(Tl)c Dallco Ufe Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4. NO 12-1 IT IS IT SATISFIED Hawaii's Keply to Japan's In quiries too Indefinite. EXCLUSION MUST HE EXPLAINED Minister Slilmamura IJoc.lnvpH Ills Got nriiincut Is Determined to Mnlu t u in Her T'osltlon. San Fka.ncisco, June 3. The steamer JInriposa arrived from Sydney via.IIono lnlu thiB morning with advices from the Hawaiian Capital supplemental to those brought by the steamer Peru on Mon day lust. On May L'4th, the day the Peru left the island, the government announces that its answer 1o Japan's demands had ien sent to tho Japanese minister. Minister Shimamura is not at all satisfied with the reply made by the Hawaiian foreign office. In an inter view upon the subject, he said: "I do not consider what 1 have re ceived to be an answer to my request for particulars, and shall make another at tempt to secure one. Japan asks noth ing unreasonable. &ne wants justice and fairness in the matter; nothing else. It elm does not get it, well, 1 do not know what will follow. "The action of the Hawaiian govern ment in refusing a landing to people who, Japan believed, niter an investiga tion made before their departure, were eligible to land, was a gross violation of the treaty. Now I have asked for an explanation, and for reasons for this government's actions, and I am told that the position taken by the Hawaiian government is that the immigration laws are a reasonable exercise of the police powers of the state, and that the ad ministration had impartially enforced them. My government tells me to got a reasonable excuse for the action taken. I cannot find it in this. 1 do not think that my government is acting arbitrarily in this matter which involves the honor of the nation. "The United States haa been advised of the atl'air and probably knows the status of the ease as well as we do, and if the government at Washington be lieves that the position taken by Japan is right according to international law, there will be no interference. On the other hand, if our position is arbitrary any nation may interfere. "Japan understands that there is a tacit underdtanding that the United States has interests here. That while not assuming the proportions ot a pro tectorate she stands in the nature of a godmother to the island republic, but the officials ot the United States govern ment are too well versed in the custom of dealing with questions of interna tional law to say that Japan is wrong when she is right, or that Hawaii is right if she is wiong. "My instructions in the matter are plain. If I cannot get a reasonable answer to my request I may go home, and perhaps some one else will have better success. If I withdraw, you know what follows. I hope it will not reach that point." CUBAN WAlt MUST CEASE. Tut Is tlie Coucluaion Reached by Hpeclul Ageut Cnlhuuu. New York, June 3. A. special to the World from Havana via Key West says: Mr. Calhoun goes home puzzled. He is to sail on the Ward lino steamer. Many contradictory stories of the insur rection liave been poured into his ears. He has declined to bo interviewed, but your correspondent has an absolute The Three Cures. Pfuffer's German Powders 25 Cents. Moore's Revealed Remedy $1.00. Garland's Happy Thought Salve for all nkin troubles. 00u per jar, M, Z. Donnell Sells them. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its grent travelling strength nud henlthfulness. Assures the food Hgninst nlum nnd all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royai, Baking Powdkp. Co. Nr.w Yor.K. assurance as to the nature of his view6. Mr Calhoun is for peace, if peace be possible, and if need be, for war. He will recommend that war here be Etopped at all hazards. He will urge in supnort of his position the conditions of Americans and American interests here, and with more force tho frightful condition of the country folk, which he knows from per sonal experience: Mr C.ilhoun will see President McKin- ley, and with whatever weight he has, the president's personal representative will suggest that Spain be told that war on women and children in the island of Cuba must cease. The liuiz investigation is closed. As predicted, the matter is exactly where General Lee left it in February last. At the conclusion of the investigation Dr. Congostos prepared a report which he requested General Lee to sign. In it he Baid that Ruiz had been treated as a guest of the nation ; had a mattress and pillows, good food, the attention of nurses and all, in fact, any man could wish. This, in reality, was based upon evidence which General Lee declined to consider. So General Lee declined pos itively to sign the report which Dr. Con gostos submitted. Mr. Calhoun will support General Lee absolutely. The war for food has begun in Havana. In Anton IMeio street, on May 31, four small shopkeeners were murdered most brutally, one being decapitated and the skulls of the others crushed with a ham mer. The money was left in the tillB. The crimes were committed for food. A captain, lieutenant and 58 soldiers have been brou ht here as prisoners from Campo Florida, and condemned to be Bhot, because they sold arms and mu tations to the Cubans. It is now said that the selling of cart ridges to the insurgents is common in Hayana province, as the soldiers lack money for food. General Weyler has aunounced that his reconcentrtition decrees apply to Santiago de Cuba and Puerto Principe. A distinguished American soldier on hearing this called attention to tho fact that while the four western provinces were declared prcitied. General Weyler kept five times as many troops in them as he did in the two eastern provinces which were admitted to be in the 'hands of rebels. Save Vour Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Externa iLJtor is the most effective and econom- ical Doisou cal Doisou known. Price reauceu to ou , cents. For sale Agent. by M. Z. Donuel), JlOOO to be divided among those who guess the missing word in the following sentence: Schilling Best tea is not only pure but il is because it is fresh- roasted. Get the tea at your grocers, save the yellow tickets; watch the newspapers for rules. Rules of contest are published in our largi advertisement about the first and middle ot each month. . A3 mritltANT IS IlKKAKING IIOWX, Hope Seem nt I.aat to Iluvn Deserted the Murderer's Hrrast. Sax Fiiascisco, June 3. Theodore Dnrrant seems to lie be breaking down. A member of the death watch was seat ed at his side last night looking down upon him as he tossed and tumbled in restless sleep. The warden was at once notified of the change in Din-rant's demeanor. Orders were issued to in crease the death watch and to maintain the vigil with greater care than before. Captain Edgar commanded a guard be stationed every minute of the day and night in the cage with the condemn ed man. Whatever Durrant may do, the eyes of a guard will be upon him. Three men will watch with him until he dies on the gallows. Durrant's father carried to the con demned man yesterday the news that the United States district court had de- tied the writ of habeas corpus and that the next fight for lif6 must be made at Washington before the supreme court. A special messenger will hurry across the continent, but he cannot reach Washington before next Wednesday. He will have the greatest good fortune if he receives an audience from the su preme court that day. It is probable that a hearing will not be granted before Thursday of next week, and on tho fol lowing day Durrant must die, if the national tribunal does not exert its authority. The elder Durrant wept as he told his son the story, but he bade the condemn ed man to be of good cheer and not to lose heart until the last hope is gone. If the journey iB made without accident a return staying the execution may be served by telegraph on the warden. The son said be would be'brave. As he spoke to his father a wire screen and wooden bars separated them. Dr. K1d'n Sew Discovery for Coaninp tlon. ThiB is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs, Colda and Con sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consump tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always we'.l to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee per fect satisfaction or return money. Freo trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. (6; flow's Tbial We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, U. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnau & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testimonials free. 1-5 9 This is an "Age of Soap." Why use any but the very best. Best soap means lloe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a2-3m The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re cently perfected an ingenious euro for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already digested and a digester of foods happily combined. The importance of this invention will be appreciated when wo realize what a proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach troubles. Thousands of pale, thin people have little inclination to eat, and what they do eat causes them pain and distress. The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers corrects any stomach derangement at once. It makes thin people plump. Every one will be greatly interested to read the little book which haa been placed in the hands ot druggists for free distribution. Lnxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Ciistor Oil. We sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease k Moye. a3-2m Subscribe for The Ciiiioniclk. SPECIAL SALE Commencing today we will offer the balance of our stock of Spring Capes and Jackets at most tempting reductions. er&OTKiiW: mm Reduction Sale in Jackets also. Only three lines lines loft, but these three represent what were the cream of our stock. A beautiful Prussian Blue Broadcloth Jacket, worth $0.00; reduced to $4.00. A very stylish number is our I an-mixod Covert Cloth Jacket. ,Iust two of these garments left. The closing price is 32 K0- vnlnn S',rV7n Navy Blue Broadcloth Jacket. Bcducod from $9.75 rJj$$ to $0.45. Come early and get choice. flli NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'lit'CH a Week. 150 raiirra n Your It stands first ninong ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of its tiewa columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Co n mi Doyle, .leroinu IC. .Jerome, Stanley WeyuiHii, Mary K. Wilkin Anthony Hone, Jtret llarte, Itruncler MuUlimv", Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to. gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. LOOD POISON A SPECIALTYondurorTer. tlary 1SJ.OOD l'OISON perrnanentif curcdin 15 to 35 days, You can bu treated at home for euiao price ui;domuiiioe;uunm V. If VI ill ttriifrtt. tti ivimri liur.t to, ul 1 1 ' tracttopayrallroadfarcaridliotelbllla.and 1 Docbaree.lf woull tocurclfyouhavotakoniaer I cury, iodide 110tut.l1, ana still Iiava aches and I jlD,MucouI'utche In mouth, HoroTliroat, linplcn. Copper ttolorixl UpotH, IflccrH on 1 may part 0 tho body, llulr or Eyebrow falling 1 out. It la this Kououctury llLOOO I'OISON we guarantee to cure. WotoJIclUhomoet ohstl Date cue and cliullutiiro tliu world for a I caie wemtauutcurvi u mi aiseaeo uaiaiwari baffled tbasklll of the most euilneut pliysi claai 500,000 capital behind our uncondl Uonal guaranty. Absolute proof Boot scaled on kppllcatlon. Address COOK ItEMKDY COn Assignee's Notice Final Settlement. Xotleu Ik her-by itlven that tho undersigned, ushiKiicu of the estate of K. K, Williams, mi In Kolvcot ilehtor. hat tiled his lliinl account and report-In suld uxilKiimcnt with tho Clerk of tliu County, and that tliu sumo will he called up for hearing bcfoio the Judge of bald Court on the first day of the next regular term of suld Circuit Court, to-win On Monday, the 'Jltli day of May. 1897. or If the sume cannot hu heaid by said Court at iuld time, as soon thereafter as to Mime tan be beard by suld Court. Dated tills 10th day of April, 1M7. ' A. a, Mac AI.l.lBTKIt, Athlgnce of the estate of It. U, Williams, an insolvent debtor, a!7-6t-ll D This season's most dcsirablo numbers. One of t hernia Black Cloth Capo trimmed in narrow braids, and sola regularly at $1.7f; reduced to $1.25. Black Cloth Capo, neatly trimmed; value $2.00; reduced to $1.50. An assortment of the most stylish ell'ects in Colored Cloth Capes, embracing all that's new and dealt able. The correct cut; popular color ing ; most advanced trimmings and llninh. Ouu and all reduced. v.... .' r.r i . .. &ttSaPr - m v,upi' ivuucuu IU " 5.00 Cape reduced to G.50 Cape reduced to " 8.50 Cape reduced to A. IH. WILUAIHS CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. N Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?tffukKtD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour use: every We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: itichly und durably bound in KukIIhIi Cloth, plain edj:cH; portrait of thu au thor forniiiiK the detiiyti on cover; atitouraph preface; iiitipiWicent pre sentation plate in t-ilver, old and blue; containing 000 pagea and full'pne illustration! In half-MoroiTo, marble edge In full-Morocco, fc'ilt edge , BLAKELEY St 175 Second Street. Country and Mall Orders will receive Ji-.i r:n , tf- ov 3 50 4 00 0 00 is manufactured expressly for family Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. TIN; I'lltHT HA'ITI.K l an IntenstliiK story il lliu (treat political striiKKlunf Ib'M, itx moat Important events iitnl thu imitiy Issues Involved; 11 logical iruAtli.u 011 lll-nieiiilllMii im uttered by eminent exponents, Including lliupurt taken by llm. M . J, llryuii In I ho silver agllallou prior to tho Dcniocratlu National Convention, and lur Intf thu campaign; tliu hckt e.XMmplHo liU won derful oratory, tliu mom nnlcuxtlliy Incident?! ul liU famous tour, u careful review of thu iolltlcul tltimtlnii, 11 dlMMinaluii of tho election returiu mill tliu Ik'nlllcinicu thereof, uinl tliu future ItOKhltiltltlen of lll-metullUin a u imjIUIuj! Uuo. 1 75 '2 5 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agont, Wamic, Or. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon prompt attention.