly to tihu carbonic acid in the room. LDDD POISON rliuarr. Knu. llary lilJOOU 1'OlSOJf pc ondarjr orfJ'er. r ncriuannntls cured In 15 to 2.1 days. You can bo treated at homoforeaiuopricounilertiarun j;uiirau ty. If you tn.Ti;r Uicomohero wowlllcon. trr.ctto pay railroad farcand hotel Ijllls.anJ cocbtive, If we lull to iuro, I f you havo tukou jiicr- cury, i if M tiilldo lintfiKli. nntl ullll hava ui-hea uml pa'.ut.Mucou J'attln'8 in mouth, Koro 'I'll r oat. luipliJit, Copper (JoloriMl 8polH, Uleern ua ny part of tlio tody. lluirur JCyeliroWM falUnx iut. It la this Keconilury Jii.OOJ I'OJSON any out, vo Kuarnntcotucuru. Wo FolleiUhorooft ohttU Dutti cusuii nuil I'liiUtuiiKu tho world for u csiHowucitniintcuro. Tula dbcanu lia.i alvraya Im tiled tli kKIII hi tlio jnoht eminent pli yl Cluiu. UOO,000 capital behind our imwrull. llonal puarauty. Alisolutn jiiiKifHKenttiealedon f.ppllralUjn, Address COOK KHMUUV CO., SOI CSoaoulo Vvuiple, UUWAtiO, UAm Administrator's Notice. Kotlro Ik hficbv ulven tlmt tho County rou of tnu Mate oi i in-con for ni!ci (' unty, by ii niiler iliile. I ti.e.iil lliv of Alilll. Ib!l7. (llllv III polntlM the li:.(Iuihiilli'il IliJlullitriltor ol till) chtalu of ,i;.;i' V, Alidcikiiii, ill ecu teil. All wirniiiH liiiMiii! elailii.i i.kuIii"' 'ilil t'Ktiito mo hereby reipni.il to prtkent the mine, projierly veuliel, ti i. e uinlerMKiiLil at i rmcli iifo.'H bunk in Ih li.'x i I ty, Oiek'ou, vitlil;i t.U moiitliv from the u t hereof. Dull,.. I ii . I in L'ull . MllV 10. Ih'l7. JUV.-.l J, U, II1") I I. 1 I.J'.IV, Ailni'iilhttiitor. SURE for PILES : Itutilu iiol lllmil. Uli-edlLr or I'rutru llu l-ll.i il.U .1 uur. -j 1 DR. BQSAN-KO'S PILE REMEOV. Hu-.i-b- i!!?5M,yLiu,',,i'lSo B New and Breezy Japanese Fans. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. wide; new colorings, late designs Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?!u Lk Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tflTl "FMoilT This Flour m manufactured exprecnly for fiiinily uv' A vlA 8e. every Back Ih uuarunteed to give aatiafMcliou. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, uud if you don't trunk bo cull and net our prices and bu convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: j Kiehly and durably bound in Knlinh Cloth, pluin eden; portrait of the an thor foriniiiK the ilenn on eover; iuilouruli preface; iinipiilluent pm hoiitiition pluto in silver, fold uud blue; lontuiiiiinj 000 pa gun and IV1 I full-pittfo illuatriitiouti $1 75 i lu half-Morocco, inarblu edu 2 ti5 In full-.Morofco, yilt ciIko 2 75 ML J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. i liBLAKELEYS HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, -ARTISTS MATERIALS. SJtTOomiirv mid Mull Ordera will rucuivo prompt nttontlon. each 2oc each f0c 30o yard TIIK HltBT HATrt.K U mi liiiiirinlliiK hlnry n( lliu KTOHl pi.llllciil NtrilKKluot 1MAI, lu moat Jin portion I'VuiilH and tliu iiiiiny Inaiich Involvdl; u IiikIl'hI iruiitltu tin IU-iiiuIiiIIIiiiii iin tiltcMil by eminent uxihiiii'iiIh, IiicIiiiIIiik tliu purl taken by Hull. V. J. Ilryun In tliu Mlvir ukIiuiIoii prior to tlie DvtiHK'riillii N'fttlonii! Cmivi'iitliiii. mill ilur Inir tliu cimipiiliril, tliu lii'Ht uxiuni'Ii'MOi lilx wnu-i!-iful oratory, tliu most iintmvf.rttiy IiicMciiIm til lilt. niHiium tour, it ciiii'fiil tuviutv ol tin) political tlliiiillnu, ii illtciiMnlou o( tlio clci tlon ri'turim iiihI tlio MKiiiili'iiiii'u lliuii'iil, mill tliu fiiHiro poshltillllli'K nt lll-iMfliilUiu im n (XiUtlOil Unuo. The Dalles, Oregon