Sljc II dies lip Cljroniclc. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 7. 1897 NO 120 HOOTED THE EMPEROR The Berlin Public Expresses Its Opinion. MAX PRACHT GETS AN OFFICE CaiiUKi AilvUos Weyler'H Itevnll From t!ii1i s "e 14 Iu I'owur, Hix Suggetioii Will Ho Heeded., June). Several unusual fea turea accompanied the great spring pa rade on the Tempelhof groundtj last Tuesday. By the rigorous police rule barring nil traffic from all streets lead ing to the Tempelhof, the public wai practically t-.xcluded from this sight which tor many years has been a popu lar diversion. The orders were brutally carried out by the police, many persons being kicked and injured on the field The number of carriages was much smaller than usual. mi i . ... . : Hie eiuuurur uuu mum ess, n unu tuniL to and coming from the field, were not once cheered by the populace, which was in a very ugly mood, as the policy was attributed to the emperor's orders, Several persons in the dense crowd hoot ed the emperor, which was instantly answered by the polica forcibly dispers ing the throng and arresting a score oi people. The empress, was pale and nervous. and was so uliectud bv-ull thi3 that she suffered from a violent headache, and insisted upon returning to the castle, the emperor, therefore, stopping the parade before it vvaB half finished. In the jostle on leaving the Tempelhof the empress was again badly scared. Women of the lower classes suddenly i i i t i i i . appeared as mo noise a neuutj, uuu, uu a threatened gesture, one of the women threw a petition in the face of the em press. In the turmoil which ensued, her majesty lost a unique decoration, conferred upon her by Queen Victoria, and composed of the queen's enameled portrait, set with big diamonds. The empress was present at the parade on horseback in a white riding habit of the pattern of the uniform of the queen's Fomeranian cuirassiers, and wearing a triple peak white cockade hat of the old Bayreuth dragoons. Across her breast she wore the broad orange band of the Order of the Black Eagle. The newspapers all condemn the se vere police measures adopted in exclud ing the people from such occasions, and contrast them with the course under Emperors William I and Frederick III. Among tho invited spectators at the parade were Ambassador Uhl and his family and John V. Foster, the United States seal commissioner, and Mrs. Foster. Mr. Foster, while on his way to Rus sia, stopped four days in this city, and was given a reception by Mr. Uhl, which was attonded by a number of diplomats formerly stationed in Wash ington. Mm l'racht Guts an Office. Washington, June 5. Max Pracht gets an office Ho was reinstated as special agent of the treasury department to get around the civil service law. He was transferred and made a special agent of the general land office, and Hermann will send him to Oregon. It is not gov ernor of Alaska, but it is something. Caniig AclvlHeH Weylerti Recall. New Yokk, June 5. A special to the Journal from Madrid says. The recall of Captain-General Weyler from Cuba is almost certain, ns the lib erals have decided to take this stand if Senor Sagasta assumes office. Senor The Three Cures. Pfuffer's German Powders 25 Ciiiitfi. Moore's Revealed Remedy if 1.00. Garland's Happy Thought Salye for nil ekin troubles fiOo pur jar. M. Z. Donnell Sells them. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its preat lravenitiK itrenjrth aud henlthfulncss. Assures the food against nlum find nil fnrum nf nrinlrnr.irlnt. rtrtmtrwin tim cheap brands. ROYAI. liAKINO POWDKK CO. NEW YOKK. Pidal, president of the cortes, today ad yised the queen regent to reform the con servative cabinet in the direction of hon estly placing reforms in Cuba to the island. Campos has advised the queen not to form an intermediate cabinet, but to trust the government to the party which offerE the best and most definite solution for Cuba, and tho one most calculated to secure good relations with the United Status, while being consistent with na tional dignity. In addition, according to the Corre spondent de Espana, he advised the queeu to recall Weyler. Grunt County Stuck. Long Creek, June o. The present in dications are that this summer there will be the largest sale of cattle tiiat has been known in Grant county for years. A prominent cattle-buyer says that the sales of Northern Grant countv in the vicinity of Long Creek, will undoubtedly reach $100,000. Sheepbuyers have been over the countrv within the last two weeks, and will drive out a large number of sheep, the major portion of which will be taken over the trail to be delivered to Eastern Markets. Sheep in this section have all been shorn, and the growers are now deliver ing their clips by freight teams, at Hepp ner and The Dalles warehouses. SUGAK SGIIEnULK .NEXT. Tariff Debaters Oet Through the Wood Sections. Washington, Juno o. When the sen ate laid aside the tariff bill tonight, it had reached the sugar schedule, which tias been the Bubject of so much interest and conflict. During the day, many of the para graphs of the wood schedule had been agreed to, but that restoring white pino lumber to tho dutiable list at $2 per 1000 provided the greatest stumbling block encountered since the debate begin. It led to an extended debate, during which a wide divergence of views was de veloped on the Democratic side of the chamber. Bacon gave his support to the com inittee rates, saving it was essential to the lumber industry of the South. Ho also spoke of a revenue tariff so adjusted as to give equal benefits to all indus tries. Bacon and Vest clashed several times on tariff doctrines, Vest express ing his regret that a Democrat chairman would aid in restoring to the dutiable list one of the throe products lumber, salt and wool which the Wilson bill put on the free list. Clay also spoke at length on the tariff bill, criticizing the sugar schedule and other features of the bill. An Import lint Arrest. Ei. Paso, Tex., June 5. A most im portant arrest was made here today. Colonel Buford, United States consul at Juarez, gave the facts to the treasury department officers that led to the ar rest of D. G. Tipton, an El Paso gam bler, who had in his pockets a perfect imitation of a United btates rubber stamp for stamping Chinese certificates. He also had a blank certificate, a perfect forgery of the genuine one. It is claim ed that Chinese have been smuggled in here for years. A New Coal Deal. New VoitK, June 5. For the last few days rumors have been current in Wall street that a new coal deal will soon be made. These rumors have it that J. Pierpont Morgan, while abroad, made arrangments to take up the option now held him on 75,000 shares on Lehigh Val ley stock. These shares, it is said, came into Mr. Morgan's possession at the time he helped the Lehigh out of its difficulty. Whv use Stands ut the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and todav stands at the head. It no 7er disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1 I'owder fur Saluting l'urjioses. Washington, June 5. Bids have been opened at the war department tor sup plying about 200,000 pounds of gun powder for saluting purposes, for fctate, coast, field and siege artillery, with the following result: Bernard Pyton, of California, for powder delivered at Benecia arsenal, 9 cents .per pound; Laflin &. Randall, delivered at Benecia, Cal., 9.9 cents per pound; at ltock Island and Dover, N. J., 8 8-15 ; Dupont Nemours & Co., delivered at Benecia, 10?4 cents per pound ; at Rock Island ana Dover, 8.85. The Wejtfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. This is an "Age of Soap." anv out we very uesi. oe, uici,d Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a2-3m I Mo., for interment Death of Mm. 11. F. lievlnno. La Giia.ydk, Or., June 5. Mr?. B. F. De vin ne died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. P. ash, in La Grande, last night of tuheiculosis, with which she suffered many months. Mrs. Devinne came here last fall from her Eastern home, in the hope that the change of climate would piove beneficial. The remains, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nash, will be taken to Moberly, New Arrivals NOTION DEPARTMENT. LADIES' WHITE LEATHER BELTS New and Popular Fad. Plain; leather covered bueklo . . each 2oe Grain Leather; leather covered buckle each 50c FANS FANS FANS. New and Breezy Japanese Fans. Plain Colored Sticks, now colorings and designs; 0 and 12 inches each 05c Plain Bamboo Sticks, new colorings, fancy cord finish; 0 inch each 08o Plain Bamboo Sticks, large assortment, fancy cord and tassel; 12 inch each 10-15c Decorated Bamboo Sticks, new designs, cord and tassel; 9 inch each 25c And others too numerous to mention. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. New Art Denims, 3( inches wide; new colorings, late designs o0c yard Japanese Art Draperies, 30 inches wide; now colorings, late designs 20c. yard Newest Tapestry, 5-1 inches wide; Koimm stripes, tinsel ell'ects; very rich. ...90c yard Tapestry Portieres, 3 yards long; new and popular, latest etl'ects $3.25 pair Tapestry Portieres, ol yards long; now and popular, latest ellects 3.75 pair CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men,s Black Alpaca Goats, superior finish $1.50 and $2.25 each Extra good quality, in sizes for stout men 2.45 each Men's Grey Alpaca Coat, and Vest $3.00 Men's Cadet or Navy Blue Flannel Coats; skeleton lined, patch pockots, ono inside pocket; all si.os $2.95 each Men's White Duck Trousers; superior make, lined waist, straps for belt, clean finish $1.50 pair Men's Linen Dusters , .- $1.25, $1.50 and $2.25 A. ML WILLIAMS CO. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION- 18 I'ucRft n Weeli. lfiU 1'aprrH n Year It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency ot puuiication ami freshnefs, variet and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among ts special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports', all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American aud English authors, Conun Doyle, Jerome K. .loroui, Stanley Weyinan, Jtlury K. Wllklnx Anthony Hone, liret llurte, lirauiltsr Matthew, Ktc. We ofler this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether ono year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. j Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, l Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Save up Yester ot this moving y our Schillings Best tea tickets , ,c u Q rti She is seriously ii and see if you can t win one oi ; wf m pouru,b. rhnse $ioo orizes vou know . T I ' l'iiino I'oll on 31U Ileal Fokkst GitovK, Or., Juno 5. day afternoon, Mies Ora Heal, place, and her mother, were their piano from one part of the room to another when the instrument was upset and the daughter buried beneath it. She is seriously injured, as the piano 1 LOOP POISON A SPECIAlJYonaary'orTort tlarjr JSl.OOU 1'OISON permanently cured In 16 to 31 dnye. Yon can bo treated at homo foreamo prlco under eaiao Kuurua ty. If you prefer tocoaja hero we will con. tract to pay railroad farcanil hotel nilli.anH iuu iu uutu. ii fuu uavu ittneii nicr potash, ana Mill havo selic und I'utt lies in mouth, hiorn Throat, cocbarjto.lf wo fall to euro. If you hare taken incr vury, iuuiuu calnu.MueouH Jflroplc. Conner C'nloriicl Hiiot, Uleero on Men A rv Nut Wllllntf to Hull. competing you can use those same tickets" c "T' , T 7 Z' J i nroac unir school election, Juno 12. for the $1000 ' makes known a peculiar situation here. j The probabilities aro that a majority ot I the hoard and the clerk hero will bo wo- Want the $IOO iiH'n. It is doubtful if any man can be ! F..m.l icfllliit. t.i fun far rlfrf'f.tni. must senci in yourr m prize. But if you prize you tickets by June 15th give you more time for the big prize. j l.ii nlHiiilejK Organized., Vah., Juno 5. A number 1 of c-tilci mi lieu lands met here today, I and urjauizwd a w.'crK club, the purpoto Rules of contest are pubtiahed in our large of which is to fight tho Northern I'.tcllic advertisement about the first aad middle ot IUllroad Company to secure title to the each month. A3 Hun lands. aay pan vi me ooay, jiuir or ji yiiiiruwn luillne out, It le thla ftecondury lll.UOU POISON woiiuuauw luuuru. wu tonca mo man ouoii uuto cases ond challeiiKe tlio world for a cane veoannotciire. Tliio Ulsoano hau nltvsyi baffled tli skill f t ho must omuieut nil ynl ciaui. HOOO.000 capital behind our uncondl Uonal guaranty. Absolute proof eont scaled on Implication. Addres COOK JtKMKUV CO.. Wn Miuoale 'Xoiunio, VUIVMO, JXJU Administrator's Notice. tOll FlOUr "''f' I'ciur IH iunufactnrwl expressly for family use: every Hack is tfuanwiteed to give satisfaction. We sell our c.oods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't call aud tsl our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE Till'. KIltHT HA'ITI.B In mi luterestlni? tory ol (lie Kruat W.lltlcul utriiRKluol Ih'jti, ll iiiixt Important oveulx uml tho iiimiy Usui-k Involved; it IokIom! ireiitlhoon lli inemllUiM m iiltertil by emiiiiiiit uxiHint'iitH, liiuliidliiK Hi" l'urt taken by lion. W. J, llryiin In tliu llver ukHhUou prior hi tho PcmocniOu National Convention, ami ilur ink' tho camimlKU, tliu licbt exaiiiiili'n of liU won. ilriul oratory, tliu immt noteworthy IncMenU nl lil famoun tour, eureful ruvlotv ol the lxilltieiil Munition, a iIIm'UkhIiim of tliu fic tion return uml tliu lKulili!iiueu thereof, ami tliu (mure poiutlbllltle of lll-mutullUm us u iolltieil liuue. Notico Is In rcby flven that the County Court of tliu Mute of Oretion for Wuseo V uuty, h ail order iluto'l tiioftl ilHy of Ajtill. ib'Jl, duly ii jiolntoil the u .ilciijjiR'il uiJniiiiliitriitor of tliu of oiuiievv V, AtuJerMin, ileceafceil. All leiMins hnWnrf chiiinH HK'iilnst ""111 istnto uiu hereby teuui'l to iroeitt tlio niuii', lironerly verllled, to I'.v iiinlernignefi at I ieneh iti'o.'n hunk In Jjm1I- C ity, Oieuuii, within tlx montlis from tho r. itc heieof. Dullei. t'i! . Oresroil. Muv 10. lfct'7. J. V. ll')VJ I'. J l.Ull, STYLES AND PRICES: itichly and durably bound in KukIIhIi Cloth, plain I'dpu; portrait of the au thor funning tho ih'rl(,'n on cover; autograph preface; innKulllcent prtt eentatlon plate In fcilver, tjold and bluo; coiitaining !0() paeti and $2 full-pat'o illiiHtratiotiH $1 75 In half'Morocco, inarhle edge , , "5 In full-Morocco, yilt t'd'u , ; a 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agont, Wamlc, Or. uyii- i A'lm'nUtrutor, SURE CURB for PILES lubir.i ucj lllluJ, lli...dluj or 1'iolrudll.i: I'll.. llll)loi.f ui DR. UQ-SAfV-KO'S PILE RCMEUV. an, (MiTt4 uiHfcH.. A iH.itlvu uuro. Circutur m-ui Inc. I'rlnu $H, tituKjl.u or ueli. Uit.UUitA.MkU, 1'iiUa., i'u. BLAKELEY Sc HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon ARTISTS ILJh.TJDTtXJK.'IS.' S Country and Mull Orders will rocolvo prompt attention.