The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1897, Image 3

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What is a Bargain?
The Dictionary answers with definitions; we answer by giving EXAMPLES.
Anyone who reads the following will never need to ask what a bam
mn i c nmnn
141 1 O tlilfrl-
Spanish Boleros
Our complete line of these goods will
be offered on Saturday, June 5th, at
One-Half the Regular Price.
These goods are well known to the shoppers of The
Dalles, and need no further Introduction.
Shirt Waists
We have a few left which we shall sell at last
Saturday's prices.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 4, 1897
Itiiiiilom OliHorvHtioiiH and Local Events
iif LeHMer fllueultuile.
One carload of horses was sent to Port
land last night.
Judge Bradshaw discharged the jury
this morning, all the husiness of the
court requiring their attention being
15. N. Snover's barn was burned last
Saturday afternoon. Also a buggy, single
1 . . 1 . t 1 1 . i
mimosa mm Hume uiuer urucies tuut
were in the bam. Loss, about $300. No
insurance. How the fire originated iB
not known. Goldendale Sentinel.
The Goldendale Sentinel Bays: A
large crowd of people had come to town
on Decoration day to ntteud the exer
cises and see the balloon ascension, but
while being inflated the balloon caught
on Ore and was burned up.
The ladies medal at the Commercial
Club was won yesterday by Miss Nona
lluch. It was a tie between herself and
Mies Myrtle. Michell, each having a
score of 27'.., but in deciding the matter
between them, Miss Ruch won.
Frank Kelly wus arrested yesterday,
charged with stealing a pair of shoes
out of a buggy. He was tried before
Justice Filloon yesterday afternoon,
found guilty and lined $25. Not having
the collateral, he is serving time in the
county jail.
The case of the State against Venz
Hauer was given to the jury last night,
and on the second ballot a verdict of not
Kuiity wbb reached. This was a fore
Rone conclusion from the time the girl
swore positively that mo offense had
been committed.
The fourth annual assemby of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua will open
June 13th, with the most brilliant pro
gram in its hiBtory. It has a galaxy of
colebrated speakers, and an unequaled
Hat of instructore. The meetings will
beheld in Gladstone park at Oregon
City, a beautiful sylvan spot, easy of ac
cess, and so conveniently situated that
Portland can be reached every half hour
in the day, the trip taking only forty
minutes. ,
The week ending last Saturday was
the busiest one Arlington lias seen since
the completion of the Heppner branch.
Every day vast herds of cattle and sheep
were driven through the streets to the
yards, there to be loaded on the train
for shipment East. From 0,000 to 10,000
head of cattle alone will be shipped from
this point before June 15th. The die
bursements for stock through the Ar
lington National bank will amount to
500,000,-Comlon Globe.
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many
years in the employ of the L., N. A. &
O. Ry. here, says : 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family. I take
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a
speciGc for all bowel disorders. For
Bale by Blakeley & Houghton.
City Council Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting ot the
city council was held last night, Coun
cil men Nolan, Johns, Thompson, Wood,
Saltmarshe and Champlin were present.
The following proceedings were had:
Mayor Menefee being absent, Coun
cilman Nolan was chosen as presiding
Minutes were read and approved.
Committee on streets and public prop
erty reported, recommending that the
matter of labeling streets be deferred on
account of the financial condition of the
Councilman Kuck came in at this
Committee on health and police re
ported that a site for animal pound
could not be agreed upon, committee
given further time.
Regular reports of officers were read
and on motion warrants were ordered
drawn for payment of officers salarirs,
claims as per marshal's report for labor
and dogs killed.
Claims against the city were read and
on motion allowed and warrants or
dered drawn for the amounts.
On motion the following clerks and
judges of election were appointed :
First ward Judges, J. B. Crossen, W.
H. Butts. Chris Knabe. Clerks, Dick
Gorman, Victor Schmidt.
Second ward Judges, J. H. Blakeney,
J. M. Patterson, Francis Ross. Clerk.',
J. M. Huutington, John Gavin.
Third ward Judges, C. E. Bayard, J.
M. Marden, G. C. Eshelman. Clerks, J.
Doherty. N. Gates.
C F Laner, marshal f75 00
Geo C Brown, engineer 75 00
J J Wilev, night watch 00 00
G V Phelps, recorder CO 00
CJ Crandall, treasurer 20 00
C F Lauer, impounding fees 14 00
Henry Rodman, labor on streets. . 5 40
ALRettig, ' 2 00
James Like, ' 8 76
Walter Norman, ' 0 00
F S Smith, " " " 10 SO
J V Hubner, special police . . 2 00
A J Davis, removing dead horse 50
Sam Klein, removing animals,.. 1 25
S IJ Childs & Co, 2 doz tags 4 1a
G V Phelps, expreesage 2o
E Benjamin, sawing wood 1 M)
Snipes it Kinersly, duater 3 00
O Berry, 100 dog tags. . . . 00
J W Blakeney, hauling 9 25
Dalles Electric Light Co, lights . 14 GO
Wm Hen.le, hauling 3 00
Dalles Water Co, water J2 00
P F Burham, hauling
Tinu'S-Mouutaineer, dog tax re-
Mrs H Fra.ier, meals to prisoners o M)
UucKleu'o Annua S1tb.
'Die host salve in the world for uuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Djr Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
I'relerr'ert Death lti Urn Columbia to
Uelng lMslintmiml by u Saddle.
Henry Boyen had an experience yes
terday with a horse that was decidedly
He had taken a colt belonging to Dep
uty Sheriff Keiley to break, the colt be
ing of a very vicious dispositian. Henry
rode him once about three weeks ago,
but had not tackeled him since. Yes
terday having some cattle to look after
in the Gilmer neighborhood, he took the
horse on the Regulator to Rankin's
landing near the month of the White
Sal mon. He blindfolded him and
mounted, and without waiting for the
blind to be lifted, the horse commenced
to buck in a manner that would make a
common cayuse quit, just from envy.
After doing the ground and lofty tumbl
ing act for several minutes without un
seating his rider, the vicious brute
reached around, caught hold of Henry's
leg with his mouth and tried to pull him
off. Failing in this, he delibejately
bucked into the river, going in near the
boat's wheel. As lie struck deep water,
he held his head down and sank.
At this siage of the game Henry had
enough, as he didn't care to go into the
salmon herding business, so he threw
himself backward and floated off. As
he got loose his spur tangled in the
horse's tail, but placed the otiier foot on
the animal's rump and pulled himself
loose. The horse went under long
enough to drown himself, while Boyen,
having on all his cowboy toggery, had a
hard struggle to reach the store.
The horse was pulled out, but just
turned over and died, having apparently
committed deliberate suicide.
lt!hui Cranston' Sermon.
Last night Bishop CraiiBton preached
beforo the district conference an expos
itory sermon from incidents of Moses
career in his leadership of the people of
Israel, particularly at Sinai. Introduc
torially the bishop said he desired that
the presentation of the theme should he
an illustration of a type of expository
preachiug too rarely heard.
The theme was indexed by the text
"Show Mo Thy Glory," Ex. xxxili ;18;
but had its bearing upon a statement of
the declaration of God and three prayers
of Moses found in the statement of cir-1
cumstancea which followed. God's dec
laration was "Let me alone that I may
consume them, and I will make of thee
a great nation." Moses reply in his
first prayer was: "Remember Abra
ham, Isaac and Israel." God's honor
was at stake. The spirit of self abroga
tion on Moses part and the relation of
His covenant moved God to a proposi
tion of reconciliation,
Considered in Ids relation to the Isra
elites and in his relation to God, Moses
becomes a modiator and type of Christ.
In this, too, is found a parallel with the
experience of the ministry in al1 ages,
Born of a Hebrew woman, transferred
under peculiar circumstances to the
royal household, driven from home,
commissioned of God at the burning
Our tittoution 1ms been colled to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other
than our Agents, offering Baker Barb Wire.
Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents
At The Dalles for many years for the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb AVire.
Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them.
This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted,
and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer
of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all,
Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are nover imitated.
The great, superiority of our wire has caused other wiro to bo stum pud Bakor.
You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but becauso of the su
perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your ontiro satisfaction.
Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS,
Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles,
For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire.
2GT Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Or.
H. J. McMANUS, Manager.
bush under a sense of inability, pleads
excuse. Without military prestige,
meeting the conditions of the people in
oppressive slavery, they taunt him.
Burdened with the care nf a million
people, lickle-minded, of idolatrous ten
dencies, of a chiding spirit, Moses must
have some uplift from a superhuman
source. Hence Moses stcond prayer,
"Show me now Thy way," pleading
that it was God's cause, and that the
eyes of all nations were upon them.
The third prayer is found in the text,
"Show Me Thy Glory." How shall tfie
prayer be understood? Was it for a
greater display of miraculous power?
No. The plagues of Egypt, opening of
the sea, provision of food, were eulli
cient in their sphere. Evidently it was
for a more comprehensive view of God's
character and attitude toward men. The
promise was made for the following day.
Directions were given for the occasion.
Moses made preparation and repaired to
the mount. There God's glory was
Bhown. May we not conclude that for
forty davs prophetic visions of the
scheme of redemption, the transfigura
tion, crucifixion, resurrection, ascen
sion, and other essential elements,
passed like a panorama before the eyes
of Moses, and constituted the "glory?"
The cleft of the rock from which Mo6es
viewed the glory is expressive of the
wounds of Christ, in which we And
shelter, and from which everyone re
ceives his lirst impressions ot the Divine
In obedience to God's proclamation
we may prepare the tables of our hearts,
ascend to the mount of communion, be
held in Jesus body, and receive irlorious
revelations of the nature of God and the
scheme of redemption, while we are en
veloped in the glory of heavenly light.
K. C. A.
Ail vertliwil l.eltur.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postolfice at The Dalles un
called for June 5, 1897, Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
I '
i I
Be Not Alarmed
By the so-called "WARNING" of our competitors. The threat
made to our customers is nothing more nor leas than a big blntr of a
would-be monopoly.
Our Baker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest
concemB in the United States; each spool iB branded "Genuine linker
Warranted," and we invito comparison with any other maku of Wire.
Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wiro for SPOT
CASH, at the right price, mid propose to give our customers the benefit
of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to bu the
best Wire on eartli. It is worth no more than any other good Wire,
but is us good as any, and we are eelling it hh low as any. Compare
our so-called "Spurious" Wire with tho ONLY Baker PERFECT, he
fore buying, and get our prices. We are making prlceH that should get
vour trade.
Austin, M V
Brown, J Aug
Butler, Josie
Carus, Laura B
Gibson, Mrs Mary
Hobart. A E
Malvern, Dick
Allure, .ias
BoEtwick, if A
Cora, Mrs Cora
Davis, "Col. Feed
Hathaway, Fred W
Mixer, Mrs Mary
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Where will also bu found the largest and most com
plete line of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern Oregon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Paso Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and
Stationery at Bedrock Prices.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
McMinvell, E Estes MuElrath, Ruby ('-')
Robinson, Jus W Staples, C E
Skenk (hide man Scammon, Jess
Willard, Grace Wood, Harry
J. A. CltOHBE.V, P. M.
Contractor "' C'ariieuterii, 'J uke Notice.
The respective officers of the Lutheran
church are now ready to receive bids for
the building of their new church. The
plans are complete and are on file at the
store of L. Rordeu & Co, Responsible
contractors are herewith requested to
bid on the bulling of this church. The
bids will be received ami opened on
Tuesday, June 15th, at 8 p. m., in the
lower south room of the brick school
house on Court street, and no bids will
be received after that hour. Contrac
tors desiring to take possession of these
plana for a day or two are requested to
do this at once, as they may no have an
opportunity to do so later.
Rkv.' L. Giibv,
j-l-'Jt Chairman Building Com,
Subscribe for Tiik Chuo.vjui.k.
Bucci'kfeor to UlirUmitu ft Comon,
Again in business at tho old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons, Fife delivery to any part of town.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO.,
The Dalles Or