MHRNING. HOW 1 1 rm EASE I S J.j SAL iS BY FURNISHING OUR TRADE WITH STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE SHOES AT POPULAR PRICES. Our f?hoe Nile of last week was such a pronounced success that we have decided to continue it, and for the balance of this week we offer all of our broken lines at a discount of ONE THIRD from the Regular Prices. This sale will interest all, as Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes are represented in these broken linos. PEASE & MAYS ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Ilie Dalles Daily Ghronieie. MONDAY. JUNE 7, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kiimloiii OlisurvatioiiN mid Local KvnutH of I.i' Alueultuile. Mrs. A. Heppner Saturday was di vorced from Lewis Heppnur. More than $40,000 worth of stock was shipped yesterday and today from this point. One thousand cattle from t he Crook county ranges will lie shipped East tr. night. Foulard silke, $1 values for 05 cunte, and -lo-cent values for '5 cents, this week at Tease & Mays. The union Sunday school convention for Oregon will meet in this city the latter part of this month. Mr. Parsons shipped sixteen carloads of cattle last night to Omaha. They came in from Crook county. The city recorder had one subject this morning, just a plain simple vag, who was lined $5, which he is doing tune for. If you are passing by Pease A Mays store today, be snre and look at the dis play of wrappers in their center window. Eleven carloads of cattle, on their way East from Southern Oregon, were fed at the Saltmarshe stockyards Saturday night, and have remained there since. Nineteen double-decked cars went out last night loaded with sheep belonging to Kerr & Buckley. They go to the new ranges in North Dakota, on the lino of the Great Northern. Rev. DeForrest, who has been rector of the Episcopalian church at Oregon City, has accepted the call of the church in this city, and conducted the services both morning and evening yesterday. Thos. Harlan of Mosie has called a convention of everybody ho is opposed to everything to meefti this city June 19th for the purposeof agreeing upon something prudentfor the aggregation to do. The circuit court business is nearly completed, there being now only a few mortgages and matters of that kind to complete the term. The case of Howe ve. Howe for divorce, is before the court this afternoon. The west wind got its work in today, and the way real estate nitfved for a while was a caution. Thaw is a whole lot of Wasco dirt thaUflierman county will have to nay taxes on unless the wind chaugee. Maier & Benton have a unique bicycle advertisement In front of their store, it being a ball bearing wheel, with piece? f tin placed in the wheel propeller fashion. The least breath of wind sots U spinning and it is seldom that it is Htlll. At the Commercial Club bowling alloy laBt week Victor Schmidt had the high est daily score every day but one. Fol lowing are the scores: Monday, V. Schmidt, 57; Tuesday. V. Schmidt, 53; Wednesday, V. Schmidt, 54; Thursday, F. Van Norden, 47; Friday, V.Schmidt, 50; Saturday, V. Schmidt. 45. The district Epworth League conven tion closed its business sessions Satur day night, and yesterday the delegates enjoyed the usual Sunday services here, most of them returning to their homes today. Yesterday morning Rev. Flesher of Heppner occupied the pulpit, and in the evening Rev. Hauk of Goldendale preached. We wish to remark that some time somebody is going to be hurtat the boat landing. As the boat swings round into place, after getting a bow iine out, there is a heavy strain upon it. As a matter of fact the line generally holds, but some time it is going to part, and people who stand within range of the recoil are going to get hurt. The members of the fire department will give a moonlight excursion Tuesday night, June 5th. At that time the moon will be full, and the occasion will, no doubt, be a delightful one. The pro ceeds will go towards meeting the ex penses of the tournament this fall, and every patriotic Dallesito should boy a ticket whether he goes or not. An exchange says that a horse has forty teeth, while a mare has but thirty six. Oxen and Bheep have but thirty two, hogs forty-four, dogs thirty-two and mankind thirty -two teeth. The al ligator, shark, mowing machine, hay rake, buzz saw and comb have a few more, but are not included in the offi cial count, and the hen has a peck. Here is the small end of an item from the Medford Mail : "Jerry Heckathorn, who was expected home last week, had the misfortune to cut off one of his little toes. The lady with whom he was boarding sewed it on again, but it did not suit him, and he took an ax and laid the edge on the crippled toe and re severed it. Therefore lie had to wait until his toe was well in order to ride home on his bicycle." Misses Ina and Blanche Forrest of Olympia rode their bicycles down the Westsido bicycle path near Olympia last Thursday, says the Olympian. At the steepest point in the path a large log had just been sawed in two, and a part removed; just enough to let the rider pass through with a close shave. Just before reaching this point, the rear sprocket of Miss Ina's wheel broke, and while she was whirling down grade like lightning, she tried to "reverse," hut the wheel shot downward and uguinBt the log, which is several feet high. She was thrown entirely over this, and several yards into the brush and knocked unconscious. Miss Blanche who was just behind, and coming at the same hoadlong speed, lost her presence of mind and her hold on her handle bars. Her wheel struck the log with such force that it jumped entirely over it and landed with her on the other side. They wero both badly bruised, but not seriously injured. We sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease A Mays. a3,2m HE WENT OVER THE BLUFF. A POISON STRIP. Catbcart's norwe Kln- With Cntli cart'ii ltugcy- Last night about f :30 a horse belong ing to Mr. Cathcart took a little spin on his own account, that will not soon be rivaled. The horse, hitched to a light buggy, was standing in front of Mr. Cathcart'e house, when a man rode up on horse back, and dismounting hurriedly, fright ened the Cathcart horse and he imme diately lit out down Jefferson Btreet. Now Jefferson street is a nice on? as far as it goes, but there are places where it doesn't go, one of these being a portion of the city lying between Fourth and Sixtli streetB. The reason it doesn't go there is that there is a big basaltic bluff sixty or seventy feet high. The horse, not having a plat of the city to examine, evidently did not know this, for he ran straight down the street, keeping the middle of the road and plunged over the bluif. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens, near whose house the matter occurred, heard the crash, but did not know whether it was a flying machine, the Populist party, or a flight of The Chuonici.k editor's fancy that had come sailing over the hill. Mr. Stephens went out to see what he could pee, and a voice from the top of (lit bluff hailed him witli the question, "Did you see anything of a horse and buggy coming down that way?" Charley replied that he had; that, in fact, the horse and wtiat had been a buggy were just then in front of him. A crowd soon gathered to take a look at the wreck. The horse was lying on his back with his feet slicking up through the remnants of the buggy, which were piled on top of him. These were dragged off, and one of the crowd gave the horse u kick to see if he was alive, and was astonished to see the ani mal turn over and struggle to his feet. Ho was uncoupled from the wreck and I led awav, apparently unhurt. Tiie bluff where the accident hap pened is not less than fifty feet sheer, and how the horse escaped with his life is a mystery. Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other than our Agents, ollering Maker Harb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles for many years tor the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, ami we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit, are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. aware of it, knows its exact location, and makes preparations for crossing it in going north or south with his bands. The strip is about five miles wide and extends along the edge of the timber, beginning near the Idaho lino and ex tending south almost to Hock lake. An-' other similar etrip extends out south of Cheney and west towardp Spangle. Just what the plant is that kills the sheep is not known, but it is seldom that a band iB driven across it without losing from five, to fifty head. The Per son A Poe sheep of 0000 head in two bands that crossed the strip this week, lost only twelve head and their owners consider themselves quite fortunate in escaping so lightly. Last year they lost forty. Several years ago, before the exact lo cation of the trip was definitely known a band of 1500 sheep was driven leis urely across it, and 700 of them died from the effects of the poison. Experi ence lias taught sheepmen that the only way to cross in safety is to drive the sheep across on the run, so they will not get an opportunity of grazing on it. This method is the one now universally adopted. ij led, I. timl 'I hat In Null tu Kill fihei'ji Dilfen Acrii It. Just at this time of the year there is a general movement of large bands of sheep from their raugea south and west of Spokane to their summer ranges in the mountains to the north and east. Several large bauds have passed by east of that city within the past few weeks on tins route. The sheepmen are having this spring the usual trouble in crossing what is known aiuoug them as "poison strip," says the Spokane Chronicle. This is a strip of country about five miles wide between Spokane and Pine City, on which tbere grows s)ine kind of a plant that is poisonous to sheep. It is not generally known that such a strip exists, but every sheepman who has ever run sheep in that part of the state is At Hood Kiver, Monday morning, Mrs. Gertie Nickelsen, wife of Kev. Chris Nickelsen. The funeral will take place at Hood Kiver tomorrow, Rev. J. II. Wood of this city preaching the sermon. It is seldom that so sorrowful a task is given u newspaper reporter as the noting the passing away of so noble a little woman as Gertie Nickelsen. She was the daughter of Kev. Kighy, Htu tioned for two years at Hood ltiver. There she met and married the man whose heart today is almost broken at her loss. It was largely through her iullu ence that he was called into the church, and took up the culling of a preacher. lieing assigned to the charge at Prinevilie, lie began bin labors there, and tliere she contracted the dis ease, consumption, that finally carried her away. Last full her husband took her to Cali fornia, hoping that aided by the climate and surroundings she might regain her health, but the hope was vain. Itealiz iug that the end was near, she usked to be brought home that she might die sur rounded by her relatives. She died us she had lived, sustained by an unfaltering trust in God, and if finite minds rimy judge, today she treads the fields of Paradise, Be Not Alarmed My the so-called "WAKNIN'G" of our competitors. The threat made to our customers is nothing morn nor less than a big bind' of a would-bo monopoly. Our Maker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns in the United States; o.ieh spool is branded "Genuluu linker Warranted," and wo invito comparison with any other muko of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wire for SPOT CASH, at the right price, mid propose to give our customers the benefit of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, ami claiming it to bo the best Wire on earth, it is worth no more than any other good Wire, but is as good an any, ami we are selling it as low as any. Compare our Ho-callod "Spurious" Wire with the ONLY Maker PKKFKOT, he fore buying, and gel our prices. We are making prices that should get your trade. MAYS & CROWE, j Baby Carriages .11 'ST AllKI VIOl) AT TH10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most com plete lino of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in ICastcrn Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Huso Hall Goods, Hammocks, Hooks and Stat ionery at Hud rock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. BUSINESS LOCALS. Soap Foam excels all other washing compounds, a'-Miin Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse, Best feed on earth, m9-tf English and Belgian cement, very best imported brands, for sale by Wasco Warehouse Co. inyfi-l m The merchant who tells you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from, a2-3m Subscribe for The Chkonici.k. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Huccchhor to ClirUinun & Commi, " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business ut the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons, Free delivery to any part of town. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes TradedjorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. rowe & CO., The Dalles Or