The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 03, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tin: dai.i.ks,
Atl ') tl-lnc Itlllt'.
One Inch nr le In Dally
Over two Incites .mil under (our Inches
Over four Inches- ami under twelve luclic
Over twelve Inches
One inch or lest, per Inch ... .
Over one Inch ami under four Inches
Over (our Inches and under twelve luetic
Over twelve Inches . ...
Per inch.
?1 SO
1 IK)
f J ft)
J oo
1 .VI
1 no
One-third of all the children
die before they arc five years
old. Most of them die of some
wasting: disease. They grow
very slowly; keep thin in flesh;
are fretful; food does not do
them much good. You can't
say they have any disease, yet
they never prosper. A slight
cold, or some stomach and
bowel trouble takes them away
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is just the remedy for
growing children. It makes
hard flesh; sound flesh; not
soft, flabby fat. It makes
strong bones, healthy nerves.
It changes poor children to
children rich in prosperity.
Book about it itee for ths asking.
2?" No substitute for Scott's Emul
sion vill do fcr the children what we
know Scott's Emulsion will do. Get
the genuine.
For sale by all druggists at SOc and
$1-00- ....
M.UI 1 liUW.NK. .ew lorn.
' It was ncreed tluit they would watch for
the specialist mid rail him in. A sharp
, lookout was kopt, niul sure uuough nlonjr
i he ciiinu. 11l culled in itiul the youtn;
ludy very inoik'ttlv exhibited her boil.
The stranger, rather curiously f ir a
! doctor, looked at it and remarked, "Well
'that's too bad." "Wull doctor, what
j must 1 do?" The atranuer tumbled.
, He smiled a smile and replied, "Get a
j doctor; I'm a piano tuner." Ex.
Nebraska corn for sale nt the Wasco
warehouse. Uest feed on earth. ml)-tf
English and Helyian cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. niyo-lni
The merchant who tells you be bus
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from. n2 Um
The ltet UciiiiMly for Itlitiumiit Imi.
From the Knlrliaven (N. Y.) Ueglster.
Mr. James Uowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years bis wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights ago she was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent
l Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but be bad
read of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and
instead of going for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Halm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had used ever did her as much
trootl. The 2o and 50 cent sizes for sale
bv Hlakelev & Houghton.
Mrs. P. M. Dekuni and Miss Lavilbi
Hum-won of Portland are the guests of
Mrs W. Lord.
Mrs. W. W. Brown, whose home is at
Cro-s keys, is m the city, and will
spend a week with friends.
Mrs. liobt. May-!, Jr., who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Hiram Mitchell,
in Portland, returned to this "city yes
terday. F. S. Fisher, one of the noted football
players of Stanford university, arrived
in the city last night and has accepted a
position with Pease & Mays.
Hon. Sol Smith, at present at Catb
lumet, but formerly of Goldendale, ar
rived lat night from down the river and
left for Goldendale this1 morning.
Mr. J. C. L'Hiegan, the Spokane cattle
buyer, returned from Crook county this
a ternoon. He has arranged for start
ing 4,000 head of cattle from that sec
tion for the Ea-t at once. They will be
driven to Huntington and then shipped
on the ears.
11 envy DumiiK"
to Crop in the .Middle
Heavy frost occurred the past two
mornings over the greater part of the
Northwest, says a Chicago dispatch.
Snow and freezing weather are reported
f-uin northern Wisconsin and Minne
sota, with much damage to vegetables
and small iruite. The Wisconsin straw
berry crop may boa total loss.
Corn in Northern and Central Illinois
is reported to be cut down by the frost.
Poiatoe? were killed at some points and
inii-t he replanted. Iowa reports indi
cate considerable damage to corn, pota
toes and fruit-. Southern Michigan
and Northern Indiana also report much
inj iry by Irnst.
D.-paiclies Irom St. Paul say reports
fiom 100 points in West Minnesota in
diiMte Unit last night's frost was the
most Btiveie in many years. Ice formed
in rHVeral lucidities. The weather was
cloudy in Northern Minnesota and
North Dakota and the result was not
disastrous. In Southwestern Minnesota
all the ftrawoerry ciop, j u t coming to
the berry, N a complete loss. The re
pot ts agre' in saving that the crop is
jilho pioh.ihly completely ruined. Flux
and barley ,re damaged.
How's Tlu!
We ofl'er One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot he
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chenkv & Co. Props., Toledo, U.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 1" years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West it Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnari it Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. v
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
"oc. per bottle. Sold by Druggists.
Testimonials free. " 1-3 !)
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re
cently perfected an ingenious cure for
dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con
sists of a food already digested and a
digester of foods happily combined.
The importance of this invention will
be appreciated when we realize what a
proportion of the community are victims
of some form of stomach troubles.
Thousands of pale, thin people have little
inclination to eat, and what they do eat
causes them pain and distress.
Tiie Digestive Cordial of the Shakers
corrects any stomach derangement at
otlce. It makes thin people plump.
Every one will be greatly interested to
read the little book which ba3 been
placed in the hands ot druggists for free
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
flow fibout Your
job pRifHW
card 1 o a
"Wo have the facilities foi
of .lob "Printing, from a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. AVe not only desire o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
?l?ror;i;le ptiblisr)ir ?o.
-ii:ai,i:i:.s is-
Agricultural Implements.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
IliMMiro nf Slr.iuisitrrt.
Ii N curioiH how people can make
ini-iakes. A whort time ago a young
lady not wry many miles from Caneinah,
wt iioiilili-d with a boil about three
fointliB of an inch above the elbow of
her knee. It grew so bad that she
thought ii necessary to call a doctor, but
an the family doctor was a tingle man,
she .huddereil at the thought of showing
the boil to him. The mother suggested
one of the other resident pliysiciaui:, a
good old married man, but the father
kicked, He Hit i tl it would make the
young doctor mud. The young lady saw
u way out ol the difliuulty. She reported
tiiat ouo of those traveling doctors who
had been around regularly for a long
time was in town, and she saw him pass
with his medical case that afternoon.
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. Hest soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease k Mays. aL'-ilm
Do you want your windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
'Phone 110. al0-tf
hnvtt Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys .SI .oO worth of grain annuallv.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm-
ir. jior is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to ')0
cents. For e.tle by M. Z. Donnoll,
We Carry
Notice is hereby given that bv nn
thority of ordinance No. 202, which
as the Common Council o Dalles
Citv April 10th, I8!)7, entitled "An or
dinance to provide for the -ale of cm tain
s belonging to Dalles City," I will, on
Saturday, the 15th day of May. 1807,
sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, all the following lots and parts
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit :
Lots'.) and 10 jointly, in block I, n a
7, 8. Hand 10, jointly in block IB; lo h
7 S, 0, and 10. jointly i 11ow1k J.1
known as butte; lots 10 11 and 12 in
olock 27; lot 0 in block III; lo h 2, .1, 4,
o, 0, 7, 8, , 10 and 11, in block .to
lots 2, Ii, -I. S, 0. 10, 11 and 12, In block
30; lots A, ft, 0, 7. 8, 0, 10, 11 and
12, in block 157 ; 1ms 1. 2. .!, (. ft. (5. 8,
0, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42; lots 1, -', .,
I ft !), 10 and 11, in block -III; lots 1. 2,
;;, 7i 10, II and 12, in bloc and lots
1, 2. a, -I, ft, 0, in block 4b.
The reasonable value of sa : lots, for
less than which they will no. . c sold,
ha been fixed Mid determinei. t v the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows, to-wit : ,
Lots !) and 10, in block 14, !fl0; lots
7, 8, J and 10, jointly in block 1ft, $200;
lots 7, 8, 0 and 10, jointly in block 21,
$200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot II. in
block 27, $225; lot 12. in block 27, $:!l!0;
lot 0, in block III, $100; lotB 2, Ii, 4, ft, 8,
0, 10 and U, in block I'.ft, cacti lespect
ively $100; lots 0 and 7. in block .'Ift,
each icspectivelv $12ft; lots 2, II, 4, 8, 0,
10 and 11, in block 'M, each respectively
$100; lot 12, in block 'M, $12ft; lots !!, 4,
o, S ,0, 10 and 11, in block !!7. each re
spectively $100; lots 0. 7 and 12, in
block :i7, each respectively $125;
lots 2, 10 and 11. in block
41, ei-cli respectively $100; lots 1,
7 and 12, in block 41. each respectively
$125; lots IS. 4. ft, 8, 0, 10 and 11. in
block 42, each respectively $100; lot s ,
G and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2. !!, 4, ft, 0, 10 and 11, in
block 41!, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 4:'.. $125; lots 2. 11,4 and 5, in
block 40, each respecti .-ely $100; lots 1
and (i, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold niton
the lot respectively, and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots Html! lie paid in eas)h at. the
time of sale, and the remainder in tlnee
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may lie made in full
at any time" at the option of the pur
chaser. The caul pule will begin on the lfttti
day of May, 1807, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. in. of said day, and will con
tinile'from tune to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this Kith day of April, 1807.
Gn.nmtr W. Piim.i'.s.
Recorder of Dalles City.
Choico of Transcontinental Routes
' V I A- -. ,
Spokane Denver
Minne.aP.olis Omfo
st- p1 Kan?as City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Kvorv Vlo Ham for
W, II. HUULBUUT, Ocn. Vm.As,
H. M-Ni:iM. VrcslUcnt mid Mann cr
Tim Nimv Time Vurd.
Under the new time card, which goes
into eflect tomorrow, trains will inoveai
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at G p. in., leaves at 6:05 p. m,
No. 2, to Pendleton, linker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 n. m.,de.
parte 1 :20 a. m.
No. from Spokane and Great NortL
urn, arrives 8:110, departs 8:35 a. a.
No. 1, from linker City and Union Pa
eilic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :2o a. in.
Nos. 2.". and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at (5:30 p. in., departs 12:45
p. in.
Passengers for Ileppner will take train
leaving here i:0o p. m.
I'nr Null'.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, I), E and F, block 82,
and A, P., C, I) and K, block 2ft. Apply
tO Wm. SlIAfKKl.KOlll).
rriiiioial.s fur t'iiiiNtriiotln
Sii-.vnr System
Wtttir ami
a full line of
Builders and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Soap Foam
'.oin pounds.
excels all other washing
US. Indian Service, Warm .Springs Acnor,
. Or., Miiv 7. 1.VJ7.
SICAI.HI) l'IUJI'l)nAI.S, enilorxil: "l-iopnHiils
for Wnlor mill Sewer syMuni " anil nililrvMil m
the liniler-ifTiieil nt Wnrin pprllifi.-, Crook
County, OrcKim, will be received nt this iiKeiiny
until l o'cluuk p. in. of .Mny'J", 1MI7, for furiil.sli'
iiiK the ijccvkNiry mat' riuli mid labor leiiulrcil
in the construction and completion of a water
mid Miwcr systum. (IiicIiiiIIiik pliiinliiiiK) for the
boardiii),' tclioul plant to be erei'tul on Oils ri1
m.tvu, in strict accordance with plans mid a ed
ucations, which may be examined nt the ollluu
of the "MoriiiiiK OroKimian," Portland, dr.,
"Tin: ClimiNici.):," The Dalles Or., mid at this
Illdders will state clearly In tholr bids the
length of tliin; required toromplutu the work.
Tiie riKht is reserved to reject any mid all bids,
or any part of any bid, If deemed for the best In
tercet of tli mrvlce.
ThL'attcn'Jnii of blddcib'is Invited to the act
of (;oii!,'ress nppioved AiiRiist 1, 1MU, untitled:
"An act iclatiliK to tlio limitation of the. hours
of daily servicv of laborers mid mechanics em
ployed upon Ihu public works or the United
Stales mid of tlio District of Columbia;"' also to
the act of CoiiKros approve.1 Auau-t 111, Ih'JI,
entitled. "An act for thu protection of persons
fiiritlshlui! materials and labor foi the construc
tion of public works."
enitTiKiiin ciikoks.
Knell bid must bo accompanied by n eurtiflcil
check or draft upon soniu Unltul States Deposi
tory or mlveut National Hank in DieviciniM of
the residence of Ihu bidder, made payable to'tlie
order of the CommIsiouur of Indian All'alis, for
at least KIVIC I'KK OK NT. of thumnouui ot thu
proposal, which check or draft will be forfeited
to the United Stat, s in ensu anv bidder or bid
ders recuiviiiK an award shall fall to promptly
execute a contract with fjood mid biilll-lent
nineties, otherwise to bo returned to the biddir.
lllds accompanied b) cash in lieu of a certi
llcil check will hoi bu considered.
l'orany additional information, npplv to
JA.MiiS li. COVAN,
mvi-m'J7 U.K. Indian AKuut.
I.:iri itnil Small Soldier.-;.
The emperor of (iormany lias just
placed upon the wall of his study a
Inrfro photograph of which he is very
proud. It in it portrait, half life sice, of
the Inmost uit'l the smallest, soldier of
the l'russian tinny standm"; side by
side. The former i.i I'rivate I ri : ban,
of the llrst reyimciu of th" rrussian
fliutrd. Ho stands (i feet 7; i iii';hes in
his boots, and when ho prcsmitcd him
self nr, Dusseldorf for exitminiition a
special upparutv , had ti be jirovidi'i'
wltli which tu t;;'..!1 Ids waist mc ,r" j
lli- hreadth i. i.i pr-jper pr p'rtn.i t i
hi height Tiie Manliest soldii-r i:. tl
liereditary prince. The pii turr !, a 1
unique one, showing ti veritable ,'iant, I
quite equal to any that lluro in
"(.Jrimm's Tales," or otlier book., of I
fables, and by his side a soldierly Lilli '
outian. I
Subscribe for Tun CiiaoNioi.i:.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Till-: J)ALI,E,S, O.K.
II. M. JlKALl.,
First national Bank.
A (junenil iiunkitiB HueiiieflH truneiuited
DopoaitH received, aubjeet to Sitrlil
Draft or Cheek.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sijrht and Telegraphic Excltanc Hold on
Jnew York, San Franciaco anJ "ort
land. DIKItOTOKa
I). P. TlIOMfBON. Jno. S. SmiliNCK.
hi). M. W ibbiAMH, Giio. A. UiKiti:.
H. M. Ubaix
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave mid iiru due to arrive Ht Portlul
8;fi0 P. M.
:SO A. M.
llCO 1'. 31,
7::;u A. M,
M:l.i I M,
press, Salem, Hose-1
nine;, Ashhind, Sac-1
J nimento, UKileii.fcnn ;
Kranciseo, .Mojuvc, f
l.os Angeles, i-.irnso. i
New Orleans ami
tKast J
Itoseburt; mid way ta
Huns ....
rVIa Woodbiirn fori
.Mt.Ain'i'l. Hilverton. I
West Kcio, llrowns-V except
vllle.riprliigllelil and , Suudnrs.
(.Natron J
Salem mid way statinnsl'lO.DA.M
It.'orvnllis and wayj 6:3)P.&
(stations . . I
pIcMiiinvllle and
(way stations . I
3:10 A. M.
l: P.M
t 8:J5P.M
l)ally. tU.itiy, e.xcujit Sumlay.
Attaclicd to all Tlirouiih Trains.
Direct connection at Kan Kranciseo with Occi
dental nml oriental mid l'aclllc i""" 'ca,T'S
lines for J Al'AN and CHINA. Sailing dUM
a plication. ,-.
Itates mid tickets to Katcru point
rope. AlsoJAI'AN, OltlNA, HtJ.NOWItl
AUUTKAhlA, can be ohtalmd from
.1. li. KIKKI.AND, Ticket Agent
Through Ticket OttU:c,Ki Third street, wftre
through tickets to nil points in the 1 1 -
Htates, Uaniidamid Europe can boobttlaosn
lowest rates from , . .
.1. II. KIUKUNI),TickctAMi
All above trains arrive at and leP,,S
Urnnd Central Station, Kifth and Irving streen.
1'ai.seiiKcr Depot, foot of Juiterton street
Leave for OSWE(ilHTly, except Sundar jt
7:'J0 a. in.; 1-.1C, 1:1.-., f.:'J., :8L,t
(and il:E0 p. in. on antiirdny onls . a"1 'U
I'orlland nt 7:10 and H;) a. in.; anal..
i'r.lV) and 7:5.') p. m.
Leave for Bhcridan. week days, it4:a)p.
Arrive ut l'ortlaud, h. m
U-hvo for Alltl.II-: oTTihimlay,
Kriwiy at 0:10 a. in. Art ve at l'?0'
day, Thursday mid Satuiday at J;ft P-
Sunday tialnsfor OSWKOO lei v t J-"
and I2!l4, 1:15, H:!i0, f:'J.'- ,V1i"lld .pi. 4:1
rivont I'drtland at H:W, 10:00 a. m 1'
o:iu, n:;.i, ,:s, p. in.
p. nOGEK
Asst. O.F.i P8--ut
Harry Liebe,
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
All work promptly attended to,
mid warranted.
Dalles, Mow and A
ThrnuKl. by daylight via Orass Valley. K
mid tiross Hollows.
KtaKCh leave 'l l.o Dalles froni
at 7 a? m.. also from A ntolm-e i 1 7 luaoti
Monday, Wednesday mid ''?' Mitchell"1,
inadu atAiitolopo for 1 ',uSnVid9tlW
iiolnts beyond. (Jloso ecu nee Ions w
lialles with railways, trulns ''Uei tu
HtnRcs (mm Attlclopo reach lue- r
days, Tliuibdiiyti mid Hatnrda)S m i. r
hates or
Dalles to Deschutes
do Mow...
do (Iruss Valley.
do Kent
do Crots Hollows.
Antelope to (iross Hollows .
do Kent. ....
do (Iruss Valley
do Moro
do Deohui
do Dalles
... jo
..... jpO