The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1897, Image 4

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n Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tin: 1)AI,I,KS,
AlvortlliiK Unto.
l'cr inch
One liirh or less in Dally M r0
Over two inche and tinder four Indies . 100
Over four Inches nml tinder twelvu Inches 75
Over twelve Inches M
One lneh or less, per Inch ? i CO
Over one lneh nml uniler four Inches -' 00
Over four Inches unci under twelve Inches . 1 W
Over twelve tnches ... 1 00
Hishop Morris of the Episcopal chinch
is iu the city.
Mi?f Izzie Farmer, of tlie Times
Monntaineer force, is visiting in Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Casey, who have
been visiti"K Mr. ll"d Mrs. J. F. Moore
for several tiavs, left for their home at
Prineville this morning.
Misses Lena anil Lillian Snell left Sat
urday evening for their home near Arl
ington, where Miss Snell will spend her
Taylor Hill and Al Lyle, the Crook
couutv stockmen, are in the city, having
brought in nearly L'000 head of cattle for
In this city, Monday morning, June
7th, of typhoid fever, Emma Flock, aged
27 years.
The funera1 will take place tomorrow
IMp .Niitfcet"..
Thomas Thomason arrived in linker
Citv vesterday, bringim: with him live
big gold nugnets
between 000 and
Not Much Cliuiiro for Training In the
Modern Slilpo.
The anonymous nuthoi of "Life, in
the Ko.yal Navy " wbieh has just been
printed' in London, points out. that "tho
keen competition between ship and
ship iu our squadron did much to re
lieve a sea life of its ennui. During the
day we were busy making preparations
for any evolution that the admiral
might signal to be carried out in the
evening, so that when it came the work
was performed with much zest by all
hands. The tremendous desire to be
first was such as to lead to hazardous
running in and out. and climbing on the
mast and yards. This splendid training
to keep men lit is now lost to us with
the large abolition of musts and yards,
and nothing of equal importance has
been established to compensate, for it.
Something has been done in the way of
physical drill and gymnastics, but there
is much room for improvement in the
same direction. The men should, in
my opinion, be granted greater facili
ties for taking part in those exercises
on shore that are at present doing so
much for the youth of the country.',
1. envoi- I.lf of the Drain.
Helow half a mile in depth the water
of the ocean is intensely cold, remain
ing both winter and summer at a point
only slightly above freezing. The con
tents of a trawl hauled tip from the
1HEII. floor of tho SOU nt the imi:ifnr will !,
found to include mud and ooze that is
nearly freezing. All of the life in the
vast waste of waters called the Pacific
is either near the surface or at the
bottom. The abyssal fishes cannot
live except under the enormous pres
sure of water amounting to over two
tons to the square inch at three miles
down to which thev mav be able to
endure this, the tissues of their bodies
the largest valued atr!"deven their bones are verv loose1
.fGOO, which he had 1 111 texture. Though solid'enough tin- .
obtained from She Gordon, Tomason & I'" "w ""'uions to wmcn ti.ey are
JHou toout Your
Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds
of -Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. Wo not only desire ';o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with thai of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have vour next order.
5?f?ror?i;le publisl?ir? ?o.
-i)i:.u.Ki:s i.v-
Allen placers at CVunletville, Grant
county. Altogether the nuggets weighed
about seventy ounces. They are on ex
hibition at the First National bank and
attracted much attention yesterday after
noon. Mr. Tomason says toe outlook
for placer mining at Gimletville looks
very bright at present. Democrat.
The Xew Timid Curd.
The O. II. & N. has made another
change in its time table, which went into
effect June 1st. It is as follows : No. 1,
west-bound, arrives .":55 a. m. and de
parts at 4; No. west-bound, arrives
8 :2o, departs S:I10; No. east-bound,
arrives 1 a. m., departs 1:05; No. 4,
east-bound, arrives .1:55 evening, de
parts at 0. All trains except No. 4 stop
at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now
runs via Walla Walla.
A special rate of W for round trip
tickets to Portland, witli two days'
limit, has been made, going into effect
today. These tickets are aleo good going
Saturday and returning Monday.
The company has also made the very
low rate of -fo first-class and .f'50 second-class
from Portland to San Fran
cisco, which rate includes berth and
Contractors anil Carpenter, Take Notice,
The respectiva officers of the Lutheran
church are now ready to receive bids for
the biiildinu of their new church. The
plans are complete and are on file at the
store of L. Uorden & Co. Responsible
contractors are herewith requested to
bid on the bulling of this church. The
bids will be received and opened on
Tuesday, June 15th, at 8 p. in., in the
lower south room
i -i .
wnen uraggeu up to tlie open air.
Their eyes protrude and sometimes
they actually burst open.
A Queer African Harp.
Mandhigocs. who inhabit
Agricultural - Implements.
tract of country in A'.rica. are strict
Mohammedans iu l'eligion. but. curious
ly enough, they still lvtain many of
the stiver, lltlcn" of the m"T race
from which thev prur;: Consequent
ly their tuarri;:,'-e ceremony i: a
mixture of tho two. and although it is
pertormoii oy a mar.iDout. or noiy man
ridiculous element. No::t in impor- i
tance to the marabout is the bride- j
frr.-i :::'-, sister, and when the marriage j
ecrer.'.n.iv reach, s t';e point where the
visible bond, if mill; typified in civil
ization by the riiif?. appears, this sister
steps forward and iu place of the ring
presents the lady with a pair of j
trousers, which are immediately j
donned. The ceremony is concluded 1
by a very mournful song sung by the
companions of tho bride, who then
conduct her again to tlie home of her
parents, a i owing to the extreme prob
ability of one or the other retracting
nt any moment by reason of an un
favorable omen no Louse is built until
the ceremony is completed. Polygamy
is the rule, but each wife has her own
house to Loop her from quarreling
with the other wives. They are the
most tyrannical wives in Africa, and,
hating each other, band together
against their husband and rule him
with a rod of iron.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
house on Court street, and no bids will
be received after that hour. Contrac
tors desiring to take possession of these
plans for a day or two are requested to
do this at once, as they may not have an
opportunity to do so later.
Ri:v. L. Ghkv,
j-l-'Jt Chaitman Building Com.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re
cently perfected an ingenious cure for
dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con
sists of a food already digested and a
of the brick school-1 diirester of foods happily combined.
a full line of
Dealiio Cannot lie l!iirtl
by local applications, as they
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafnees ia caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Kus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; nitiucHSdS out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of tho mucous sur
faces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh i
The importance of this invention will
be appreciated when we realize what a
proportion of the community are victims j
of some form of stomach troubles.
Thousands of pale, thin people have little
inclination to eat, and what they do eat
causes them pain and distress.
The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers
cannot j corrects anv etomach derangement at
once. It makes thin people plump.
Every one will be greatly interested to
read the little book which has been
placed in tho hands ol druggists for freo
Laxol ia the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
We Carry
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Tilt Molt itemed- fur llliniiinat lm.
Kiom the Falrhavcn (N. V.) llcglster.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
statu that for twenty-five years his wife Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights ago she was in euch pain 1
that she was nearly crazy. She gent: ,
Mr. Kowland for tho doctor, but he had
read of Chamberlain's I'ain IJalin and
Notice is hereby given that by a
thority of ordlnnncu No. 202, which
passe, tho Common Council o Dalles
City April 10th, 1807, entitled, 'An or
dinance to provide for tho jnloof certain
lots belonging to Dalles City." will, on
Saturday, the Ifilh day of May, M .
sell at public miction, to tho highest
bidder, all the following lots and partH
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 0 and 10 jointly, in b ock M ; ols
7, 8, 0 mid 10, jointly in block 15; lots
7 8, 0, and 10, jointly in Mock 21,
known as bntte; lots i 10. 11
look '-'7; lot 0 in block 'M ; lots -', ...4,
-,, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10 and 11, in block .55;
lots 2, .'!. 1, 8, 0, 10, 11 and 12, in block
:!0; 10:1,4,6,0,7.8,0 10, 11 and
12, in block :.7; lots 1. 2, 4, f, 0. 8,
0, 10, 11 and 12. in block 42; lots 1, 2, ..,
4, 5 0, 10 and 11, in block 41!; lots 1.2,
3, 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, ami lots
1, 2. I!, 4, fi, (5, in block 46.
The reasonable value of sa : 'ots, or
less than which they will no. i Bold,
ha" been fixed and determine!. I y the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows, to-wit:
l.otH and 10, in block 14, .floO; lots
7, 8, J and 10, jointly in block 15, $200 ;
lots 7, 8, Oand 10, jointly in block 21,
4200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11, in
block 27,'if22o; lot 12. in block 2,, $M0;
lot 0, in block !!4, $100; lots 2, li, 4, 6, 8,
0, 10 and 11, in block :?5, each respect
ively $100; lots 0 and 7, in block Ho,
each respectively $125; lots 2, ."!, 4,8, 0,
10 and 11, in block :J(i, each respectively
$100; lot 12, in block M, $125; lots 4,
C, 8, 0, 10 and 11, in block J57, each re
snectivelv $100; lots fi, 7 and 12, in
block 157, each respectively $12;;
lots 2, IS, 10 and 11, in block
41, ei-eh respectively $100; lots 1,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively
$125; lots li, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11. in
block 42, each respectively $100; lot 8 ,
0 and 12, in block 12, each respectively
$125; lots 2, :i, 4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 41!, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 43, $125; lots 2, II, 4 and 5, in
block 40, each respectively $100; lotH 1
and 0, in block 40, each respectively
Each of theje lots will be sold upon
tho lot respectively, and none of them
will he sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made in full
at any time at tlie option of the pur
chaser. The saitl salo will begin on the 15th
day of May, 1S07, at tho hour of 2
o'olock p. m. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall lie sold.
Dated this l.'lth day of April, 1807.
Gii.iibiit W. l'nm.iNs.
lieeorder of Dalles City.
Fur Sale.
Lots A, 15, K and I,, block 30; A 1$,
block 72; A, .15, C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, 15, C, D and K, block 25. Apply
that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh , instead of iroiu; for tho doctor he went
Cure. Send for circulars; free. to tho storo and secured a bottle ol it.
F. J. Cjih.vhy & Co., Toledo, 0. His wife did not approve of Mr. Kow
ggySold by Drni'lsts, 75c. (1-10 land's purchase at first, but neverthe
liiecuio itittero. less applied the li.tlin thoroughly and in
lilectric Hitters is a medicine suited an hour's time wan aide to go to sleep,
for any teaHui, but perhaps more pjner-' She now applies it whenever she feels an
ally needed when the languid, exhausted ' acho or a pain and finds that it always
feel Inn pievails, when tho liver is torpid 'jiives relief. He says that no medicine
and blii'.'tfish and the need of a tonic and which she had used ever did her as much
anil alterative is felt. A prompt use of nood. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for p.ilo
thi medicine h.icolten averted loiif and 1 lUnkeloy & Houghton.
rtnihapf fatal HliuiiH fevers. No medi
cine will net limit Miiciy coiintoractin;
and fleeing tho system from the malar
ial poison. Headache, ludiuestion, Con
fitiiialion, Dizzineu'j ield to Electric lllt
terf. .Vic a in I $1 0.) i'r bottle at Wake
ley & Hoiighton't! ding store. 1
rropovals for CoiiHt meting Wnttir anil
Newnr Sjntoin.
US. Indian Siavlce, Wmin HprliiRM Akciicj,
. Or., May 7, 1SU7.
SKAI.KI) l'KOriWAW, (.'' ''1'injmsnl.s
for Water and Sewer oystoia" and adilresH'iI lo
the undcrMKiu'd at Warm bprliiKS, ('rook
County, Ok'koii, will bo recelvol nt tlilx iiKcmty
uiitll 1 o'clock ii. in. of May '.'7, lb'J7, for famish
iiiK tho necessary materials and lahor required
In tlie construction and coiuilcllon of u water
and sewer system, (includlnj; nluinhiiiK) for the
boardlnu school plant to be erected on this re
serve, in strict accordance with plans nml si ed
ucations, which may be examined at thoolllco
of the "Mornlnu Orejjonian,'' Portland, Or.,
"Tin: ClinoNicLK," The Dalles Or., and at tills
Jitdders will state clearly in their bids the
leiiKth of time required to complete tho work.
TfioriKht Is re.-erved to reject any and all bids,
or any putt of any bid, if deemed for the bust In
terest of tho service.
Tho attention of bidders is Invited tolhoact
or Coinrress approved AtiRUst 1, Ib'J-J, entitled:
"An act rchitiiiK to the limitation of the hours
of dally service of laborers and mechanics em
ployed upon tho jmbllo works of the United
Stales mid of tho District of Columbia;" also to
tho act of CoiiKress approved August IU, lbul,
entitled: "An act for tho protection of persons
funiishiiiK materials and labor foi thu construc
tion of public works."
CKitriKiun chucks.
hacli bid must bo accompanied bv a certified
check or draft upon some United Htates Deposi
tory or solvent National Hank In the vicinity of
tho residence of tho bidder, made payable to tho
order of the Commissioner of Indian Alliiiis, for
at least HI VK l'KU tJKNT. of tho amount of tho
proposal, which check or draft will bo forfeited
to tho United States in cuso any bidder or bid
ders receiving an award shall fall to promptly
execute u contract with k0(1 and sulll-leut
sureties, otherwise to bo returned to thu bidder.
lilds accompanied bj cusli In lieu of a certi
fied check will not bo considered,
I'or any additional Information, applv to
mv.-mv27 u.s. Indian AKeiit.
J. 8. PCllR.NK,
FiPst Rational Bank.
A tieneral Banking Business transacted
T .. .1 1 i . . .
iui;uikj received, HUUject to Hlgiil
Drnft nr ftliuplr
Collections made and proceeds promptly
,in ui ui cuiieciioil,
Slirht and Teleirraphio Exchange sold on
Nhw York, San Frawjinco anJ T'ort
land. UIKUOTClKtj
R' J' Tl!l,MI'"0N- Jh0, fi' KWIK.NOK.
Kn. M. Wiui.ia.v'h, Uiio. A. Lnciiit.
H. M. llicAi.i,.
Harry Liebe,
All countv warrants icisteicd prior1
lo Due. 1, 1802, will bo paid at my c, , , TT .. , . . . , ,
ofiico. interest ceases after .May 7, 1 uPPllocl to United States and British Governments. It has
1607.' C. L. I'iiii.mi'k, no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
County Treasurer. MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
. Watchmaker Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
mid warrantfj.
n mi ok mm
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
8 r 5?as City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
KTrV Vive Day, foP
II. IIUKUlUnT,r,eii.Pa!Un
K. MVMCIM. President nud Maim
Tho New Tluiu C'uril.
Under the now time card, which goei
into eil'ect tomorrow, trume will movew
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at 6 p. in., leaven at 6:05 p.m.
No. !2, to Pendleton, Buker City and
Union racific, arrives 1:15 a. m.,ic
parts 1 :20 a. in.
No. I!, from Spokane nml Great Xortl
em, arrives 8:150, departs 8:35 a. rn.
No. 1, from Haker City and Union it
cilic, arrlveB 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Nos. L.5 and LM, moving east o( The
Dallee, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 0:150 p. m., departs 12:45
p. m.
Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving here 0:03 p. in.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y,
Trains leave mid mc due to arrive at Portlul
S:f,0 1'. II
n:-M A. JI.
1". M.
A. M.
H i:. 1'. M.
press, Salem, Hose-'
butir. Asliliuiil. Sac-1
1 rnnielito, Ugdeu,Uau I
) Kranelseo, ilojave, (
I.os Aiiselc!,l':U'aso.
I New urkans audi
IKiwt J
IvO.seburir and way tin-
fvlii Wnodliurn lor
Jlt.AliKel. Sllverton,
West Seii), Hiowns-)
vlllcriiirlnt'llelil and
p.iirrii,i i
ISalem mid way stations
UJorvallis and way
) stations ,1
pIcMinnvIllo and
jwiiy stations i
l: P.M
i ciccpt
i Sundayi
1 6:20 P.M.
1 8:13 P. M
Dully. Daiiy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Han Francisco with 0
dental mid Oriental mid l'acllle wall t
line for JAPAN mid OllINA. Sallinz dote on
"Statei ami tickets to KaMcrn pplnt n4Bj
rope. AlHiJAI'AN, tllll.VA, HO.NOLULt M
AHHTIlAIdA. can be obtained from . ,
J. 11. KIKKl.AND, Ticket Ali
Tli rough Ticket Office, Ml Third itwrtwg
through tickets to ail points in tte ffi
States, (Jmiadii and KuroiK! can bo obtiinft.
lowest rates fr:,a KiitKijANP) , t
All nbovo trains arrive at ""'''"S
(Hand Central Station, Filth and JrviM
1'akbcugcr Depot, loot of Jedcrwiitlrcft
U-avc for OSWKGO, dally, excep tSuadiy jt
7:20 a. in.: l'J:15, l: 15, 5:'Jo, 6 -Wrtil
(and ll::wp. in. on Saturday oi I . g
i'ortland at 7:10 aud 830 a.m.; and
0:85 aud 7:55 p. in.
Leave for Sheridan, week diwdrtW
Anivo at I'ortland, nan. '
Uavo for A1KUIK on Jloiular, d
rri'iay niynu a. in. .njn. ,
dav, Thursday mid Satuiday atJ.Ojp.
Sunday trains for OSWKClp IJf!5",r
and 12!lfi, 1:15, :):lW,-ft:'i. o: w ui u',:80, :U
rive at I'ortland at 8:u, iu:w "
5:iu,iwi3,7sb. lMn. QEM
Dalles, Mho vk 1
Through hy daylight via Grass Valle)-.1
and Cross Hollows.
..oi.oi.As ai,w;n. Th;;''
Staues leave Tho Dalles !" Kfi'w.O
at V.a,,.. from Auteh'tf .
.Monday, wwiiicwmy '' , i0. Mltcnw
inado at Antelope lor 1 1 s waao- .
iuiI.iIv l.i.vinul. (3 (ISO 0 UllCtlw
IWles with railways, tialns auu '
Stapes fiom AiiUlwo 30 p. ci.
Dalles lo Deschutes , , U
do Moro... . U
do (Irass Valley. jj,
do Kent. 1 so
do dross Hollow- .. 'M
Alltelopo to dross Hollows jw
do Kent. .... ... 'jjo
do (Irass Valley w
do -Moiii... ' ' ,, jW
do De(diuee ,,. .
do Dalles .